
Pepe feels that today's father is very different-although he usually has a frown, worried and even unpredictable appearance, but today's father looks extraordinarily solemn and indifferent, as if he has an invisible armor of blood. , Wrap him tightly.

For a moment, Pepe even suspected that the man standing in front of him who seemed to be shrouded in darkness and scarlet was not her father, but the cruelest creature that could be found in countless stars.

The girl took a step back and stammered, "Just because of this? It's because Shanuya has awakened his self-awareness and wants to know who it is? Isn't this a question that everyone wants to know? When a child grows up, he has to figure out who he is!"

"Others may be able to, but Void Hunter can't, because they are too large and control too dangerous power. Once they figure out their own destiny and produce independent ideas, it is very likely to cause...unimaginable consequences."

Dad said coldly, "For thousands of years, countless tragic lessons have taught us that when dealing with Void Hunters, we can't be too vigilant, so we formed the'Dream Control Bureau' and came up with various mental scans. And the method of consciousness testing constitutes a number of lines of defense, and the core and most critical of all lines of defense is its name.

"You may not know that since our ancestors encountered the first void hunter in the depths of the sea of ​​stars,'Blow Out', all the newly born void hunters are called'Shannuya'. Of course, this name refers to it. The brutal king in The Thousand and One Nights is a metaphor for the fate of all of us, just like the daughter of the prime minister, Shan Ruzod, and all the girls who live under the clutches of the king, our life and death depend on' The king’s joy and anger, and the king’s joy and anger depends on the stories we provide. Only by constantly providing fresh stories and sincere emotions can we survive hard nights after another and usher in the day of hope.

"When a brand new Void Hunter had just been'reborn' from the tentacles and began another journey of life, its nervous system was relatively simple, and it had not been able to produce enough intelligence-in fact, if it were not for the stimulation of the unexpected factor of our humans , Void Hunter will never need the so-called'intelligence' to live well in the universe.

"It's a pity that we humans need a certain level of intelligence from the Void Hunter so that we can better... cooperate with it and let it grow, jump, roam, swallow, and destroy according to our hearts. After thousands of years of hard work , Various methods of stimulating the growth of the Void Hunter's neural network, including how to communicate and the secret technique of control, are already very mature. Sanuya and all of its'brothers and sisters' are the product of artificial intervention and enhanced stimulation.

"However, we don't need the Void Hunter's intelligence to be too mature and too powerful, and we don't want it to learn the darkest things in the depths of the human brain in in-depth communication.

"In other words, we hope that the Void Hunter can always maintain the intelligence level of four or five years old, at most seven or eight years old. Once its intelligence level exceeds ten years old, it is too, too dangerous.

"A child of four or five years old may not be curious about the origin of his name, but a child who understands the meaning of'Sannuya' and expresses a clear dislike, his intelligence must exceed the level of seven, eight or even ten years old, and Judging from the fact that it is good at advocating and named itself the Happy Prince, its personality is very strong, even uncontrollable-this is the reason why we had to arrange it to be reborn."

"Just because of the name?"

Pepe listened in amazement, only to feel that the whole world had become distorted. She wanted to laugh to alleviate the absurd atmosphere, but the laughter sounded like weeping, "What is the danger? I mean, even if Let Sanuya understand who it is, and what does it matter? Even if its intelligence has developed to the level of an adult in its 20s and 30s, what about it? Aren’t we friends, we all need each other and fight side by side. A close partner for thousands of years! We can't treat friends and partners like this, can we?"

"Remember, my daughter, always remember, there have never been any'friends' among these dark stars in front of you."

Dad said coldly, "Only the prey and the hunter, or the ruler and his slave."

Pepe subconsciously hugged her arms, and the girl felt so cold.

"What's more, even if we are willing to treat it as friends, how about it?"

Dad asked, "After knowing everything and controlling the power that is getting stronger day by day, is it willing to treat us as friends forever, and always pay for us selflessly, acting as our town, battleship, and mine?"

"of course!"

Peppa said without hesitation, "Shannuya is very kind and it will never change!"

"Don't be silly, Pepe, it will change, everything will change, we humans come to the center of the universe from the earth, and become completely unrecognizable, and all the races that are ups and downs in the sea of ​​stars, in order to survive, are all the time. Dramatic changes are taking place."

Dad sighed and said, "Shannuya is like a seven or eight-year-old child, from seven or eight to twenty to thirty to seventy or eighty-how many changes will happen to people’s minds? Humans can make it clear, and its power is too strong, just turning over a little, or performing a four-dimensional'stab' that was caught off guard, is enough to destroy our entire fleet. No one dares to take such a risk. No one dares to take such a risk. Dare to pin the lives and future of the entire fleet of hundreds of millions of people on the trust of a little girl and a big octopus, no one dares.

"What's more terrible is that Sanuya's intelligence level will not stay in the 30s and 40s of humans. No, it has far more neurons than humans. Even if the growth pattern of the neural network is relatively primitive, it is still passing through us. After intervention and stimulation, no one knows how terrifying fire of consciousness will be caused by the "Void Hunter's neural network" and "human thinking mode". If it is not restricted, its intelligence is very likely to increase indefinitely. , To the point of being'ten thousand times smarter than the wisest human beings'.

"A monster that is ten thousand times smarter than humans, has the power to smash the stars, and can make four-dimensional jumps at will, traveling the entire star sea-it will become the most terrifying life form since the birth of the universe, or in other words, the eternal life of all mankind. Doomsday!

"In order to prevent this from happening, in order to prevent it from awakening a stronger ambition than ours, killing hundreds of millions of people, becoming the eternal ruler of the universe, and enslaving us forever, we must take precautions before it happens and kill all the buds of danger. In the infancy, is there anything wrong with this?"

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