40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3120: Leader

"Your statement is too arbitrary!"

Li Yao said solemnly, "I believe that the Yuanshi clan after one hundred thousand years should be different from the early Homo sapiens one hundred thousand years ago, otherwise, have we not evolved in vain over the past one hundred thousand years? Yuanshi with superior technology and wisdom Race, should develop a higher level of morality and cosmic social laws, and figure out a way to allow multiple civilizations to coexist peacefully-this is what a god-level civilization should pursue!"


The voice said coldly, "Don’t forget, the exchanges of civilizations are two-way, and war is the best catalyst for a civilization to catch up. Although those alien races and low-level civilizations in the starry sky look very weak and small, they also have profound insights. The potential of the test is just that it has not been needed before and has not been activated.

"Now, with the conquest of the Yuanshi clan, the potential and desires of all the starry alien races and lower civilizations that have survived have been completely activated, and they are more likely to be deeply impressed from some of the captured Yuanshi clan, including the captured war machine. Understand everything about higher civilization and see clearly the direction of evolution.

"From the Homo sapiens who wield bone spears and stone axes to the Yuanshi clan who smashed the stars, we only spent hundreds of thousands of years. How can we know whether these alien races in the starry sky, who are born to control powerful magical powers, can'mutate' in tens of thousands of years , To upgrade their civilization to hundreds of levels and become our enemy again?

"Don't say it's impossible, only tens of thousands of years ago, our Yuanshi clan was just dormant in the tentacles of the Void Hunter. Around the breathing hole of the hill cancer, trembling, flattering and favoring, in exchange for some leftovers to reluctantly. It's just a poor worm who wants to survive. Who would have thought that after only tens of thousands of years, we will completely defeat the former masters!

"If you don’t set foot on 10,000 feet at this time, and let these former masters never turn back, I wonder if they will repeat our rise and overthrow the rule of the Yuanshi clan again? At that time, our Yuanshi civilization, I am afraid not I will get a second chance."


Li Yao was dumb for a while.

"Furthermore, in what way do you want to ‘peacefully coexist’ with these starry alien races and lower civilizations?"

The voice asked, "You know, when the Great Extinction Order is about to be issued, Yuanshi civilization has conquered countless rich universes, destroyed thousands of starry sky alien nests and temples of lower civilizations, and multiplied in those caves and blessed places, becoming With the righteous master, should we return to the original master the hands of the new world captured by the sacrifice of billions of warriors and sweat? How could it be possible! But if the conquered territory is not returned, where does peace begin?

"Even if the question of living space can be negotiated, what about the lives lost? Many races have lost more than half of their population in the war. How can such **** feuds be repaid and forgotten?

"Could it be that we should say to those starry alien races and lower civilizations full of hatred,'Excuse me, we have destroyed your homes, killed your relatives, and wiped out your splendid civilization-but this is all over. Now we can lay down our weapons and talk about peace. Although we are not going to return our homes to you, and it is impossible to resurrect your tragic relatives, we can prepare a new reserve for you in a barren land where resources are scarce, you You can start a new life there. As long as you don’t try to develop more advanced civilizations, lest you create weapons that threaten us, then we can just turn a blind eye and ignore you.'?

"Do you hope that our Yuanshi civilization will become such a hypocritical ‘cosmic police’?

"Or, we should perform a certain degree of spiritual castration on the alien races and lower civilizations in the starry sky, transform their brains and nerve clusters, and even change their physiological structure, force them to forget the past, and use our moral norms and social laws. Transform them to be more docile, cute, non-aggressive, and eventually become pet dogs, so that they can live with us happily?

"Of course, in an ideal state, we should not launch a war of conquest against the universe from the very beginning, so that there will be no **** enmity that will never be resolved, and it will be possible to achieve'peace, communication and development'. However, no If a war is launched, how will the living space come from, how should the humiliation of our race be washed away, and how should the past glory be reproduced?"

Li Yao thought for a long time and had nothing to say.

"Admit it, offensiveness and desire to conquer are the most precious things of a civilization. A civilization that has lost offensiveness and desire to conquer is like a mule or a neutered pet dog. It has no dignity, no pride, and no meaning at all. Compared to forcibly depriving a civilization of its offensive nature, using a method similar to brainwashing to achieve a false peace, or directly destroying the civilization, is more joyful and more dignified."

The voice said, "Natural selection of things, survival of the fittest, such a law still holds within the scope of the universe, we and them have no choice."

"in case--"

Li Yao took a deep and deep breath at the level of spirit and soul, "I just don't want to choose "The Great Extinction Order"?"


The voice asked, "Do you have a better way?"


Li Yaodao, "I am not a foresighted wise man, let alone a leader with the universe in mind. I am just an ordinary human being. I really can't think of a better way, but I am not willing to make this... the worst choice. , It’s like, even if I can’t find anything to eat, I’m going to starve to death, and I don’t want to kill my own kind and eat his meat."

"But these starry alien races and lower civilizations are not our kind at all."

The voice said, "If in the first mistake, you are unwilling to give up billions of the same kind on earth, and it is understandable, then your persistence now is unreasonable. Are you shining like a Virgin? They have to be projected onto things like Void Hunter and Hill Cancer. Even monsters with hideous faces and monsters that look like demons are the targets of your sympathy?"

Li Yao was silent.

He didn't know what he was insisting on.

Perhaps because of being an orphan since he was a child, although on the surface he enjoys the adventure of being alone, but deep in his bones he is particularly afraid of loneliness.

He likes the joy of being surrounded by relatives and friends, and prefers the taste of fighting for everyone!

The Xinghai is so vast, and so dark and cold, if only Yuanshi-human civilization existed, it would be too lonely, right?

There is only one civilization that exists alone. Who should show all the splendor of this civilization? What is the meaning of all the persistence, progress, creation and prosperity of civilization? Even if such a civilization can exist forever, is it really "happy"?

However, what the voice said is reasonable. The war has broken out and the trauma has been caused. At least there is no evil in this war from the beginning. Even stubborn like Li Yao can't say what the Yuanshi clan's struggle for their own living space is. wrong.

The war has been fought to the point of subjugation of the country and species, and the seeds of anger, hatred and suspicion have been planted in the hearts of all survivors. How can this dark forest be entangled in the chain of suspicion?

Li Yao couldn't solve this mess.

The voice was also unexpectedly silent for a long time, and when it appeared again, it appeared a little tired.

"Sorry, I just drew out a lot of computing power to deal with other ‘testing ground’ affairs."

The voice said, "Another tester failed."


Li Yao was startled and almost jumped up, "Who is it, isn't it—"

"Don't worry, it's not your kind, but the Nuwa clan named'Longlianzi'."

The voice said, "This subspecies named'Nuwa tribe' is full of our Yuanshi tribe's aggressive and uplifting spirit. It's a pity that they are too free and sentimental, and lack the coldness to survive anyway. And resilience, eventually fell under the wave of the starry sky alien counterattack, and was completely wiped out."

Li Yao was embarrassed and sighed again.

Mie Zhong Dao and Long Lian Zi, the two commanders of the Pangu and Nuwa clan, are both gods and demons. If you change the time and the situation, they have the potential to become the overlord of one party and fight against themselves for 300 rounds. Strong presence.

I didn't expect to fall into the ultimate test, but died so quickly and aggrieved.


He was a little dry in his mouth, he didn't know if he should ask, and he didn't know if his voice would answer, "How is my kind?"

"Relax, so far, your similar performance has been quite good, after all, from the genetic level, you are also 100% Yuanshi clan, but you have not activated all your abilities."

The voice said, "Two of the testers performed very well. They have already passed the test and are very likely to pass the test successfully and get the inheritance of our clan."


Li Yao was overjoyed, "Which two are they?"

"In your terms..."

The voice said, "They are'Lu Qingchen' and'Blood Heart Demon' respectively."

Li Yao: "What?"

"Especially Lu Qingchen."

His voice could not hide his satisfaction and appreciation. "Compared with you, he is simply a natural leader, who can lead the tribe to dormant and explore in the darkness for thousands of years, and finally soars into the sky, the commander in conquering the universe, in the whole evolution and In the process of conquering, he hardly made any mistakes and did not need my advice at all. He even took the initiative to think of the two strategies of'abandoning 95% of the earth's people' and the'mass extinction order' in the test system. He is more thorough and more decisive than we are, and the series of strategies and layouts shown in the conquering war proves that he is absolutely capable of using our inheritance and is the most suitable person to fight against the'Hongchao' in the end. One.

"The Scarlet Heart Demon is also very good. Although it can't be compared with Lu Qingchen in terms of overall situation and command, but in the tactical field of conspiracy and cruelty, he is more than inferior. He also made no mistakes. , Did not hesitate to make the choice of'abandoning most of the earth's people' and'the mass extinction order'.

"Now, these two testers have taken a big lead and are about to reach the end. If you also want to get the inheritance of Yuanshi civilization, then you have to come on!"

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