40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3108: March toward the stars!

Along with the description of the voice, Li Yao once again appeared in the sea of ​​black silhouettes, vaguely recognizable as strange and strange human figures.

Some humanoids are surrounded by magnificent flames, some humanoids have sharp blades on their arms and backs, some humanoids have gorgeous wings, and some humanoids seem to be combined with octopuses, and they can grow long or short. The tentacles of rigidity and softness, and some of them seem to be ordinary, but they can release waves of impenetrable psychic energy, converging into indestructible blades.

These supernatural powers use their superpowers to gallop across the rusty wasteland, fight each other, conquer broken towns, explore military bases overgrown with weeds and shrubs, and feed the same highly mutated fiends. The beast even tried to refine the first batch of magic weapons with awkward technology-that is, to fuse spar powder into flames and metals to create the most primitive "Arrow Burst Gun".

In this way, the power of the supernatural beings gradually developed and grew, almost occupying the entire wasteland.

"At that time, the ‘Radiant Race’ and the ‘Transformed Man’ who were stranded on the ground, especially in the heavily radiated zone, were a group of guys who were extremely hostile to those in power and the underground.”

The voice said, "They believe that the war waged by those in power destroyed their homes, killed their relatives, and turned them into the appearance of humans and ghosts, and the powerful, wealthy and their The lackeys escaped into the ground, hiding comfortably in refuges and underground military bases, completely avoiding the intrusion of the war, but leaving them on the ground, enduring the torment and suffering that life is better than death.

"Therefore, after the Radiation Race and the Transformers have mastered the superpowers, slightly restored order on the ground, excavated the remaining light weapons in the abandoned military base, and possessed the formed'Ability Legion', they immediately pointed their soldiers to the ground.

"They want to dig out all the refuges, kill all the rich and powerful, their families and minions, and vent their anger at being fermented by the thermonuclear war.

"At the same time, the abnormal changes on the ground, the surging of spiritual energy, the growth of the radiant race and the transformation of human beings, of course, were discovered by the governments still operating in the underground countries. The residual power of the major powers naturally cannot allow'psychic energy' to be so. Precious and dangerous power fell into the hands of a group of beasts and lunatics.

"A new, smaller, but more intense war has broken out.

"This war can be seen as a continuation of the Third World War, or as an independent war, known in history as the'Supersoul War'.

"The two sides of the battle of the super spirits, the radiation races and reformers on the ground, fight against the authorities and elite soldiers in the refuge. One has the ferocious instinct honed in the wasteland and the superpowers brought by the spar, while the other With a high degree of organization and discipline, a large industrial-armed steel army, and various sophisticated ultimate killing machines.

"Minions against turrets, wings against missiles, the howls of beasts against the roars of tanks, psychic mobs against the iron and steel meat grinders that operate calmly and methodically, the result is self-evident, the radiant race and the transformed man After being beaten up and down, the underground people won a full victory and mastered all the meteorite fragments. Since then, they have brought psychic research into the track of industrialization, scientification, and large-scale application, and officially entered a new era of civilization.

"In addition, the'Supersoul War' also brought an unexpected benefit, laying a solid foundation for the salvation and sublimation of our civilization.

"Before the'Supersoul War' broke out, there was still deep grievance and hatred among the great powers underground. Most people still cling to the concept of'country' decades ago and put other countries As the greatest enemy.

"But with the emergence of supernatural beings and the outbreak of the'Supersoul War', the main contradiction has been transformed from'between nations' into'underground governments and ground forces'. When the first batch of people with superpowers came from the ground, When the radiant races and reformers rushed into the underground shelters and launched surprise attacks, many underground governments that were not yet prepared were hit hard and almost fell apart, losing the legitimacy and control of their rule forever.

"It can be said that although the struggle between the radiation race and the transformation of people has failed, it has severely destroyed the old state system. In order to fight against these mysterious and extremely dangerous supernatural powers, those in power who hate each other and are full of doubts have to reluctantly unite. Rise up, the dialogue mechanism that had been suspended for decades was restored, and on the ruined walls of the United Nations, a new global joint organization, the Earth Council, was established.

"The establishment of the Earth Council originally only ruined the threats and challenges posed by those who deal with superpowers.

"The remnants of the major powers and ultra-nationalists are not so easy to give up the glory and **** hatred of the country.

"Originally, after the end of the'Supersoul War', the Radiant Race and the Transformed Man were completely defeated, all supernatural beings were included in the scope of national monitoring and control, and the study of psionic energy embarked on the road of normalization and large-scale industrialization, the Director of the Earth Meetings exist in name only, and governments of all countries will embark on a new path of cold war and all-out confrontation.

"At this time, scientists from various countries have obtained an amazing prediction from the study of meteorite remains.

"The meteorite that came a few years ago was just the forward of a larger meteorite shower, a ripple in front of a stormy sea, and a sparse drop of rain before the storm was approaching.

"The real'meteorite rain main force' has entered the outer edge of the solar system, and will attack the core area of ​​the solar system along the trajectory of the forward one hundred to one hundred and twenty years later.

"Of course, judging from the scale of the universe, the volume of the earth is so ‘small’, and it is moving fast in the orbit, the probability of a meteorite shower hitting the earth directly is not high.

"The meteorite shower is not directed at the earth.

"Their goal is most likely the most massive celestial body in the solar system, that is, the eternal star that gives us energy and life-the sun.

"From the spar content contained in meteorites to convert all the energy they can excite, if this wave of'meteorite rain's main force' completely hits the sun, it will definitely trigger a chain reaction, setting off the largest scale in hundreds of millions of years. Solar storm.

"At that time, half of the solar system may be immersed in the destructive flames. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars will all be swallowed by the sun. Even if the storm swept for only a few seconds, it would be enough to burn down the earth’s atmosphere and evaporate all the rivers. , Lakes and oceans, even if we can hide in refuges thousands of meters underground, it is impossible to survive. Even if we can survive the solar storm and return to the bare ground, how can we survive?

"This is the real catastrophe, the complete destruction of the earth. No one can escape."

The voice said this, deliberately silent for a long time, so that Li Yao could seriously think about the heaviness and despair of the word "catastrophe".

Indeed, even in the age of 40,000 years of cultivation, the cultivators and immortal cultivators who have mastered cutting-edge psychic abilities and possess powerful physiques will appear so insignificant and helpless when faced with the raging solar storms of the extremely celestial realm and the celestial star. The intensity of the solar storm increases by 1%, and the entire celestial star may be destroyed.

Let alone the Primordial Era hundreds of millions of years ago, psychic research has just started, and even with the exception of a few meteorites, the Earth people who have no source of psychic energy at all, what about the Yuanshi clan?

"Experts and scholars from various countries have independently reached the same conclusions from different levels and angles, proving the authenticity of the catastrophe."

The voice said, "This is a disaster that is a hundred times more terrifying than a thermonuclear war. No country can resist it alone. Under the threat of the destruction of civilization, the remnants of the great powers finally put down their blood and deep feuds in the'Earth Council'. From this day on, the concept of “nation” has gradually withdrawn from the stage of our civilization, and the Earth Council has become the supreme ruling institution of the entire civilization.

"The time is only a hundred years. Obviously, we can neither prevent meteorite rain from invading the solar system, nor can we prevent the outbreak of solar storms, nor can we create a shield to envelop the entire earth. The only possibility is that 1 The solution with% probability of success is to escape. Within a hundred years, develop a sufficiently advanced or'make-up' star sea navigation technology to carry all survivors, escape from the earth, wander into the universe, and go to the far side of the star sea.

"Regardless of how many difficulties and obstacles are facing the development of powerful star-sea navigation technology in just a hundred years, one of the biggest questions is, where are we going to escape?

"The sea of ​​stars is vast, but there are very few planets in which carbon-based intelligent life can live. If stars are regarded as the first element of life, then the closest star to the sun is 4.2 light-years away from the neighboring star. Even if we can travel at 1% of the speed of light, it will take a full four hundred and twenty years to arrive. However, Proxima is a'red dwarf star'. Its volume is more than half smaller than the sun, and its temperature is lower and dimmer. It is destined to be impossible. How much energy we provide, it is difficult to create a fertile habitable planet.

"The neighboring stars that are'close at hand' are so difficult to reach and difficult to use, not to mention the stars hundreds of light years away, even if we can develop advanced hibernation technology to allow all fugitives to sleep for thousands of years. It is also difficult to find a place of rebirth flowing with milk and honey among the billions of stars.

"Just when all astronomers and biologists were troubled by this problem and had a terrible headache, an energy scientist threw out a shocking idea.

"Since we are looking for a place rich in resources and full of energy, and the meteorite that has landed on the earth is so magical, containing infinite vitality and mystery, why don't we march toward the source of the meteorite rain? "

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