Pepe was dizzy when she heard it, and she felt red and black in front of her eyes. She instinctively felt that what Dad had said was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, she was still a kind and innocent girl. I always think that relying on "kindness" and "innocence" can solve all problems in the universe.

"Hu, nonsense!"

She trembled all over, and there was sore rushes deep in her nose, and she kept telling herself that she must not cry. She has grown up and is no longer the little girl who cries when nothing happens. She must protect Shannuya. Protect Shannuya without crying, "These are Dad’s guesses. It is you adults who have too much heart. I will not let Shannuya become a monster, I promise!"

"Guaranteed? What do you use to guarantee?"

Dad’s voice became colder and colder, "Compared to us humans, it was originally a monster, a...devil, all we can do is to delay the time it takes to expose its nature as much as possible, but in the end, no matter how much you give Efforts, and how reluctant to give up, this day will finally come.

"Don't rush to refute, think about it clearly, look at these materials-these top-secret materials are all the disasters caused by the void hunters in the past, open your eyes and face reality, my daughter!"

Dad clicked on the light curtain to show Pepe the full range of images and data of dozens of disasters.

Pepe could not use words to describe what she saw, nor could she use pen and ink to describe her mood at the moment.

In some images, the fragments of the Void Hunter's tentacles and the fragmented starship wreckage are mixed together, turning into an eternal cemetery floating in the sea of ​​stars.

In some images, the angry Void Hunter is really like what Dad said. The demon that humans cannot understand, descended from the four-dimensional space, waving tentacles tens of thousands of kilometers long, shattering ripples of destruction in the three-dimensional universe.

In some of the images, there are a series of icy numbers and rows of pale names. Those names are like a river that turns into a waterfall, flowing silently, as if it will never end.

"From the moment we humans first encountered the Void Hunter, this behemoth beyond our cognition has always existed in the form of'two sides of gods and demons'. Yes, it can protect us from the threat of 90% of the disasters in the universe. , Has expanded our cruising range thousands of times, but at the same time, it has also become our most terrifying memory, bringing disasters that will cause hundreds of millions of lives to die at any time."

Dad said, "Yes, dear daughter, you must tell me-those void hunters are unintentional. They don't understand the concept of life and death in our life form, and they don't know how much they have caused us. Hurt, they don't even know what a terrible catastrophe their twitching and shaking can bring!

"But, think about it, isn't this the scariest point?

"The'unintentional' actions of the Void Hunter can cause the loss of millions of human lives. If one day, it suddenly awakens a certain self that we cannot understand, it suddenly decides to do something'consciously', and it suddenly decides to become The real'Sannuya', what should we do at that time? What should we do!"

Pepe didn't know.

She suddenly felt that the way her father flared his teeth and claws was very similar to those wild hunters in the light curtain.

She was scared.

But he didn't know that he was more afraid of the father in front of him, or the out-of-control void hunters.

"You are very kind, Peppa, this is not a bad thing-in today's dark universe,'kindness' has become a very rare quality, just like the most brilliant gemstone. I hope you will always be so kind. Go down."

Dad saw the fear on Pepe’s face, his expression became a little tangled and sad, and he smiled bitterly, "But I still hope you can understand that what we are discussing now has nothing to do with'kindness'. A person with a gun has nothing to do with "kindness". A person without a gun can never be a friend. Even if the person with a gun is kind and promises that he will never use his gun, it will not help, especially when there is only one steamed bun in front of them.

"To maintain their friendship, unless two people have guns, or neither of them have guns, can you understand what I mean?"

"Do not."

Pepe shook his head, "Both Dad and brother like to dance knives and guns, but I just don't understand—what do we want guns for? Looking at Xinghai, there are not many foreign races that need to be shot with guns."

"Silly boy, guns were not originally invented to kill foreign races."

Dad smiled and said, "Forget it, if you can't figure out these complicated and difficult things, don't think about it again. Anyway, we don't really want to kill Sanuya, just help him regenerate-you should know best. The life form of the Void Hunter is very peculiar. From a certain perspective, it is'immortal'. Even if we use manual intervention to help it'explode', its several tentacles will still survive and become new. A generation of Shannuya.

"At that time, maybe you can still become the dream maker of the new Shanuya and tell it all the stories."

Pepe frowned and thought for a long time.

Then, the girl shook her head gently.

"Do not."

She said seriously, "The tentacles after the'explosion' will lose the memory and consciousness of the past and become a muddle-headed embryo. Even if one day they can grow up again, they will not be the current Shannuya."

"It's all Shannuya."

Dad said, "What's the difference?"


Pepe said, "The other Shannuya are not'my Shannuya.' Even though there are many Void Hunters named Shannuya, there is only one of them, the'Prince Shannuya'.'

"It seems that you and your'Prince Sanuya' have a really deep relationship."

Dad squinted his eyes and said in a low voice, "Or, our'Prince Shannuya' has developed an incredible neural network in the dark, and has mastered extremely powerful spiritual power, so that it can interfere with the will of a human being! "

"Do not!"

Peppa said anxiously, "Everything I say is what I say in my heart, it is my own thought, and it has nothing to do with Shannuya!"

"We will figure this out. Now, let's go and rest."

Dad groaned, "Wait, I changed my mind, Pepe, you should go to the hospital and take a good rest for two days. For the next thing, let other dreamers take care of it-Leiqi?"

The elder brother appeared behind Peppa and pressed her shoulders with care and no importance. The girl had never felt her elder brother's armor so cold.

"Do not-"

Pepe's eyes widened, "You can't do this!"

"Send your sister to the hospital and stay there. By the way, let the meditator have her little head checked."

Dad said to his brother blankly, "For these two days, no, three days, don't let her leave the hospital for half a step."

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