40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3116: Void Hunter

Li Yao stared at everything dumbfounded.

He didn't know whether this was a real picture from the ancient times, or an exaggerated depiction with strong symbolic meaning. In short, the tentacles protruding from the void tightly entangled immigrant starship after immigrant starship, regardless of the particle cannons of these starships. It didn't care about how the vacuum torpedo attacked, but it dragged all the starships with the Yuanshi clan into the lilac gap.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao's vision seemed to become a bizarre dream. Amidst the kaleidoscope-like gorgeous stormy waves, he saw a huge and unfriended monster, as if entrenched in half of the star sea, with 10,000 tentacles and 100 million similar eyes. The translucent organs emit a faint light, full of weirdness and fear that cannot be described with pen and ink.

Afterwards, the colorful fragments reunited, and the chaotic time and space stabilized again. The immigrant fleet of the Yuanshi clan was taken by this monster to a whole new world, full of psychic energy and spar, energy inexhaustible and inexhaustible. "Heaven"!

"This, this is—"

Li Yao's spirit shuddered with excitement, as if he could taste the sweetness of infinite psychic power from the picture, "What is this?"

"As you can see, this is a kind of starry alien race that can freely shuttle in four-dimensional space and make star-sea jumps. We call it the'Void Hunter'."

The voice explained, "Although our'Yuanshi Civilization' is one of the earliest civilizations born in this universe, it is not the earliest born intelligent life. Long before us, there were countless possessions born in those'dongtianfudi' with abundant spiritual energy. The intelligent starry sky aliens form a huge "cosmic ecosystem", and the Void Hunter is one of them.

"It's just that they have spent hundreds of millions of years without creating a highly developed civilization. The vast majority of the alien races in the starry sky are like the'Void Hunter'. They are beasts that survive by instinct, and their IQs will not exceed seven or eight years old. Only a handful of Starry Sky aliens have developed a primary social form with slavery."


It is hard for Li Yao to imagine, "Having abundance of psychic powers, even enlightening preliminary wisdom, but wasting millions of years of precious time, and still not developing civilization-it doesn't make sense!"

"On the ancient earth, there are also many species that have multiplied for hundreds of millions of years. They have resisted several mass extinctions and gained the reputation of'living fossils', such as tortoises, crocodiles and cockroaches, but they have never Wisdom and civilization have been produced."

The voice said, "In the final analysis, the so-called'civilization' is not a necessity for life, and evolution is by no means an eternal path forward. The so-called'evolution' is nothing but the helpless evolution formed after the drastic changes in the environment. That's it.

"Life is a very lazy thing. As long as the environment hasn't changed too much and it can barely survive, it will never think of changing and ‘evolving’.

"Just like tortoises, crocodiles and cockroaches, they are already kings in their respective fields, or the top hunters at the highest level of the food chain, or possess unparalleled defenses and incredible survivability. They don’t need wisdom, let alone. Civilization can still live well and carry on its genes.

"So, what motivation do they have to change and ‘evolve’?

"Void Hunter is the same. You can simply think of it as a huge octopus with the ability to jump in the stars and seas and can survive in a vacuum. It uses its instinct to chase meteorites and asteroids that contain spar veins in the vast sea of ​​stars. , Stretched out the tentacles from the gaps in the space to wrap around the meteorite, and swallow the energy in the spar with a specially constructed negative pressure suction cup. This instinct allows it to comfortably multiply in the middle of the universe sea for hundreds of millions of years. It is huge and mysterious. Ability makes it without any natural enemies. Even if it encounters an enemy that can't be provoked, it's a big deal to get into the four-dimensional space, escape a million light years, and once it is gone, what use is wisdom and civilization for it?"

Li Yao thought about it for a long time.

I have to admit that the voice is right.

A creature born in the blessed land with ample spiritual energy, is born with the ability to swallow spar, absorb energy, and navigate the void. There is no need to work hard to develop wisdom and civilization.

Just like the son of a rich man with golden chopsticks, there is no need to work hard.

Only the weak and poor primates like humans, who are hairless monkeys from the inanimate space, struggle for survival all the way, have the need to evolve superior wisdom and create a strong civilization.


Li Yao felt dry. "All the remaining immigrant starships were brought to the center of the universe by this..."Void Hunter", in the "Blessed Land"? Didn't it devour you?"

"Swallowed a part."

The voice said, "Void hunters are the most adept at voyages in the universe. They are born to perceive the shadow ripples cast by the four-dimensional storm into the three-dimensional universe, and they can control these shadow ripples to create fleeting wormholes. Perform ultra-long-distance star-sea jumps and use this method to chase erratic meteorite showers and resource planets.

"This Void Hunter perceives the tail flames released by the immigrant starship, and regards our fleet as a meteorite belt containing rich energy, and then emerges from the four-dimensional space, engulfing and devouring us all.

"However, you should have also discovered that at that time, our immigration fleet had run out of ammunition and food, and there was no dripping left in the fuel warehouse. This'Void Hunter' crushed and swallowed three immigrant starships, and found that there was nothing but rust. Except for the splattered scrap copper and rotten iron, he could not squeeze much energy, so he gave up eating.

"Although it has not evolved a civilization in the true sense, the Void Hunter is ultimately a primary intelligent life that has multiplied for hundreds of millions of years in the middle of the universe. It soon discovered that the Yuanshi clan within the starship was actually a small Life form.

"At the center of the universe at that time, there was a set of criteria for judging the strength of life and the risk factor.

"Basically, the more vigorous the psychic energy contained in the body, the more proficient the skills of manipulating psychic energy, the stronger and more dangerous it is.

"Although our Yuanshi clan has come into contact with a few crystal stones that have fallen from outside the sky on the earth, we have cultivated preliminary magical powers. After all, we are just a beginner and have a taste of nothing, including the starship we boarded. Most of the propulsion systems use chemical energy and atomic energy. .

"The Void Hunter can neither understand our complex social forms and civilization, nor perceive the potential and dangers hidden under our weak appearance, nor understand how advanced technology and complex industrial systems our starships represent. From its point of view, we are just a group of... harmless little bugs for humans and animals."

"A harmless little insect?"

Li Yao couldn't help laughing out loud.

Human beings, the most powerful fighting race in the sea of ​​stars, turned out to be a giant octopus as a small bug, which is really interesting.

"The Void Hunter treats us like an elephant treats an ant. It doesn't matter if you step on it to death, and it doesn't matter if you ignore it."

The voice said, "But for the survivors of the Yuanshi clan, the appearance of the Void Hunter is tantamount to a subversion that destroys the world, completely shattering our world view and scientific view, and flooding the world with endless auras. Move, and make our nearly annihilated survival instinct expand again, bursting out the most ferocious flame.

"All the survivors acted immediately, racking their brains to think about how to survive in such a weird and rich environment.

"It didn't take long for a few wise men with highly evolved brains to freely increase and release brainwaves to find a way. They tried every means to reach an agreement with the Void Hunter. The two sides formed a harmonious symbiosis relationship, and the Yuanshi clan became The'probiotics' and'parasites' on the Void Hunter."


Li Yao was stunned, "How is it possible?"

"Void hunters are travelers who travel through the vast universe alone, without the concept of gregariousness and society. However, during the long and desolate journey, they will inevitably feel lonely and bored, especially when they often shuttle through four-dimensional space, repeatedly tearing their nerves. Yuan, eventually will have an impact on nerve clusters."

The voice said, "In order to survive, a special profession called'Dream Maker' was born in the Yuanshi Clan. Using its intricate brainwaves, it used its intricate brainwaves to perform'Mind Massage' for the Void Hunter and weave various colorful dreams. ——Void Hunter naturally can't understand the memory images and rich emotions of Yuanshi Clan, but the strange dreams poured into its nerve clusters can make it feel very comfortable, just like tickle it.

"In this way, the Yuanshi Clan is parasitic on the Void Hunter, through some of the'leftovers' that leaked from the tentacles, that is, the fragments of the spar barely survive, and the Void Hunter uses our rich emotions and imagination. Power to perform a'mind massage' to eliminate the side effects of the long journey of loneliness and star jumps.

"The symbiotic relationship that seems to be very harmonious, but contains subtle murderous intent.

"One day, just as the dreammakers on a starship were helping the Void Hunter to perform a'mind massage', their starship was suddenly smashed to pieces by the Void Hunter, and millions of them finally came to the center of the universe to survive. Who died on the spot Huangquan.

"The rest of the survivors were taken aback and didn't know what was going on-how they angered the Void Hunter.

"Until nearly tens of millions of people on the remaining four starships were killed by the Void Hunter at will, the remaining people gradually woke up. It turned out that the dreamland created by the dream makers on these starships for the Void Hunter was too old. , Too boring, repeated too many times, making the Void Hunter impatient.

"That was the most humiliating and dangerous moment of Yuanshi civilization.

"In order to survive, the entire Yuanshi clan had to search their stomachs, rack their brains, weave beautiful and brilliant dreams, and change the method to help the nerves of the Void Hunter to'tick'. They can't stop for a moment. Every second, we must do our best to send out the most interesting brainwaves. When the brainwaves are a little dull and dim, it is the day when an immigrant starship is completely destroyed!"

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