40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3206: Sea genius concentration camp

The hairs behind Li Yao stood up one by one.

Looking at each other with Zhang Daniu, they both saw the chill in each other's eyes.

The words from the other side were as creepy as a ghost story at midnight. Li Yao seemed to have seen such a picture—beside a flooded reservoir in a remote town in the south, some people used the local place to be low and low. Singing folk songs in tactful dialects, there is a confused girl staring at the reservoir dumbfounded, and there are still yellow flowers floating on the water...

Li Yao shook his head vigorously, trying to calm himself down.

Of course, there are many "reasonable" and "scientific" explanations for this matter. For example, "Dream Traveler" has been to the southern town "Liaochuan" on business, or he has collected local customs and topography on the Internet.

but why?

Why do you still use this kind of thing to scare your own sister when you are diagnosed with schizophrenia?

The whole thing doesn't make sense at all.

What's more, there is "Ark".

Li Yao asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter with the Ark Foundation? You can't send your brother to the Ark Psychotherapy Center from the beginning, right?"

"of course not."

The other party said, "In the beginning, we sent our brother to our local hospital, but ours is a small place. The mental illness hospital is very small and the level of doctors is not necessarily high. People don't know much about mental illness. , I only know the concept of "lunatics". Our hospital just keeps these lunatics from running out to endanger the society and cause trouble to the family.

"It is conceivable how terrible such a diagnosis and treatment environment is.

"I've been to that place three times. Well, it's not a place for people to stay. When I think of my brother's suffering in that place, my heart is cut, and I want to cry without tears.

"The conditions of the psychiatric hospitals in the provincial capital are of course better, but I checked a lot of information and found that they do not have very effective treatments for mental illness. They can only treat conservatively, at best, the environment is better, and the care is more standardized.

"If my brother is really crazy, there is nothing to say about this result, but Liaochuan and his party have made me deeply suspicion-this suspicion is that I came into contact with the Ark Foundation later, including today’s willingness to The only reason you are open and honest.

"After I came back from Liaochuan, I had doubts about everything. I could no longer bear my brother being locked up in a psychiatric hospital with a bad environment, but there was no other way. So I wrote down my experience and sent a post for help. ."


Li Yao didn't expect the sister of "Dream Traveler" to also post related posts, but think about it, every day there are countless strange people and strange things that pop up on the Internet. 99% of them will be submerged in invalid information, and it is naturally impossible for him to see it.

"In a few days, a woman who claimed to be a staff member of the Ark Foundation contacted me and asked me about my brother's condition, especially his illness."

The other party continued, "After I said everything in one hundred and fifty-nine, the other party said that my brother may not be schizophrenia, but another more special new type of mental illness, and the'psychotherapy center' under their foundation, There is one in ten thousand hope that this disease can be cured. Even if it cannot be cured, their treatment environment is much better than that of our county hospitals or provincial hospitals. They can try to ensure that the patients are in a very comfortable environment. Be more standardized and careful."

"is it?"

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "Sounds good, the price must be very expensive, and this kind of private medical center may not be able to reimburse it. Is your family background able to afford the medical expenses for long-term treatment?"

"No, they don't want money."

The other side said, "The staff member said that my brother can be arranged into a'charity medical project', and all hospitalization expenses will be paid by the'Ark Foundation'. The price is that they may try something unverified on my brother. The cutting-edge medical treatments-it is also very understandable. If it is not particularly advanced and dangerous cutting-edge medical treatments, how can diseases such as schizophrenia be cured?"

"So, you agreed?"

Li Yao asked.

"We, we can't help it."

The other party sobbed again, "I also know that the medical plan provided by the Ark Foundation is extremely risky, and even a bit of using my brother as a'little mouse'. However, at that time, my brother was in very bad condition and he was in hospital. During the treatment, I tried to commit suicide three times. Without tools, I bit my wrist with my teeth and scarred. For the last time, I bit the blood vessel of my wrist in the middle of the night, and then stuffed my hand into the quilt to prevent others from discovering it, or the doctor He almost succeeded in the rounds!

"When he was still awake, he told me that he didn't want to die, let alone commit suicide. There was some power controlling him, and his shadow wanted to kill him!

"What can our local hospital do? If you don't want him to continue suicide, he can only wear restraint suits 24 hours a day and inject high-strength tranquilizers-such tranquilizers can also cause irreversible damage to the brain. , Three or five years later, what is the difference between my brother and dead?

"Through my brother’s original boss in the company, the psychiatrist of the provincial capital hospital also came to help my brother for consultation. Although they didn’t say it clearly, it can be seen that they did not have a particularly effective targeted treatment plan. , Wear straitjacket, put tranquilizers-how smart and proud my brother was originally, I don’t want him to become an incontinent idiot and lunatic who commits suicide at every turn in the second half of his life. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I’m willing try!

"Moreover, I have investigated the'Ark Foundation' through many channels, and there is no problem. Their office and a temporary medical center have been visited by myself. The environment there is indeed better than the county hospital and the mental illness of the provincial capital. The hospital is much better. It is said that there are still many internationally renowned psychiatric and neurological experts who have joint consultations. What else can I worry about?"

"Yes, Miss Dong, you have done your best within your ability."

Li Yao heard the trembling in the voice of the other party, thinking about it is really not easy for a girl who just came out of society to do this for her brother. He hurriedly comforted a few words and said, "Then, can you tell me that your brother is now? Where is the treatment? Can you visit him often?"

"This, I'm afraid it won't work."

The other side said, "Brother may not be in China now."

"Not in the country?"

Li Yao quickly blinked, "What do you mean?"

"The Ark Foundation has some offices and temporary medical centers in China, but their real medical center is overseas, and there is also a medical ship with very advanced facilities, which seems to be a supertanker modified, which can accommodate tens of thousands of patients. Patients are treated at the same time."

The other side said, "The staff of the Ark Foundation told me that many of their treatment methods and the drugs they use, such as the use of nanotechnology to intervene in the human brain, and the'neuroremediation elements' extracted from the brains of apes, are all in the world. In the approval process of medical organizations in various countries, because many methods and drugs are extremely controversial, and even have ethical risks like cloned sheep in the past, it is difficult to pass the medical treatment of various countries in the world within three or five years. Institutional approval.

"In other words, they cannot set up medical institutions within the territories of several major countries, nor are they allowed to engage in activities in the fields of medical treatment and drug sales within the borders of each country. Therefore, they adopted this method and used a ship registered in The ships of the Republic of Java act as their mobile hospitals, circumventing legal problems to the greatest extent.

"These things, as we explained beforehand, including a series of risks, we all understand clearly and respect our opinions to the utmost extent. Our family also thought for a long time before sending my brother to the Ark Foundation. of.

"Although I can’t go to see my brother often, but we do remote video every week. It can be seen that after just a few weeks of treatment, my brother’s condition is much better. He is fatter and his skin is a little darker. People have regained their former heartiness again-the healing effect is so good, what can we worry about?"

"So that's it, a medical ship that comes and goes without a trace."

Li Yao narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you sure it is your brother who is talking to you on the video? Since his condition has been relieved, did you say when he can heal and return home?"

"Of course I'm sure, that's my brother!"

The other party laughed, "Do you suspect someone pretending to be my brother? Why, my brother is not such a great man!

"As for the question of when to go home, I also asked him, but he said,'Ark Foundation' is not only a treatment of mental illness, but the main research field is'Human Brain Limits'. They believe in'genius and A madman is only separated by a thin line. Only by starting with a seemingly crazy brain can you break through the limits of human wisdom and soul. In short, the Ark Foundation has gathered countless elites from all over the world. My brother has made many good friends there, and it is possible Staying at the Ark Foundation-My brother’s schizophrenia has been recorded in the hospital. It is difficult for a large domestic company to recruit such a person who has been “crazy”? If he recovers, he may stay in the Ark. The work of the foundation, our family has no objection."

"Understood, thank you, Miss Dong."

Li Yao solemnly thanked the other party for the matter, and then asked the other party about some of the "Ark Foundation" staff. However, it sounded no different from ordinary medical institutions. In the end, Li Yao just recorded a few Ark. The addresses of the Foundation Office and Temporary Medical Center, after thanking them again, hung up the phone.

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