40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 804: Life and cells

As a super giant ship with a length of more than 30 kilometers, the bridge of the Tianhuan is also very large. At the highest point, the difference of up and down reaches nearly 100 meters. It is a majestic palace!

On the surrounding bulkheads, there are densely packed crystal brains, gleaming with dim light, just like monster eyes, staring at them unblinkingly.

Around the crystal brain, there is a thin film-like defensive rune array, like soap bubbles in the sun, shining tremblingly, especially behind the bridge, at the location of the star brain, a total of more than ten layers of defensive rune arrays are overlapped, as if they are trapped. , So that Xing Brain was immersed in a mist.

At this moment, on the bridge, from the ground to mid-air, thousands of Taixu soldiers were neatly arranged, forming a precise cube.

These Taixu soldiers are slender and gorgeous. They are made of white jade. They are not variegated. They only have a golden burning planet emblem inlaid on their chest.

Li Yao has never seen such an exquisite and gorgeous Taixu warrior. It is obviously a combination of lifeless machinery and spar, but it is like an octopus, unscrupulously releasing psychic energy to the surroundings.

The psychic energies of all the Taixu soldiers are entangled together, forming an impenetrable cage!

This cage slowly suppressed many cultivators.

Li Yao found no trace of Xiao Xuance.

"I made a mistake in my judgment. Xiao Xuance was not on the Sky Fantasy, but directly entered the core area to attack the next millennium grand hall?"

Li Yao was a little confused. It was logically impossible. Xing Brain was the core of the immortal cultivator, and Xiao Xuance was unlikely to give up the protection of this place.

Or does he think that with these unprecedentedly powerful Taixu warriors, he can stop all cultivators?

"give up!"

At this moment, from the sounding talisman array under the head of a Taixu warrior, a cold voice came, "You have come back all the way from the tenth star ring. It is the end of the crossbow, and it is bound to be submerged in the Taixu warrior. In the vast ocean, there is no chance."

"Give up futile resistance and senseless sacrifices."

"You and I are both on the path of evolution, the strong at the forefront is the hope of human civilization and should not kill each other!"

"Now surrender, I will not account for everything you have done, even Bai Xinghe, I can completely forgive, we work together to build a real human empire, realize the rise of human civilization, and jointly fight against those terrible things in the dark forest. Alien!"

Li Yao was shocked and faintly guessed Xiao Xuance's tactics.

Before he could speak, Xiao Xuance's junior brother, Luo Xingzi, already yelled in anger, "Shut up!"

"Xiao Xuance, what kind of human civilization are you talking about? The three words are not separated from what is great, glorious, and rising. It sounds really high-sounding, righteous and awe-inspiring!"

"But, you are talking about the rise of human civilization, what are you doing?"

"Seven years ago, in the Kongshan Lunjian, you drove the Hall of Longevity and killed tens of thousands of people in one breath!"

"On Tieyuan, your plan almost completely broke Tieyuan and Tiansheng City. Once the civil war begins, let alone how many innocent people will disperse their wives and be buried in Xinghai!"

"Five years ago, in the tenth starring, the demon that you directed by your own hand came and caused more than 100,000 deaths, and hundreds of thousands of people left serious sequelae!"

"And in the past five years, the sins that you immortal cultivators have made in the Flying Star Realm are even more untold!"

"How many innocent people have died in the hands of you despicable cultivators? Those are all living, flesh and blood people, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands and wives!"

"You guys who are inferior to pigs and dogs, treat living humans as chess pieces, as tools, as the'fuel' for burning their ambitions, and even their own flesh and blood, their own sons, can be killed without hesitation. What kind of human civilization do you have the face to say? I'm pooh!"

This Taixu warrior was silent.

But not far away, another Taixu combat soldier raised its head, its crystal eyes bloomed with scarlet light, and said lightly: "Under the glorious millions of years of human civilization, the so-called biological flesh, and a piece of hair What's the difference? If you pull out a hair, does anyone hesitate?"

After saying this, this Taixu combat soldier also fell silent.

But far away from them, on the other corner of the cube, the third Taixu warrior spoke: "In the vast sea of ​​stars, in this dark forest where the weak and the strong can survive, the survival of the fittest will last for hundreds of millions of years. In the endless years of war, the individual has no meaning. Only the human civilization as a whole has the supreme value!"

The fourth Taixu combat soldier located in the center of the cube took the conversation, and the sound was like a sharp sword penetrating a distance of tens of meters, hard as iron: "Everyone is like a cell, and all cells are gathered together. It constitutes a great human civilization."

The fifth Taixu station next to it said: "For a living body, metabolism, cell death and birth are all normal things. Weak cells die, in exchange for the birth of more powerful cells. With the metabolism time and time again, the living body will become stronger and stronger."

The sixth Taixu Zhanbing in front of everyone said: "This is the way of evolution, this is the way of eternal life! What is the sacrifice of some small cells for the eternal life of human civilization? Let alone sacrifice a few. Millions of people, even if hundreds of millions of people are sacrificed, we cultivators have a clear conscience!"

All the cultivators were silent.

Li Yao was even more worried about grinding his posterior molars.

It wasn't because of Xiao Xuance's deceitful words that confounded the crowd, but because he finally discovered Xiao Xuance's tactics!

Xiao Xuance, this despicable fellow, was indeed on the Sky Fantasy, wearing a crystal armor exactly like that of the Taixu warriors, hiding among the thousands of Taixu warriors!

Thousands of Taixu soldiers have become his best disguise.

Because it is uncertain which one is the Taixu warrior and which is Xiao Xuance wearing the moon white crystal armor, the cultivator must concentrate on each Taixu warrior with fear, and go all out!

Even the Nascent Soul Boss, the psionic power is limited, in a high-intensity battle, it will soon be exhausted.

Originally, when facing consumables such as Taixu combat soldiers, Jin Dan and Yuan Ying could suppress their own power and fight in a way that saves psychic energy.

But now, knowing that one of the Taixu Warriors is the number one master in the Flying Star Realm, who would dare to retain its strength?

A little distraction, the price paid is most likely his own life!

"Is there any mistake? As the number one flying star, someone who can be crushed by strength, but he still needs to use his brain to fight, and he won't give others half a way to survive!"

Li Yao cursed secretly in his heart.

"Ask one last time."

Thousands of Taixu soldiers raised a finger at the same time, "Is there anyone who is willing to be loyal to the real human empire, and to be loyal to my Xiao Xuance?"

All cultivators bit their lips, cherishing words like gold.

Luo Xingzi laughed: "Xiao Xuance, save time, you and I have different avenues. In the eyes of our cultivators, people are people, neither monkeys, nor ants, nor cells! As long as there is one cultivator, there is the last one. With a tone, you will definitely fight your true human empire to the end!"

Xiao Xuance snorted coldly, and the huge cube composed of Taixu soldiers moved slowly again, suppressing it.

"Li Yao, we have broken through the first line of defense, and we will soon be able to implant the virus. Not only will it paralyze the star brain, but also have the opportunity to control a large number of virtual soldiers! Think of a way, and delay a little longer! "

In the private communication channel, a strange call from Professor Mo Xuan came.

Li Yao was agitated, and suddenly raised his hands in a surrender gesture: "Wait, Xiao Xuance, after hearing what you said just now, I thought about it carefully, and suddenly I found that you made a lot of sense, and I was speechless. !"

"That's right, every weak human being is just a cell, and hundreds of thousands of people die. For human civilization, it is just pulling off a hair and cutting off a piece of fingernails. Whoever takes a bath will not rub it off. A few pieces of dead skin, right?"

"So, Xiao Daoyou, I don’t know if you can introduce our real human empire again? For example, what are the benefits of joining the empire? After the empire seizes the power, what strategy does the empire have for nation-building? Does the empire have any title system? , The righteous man who turned to the battle, can you make a duke, earl or something, please tell me carefully!"

All the cultivators stared at Li Yao dumbfounded.

Li Yao seemed to have heard a faint scolding in the communication channel.

All the Taixu combat soldiers uttered a soft laugh.


A Taixu warrior at the forefront stretched out three fingers, "Give you three seconds, use the strongest moves, spare no effort to attack a cultivator casually, I believe your surrender, and I will introduce you to the truth in detail. The future of the human empire."


Li Yao was dumbfounded.

"Tick, three seconds are up, you have no chance!"

All Taixu soldiers, their swords are unsheathed, and their psychic energy explodes!

The gun shot out, hundreds of fierce auras, and at the same time locked Li Yao!

"Your uncle, it's only a second!"

Li Yao wanted to cry without tears, how come his enemy's IQ was so high every time he had to delay time!

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Thousands of Taixu combat soldiers issued a piercing scream at the same time. The high-frequency oscillating sound wave penetrated the cultivator's crystal armor without any hindrance, and blasted into their brains, like a sharp blade, stirring up. Everyone has a splitting headache!

The cube suddenly disintegrated. Thousands of Taixu soldiers rushed at dozens of cultivators from all directions and all angles. Among them was Xiao Xuance, a top flying star master!

"Swish swish swish!"

With a wave of Li Yao's hands, countless spar bombs that interfered with the spirit net came out, and suddenly exploded in mid-air.

However, this is the core of the star brain. The strength of the spirit web is unprecedented. The jamming bomb made the light in the eyes of Taixu Zhanbingjing slightly flicker, but it has no effect at all!

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