40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3205: Dream is not a dream

"I, I want to know what your brother is doing, especially his, the whole process of his illness!"

Li Yao was overjoyed and said with excitement, "Miss what is your last name?"

"My name is Dong."

The other side seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "Where should I start... Our family is on the edge of a big mountain in the central region. Although the family has been relatively poor since childhood, my brother showed his love for studying at a very young age." He is not only our family, but also the pride of our town. He was admitted to a well-known key university with the number one score in the city.

"After graduating from university, my brother found a very good job in the provincial capital. He was highly regarded by the leaders. He became the head of the department in just a few years. He bought a house in the provincial capital and found a girlfriend. I'm about to get married-what I mean by saying this is that my brother is in the upswing of his career, and his future and love are very complete, and there is no factor that will stimulate him.

"Moreover, he has been very sunny and cheerful since he was a child. He likes to read and exercise. He doesn't have any bad habits. He doesn't touch anything like eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and smoking. He doesn't even smoke or drink. It is a freak to be placed in our town.

"As for our family, although poor, there is nothing to drag him down. Our two brothers and sisters may be in a poor environment when they were young, and they were more struggling when studying. But since he went to university, he has a scholarship to support himself. Mom and Dad are here. After two years of contracting the orchard, the conditions have gradually improved. I graduated from university the year before and found a stable job. In short, you know, our family's life is getting better every day, and there is no trouble.

"But my brother is crazy. That was last year.

"In the beginning, he often called me to complain, saying that someone was stalking him, and someone installed a wiretap in his office. At that time, I thought it was a business dispute, internal troubles in the office, and so on. I just graduated. What can I do? I can only ask my colleagues in the company to take care of him, but several good colleagues in the company say that my brother is the most important middle-level cadre in the company. It is when the spring breeze is proud, who will follow him And eavesdrop on him?

"After a month or two, my brother's condition became more and more serious. He gradually had hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. He called me and said that he found the person who followed him. It turned out to be his shadow! He said that there were some A mysterious power can manipulate his shadow, and even interfere with and hurt him through the shadow!

"At this time, I realized that something was wrong with my brother. I looked at my brother's social media and his comments on the Internet, and I saw those... "Dream Traveler" and other weird articles. Then I contacted my brother's colleagues. A brother’s best friend said that my brother recently used kitchen tin foil to make a hat every day, covering his entire head, saying that this would isolate his brain waves from emitting and avoid being locked into his coordinates by some evil beings.

"I want to say that the leader of my brother's company who valued him was really kind to him. Even if this happened, he was still not fired. But once, at a meeting to receive a heavyweight partner, my brother actually Pointing to the tip of the opponent's boss, he yelled, saying that he saw that the other party was a vicious murderer in his previous life, and that he messed up a big cooperation plan.

"When this kind of thing happens, the company can't stay there anymore. I should have sent my brother to the provincial capital hospital for treatment. However, in our small place, someone in the family is mentally ill. It is not good to say it, and mom and dad. I also have a slight illusion that my brother is under too much pressure at work, and maybe just go home and rest for a while.

"So, we took my brother from the provincial capital back to his hometown and let him stay at home.

"In the beginning, my brother’s symptoms did relieve a lot. I stopped having those messy and weird dreams, and I wouldn’t just point to each other’s nose when I saw people on the street and say the last life. We were all happy and thought that my brother was going to recovered.

"As a result, one day my elder brother seemed to see some news about the accidental death of a novelist on the Internet. He fell ill again. He found the stainless steel pot for cooking at home and placed it on his head. He kept mumbling about who he was. If I couldn't understand it, my ten fingers twisted into a ball and made some weird gestures.

"Now, it won't work if you don't send him to the hospital.

"You said that my brother is not crazy. Please believe that our relatives hope that he is not crazy, but he is like this, wrapped in tin foil on his head, and put on a stainless steel pot. He said that he was in his previous life and was afraid of his own shadow. What is it if you are not crazy?"

Li Yao turned on the hands-free and listened to each other's talk with Zhang Daniu. The two looked at each other for a long time. After thinking for a while, they cautiously said, "Miss Dong, thank you for your openness. It is said that since he was swimming in a reservoir and accidentally drowned in the third grade of elementary school, he had the ability to travel through dreams and see his past life-did you know this before?"

"You mean his answer on'Zhi No', right?"

The other party smiled bitterly, "Do you really believe what he said?"

"I do not know."

Li Yao said, "So, I'm asking you for verification-guessing boldly and verifying carefully!"


The other party simply said, "They are all fake, he fabricated them indiscriminately."

"Why are you so sure?"

Li Yao said, "Even if your brother's current mental state is really...not very stable, it cannot be said that what happened when he was a child must be fake!"

"Because, my brother has never drowned, do you understand?"

The other side said, "I am two years younger than my brother. When he was in the third grade of elementary school, I happened to be in the first grade. I have remembered many things. I never knew that my brother had drowned and fell into a coma for half a month.

"Even if I am too young and have a bad memory, my parents are less than 60 years old and have a clear mind. They can never forget that their son was drowned and unconscious for half a month when he was a child?

"Also, many of my brother’s elementary school classmates are neighbors next door to our house. They still live in the town. After my brother became ill, I also went to these neighbors to verify. None of my brother’s elementary school classmates remembered him drowning. Things.

"The most important evidence, how my brother wrote in his answer, he said he was drowning in the reservoir behind my grandmother's house, but my grandmother died before we were born. Our area is a mountainous area and it is very dry. , There is no reservoir in Baishili at all!"


Li Yao was dumbfounded, "Also, is there such a thing?"

"Yes it is."

The other side said, "All the people in our place are all land ducks. My brother is no exception. He doesn't know how to swim at all. Is there any chance to drown in the non-existent reservoir behind the long-dead grandmother's house? ?"

Li Yao was speechless, perspiring coldly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Dong."

He stammered, "I, I don't know, your brother's writing is too real, too immersive, wait, his answer was only issued not long ago, and you said he has been ill for a year. In other words, he wrote this answer in a state of...schizophrenia, including many previous articles?"


The other party said, "At that time, he was in a good state of mind. We were afraid of irritating him and dared not take his mobile phone. So he held the mobile phone and wrote and sent desperately. Many posts were made at that time.

"You can't blame you for this matter, because, because there is nothing strange to say, that's not right-something very strange happened when my brother was hospitalized for the first time."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows high: "What's the strange thing?"

"That's what you said, grandma's house, reservoir, drowning, dream traveler."

The other party said, "When I first saw his answer, it was regarded as nonsense, because I knew very well that my brother must have never drowned, but once I went to see him, he quietly told me that drowning is real. , But not in this life, but in the previous life.

"He told me that he had lived in a small county called'Liaojiang' in Jiangdong Province in his previous life. Not far from the county is a large reservoir. He also told me a lot of unique local topography and even snacks. The living habits of the local people even spoke a few local dialects, and the tone that came out of his mouth was completely different from the dialect of our hometown, which shocked me.

"My brother, please, I must go to Jiangdong Province to find this place called'Liaojiang'-although finding this place, it may not prove that he is not crazy, but at least, at least it can prove something!"

Li Yao listened intently, and couldn't help asking: "Have you gone?"

"I'm going."

The other party said, "Perhaps I shouldn't go, and shouldn't waste time because of a madman's madness, but he is my brother, and the relationship between the two of us is very good, including the tuition for my university, most of which came from him. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I am willing to try it.

"I went to Jiangdong Province and did not find the place'Liaojiang', but based on the topography described by my brother and the recorded dialects, I found a county called'Liaochuan'.

"Did you know that the appearance of the place is almost the same as my brother's description, including the reservoir in the southeast of the city, the lonely pagoda on the mountain to the west of the reservoir, and the local dialect. What I said by my brother The dialect was broadcast to the locals, and they all said that this was a native of Liaochuan.

"My brother also mentioned a unique local snack, which is dried and ground the local specialty yellow flowers into powder, and then sprinkled on the physalis noodles, sour and sweet, the taste is very unique-eat physalis noodles all over the country There are many places, but this is the only one that sprinkles yellow pollen on them, even in towns that are thirty to fifty kilometers adjacent to them, they don’t have this way of eating, and even farther away, I’ve never heard of this way of eating. "

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