40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 801: Metamorphosis

Star Harbor No. 17 has been turned into ruins under the indiscriminate bombing. All airtight doors and connecting talisman arrays have turned into molten steel slag. The air from the inside of the tenth star ring is constantly escaping from the damage. Disperse, drive a group of whirlwinds, set off all over the wreckage.

Taixu warriors are like locusts that cover the sky and the sun. They swarmed from all directions. Xiao Xuance seems to have discovered the movements of these strong men through the Taixu warriors. Submerged, at least seriously consumes their psionic energy and crystal armor.

"Where did the spar battleship of the Yaoshi Group go?"

Si Kou Lie asked breathlessly.

He is a craftsman and is not good at fighting. Having persisted in the steel storm for so long, he has reached the limit.

"The spar battleship successfully broke through the ninth star ring, and is about to arrive here, but it can't be anchored here, we will fly out of the starport to board the ship!"

Li Yao and the cultivator fought and left, and flew out of Star Harbor.

The situation in the star sea is more chaotic than in the tenth star ring. There are red-headed flies-like Taixu warriors everywhere, and spar battleships collide and explode everywhere, one after another, like fireworks, one after another. The hour showed no sign of going out.

"We have suffered heavy casualties, and there is no time to find a second ship!"

Sikoulie scanned the situation of all the cultivators in the tactical system, and said anxiously, "The spar battleship of the Yaoshi Group is our only hope. Will it work? Can it carry us through the nine-layered star ring and attack Near the Sky Magic?"

"You know, the Sky Fantasy is a super warship produced by our Battle Star Alliance and Taixu Group. At that time, we didn’t know that Xiao Xuance was a cultivator. We planned to use the Sky Fantasy as the final battle, the flagship of the coalition forces, so we adopted It uses the most powerful magical powers to refine it. The main artillery and defensive runes it uses have not even been used on many of the main battleships of the Battle Star Alliance!"

"The ordinary starship arrived in front of the Tianhuan, and it is very likely to be killed by---a shelling!"

"Do not worry!"

Li Yao licked the corner of his mouth, "This spar battleship is the secret weapon of the Yaoshi Group. It may not be as powerful as the Tianhuan, but it is definitely the fastest in the world of flying stars, the strongest concealment, interference and anti-interference. The most capable starship-it is here!"

"where is it?"

All cultivators were ecstatic, with thousands of crystal eyes constantly scanning in all directions.

However, looking up, on the raging battlefield, there are shattered starship wreckage, and there is no super starship appearance at all.

At this moment, a dilapidated starship emerged from a piece of wreckage.

This is a transport ship no more than two kilometers in length. It is perfectly round, like a bloated buffalo. The anti-collision armor on the surface is mottled, pitted, and covered with rust. On the starship shell, there is simply a piece of east and west. , Patching together heat insulation and defensive patches, alive a twelve-handed old antique that was fished out of the scrap shipyard and smashed a few times, even too lazy to repaint the anti-rust paint.


All the cultivators were silent for a while.

The skeptical sight penetrated the crystal armor, crossed the sea of ​​stars, and undisguisedly focused on Li Yao.

Si Kou Lie was also dumbfounded, unable to utter a word for a long time, but kept breathing in air-conditioning.

Thousands of Taixu soldiers condensed into dozens of tornadoes, attacking them and this dying transport ship.

All the cultivators thought that this transport ship was too bad, because they did not see half of the turret on the surface of this transport ship, and even the faintly glowing psychic shield did not find it.

Once a large number of Taixu soldiers invaded the starship, this transport ship would have to wait to die!

However, when hundreds of Taixu soldiers invaded one hundred meters around the transport ship, amidst the sparks, they first stood still strangely, and then made a "click, click" sound. The limbs and crystalline spine were all twisted. Twist.

In an instant, hundreds of Taixu soldiers were completely destroyed!

"This is a newest type of magnetic energy defensive rune array, which is equivalent to placing a very strong controllable magnetic field outside the starship. As long as you have sufficient psionic energy, you can control all the surrounding metal!"

Li Yao explained to many stunned cultivators.

It was Si Kou Lie who reacted first and flew towards the Spark without hesitation: "We have no choice, let's go!"

The five hangar doors on the right side of the Spark opened, and more than a hundred cultivators boarded the ship at the same time, and more Taixu soldiers followed behind. When they entered the defensive range of the Spark, they were all peculiar. Magnetic field, twist it to smash!

The Spark turned in place and rushed towards the core area of ​​the holy city!

"Welcome fellow daoists, board the Spark."

Professor Mo Xuan concealed in a psychic prosthesis, and greeted hundreds of cultivators gracefully, "The Spark has powerful healing and recovery magic weapons. Please try your best to adjust your breath as soon as possible to reserve psionic energy for the upcoming fierce battle. ."

The internal environment of the Spark is completely different from the tattered exterior.

The whole presents a silvery-white liquid metal texture. There are no gaps between all the hatch doors, and there are no traces of welding or riveting. It is almost like a whole piece of silver, directly poured out.

To describe it with the words "seamless in heaven", they are all appropriate.

Even the Six Sects of Heavenly Sages, the well-informed Yuan Ying powerhouse, once boarded the Spark, were shocked by this internal structure and could not speak for a long time.

Si Kou Lie, a starship expert, had his eyes glowing, and he kept touching every corner of the Spark, wishing to blend into the Spark!

Si Koulie is the most powerful starship refining expert in the flying star realm. Professor Mo Xuan and others have become a unique "protoss" by chance, but they originally studied crystal armor and are refining stars. On the way of the ship, it has not yet reached Sikoulie's rank.

However, the life forms of the five star spirits, including Professor Mo Xuan, combined the human soul with the mustard-class liquid metal on the starship.

It can be said that they are part of the Spark, and the Spark is their "body"!

The improvement of their "body" is naturally beyond Si Koulie's imagination.

"I didn't expect that Yaoshi Group's starship refining level was so high that even our Battle Star Alliance might not be able to refining such a powerful starship!"

Si Kou Lie praised from the bottom of his heart.

Professor Mo Xuan smiled slightly and waved his hand. The silver-white walls around him immediately waved like ripples in a pond, quickly becoming almost transparent.

The entire star sea is presented in front of them.

In the front, several other holographic light curtains projected the form of the Spark from another angle of view, as well as the battle conditions on dozens of battlefields around it.

At this time, the Spark had left the tenth star ring and began to fly towards the core area of ​​the Celestial City.

But their troubles did not end, because many Taixu soldiers have filmed the scene of many masters entering the Spark.

A large number of Taixu soldiers, and the starship controlled by the immortal cultivator, the electric light flew towards the Spark, trying to lock them on the way.

In the face of all this, Professor Mo Xuan did not intend to blindly fight to death, but instead flew into a steel cemetery composed of more than a dozen starship wrecks under the control of the Spark.

Si Kou Lie was stunned for a moment. He was an expert in refining spar battleships, and he also had a certain understanding of starship battles.

Starship enters the debris area. Although it can evade the enemy's search, it is also very easy to be trapped by the debris and completely lose its mobility. It is a very passive tactic.

However, what happened next made him, an expert who has refined the spar battleship for a lifetime, been incredible and surprised!

When the Spark flew into the wreckage, it was still a bloated transport ship.

However, in the wreckage, after exploding a piece of tattered armor, it changed into a slightly slender assault ship.

Sikoulie recognized at a glance that this was a "Red Shark" class assault ship designed by their Battle Star Alliance more than 130 years ago. Because of its simple structure and reliable performance, more than 500 ships were refined. Favored by small and medium sects, it is still the first choice of some small sects.

This red shark assault ship was also rusty and riddled with holes, and large groups of fireballs appeared in many places, as if a large number of Taixu soldiers were rampaging inside the ship and were about to lose control.

Si Kou Lie blinked before realizing that this was a very clever disguise.

What Taixu Warriors were searching for was a dilapidated transport ship, but not a red shark assault ship.

What's more, looking at this assault ship tottering and disintegrating at any time, I am afraid that it will not be able to attract the attention of too many soldiers!

With this appearance, the Spark easily leaped over the ninth and eighth rings-this small-tonnage assault ship, with fairly mediocre firepower, and could not pose too much of a threat to the Celestial Magic. In the attack sequence of the cultivator Top, the ranking is very low.

Of course, after carefully analyzing the battlefield data, Xiao Xuance finally cast a suspicious look on this strange assault ship.

At this time, Professor Mo Xuan performed the same trick again, and the Spark dived into a turbulent battlefield, took off a layer of "shell", and disguised it as a smaller "Yaoguang" class fast attack ship!

"The outer periphery of the Spark uses a dual camouflage of mechanical structure and mysterious light camouflage. According to the battle situation, it can be disguised as a spar battleship of fourteen different standards, and it can camouflage six kinds of'minor injuries, serious injuries, loss of power, and complete scrap' Form to attract the enemy to the bait!"

Professor Mo Xuan said slightly.

Since then, they have exchanged six different camouflage layers, from the quick attack ship to the repair ship, from the repair ship to the medical ship, and finally even disguised as a completely lost power wreck, and finally rushed into the sky unscathed in the rain of bullets. The core area of ​​the Holy City!

However, in the starry sky of the core area, this set of pretending to be just no longer works!

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