40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3121: No self-contained

"how can that be?"

Li Yao was in chaos for a while, "Just because of the two guys who looked as ugly as a pig and despicable as a dog, who had been beaten up and down by me repeatedly, and suppressed so obediently, they actually passed the test earlier than me— -You really didn't lie to me?"

"I don't need to lie to you."

The voice said, "I have existed for too long, and hundreds of millions of years are enough for the'Hundred Tide' to search every wave and every corner of this cosmic sea, and it will not be too far away from its arrival.

"Although I cannot lower the set test standards just because Hong Chao is imminent, I do hope that real inheritors will emerge as soon as possible to complete this test that has lasted for hundreds of millions of years. I really don't want to destroy more testers. Up."


Li Yao's soul trembled violently, just like a torch that was about to burn out in the storm, "Can you tell me if it is really Lu Qingchen or the Scarlet Heart Demon who passed the test first, can they really get the inheritance of Yuanshi civilization, so-called' Primordial Secret Treasure', what exactly are these things that can really help them order the entire Pangu universe and dominate our civilization?"

"In the inheritance of Yuanshi civilization, there are a lot of things far beyond your imagination."

The voice was not slow and fast, "Within the range you can understand, if Lu Qingchen or one of the Scarlet Heart Demon becomes the inheritor of Yuanshi civilization, they will first get a brand new body.

"I noticed that they do not have flesh and blood bodies, but exist in the form of special energy fluctuations and unstable magnetic fields. Although this form has many advantages, it is always inconvenient to move in the three-dimensional universe composed of matter. .

"Within the technological limits of the Yuanshi civilization, this is not a big problem. They can find a new body in our war machine warehouse at will, whether it is carbon-based, silicon-based, flesh and blood or precision machinery. It is composed of the most powerful spar, and even starry alien bodies like "Void Hunter" and "Hill Cancer", coupled with the most cutting-edge biochemical technology modulation of Yuanshi Civilization, and then integrated into a large number of mechanical and metal structure attack units, Becoming an incomparably terrifying cosmic emperor-we also have such a technology.

"In addition, in the depths of almost every habitable planet and resource planet in the Pangu universe, we have buried fully automated military bases that can automatically collect, smelt and refine, as long as there is sufficient energy and resources, With a steady flow of energy, the army of battle puppets and even Xinghai battleships does not need to be manipulated by humans. As long as the commander's brainwaves, it can rumble and run until the death.

"Of course, I believe that even if they need to recruit a large number of manpower, it is definitely not a problem-as long as their identity as the'Heir of Yuanshi Civilization' is made public, and they come with a magnificent and obscure body of the gods and demons. Most of your kind will worship them, right?

"Why, it seems that you really don't want these two of the same kind to inherit the legacy of Yuanshi civilization?"


Li Yao reluctantly said, "However, I don't even want to see Yuanshi civilization slide down the abyss of terror, become a ruthless butcher civilization, and become a group of space cockroaches that exterminate humanity!"

"Your stupidity is sighing, and your persistence is admirable."

The voice said, "Then, if I tell you, from a certain level, the remnants of these starry alien races and lower civilizations are part of the'Hong Tide'. In the near future, the entire Yuanshi civilization will be wiped out. Can such information make you change your mind?"


Li Yao's soul trembles sharply, and he keenly grasps the key to the voice, "You mean, the so-called'Hong Chao' is a coalition of alien races and lower civilizations against the Yuanshi civilization? But what is meant by'on a certain level'? What is it!"

"I can't tell you what Hong Chao is, because with your current understanding, you can't recognize its full picture and horror at all, but I can guarantee that I didn't lie to you, because providing false information will let you make it. False judgment, which is inconsistent with our original intention of the test."

The voice said, "In short, in real history, the "Great Extinction Order" for alien races and lower civilizations in the sky is not due to various objective factors, the most important being the vastness of the sea and the inefficiency of information transmission. It was 100% implemented, and there were many fish that slipped through the net—perhaps it was these fish that slipped through the net that formed a flood shortly afterwards, which in turn overthrew the rule of Yuanshi civilization.

"So, in the ultimate test, if the "Great Extinction Order" can be promulgated earlier and implemented more firmly, it will be possible to reverse the fate of Yuanshi civilization.

"A long time later, on the road of defeat and escape, experts and wise men of the remnants of Yuanshi civilization have conducted thousands of deductions, and they all believed that the period around the promulgation of the "Great Extinction Order" was the most critical turning point of Yuanshi civilization. , At the first thought of decay, and missed the best opportunity, there is no power to stop the rise of the flood and the destruction of our race.

"If you still want to continue this test, want to get our heritage, want to save your people, and defend your civilization, then make a choice...you have no choice!"

The sound contains infinite magic power, eroding Li Yao's soul in a silent way.

For the first time, Li Yao fell into such a confused and hesitant situation.

A lively and immersive picture, shuttled in his mind, intertwined into an intricate mess.

If he did not choose "The Order of the Great Extinction", the ultimate test would have a high probability of failing. At that time, either Lu Qingchen would get the Primordial Secret Treasure, or the human civilization in the Pangu universe would be completely wiped out.

However, if he chooses "The Great Extinction Order", what is the difference from Lu Qingchen and his ilk? Will the growing scales swallow him completely, turning him from a "dragon slayer" to an "evil dragon"?

If he really got the inheritance of Yuanshi civilization in this way, would he really have the ability to control the inheritance, instead of becoming a slave to the inheritance and becoming a replica of the Yuanshi clan?

Do not……

He is not a replica of the Yuanshi Clan, he is a brand new human!

But the problem cannot be solved by just a few drops of blood and a few roars. Ding Lingdang and the others are still testing. If he does not break the barrier soon, Ding Lingdang and the others will run into such a difficult and sinister choice sooner or later. With Ding Lingdang's character that would rather not bend, he would never compromise with his voice.

Then, will Ding Lingdang follow in the footsteps of the "Missing the Masses" and the "Dragon Lotus Seed" and be obliterated by the sound in an extremely tragic way, turning into 10,000 flaming butterflies.

Such a scene lingered vividly in Li Yao's mind, causing every brain cell of Li Yao to tremble deeply.

There is also the truth about Hong Chao, including the biggest secret in Li Yao's heart-what is going on with the "earth" he was born, and all the answers seem to be unlocked only after passing the ultimate test.

What should he do? How to do it!

Although he did not face a concrete, real, and invincible enemy, and only faced a seemingly simple test, Li Yao still felt that he had never been so lonely and helpless.

He wished he had a few comrades fighting side by side, and wished that seniors such as Jin Tuyi or Boss Bai could give him some pointers, or that bad friends such as Scarlet Heart Demon and Long Yangjun could gag with him to relieve tension. It is best. It’s Ding Lingdang who can appear next to him now, punching him **** the shoulder, so that he doesn’t have to think about anything, as long as he tries his heart, but, no, his relatives and friends are not around, only He was alone, facing the deep universe, and the inner world deeper than the universe.

Cultivation, Li Yao once thought that he had cultivated for one or two hundred years, and he had cultivated to the superb realm of the number one master of human civilization in the Pangu universe. He even practiced three thousand reincarnations in the mundane world of virtual space, and he had already penetrated his sincerity. Until this moment, I realized that I was wrong. It was so wrong, human heart and soul, unfathomable, even if I spent my whole life searching up and down, who would dare to boast that I can really see my own soul?

Before the "choice with no choice" arrived, no one knew what he would do.

Li Yao regretted it even before he made a choice.

But he chose to let the test continue, for... everything.

In his mind, the slaughter machine of Yuanshi civilization began to rumble, and blood stained the entire star sea.

Human beings are such contradictory existences. A moment ago, Li Yao was deeply shocked by the majestic military strength of Yuanshi civilization and the rise of the soul-stirring. He felt proud and praised. At this moment, he felt that those who grew up with him The exact same kind is so cruel and terrifying.

Just now, when the "Void Hunter" and "Hill Cancer" and other star alien races inadvertently swallowed and destroyed the Yuanshi tribe like ants, Li Yao also felt extremely powerless and angry, faintly looking forward to the Yuanshi tribe's Jedi counterattack. The day that soared into the sky came.

But when this innocence came, countless cubs of different races in the starry sky shivered under the firing of the cannons of the Yuanshi civilization, and their nests and all traces of survival were wiped out. Li Yao felt the heartache that could not be described with pen and ink. upset.

Many individuals of lower civilizations have hideous faces or deer-headed eyes. When Li Yao sees them, he will be wary and disgusted in his heart, but these individuals are hurting, bleeding, or waving in order to protect their relatives and their homes. When the simple war knife rushed towards the most advanced war machine of Yuanshi civilization, the kind of indomitable and death-seeking, but also aroused the stormy seas in Li Yao's heart, making Li Yao ashamed and afraid to look directly into their eyes.

"Things... shouldn't be like this."

Li Yao muttered to himself, "I, what have I done!"

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