40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3109: New test

When Li Yao heard this, he couldn't help but "wow"-he seemed to understand why the snails lived on the earth in the ancient times. There was no psionic energy, only the technology-based Yuanshi clan, finally able to control the psychic energy, dominate the stars, and dominate the universe. .

"To march towards the source of the meteorite rain, it sounds crazy, the success rate is close to zero, but the success rate of all the other programs is not much more than zero. Anyway, it is a desperate bet. Why not set the bet and profit. Set it to the maximum?"

The voice said, "The spar has the ability to nourish all things, and the psychic energy contained in a few meteorites is enough to bring the dying wasteland back to life. If there is a whole planet composed of spars in the origin of the meteorite rain, What a rich world that will be, even if only a few survivors can reach there, it is extremely possible to revive our civilization.

"After a whole year of discussions and disputes, all seemingly sound solutions have been proven to be absolutely impossible. Our civilization finally abandons all dissent, unites, burns all wisdom and courage, and makes the most significant sacrifices toward this. One goal is to work hard-in just a hundred years, develop sufficiently advanced star sea navigation and human hibernation technology, and create a starship that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people, and launch an escape. No, it is a grand plan to enter the universe!

"Well, after hearing this, I believe you have a general understanding of the ins and outs. Next, continue to test. As the'chairman' of the Earth Council, you will control the power of the entire earth and complete it in a short period of time. In just a hundred years, specific technologies have been developed, and super giant starships that can accommodate the minimum operation of civilization have been built to launch the goal of long voyage.

"Remember, every choice you make may determine the survival of the entire civilization, and even permanently change the appearance of our universe in the next billions of years. Therefore, don't let the so-called'justice, kindness and mercy' interfere With your judgment, make a choice that is truly beneficial to civilization!"


Li Yao didn't react for a while, his thoughts turned, and he shouted, "This, this is ridiculous, I'm just an adventurer, not a qualified politician and...scientist, how could I be better than the billions of politics in the earth age? Home and scientists are stronger, and making every right choice in just a few moments is too hard for a strong man, right?"

"This is just a test. All options are highly abstracted and simplified. Of course, you are not required to be comprehensive, nor are you required to understand all the details of technology."

The voice said, "We just want to confirm that your brand new race, with keen technical insight and future perception capabilities, will not just waste our inheritance. What's more, you have three chances to make mistakes, as long as you obey us obediently. Suggestion, the test can continue."


Li Yao still found it absurd, "Could it be that hundreds of civilized adventurers in the past accepted such a test? No wonder they couldn't pass it. This is a child's play, even by intuition and luck!"

"I just said that perhaps'luck' and'qiyun' are the most critical elements for the birth and rise of a civilization."

The voice said, "If you have to take this test as a test of your luck, it's not a mistake."


Li Yao still wanted to argue, but there was already an astronomical flow of information, like the terrifying volcanic eruption and avalanche not long ago, rampant, overwhelming, and mountains and tsunamis poured into his sea of ​​knowledge.

The brand-new “levels” are similar to the original manipulation of an archaea and a spore to evolve to the pinnacle of carbon-based intelligent life. It only replaces the original direction of mutation with countless “technology” and “policies”. These technologies and policies check and balance each other and influence each other. They can accelerate, unlock, or deter the implementation of new technologies and policies. The overall complexity is more than a hundred times higher than just now.

Within Li Yao's field of vision, there is a shimmering blood red countdown in the upper left corner. It counts down rapidly from a hundred years, and every day is as short as a second.

In the upper right corner, there is a schedule showing that his current progress is 1%. It is tens of thousands of years before he successfully sent humans out of the solar system and sailed in the stars. At least a few hundred key technologies are still lacking.

Various technologies, various technologies, including the various parameters of this test version of the earth-population, energy status, environmental pollution index, the latest trends of the major forces, the public's response to the "end of the world", etc., etc. All presented in the form of the most chaotic and violent data.

With endless options pouring down like a waterfall, Li Yao didn't even have time to swear.

"Hydraulic crushing mining method", "strengthening exoskeleton", "nano composite armor", "ion thruster", "outer space ecological circulation system"...

Li Yao must set a series of resources such as funds, personnel and facilities for this series of scientific and technological research and development, and even completely reject some unnecessary technologies to determine the completion time of these technologies.

"Geocentric Mining", "Autonomous Robot", "Super-Logic Computer"...

He must choose the most critical ones among a series of advanced technologies to make breakthroughs.

"Armored Torpedo", "Nuclear Fusion Missile", "Pulse Gun"...

The development of these cutting-edge weapons seems unnecessary, but who knows if you will encounter ancient alien races in the starry sky during tens of thousands or even millions of years of wandering in the stars? It is impossible for him to completely abandon technological progress in the field of weapon research and development.

Even if Li Yao was an outstanding master craftsman in the 40,000 years of cultivation, it does not mean that he can grasp the correct direction of technological advancement in a world without psionic power-brought by the few meteorite fragments. There are too few spars. It is a drop in the bucket when used in the escape of civilization. Most of the starships and hibernation equipment in the fugitive fleet must be solved by conventional technology. Li Yao is not an expert in this area at all, just like the sound. Said, many times only rely on "intuition" and "luck" to rampage.

On the other hand, unlike the spore evolution link just now, although he is now ruling the power of the entire earth as a civilization leader, it does not mean that everyone will obey his orders.

With the deepening of the test, more and more of the secret parameters of the earth at that time were known to Li Yao, which gave him a deep understanding of the complex and volatile and unpredictable patterns of the earth before the end of the day.

Although the Earth Council became the nominal ruling institution of the entire civilization, the remnants of the old country and nation did not disappear instantly. They went underground, still active in the form of fundamentalism and extreme thought, like a virus.

"The non-my race must have different hearts. Only our'so-and-so nation' are the representatives of the entire civilization, and only we are qualified to survive in the universe!"

Such arguments were everywhere on the earth at that time.

Even starship manufacturing and human hibernation technology have just begun, and careerists from different nationalities are arguing about the proportion of the population that will eventually be able to board the starship, and even cause new frictions.

In addition, although the "Supersoul War" is over, the Radiant Races and Transformed People who originally lived on the ground have not all been extinct-these guys who are strong and possess many "superpowers" are the best. The workers and fighters of China can provide a lot of help to the plan of the entire civilization to enter the universe, but at the same time, they are also full of resentment and hatred towards the underground people or those in power. They regard the Earth Council as their greatest enemy, even at the same time End up with the underground people and do everything possible to destroy the Earth Council’s starship manufacturing plan.

"You bastards, who have turned the earth into a mess and a dead end, now you want to pat your **** and leave, but leave us here waiting to die? To die, everyone die together!"

This was the cry of many radiators and reformers at that time.

How to deal with the ultra-nationalists and the radiators and transforming people hiding in the dark has become a headache for the highest authorities of the Earth Council-especially the latter. One hundred superpowers will be caught on the frontal battlefield. A hundred heavy tanks were easily crushed, but when a hundred superpowers were broken into pieces, dressed in disguise, and sneaked into various refuges and military bases, the damage they could cause was beyond 10,000 tanks. And make up.

Although the psychic war is over, the superpowers who escaped by chance have found the correct way to use their abilities.

They are like deadly viruses, eroding the precarious escape plan.

In politics, Li Yao has always advocated an upright democratic and republican system and believes that power must never be concentrated on a single individual, but must be supervised by the whole people.

He has also used his sword countless times to frustrate the conspiracy of "saving civilization" by careerists.

However, in the face of the crisis of the end of the earth in the post-wasteland era, his Taoism was also unknowingly covered with a haze. He has to admit that the democratic system cannot save such a riddled and deformed earth. Only a strong man with iron and blood can bring new life to the entire civilization.

"Perhaps Boss Bai, Li Jialing, Long Yangjun and even Ding Lingdang are more suitable for such a test than I am."

Li Yao thought to himself mockingly.

There is another person, perhaps better than everyone else, to conduct such a test-Jin Tuyi, who has long since died.

If Jin Tuyi was the leader of the earth at the time, how would he deal with such a chaotic situation?

Li Yao recalled everything about Jin Tuyi in his mind, and took out every fragment of Jin Tuyi from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and used superb computing power to gather them together.

He imitated his logical way of thinking like Jin Tuyi, and used Jin Tuyi's method to solve the problem at hand.

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