40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3122: Stand up and fight back!

In Li Yao's vision, the hot blood turned into rotten pus, the noble warrior turned into a brutal butcher, and the warriors who had fought for survival and glory were sinking into the abyss of desperation and hard-to-fill in countless massacres. In and destruction, by the way, the last ray of light in my heart was completely wiped out.

The Xinghai is too vast and too dark. The Yuanshi Clan’s journey has gone so far that everyone loses their way, forgets their origin, and does not know where their destination is.

They were overwhelmed by the blood of innocent people and suffered too much radiation erosion. They were alienated into an unrecognizable appearance. They completely forgot the reason for the war. They were only driven by the killing instinct decided hundreds of millions of years ago, and they became the slaves of genes. , Keep burning, killing, conquering, and destroying!

This process lasted for a long, long time, and Yuanshi civilization continued to expand and expand, expanding into countless "sub-universes" similar to the Pangu universe in the universe.

According to the different characteristics and laws of each "sub-universe", and also greatly influenced by the local aborigines, the Yuanshi clan also presents ever-changing and extremely splendid different forms.

The psychic energies of some sub-universes mainly exhibit the characteristics of "ripples", and the psychic energies of some sub-universes mainly exhibit the characteristics of "particles". How to use different forms of psychic energies with the highest efficiency determines the difference of Yuanshi clan. Evolution direction.

The spiritual energy of some sub-universes is relatively pure and violent, and it is difficult to be used by various war machines. On the contrary, it can be absorbed and directly released by the human body. In these sub-universes, a cultivation system called "fighting qi" was born, which derives a Series of dazzling fighting skills and fighting gods and the like.

There are also some sub-universes. As Li Yao knows, the barriers between the three-dimensional space and the four-dimensional space are not strong, and the power of the four-dimensional space can be easily absorbed, and a cultivation system called "magic" was born. Psionic practitioners Fight with the supreme power of the four-dimensional storm.

Of course, there are also Yuanshi clan who unswervingly followed the "science and technology" line, claiming to be the orthodox of Yuanshi civilization.

Even in some of the more remote sub-universes, the Yuanshi Clan is good at domesticating the alien races in the starry sky, making the alien beasts into their own mounts, and even trying to integrate them with the alien beasts to become powerful "beast warriors" and "dragons". Biochemical warriors such as "God General".

In these remote sub-universes far away from the emperor on the mountain, the "Great Extinction Order" was not effectively implemented. People used another method according to the voice to implement "spiritual castration" of alien races and lower civilizations in the sky, but retained their rights. life.

The Yuanshi clan’s conquest of the universe did not happen overnight. Millions of years of conquests and vast distances were enough to differentiate the Yuanshi civilization into hundreds of different political entities, and their power systems and appearances were all different. , It's just that everyone admits that they are Yuanshi clan, and that long ago, each other came from an ancient blue planet-the earth.

The Yuanshi clan in each sub-universe, after a long period of differentiation and estrangement, of course cannot remain united forever. There are also small frictions between each other, but their attitudes are the same when facing the starry sky aliens and Yuanshi civilization. Consistent, that is "conquer and destroy."

"and many more--"

Li Yao has always felt that Ru Kou is in his throat. At this moment, he finally throws out the doubts in his heart. "There is one thing that I really can't figure out. According to the characteristics of the sub-universe, Yuanshi civilization will develop different evolutionary directions, social forms and power systems, and appear." Cultivation universe','magic universe','fighting universe','mechanical universe','technological universe' and so on are gorgeous and colorful, which is logical and easy to understand.

"Presumably, my ancestors, that is, you, came from a certain ‘comprehensive universe’, right?

"My question is, why it seems that the vast majority of residents of the'Cultivation Universe' have black hair and black eyes, while the'Magic Universe' is blond and blue-eyed? This makes no sense at all!

"After hundreds of thousands to millions of years of conquest, the blood of the ancient earth has long been diluted to almost zero. Shouldn't the concepts of nation still exist? Everyone has abandoned the ancient concepts of nation and blood. Living together, new races are born, or the'Cultivation Universe' also has a large number of blonde and blue-eyed residents, and the'Magic Universe' also has many black-haired and dark-eyed residents-this is only reasonable."

Facing Li Yao's questioning, his voice was silent.

Perhaps it has faced challenges from hundreds of testers, including Lu Qingchen and Scarlet Heart Demon, but it has never encountered such a problem.


Li Yao’s soul became more and more hot and sharp because of the flames of shame and anger. "You have never forgotten the hatred on the ancient earth, or in other words, in the era of wandering stars and struggling to survive in the same boat, you have forgotten. The ancient hatred, but as your power continues to expand, you raise a butcher knife against the carbon-based intelligent life of the entire universe, and in the process of continuous conquest and destruction, you also destroy your own'ability to trust' and destroy' Belief in kindness and the pursuit of justice, the more you conquer, the more greedy you are, the more destruction you are, the more fear you are. First, fear the counterattack of lower civilizations and alien races in the starry sky, and then fear your own race—— No, for those black-haired and black-eyed Yuanshi tribes, are the blond and blue-eyed Yuanshi tribes really "the same race"? On the ancient earth, in order to compete for living space, everyone will fight to the death and death, and almost destroy each other's common home. Huh? Now, although your homeland has expanded hundreds of millions of times, your ambitions have also expanded hundreds of millions of times. Who knows if the'Fourth World War' will be staged in a more cruel way in the endless star sea?

"If you are not my race, their hearts will be different. This is a good saying, but who is my'race' and who is the "alien"? When all the starry alien races and lower civilizations fall , Became the souls haunting the Yuanshi clan's war swords, the biggest threat, became each other, right?

"It's ridiculous, such a simple truth, I should have thought of it just now-you used Homo sapiens to go out of Africa and expand to the entire earth to find rationality for the journey and slaughter of the Yuanshi clan, but don't forget, even Mankind has exterminated mammoths, saber-toothed tigers and almost all large beasts, and has not ushered in eternal peace. On the contrary, under the corpses of mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, a more terrifying enemy appeared, that is, mankind himself!

"The only one who can destroy mankind is yourself. This sentence, when placed in the endless starry sky, is also valid?

"The black-haired and black-eyed Yuanshi tribe are deeply wary of the blond and blue-eyed Yuanshi tribe, and the blond and blue-eyed Yuanshi tribe also cast the sharpest gaze on the black-haired and black-eyed Yuanshi tribe, even if one of them never thought of going over the earth age How do you know that the other party will not mention the old things again and reignite war? After all, what old accounts of the earth age, including the difference in appearance, are just excuses. You have already lost your way in the **** journey. Become a slave to the killing instinct, and become a poor worm bound by a chain of suspicion!

"In the end, what happened between different sub-universes was really just a ‘small friction’? Or was it a ‘Yuanshi Civil War’ that was ten times more intense than the war of conquest?

"Remember what you said at the very beginning-most civilizations that flourished did not die from foreign invasions, but after reaching the limit of expansion, they died in internal struggles and once lived in the Pangu universe. This is the case with the Pedai civilization. Isn’t that the case with your Yuanshi civilization?

"So, I boldly guess that after conquering most of the starry sky alien races and lower civilizations, the Yuanshi civilization also split into hundreds of different forces, and launched an extremely cruel civil war-really. It is also very appropriate for the'Fourth World War'.

"This war has completely destroyed the trust between you, and raised each other's suspicion and vigilance to the extreme, so that even the slightest difference cannot be tolerated. During this period, there must have been countless screenings and cleanings. All'non-self The guys of the race have been cleansed out, the entire'cultivation universe' only has black hair and black eyes, and the'magic universe' only has blond hair and blue eyes—tell me, is that true? Tell me!"

The voice was silent for a long time.

"It does not matter."

It said that the voice was very difficult. Obviously, this was an answer that hadn't been seen for hundreds of millions of years.

"No, this is important."

Li Yao smiled extremely sadly, "If this is the case, the greatest enemy of the Yuanshi clan is the Yuanshi clan, and the greatest enemy of mankind is mankind. Then, what is the meaning of the so-called "Major Extinction Order"?

"On the other hand, I believe that there really is such an extremely cruel super civil war. The civil war has deeply divided the bonds between each sub-universe, and once again the close comrades in the same siblings have become strangers and even enemies. After a long period of fermentation, the so-called “Yuanshi Civilization” has survived in name only, and has evolved into countless strange and vigilant independent civilizations. Perhaps they still remember the story of the blue planet and the earth, but it is already an ancient legend and illusory. The myth.

"The final result is that when the'Hong Tide' really rises and rushes toward you with murderous aura, the so-called'Yuanshi Civilization' has no way to condense into an iron plate to fight the enemy together, and can only be swallowed by the flood tide one by one. Now, I even dare to conclude that when a certain'magic universe' was swallowed by the flood, the Yuanshi clan in the'comprehensive universe' that had been against it was still laughing, clapping and cheering!

"And the starting point for all this is the "Great Extinction Order", and it can even reach the age of the earth. The moment you abandoned 95% of your compatriots, from that moment on, you have already lost being the most proud and guardian of mankind. Thing lost the soul of earth civilization and turned into a group of space cockroaches in human skin!"

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