40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3115: Ghost fleet

"From...the untouchables who fend for themselves in the wasteland and yellow sand, to the supreme leader of earth civilization, the first commander in the universe!"

Li Yao was moved, "Such a magnificent, incredible life?"

His heart was full of mixed flavors, and he was deeply shocked by Wan Zanghai's incomprehensible way to rise.

It is naturally easy to contempt and criticize his shamelessness. Li Yao once rebuked many conspirators and careerists like Wan Zanghai.

But more important than scolding is to come up with a solution and continue the hope of civilization.

Li Yao didn't care whether Wan Zanghai was good or bad, and he didn't have time to polish the dirt and dust that fell on his Dao Heart.

Because with the demise of the powerful and rich, and through the powerful integration of the Ten Thousand Tibetan Seas, the new immigrant fleet has rushed out of the solar system and sailed towards the unknown distance.

The earth civilization has ushered in a new page, formally sublimated or "transformed" into the Yuanshi civilization. All the people on earth were destroyed by the solar storm. Now, after the cold vacuum and the dark universe, they have a new name—— Yuanshi Clan!

The "cutscenes" ended here, and Li Yao once again faced countless options that fell from the sky, slamming his soul like a waterfall.

On the one hand, he must coordinate the hibernation and wake-up time of scientists and engineers to ensure that all the technologies necessary for the voyage of the stars can be advanced in an orderly manner. At the same time, he must ensure that the new generation on board receive the best education to give birth to new inspirations. Scientific research reserve team; on the one hand, we must continue to plan and fine-tune the route so as not to lose our way in the vast sea of ​​stars; on the other hand, we must always pay attention to the attack of meteorite rain and cosmic radiation-even fine sand and dust. A meteorite may cause minor trauma to the shell and power unit of the starship. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation and increase, no matter how small the trauma is, it may cause the fission and disintegration of the entire starship. These are life and death matters. event.

In addition, a more serious and hidden threat than cosmic radiation and starship damage is an abnormal change in the human heart.

The earthlings were originally a carefree planetary race living under the blue sky, on the solid earth, bathed in warm sunlight.

But now, they have completely lost their homeland and root system, and have to spend tens of thousands of years and thousands of generations drifting in darkness and despair, and perhaps they will become wanderers in the sea of ​​stars forever.

The narrow space, the claustrophobic environment, the deep sea of ​​stars, I don’t know where the end point is, the next second may be the death of Huangquan... Such cruel torture, like a cylinder of black venom, erodes people’s hearts. , Turning them into two kinds of beings completely different from the past.

A similar transformation has also occurred in the Flying Star Realm.

Just as Xiao Xuance, the leader of the cultivator in the flying star realm, said, in the black sea of ​​stars, it is very easy to turn a steadfast cultivator into a cultivator, and it usually only takes...one second.

The people in the Flying Star Realm, at least still have their history, remember the glory of the Xinghai Empire in the past, and know that there are countless great worlds and countless similar existences besides their own small world. This recognition, Enough to be the comfort and hope to resist the invasion of darkness.

And these earthlings, Yuanshi Clan, have completely lost everything. From now on, even though the sea of ​​stars is big, they can never find more trustworthy people of the same kind and homes that can sleep peacefully. What a pain, how terrifying, and how much this is. despair!

Such venom, after hundreds, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years of purposeless journeys to ferment, it will distort human nature into any deformity and hideous appearance. It is not surprising.

Faced with all kinds of challenges, Li Yaopo was a little overwhelmed and in a hurry.

The point is that he is not to make the most favorable choice for the present, but to consider the development of the immigration fleet tens of thousands of years later, and make the most favorable choice for tens of thousands of years. In many cases, it will inevitably hurt the present. The interests of the passengers even have to be ruthless and sacrifice a lot of things hard-heartedly.

Through such a test, Li Yao once again confirmed that he is indeed not a commander in command.

Perhaps he is only suitable for playing the role of a passionate high school student, or as a battle flag fluttering in the wind and hunting, to chant some idealized sacred slogans, but they need to be more calm when they encounter complex and difficult practical problems. , Rational and even dark characters, such as Jin Tuyi, Boss Bai, Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai, and even Long Yangjun.

Li Yao felt that he had made many mistakes.

Under his command, a series of serious problems broke out within the immigration fleet, and even several internal fights broke out.

On the outside, they also traversed a thick ink-like interstellar dust belt, withstood several sudden radiation storms, and almost hit another wave of meteorite showers. They dealt with each crisis very reluctantly and gave the stars. The ship caused a series of damage and also consumed a lot of precious resources.

When the test time has advanced for thousands of years, they only sailed out for tens of light years, but they have damaged more than half of the immigrant starships, and more than 30% of hibernators are due to mechanical failures, insufficient resources, civil strife, etc. He was killed in his sleep, and even the "leader" played by Li Yao was killed by rebels suffering from claustrophobia during the civil strife.

People who are still alive have long lost the vigor and vitality they had when they rushed out of the solar system thousands of years ago. They have shaggy beard, loose skin, sunken eye sockets, dark expressions, and dull faces, like a group of people trapped in a steel coffin. The walking dead, driven by the last instinct to survive, staggered forward numbly.

Li Yao was frightened, thinking that he had made a series of wrong choices and his performance must be very bad.

However, his voice remained silent and noncommittal about his performance.

Even when the "leader" he played was killed by the rebel crew, he comforted Li Yao and said that this was not a "mistake", because in real history, as the commander of the immigration fleet, the first "Yuanshi Clan" The patriarch's Wan Zanghai also fell to this end.

Wan Zanghai's dominance is naturally a hundred times higher than that of Li Yao, but the countless practical problems and fatal threats he faces are also a hundred times more complicated and difficult than the options that were changed in the test.

No matter how iron-blooded and wise, Wan Zanghai is just a mortal. After decades of lurking minions and cultivating wings, when he left the solar system, he was already close to the limit of the lifespan of a human being on earth, and it is impossible to stay awake for a long time to govern. The fleet can only go into hibernation and wake up every five to ten years to deal with the problems that have occurred in the last five or ten years.

Such a method of dominance is destined to be impossible to rule for a long time the cruel, unruly radiant races, transformers, and superpowers.

Time can change many things, including eroding the prestige of an iron-blooded commander.

The immaturity of the first-generation hibernation technology had a serious impact on Wan Zanghai's wisdom and personality.

Gradually, he became uncertain, moody, and even like many crew members, he suffered from claustrophobia and paranoia.

He once pointed to the deep corridor on the starship and said that he saw countless ghosts from the earth, wandering and wandering there.

He also ordered the fleet to speed up at all costs, even if it ran out of fuel, because he saw that on the flaming earth, everyone’s grievances were not annihilated, but were condensed by solar storms and psychic magnetic fields into a brand new one. ...The ghost civilization, and this ghost civilization is quietly following them, trying to launch the cruelest revenge against them.

He didn't even dare to enter the hibernation state, because as soon as he entered hibernation, he would be overwhelmed by the eyes of countless souls, and he would be caught by the scorched hands of the tragic deceased, and drag him to the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan.

In this case, it is only a matter of time before the commander and the crew clashed fiercely.

Wan Zanghai was dead, torn to pieces by the crew members who were loyal to him in the past, and thrown into the power furnace, fulfilling the ideal he has always implemented-becoming a small spark that promotes the progress of civilization.

The voyage continued, and there was no power to stop them anyway in the dark and cold vacuum.

In the following thousands of years of testing, Li Yao felt that his performance was getting worse and worse, and all the crew members became more desperate, cruel, and irritable.

They even felt a little self-defeating, and suffocated their energy, wanting to completely destroy themselves in a vigorous riot or natural disaster, and put an end to this endless nightmare.

This is not an expedition or escape, it is just a "death sentence" that took 10,000 years to execute-many crew members think so.

When Li Yao squeezed out his last brain cell, overdrafted all his computing power, worked hard and exhausted his mind to maintain the immigrant fleet for 10,000 years, they were left with only forty-nine starships that were devastated and miserable. , About 14 million frustrated, angry and resentful passengers, empty fuel and resource compartments.

At this moment, they have not yet mastered the ability to travel through four-dimensional space. No matter how to improve the speed of conventional navigation, they have just flown out 500 light years. In galaxies with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of light years, the speed is slower than that of snails. The source of the meteorite rain is far away.

The mountains and rivers are exhausted, the ammunition is exhausted, and there is no food. Here is their burial place.


Li Yao is not a person who gives up lightly, but in such a poor situation, he doesn't know how to continue the test.

Maybe from the beginning, he should be colder?

No, it's useless. Even if you squeeze out more of the crew's potential, what is the difference if you change the exploration distance from 500 light-years to 600 light-years?

Li Yao was just very strange—didn't the voice say that he would give him three chances? But he had only received a suggestion, and he was desperate. Is his voice going to lose his promise?

While hesitating, Li Yao's sea of ​​knowledge suddenly showed an incredible and appalling picture!

In front of the desperate immigrant fleet, there was no more ammunition and food, and a group of lavender ripples suddenly appeared in the empty star sea. The ripples rushed to both sides like a tide, but they tore a huge crack and drilled from the crack. A fat tentacle came out!

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