40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 802: Bright sparks!

The core area is the focus of the competition between the cultivators and the cultivators, where the largest number of spar battleships and Taixu soldiers are gathered.

Most of the Taixu soldiers are taller and faster. The psychic shields and flames that linger around the body are brighter, and the flying swords and mysterious lights that are excited are faster, faster, and more lethal!

Li Yao even saw that dozens of Taixu combat soldiers fired seven or eight hundred flying swords in one go, and instantly shot a spar battleship riddled with holes and completely lost its combat effectiveness!

"These are the fine products refined by the Taixu Group itself, and they are not the same as the miscellaneous goods refined by the major sects in the periphery!"

The Taixu soldiers in the core area are not only of better quality, but also more in number. They no longer form thin tornadoes, but condense into clusters of wriggling black clouds, constantly devouring patches of starry sky.

There are some smaller spar battleships, but the whole ship is wrapped by Taixu war soldiers. When the Taixu war soldiers disperse, the original shiny starship becomes incomplete, bleak wreckage!

That scene was like a large group of piranhas gnawing wildly at the prey that fell into the water, but also like marching ants rampaging the earth, wherever they went, all creatures were turned into bones!

Not to mention, under the guard of millions of Taixu warriors, the tens of kilometers-long flagship Tianhuan of the cultivator is like a majestic emperor wearing silver armor, shocking the entire star field. !

Si Kou Lie said in a nearly desperate tone: "The main gun of the Celestial Fantasy is our Battle Star Alliance, the Taixu Group, and more than a dozen sects who are good at refining crystal magnetic cannons. They have been polished in three years. 'Tianwei Giant Cannon'!"

"The Tianwei Giant Cannon has a total of ninety-nine round bead turrets. All the turrets are not fixed on the surface of the Tianhuan, but are suspended around the Tianhuan through electromagnetic force, and can follow any trajectory. Like ninety-nine satellites orbiting the Celestial Fantasy!"

"The ninety-nine ‘Tianwei’s can be evenly distributed around the Sky Magic to disperse their attacks, or they can be moved to the same angle to form a super cannon that blasts out unparalleled power."

"It only takes one shot to completely evaporate a spar battleship!

"The Tianwei Giant Cannon is the most powerful offensive magic weapon in the Flying Star Realm. Without any cannon, it can be compared with it!"

Li Yao looked from a distance, using his astonishing eyesight, he found that around the tens of kilometers-long hull of the Tianhuan, nearly a hundred small spots of light were quickly hovering around.

Each of the turrets of the Tianwei Giant Cannon is about a hundred meters in diameter. The whole body is perfectly round and crystal clear. When viewed from a distance, it looks like a shining pearl.

The magnificent brilliance they bloom, but with incredible lethality, is comparable to the power of the main guns of ordinary spar battleships, and the cooling time is extremely short, and they are launched continuously without gaps!

Under the influence of electromagnetic force, the ninety-nine floating turrets rapidly revolved around the Sky Magic, with no dead spots at all!

There are no dead ends, no gaps, and strong power. According to the defense strength of the target, one, two or more turrets can be arbitrarily mobilized to increase the attack power. This is the power of the entire flying star world, and countless refiners have worked hard to refine Coming out, the mighty giant cannon!

On this most critical battlefield where Xiao Xuance himself sits, every spar battleship is firmly locked by the Taixu warriors. Even the empty shell that has lost its power must be completely torn into pieces before stopping!

The Spark can no longer rely on camouflage to pass the level!

"Then you can only storm!"

In the depths of Li Yao's eyes, **** flames flowed freely, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily evoked an arc of excitement, "Leader Sikou, please give orders to the starships that are still cultivators on the battlefield, and let them contain them at all costs. Live the enemy, we are going to launch the final charge!"

"Professor Mo, the Sikou leader has just transmitted the overall structure of the Sky Magic to the main control brain of the Spark. Next, we will target the Spark's bridge and move forward at full speed!"

Si Kou Lie lost his voice: "The bridge? The bridge is the heart of the Tianhuan, and the star brain is set behind the bridge! When we refining the Tianhuan, the defense against the bridge is the strongest! Take that as a reference. The target will definitely be attacked by the Celestial Magic the most fiercely!"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled slightly: "Then please sit in the buffer array, because next, there may be some... bumps!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The spirits of the five star spirits, including Professor Mo Xuan, were completely integrated into Spark’s master brain.

All the camouflage on the periphery of the Spark gradually accelerated and peeled off layer by layer.

The rusty, pitted armor faded away, and replaced by an ambiguous, crystal clear, pale golden hull!


When all the cultivators saw the real form of Spark through the light curtain, they all gasped in shock.

Si Kou Lie was trembling with excitement, almost out of breath.

The starship that appeared in front of them was less than 900 meters in length, and it was nothing short of sight in front of the super starship that was more than ten or twenty kilometers long.

However, this small and exquisite starship is like a dazzling diamond, constantly radiating dazzling light around it, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

Even across the light curtain, you can feel its urge to flaunt its teeth and dance its claws, as if it is not a spar battleship, but a fierce beast that has traveled from the prehistoric times to the modern age, and crosses the stars!

Si Kou Lie couldn't help comparing the Spark with the Celestial Illusion he made by himself.

Although the size of the two sides is very different, it is like a mouse and an elephant, but the aura and light presented by the Spark are complementary to the Sky Magic, and even faintly overwhelmed!

It was like a firefly, suddenly bursting out infinite flames, going to burn the sun!

"Please sit down, everyone. Next, we will allocate most of the psionic power and calculation power to the power and defensive talisman formations, and we have no time to take into account the stability of the space inside the ship!"

The sound produced by Professor Mo Xuan's vibration of the metal sheet all seemed hot and excited, "Spark, target, flagship of Tianhuan, go forward!"

"call out!"

In an instant, all the cultivators seemed to be punched in the face, and even the old Yuan Ying old monster fell into the buffer array and swayed for a long time before adapting to the flash of lightning. speed!

This glorious starship was caught by Xiao Xuance in an instant.

Through the analysis of its speed, mobility and the intensity of the psychic energy fluctuations released, Star Brain immediately judged the Spark as the most dangerous enemy!

"Stop it!"

Xiao Xuance shouted sharply.

While breathing, under the vast computing power of the star brain, the spar battleships controlled by countless Taixu soldiers and immortal cultivators swarmed towards the Spark.

And the Sky Magic also mobilized 41 of the 99 Tianwei turrets, all of which were locked on the Spark!


On the forty-one turrets, a deep purple light flashed at the same time, followed by forty-one lightning bolts, which shuttled through the star sea like real lightning, with the front end constantly diverging and converging into a lightning storm!

Many cultivators and spar battleships blocking the front of the lightning were ruthlessly torn apart.

Even if the soldiers were too imaginary, they unfortunately fell into the capture of the lightning storm, and after a burst of "cracking" sparks, they turned into a fragmented empty shell.

However, around the Spark, there appeared pieces of defensive shields that looked like golden scales, like a dragon rushing into the sky, smashing the wind and clouds in the thunder and lightning, not only unscathed, but even the speed was not reduced. As a light golden streamer, whizzing out!

Two spar battleships controlled by immortal cultivators, one from left to right, lie in front of Spark. Originally, they wanted to force Spark to turn, but they disintegrated in an instant, like dark clouds torn apart by the sun!

Sparkle jumped out of the dark clouds, like a golden sword, splitting the dark universe!

Not to mention the Taixu Warriors, in front of the spark that has reached the limit, it is like thousands of ants trying to block a fast and fast crystal rail train. The only result is that it is completely crushed into powder!

Zhuo Li stood on the bridge and looked at the howling Sparkling, Xiao Xuance was lost for a moment.

The thousands of light curtains surrounding the bridge continuously convey bad news from the ground.

Three hours have passed since the launch of the New Era Plan, but the immortal cultivators have not yet occupied the next millennium convention hall and several important magic treasure warehouses in the first star ring.

He was caught off guard by the sudden emergence of Qi Refiners, and the elites of the two highest institutions of Fei Xing and Tiansheng who quickly organized.

However, these are all difficulties that can be overcome.

Although the war is still anxious, cultivators are all flesh and blood, tired, painful, and injured, and need to rest.

After two hours of high-intensity fighting, most of the psychic abilities of the cultivators were nearly exhausted.

And by relying on the Sky Magic, he has basically suppressed all the spar battleships above the core area.

Most of the spar battleships were either seized by immortal cultivators, or were beaten to pieces!

Just give him another half an hour and let him completely control the battle, then he can free his hands and suppress the core area with the Sky Magic.

When necessary, use the mighty sky cannon to directly aim at the conference hall for the next millennium, and see how many shots can be blocked by the defensive talisman formation above the conference hall!

Xiao Xuance still felt that the balance of victory was slowly tilting towards his side.

However, at the most critical moment, such an incredibly advanced starship emerged, and the star brain has calculated that this starship has not concealed its goal at all. It is aimed at the heart and The brain was directly pierced!

"The Taixu soldiers guarding the bridge will be tripled, no, five times. The entire bridge and the star brain will be squeezed to me!"

"All the Tianwei turrets are mobilized to the left side of the Tianhuan to launch the strongest blow!"


Seeing some book friends discussing the deduction of the battle, many of them felt that Yuan Ying’s combat power was too weak, and it was impossible for tens of thousands of too virtual soldiers to stop Yuan Ying.

Some friends calculated that if Li Yao killed dozens of Taixu soldiers with a single blow, then ten knives would be hundreds, and ten Yuanying ten knives would be thousands...

Here, Lao Niu repeats that the biggest difference between this book and the general cultivation text is:

First, in this book, cultivators use skills to be "blue", and the blue bars are exhausted, and even the most powerful wizards will stare.

Secondly, in this book, skills have a cooling time, no matter the cultivator, magic weapon, starship, all kinds of skills, it must be cooled, but the cooldown time of the strong is shorter.

Third, in this book, all weapons have attrition values, and any magic weapon is worn and dull as it is used.

After understanding these three points, and reading this book again, you will find that certain tactics, strategies, and choices have their own rationality.

Just ask, Xiao Ming can eat an apple in a minute, how many can he eat in an hour?

Sixty? Wrong, it is estimated that after eating more than 20, Xiao Ming will die.

Therefore, Li Yao can kill dozens of Taixu soldiers with one sword, but that doesn't mean that a hundred swords can kill thousands of soldiers.

Maybe at the twentieth time, the knife broke, at the 30th time, he couldn't maintain the strongest state, and at the 80th time, he was exhausted.

This is the biggest difference between the cultivators in this book and the cultivators who are similar to perpetual motion machines or data locks in general works.

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