40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3106: World war

Li Yao was silent, nodding in his heart.

In fact, the truth said by the voice has many manifestations in the history of the development of human civilization in the Pangu universe, that is, the chaos of the ancient repair era, including the tragedy of the "living fossil" ancient sacred world.

There is no power, it can be obtained without paying any price. Fate has already marked the price for every power. Those powers that seem to be easily obtained may need more precious things-organization, society Order, desire for exploration and curiosity are exchanged.

Fortunately, the human civilization of the Pangu universe, including the Pangu civilization before human civilization, and the one hundred ancient civilizations before Pangu civilization, are not strictly the first generation of primitive civilizations, but the descendants of Yuanshi civilization.

On the one hand, they can find the relics of the previous generation of civilization from the depths of the earth and the vast sea of ​​stars, learn valuable lessons and avoid repeating the same mistakes; on the other hand, deep in their genes, there are originally ancient memories from the Yuanshi clan. Even though most of the time, these ancient memories are mottled and ambiguous fragments, but they are enough to stimulate the instinct of intelligent life, and naturally form complex social and highly organized.

Therefore, these "secondary civilizations" can develop quite powerful civilizations in an environment with strong spiritual energy, but they inevitably have to take many detours-for example, the "collapse of ancient repairs" and the "Thirty Thousand Years of Darkness" of mankind. Times", and even today the various evils of the Covenant Alliance and the true human empire, cannot but say that they are affected by "the individual differences are too great, the strong are too strong and the weak are too weak."

Those primitive civilizations that do not have the relics of previous civilizations to be excavated, nor do they contain the "organizational instinct" deep in their genes, suddenly gained inexhaustible and inexhaustible psychic energy, just like a seven or eight-year-old child. With a huge inheritance, and lack of adult supervision, he will only squander unscrupulously, and there is hardly any unlearned.

"Psionic energy is of course one of the most precious resources in the universe, but only a highly mature civilization with its own "Dao Xin" is qualified to drive it instead of being enslaved by it."

The voice continued, "It is precisely because there is no psychic help that we can inspire all our enthusiasm, wisdom and courage, and use our hands, sweat and blood to transform our planet and understand the universe beyond the planet.

"We carried out the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution, and the third industrial revolution.

"We have discovered the laws of the movement of celestial bodies, and we have also discovered molecules, atoms and structures that are smaller than atoms.

"We have discovered electromagnetic waves, and we also know how to use radio; we have conquered mountains and seas, and we have conquered countless kinds of bacteria, and even know how to drive molds to cure deadly diseases; we believe in technology and are more pious than in gods. We firmly believe that technology is Roads are infinite, and infinite technology will eventually make us the gods of ourselves and even the entire Xinghai Sea.

"Of course, the rapid advancement of technology and the sudden expansion of civilization have also brought crazy ambitions and **** killings. In the first 50 years of the twentieth century, we have launched two world wars one after another. The main battlefield is only confined to one continent, so the death storm of World War II really swept the entire home planet.

"These were two extremely glorious and cruel wars. People who lacked psychic abilities and had no power to bind chickens could release more terrifying destructive power than cultivators, and countless tons of steel and explosives fell like a downpour. , Can instantly destroy a large city with hundreds of thousands of people.

"Especially at the end of the Second World War, we used a weapon called the'atomic bomb', which involves the annihilation of matter and the mystery of energy explosions. On the surface of the planet with an atmosphere, it is more powerful than the main guns of starships. The existence of terror.

"However, war is a demon that destroys civilization on the one hand, and a catalyst for the rapid development of civilization on the other. New technologies and new ideas were born in the two world wars, including new systems born from countless old systems that were destroyed. All have promoted the explosive development of our civilization in the last 50 years of the twentieth century, rushing forward at a rapid pace.

"After the end of the Second World War, but more than two decades, that is, on July 21, 1969, our primitive and humble starship, for the first time boarded the only satellite of the parent planet, and stepped out of conquest. The first step in the sea of ​​stars."

Accompanied by the sound, a new picture appeared in Li Yao's mind.

Three astronauts in white spacesuits and stars and stripes, who appeared bloated and clumsy, bounced around on the surface of the moon. In the slightly low and noisy background sound, the voice of one of the astronauts was heard:

"...This is a small step for me personally, but a big step for mankind."

Of course, this astronaut spoke in English, which is the "magic language" that Li Yao understood.

"The cruel destruction of the Second World War, and the ensuing Cold War between the two powers, not only gave birth to space technology and the study of the universe that far exceeded the limits of our civilization, but also awakened the largest population of our civilization. The ancient nation, after hundreds of years of silence, the ancient civilization that stood in the East regained its vitality, the most powerful enterprising spirit and creativity."

The voice said, "The last 50 years of the 20th century to the first 20 years of the 21st century are almost the golden age of the fastest development of our civilization. Almost every year, new technologies and research results come out. Every ten years, the face of the entire civilization takes on a new look. In 1950, it was still a fantasy computer for most people. Sixty or seventy years later, it can be worn on people’s wrists and become indispensable for everyone. With fewer production tools and life partners, people even begin to imagine the birth of artificial intelligence in the next century.

"However, the beautiful dreams suddenly shattered like golden soap bubbles. Our technological explosion hit the physical limit and was forced to step on the brakes severely, entering the third decade of the 21st century. , We have encountered stagnation and setbacks in various fields, and hardly any valuable discoveries.

"With the stagnation of technology, a series of maladies and fatal flaws erupted from the depths of our civilization.

"The Super Matthew effect brought about by global networking has made the gap between the rich and the poor more and more fragmented in society.

"The population explosion brought about by advanced medical technology, but the lack of a good education system and enough jobs has reduced the vast majority of the population to an'ineffective population' or even an'inefficient population', which has become a burden to civilization.

"Environmental destruction and scarcity of resources have made the living environment of the vast majority of people worse and worse, and the advent of sophisticated weapons and even unmanned weapons has made the weaker late-comer countries more powerless to resist the first-mover advantage. This led to the prevalence of extremist ideas and a series of terrorist activities.

"If we say that these problems are all'chronic diseases' and can be solved slowly in the process of civilization development, then when the strong forces that represent two completely different thinking logics and economic systems in our civilization collide, the entire Civilization immediately fell into catastrophe.

"Everyone wants peace, not war.

"However, you should be very clear that when a civilization’s external expansion encounters a setback, the world is known to be 100% explored, all resources will be exhausted, and the road to technological upgrading will also be blocked, except for being trapped inside. In the desperate situation of "Juanhua", killing each other, and dying together, there is no second way to go.

"First trade frictions, then proxy wars, followed by small-scale low-intensity wiping fires... A series of warm-ups, temptations, threats and intimidation lasted for 20 years, when both sides knew each other’s strength and determination very well. After that, the Third World War finally broke out.

"In our civilization, a wise scholar once said,'I don't know how the Third World War was started. I only know that the Fourth World War must be fought with stones and sticks.' Is not wrong at all.

"The intensity of the Third World War is far more than a hundred times that of the Second World War a hundred years ago, and even surpassed everyone’s imagination at that time. The popularity of armed drones will be a'clean war', a'bloodless war', and even another low-intensity bluff and routine friction between the two sides, until the teeth and claws are growing, and the strange mushroom cloud is in them. The top of their heads rose slowly, swallowing them instantly, turning them into flaming skeletons, and they regretted it.

"The Third World War lasted for thirty full years. It was the longest and most brutal war in the history of our civilization. It also profoundly changed our civilization.

"Especially in the later stages of the war, with the complete abolition of the home planet, various extremism and terrorism plagues appeared again and again, various extremely immature biological and chemical weapons, viral weapons and even genetic weapons were unscrupulously released. It made us feel the fear of'civilization extinction' for the first time.

"Perhaps the growth of every civilization is like this. Without a catastrophe that may wipe out the entire civilization, one would not know the value of peace and unity.

"Even though some of the survivors know the importance of peace and unity, 30 years of blood and blood, the white and black tombstones piled up by hundreds of millions of bones, have become a moat and high wall blocking the two sides.

"--If there were no accidents, our civilization might have died in infancy with such a humiliating and sad posture.

"But since you can hear our voices, and even your existence itself, it represents the coming of some kind of ‘miracle’.

"In Era 2068, the'miracle'-the first meteorite in the meteorite rain that will completely destroy the earth in a hundred years, crosses the solar system, tears the atmosphere, and hits our deserted home hard."

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