40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3110: Women and children first

"If it's Jin Tuyi..."

Li Yao's spirit gradually rippled with dark golden ripples, like a hidden and sharp demon.

First of all, he chose to bow to the rich and powerful and plutocrats of the past, so that these rich and nobles believed that they were their most loyal spokespersons and lackeys, and in the escape plan a hundred years later, he would definitely win the most positions for their families and forces. This has been supported by a large number of powerful and wealthy.

Later, he infiltrated academia secretly and controlled several cutting-edge research institutes. On the one hand, he greatly reduced the difficulty of manufacturing starships and developing human hibernation technology in propaganda. On the other hand, he even fabricated several without evidence. The habitable planets tens of light-years away are extremely rich in resources, and the world is full of spars and auras. In this way, they have the support of everyone, and a large number of forcibly launched are destined to consume a lot of resources. , Almost a black hole project.

He even arranged manpower to confuse and propagate among the people, telling everyone that, dozens of light years away, it is everyone’s "land of hope, rebirth, and eternal glory", as long as they sleep comfortably for hundreds of years. , We can start a new and happy life on a planet that is a hundred times better than the earth. The premise is that all people can grit their teeth and drain every penny in their pockets and every drop of blood in their bodies, for Work hard for the plan to enter the universe.

On the other hand, he raised a private soldier composed of old soldiers, radiators and reformers in the dark, and smashed many opponents with sharp fangs.

His private soldiers disguised as remnants of superpowers who were defeated in the "War of the Supersouls" and assassinated many people who opposed him in the Earth Council; they also disguised themselves as the most extreme nationalists and "pure humanism The “Zhe” is to encircle and suppress the lairs of the superpowers and provoke the flames of hatred on both sides. In this way, the superpowers, the ultra-nationalists, and all opponents are harmed, and the power in their hands is further concentrated.

He also secretly built a number of cutting-edge weapon research and development centers, first transporting the most advanced military technology to his private soldiers, enhancing his combat effectiveness, and gradually eroding or even overwhelming the strength of the regular army.

Facing the doomsday leader of the earth, along the way, it is like an insurgency in a sea of ​​swordsmanship, full of cruelty and blood.

And Li Yao knows that under the historical advancement of Daerhuazhi, there are more unacceptable and inhuman details hidden.

Fortunately, this is something that has happened hundreds of millions of years ago. Fortunately, this is just a test or a game. Fortunately, he does not have to face lifelike details and vivid victims. Otherwise, his Taoism is very likely to be here. Completely collapsed in a moment.

His ruthlessness and authoritarianism finally paid off.

Stimulated by the doomsday crisis, all mankind has inspired a hundredfold wisdom and courage, coupled with the discovery of psionics and the endless emergence of superpowers, the chariot of civilization that has been stagnant for decades has finally begun to rumble again, starting from gold The era has turned into a platinum era. The big explosion of science and technology continues. Astronomy, astronautics, energetics, materials science, human body science... countless fields have experienced rapid breakthroughs, and earth-shattering epoch-making researches occur almost every three to five years. The results have been put into the application field, and the barren wasteland "grows" out of a gleaming silver city, vacuum pipes, anti-gravity devices, unmanned floating dishes, long-distance remote sensing systems, and so on represent the "future" The technologies of "and "hope" have entered thousands of households, and like microcomputers decades ago, they have become ubiquitous and accustomed to things.

When the countdown was in the last thirty years, the first large-scale immigrant starship transformed from an old aircraft carrier was finally built. It successfully got rid of the shackles of the earth's gravity and entered the moon's orbit, and the first batch of human hibernation projects Volunteers also successfully awakened after a full ten years of hibernation!

Everything seems to be moving in the best direction.

But Li Yao's heart is still held high in the air

Because he knows very well that sending tens of thousands of people into space and sending everyone on earth into space are absolutely two different things, and the difficulty is not only exponentially increasing.

The earth at this time, although it has been ravaged by the Third World War and the Supersoul War, after decades of recuperation, it has also recovered to the size of 2.5 billion people.

It is an impossible task to send 2.5 billion people aboard the emigration ship, rushing to the unknown depths of the star sea tens of millions of light years away.

Despite this, Li Yao is still working hard, trying to make his best efforts, the best choice, is one more person can be saved.

Among the billions of floating lights and flashes of strategic options, Li Yao keenly grasped an option called "death education."

Among the countless technologies to be developed, he also chose a technology called "self-disciplined machine teaching", together with "unmanned driving", as a key research and development project.

But this time, the two choices did not go on in a rushing manner, but two red glows appeared, making a harsh "drip" sound.

Li Yao was startled slightly, not understanding what had happened.

"It's a pity that you made the wrong choice.'Death education' and'self-discipline machine teaching' are not the antidote to our civilization."

The voice emerged in his sea of ​​knowledge, "You have lost your first chance, but before making a rationalization proposal, I am very interested to hear, why do you want to do this-what is your plan?"

Wrong choice?

Three chances, one lost, in other words, three "lives", one has been lost?

Li Yao took a deep breath and secretly warned himself not to panic. He has already built the first immigrant starship. Only at this point did he lose his first "life". It should be far above average. He still has Two opportunities, don't be impatient, take your time.

"Judging from the resources I have and the progress of research and development, in just 30 years, I am destined to be unable to take everyone away."

Li Yao said calmly, "Even if we work hard, in the end, we can carry three to five billion people to escape is the limit. In other words, out of five, only one can be saved."

"Yes it is."

The voice said, "Your judgment is very correct, and you are even too optimistic. Only one out of five can be saved. This is indeed the biggest problem facing our civilization. The horror of the human heart is even more terrifying than the attack of meteorites and black holes. How to solve this problem?"

"I can't solve it. I'm just a small human being, not an omnipotent god."

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "I can only try to think of a fair and reasonable method to determine who is eligible to board the immigrant starship in the end.

"In my moral concept, giving priority to'old and weak women and children' is a justified rule. Considering the particularity of saving civilization, it is impossible for the elderly and the weak with diseases to be given priority. Then women and children, It is the person who is most qualified to board the immigrant starship. According to the ratio of five to one, we may be able to save all women and children."

"It makes sense."

The voice said, "Women and children are the hope of a civilization. Males are only consumables and reproductive tools. One male is enough to make a hundred females conceived and reproduce a whole group. In turn, one hundred males and one female, and then No matter how hard you work, you can only give birth to a few offspring, which is not enough to maintain the operation of civilization.

"So, you don't need to carry too many men on the immigrant starship. In theory, it is true. The question is how do you do this?"

"So I chose the strategy of'death education'."

Li Yao explained, "This is not a technology, but more like philosophy. It is about educating everyone how to face death, how to think about the relationship between individuals and civilization, how to treat their short life and the long journey of civilization. In the end, I hope that people can look at their lives more calmly and peacefully, be more sacrificial, and be able to pin all their hopes on the next generation.

"Finally, when the immigrant fleet sets sail, all children, pregnant women, and young ladies can board the starship according to the age of the census. If there are vacant spaces, they will be queued according to the age of the remaining people."

"That's it."

The voice said calmly, "That is to say, in your ideal state, the main passengers of the immigration fleet are women and children. Then, how do they control the starship and how to develop and colonize after arriving at the destination? What?"

"Xinghai navigation is not as complicated as imagined most of the time."

Li Yao replied, "99.99% of the star field in the universe is a vacuum with nothing, which is calmer than sailing on the sea, and in case of encountering the most extreme and dangerous environment, it is the same for anyone to control it.

"Since 99% of passengers are in hibernation 99% of the time, what does it matter whether they are children or adults?

"Furthermore, when various cutting-edge weapons are popular, and psionics and spars can greatly change the human body, I don’t think that women are necessarily weaker than men and cannot play the roles of soldiers and scientists. For example, I know a woman. , How tough she is...you won't understand even if you say it.

"Furthermore, I decided to invest a lot of resources to develop a'self-disciplined educational robot', which is a fully automated education system. When these children wake up from a long hibernation, they can get the help of supercomputers and fully automated robots to learn slowly. How to control the starship and save civilization.

"A strong young man means a strong civilization. Although I know that there are still many omissions and even wishful thinking in this plan, I sincerely hope that these young people can develop the original civilization-a new era of earth civilization. I don't know my choice. What is wrong?"

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