40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 805: Rogue and domineering

Each Taixu warrior is like a spherical lightning that has expanded to the extreme, releasing hundreds of dark blue arcs. The arcs are entangled and entangled with each other. Thousands of Taixu warriors are completely connected together, and the cube becomes A cage full of lightning thorns!

These Taixu soldiers are the top puppets refined by the Taixu Group that consumes a large amount of heavenly materials and treasures. Even if they are not opponents of Jindan and Yuanying, they are not collapsible soldiers, especially each Taixu. Before the soldiers were on the verge of destruction, under the control of the star brain, they would explode first, causing great distress to the Golden Core and the Nascent Soul.

In the cage, dozens of streamers dragged out a splendid afterimage, like dozens of silks rushing from left to right among thorn bushes. Wherever they went, Taixu soldiers burst, but the fragments after the burst, Still under the influence of the electric arc, like a whip of lightning, constantly compressing the space of activities for the cultivator.

Compression, delay, loss... This is the essence of the tactics of Taixu warriors!

"These too virtual combat soldiers controlled by Xing Brain personally have too much computing power!"

Li Yao frowned deeply.

Fighting psychic energy, fighting speed, fighting strength, Taixu Warriors are definitely not the opponent of Jindan and Yuanying.

But they seem to be able to predict the next move of the cultivator, fortifying in advance or even exploding, forming a shield of flames and lightning, rapidly consuming the cultivator's physical strength, psychic energy and crystal armor wear.

"The Taixu Group has provided the Taixu Realm for the entire cultivation world for thousands of years!"

"Over the past thousand years, all cultivators, even Golden Core and Nascent Soul, have become accustomed to using the too illusory realm for virtual practice and actual combat."

"Therefore, in the huge database of Taixu Group, there are a large amount of battle data of Yuanying bosses, including their tactical characteristics, fighting habits, maximum speed and common moves, etc., all data is stored in the depths of the star brain! "

"In other words, Xing Brain has long seen through any tactics, moves, and magical powers of every Nascent Soul Boss!"

"With the huge computing power of the Star Brain, we must have simulated this kind of battle thousands of times in the realm of illusion, and finally worked out a set of best tactics, so these imaginary soldiers are so difficult. Wrap around!"

Suddenly a scream came from the communication channel!

While many Taixu soldiers blew themselves up, the speed of one Taixu soldiers suddenly increased by ten times. The Concussive Sabre simultaneously transformed three blades with a length of more than ten meters, like poisonous snakes and flood dragons, and hit three at the same time. Cultivator!

These three cultivators, all of which are of pill formation levels, were directly cut and exploded with the psychic shield, smashed the breastplate, and shattered dozens of ribs.

The unstoppable psychic energy even pierced hundreds of small holes with the tip of needles in their hearts!

It's Xiao Xuance!

Li Yao's eyes widened, desperately trying to lock on Xiao Xuance's movement.

But the crystal armor he wore was exactly the same as the Taixu Warriors in appearance. It was mixed into thousands of Taixu Warriors, coupled with the dazzling explosions, mysterious lights and afterimages flying around, how could it be captured?

"Have you made a mistake? As the number one master of flying stars, you are even more hooligans than me!"

Li Yao was so angry that his back molars were about to smoke, and he snarled in the communication channel: "All Nascent Souls, don't care about the Taixu soldiers, rush to attack the Star Brain!"

The six dragon heads on the back opened their mouths in the blood basin, and the six dragon **** swiftly hovered around the body like satellites, forming six dazzling auras, red orange, red, green, blue and purple. The six auras shot in all directions, instantly sending a dozen of them. The Taixu war soldiers were cut in half, and the section glowed with orange light. They stood still for a while, and exploded one after another!

Li Yao took the opportunity to shoot at Xing Brain!

The control room where the bridge and the star brain are located is separated by a wall, and it is a translucent crystal wall.

Through the defensive talisman array and crystal wall, the star brain is clearly visible.

"Hid your head and show your tail, right? Wait until I burst this wall and see how you hide it!"

Li Yao opened his arms to the limit. Hundreds of psychic energy overflowed from his limbs and corpses, flowing up along the bloodline, flowing into the palm of his hand in a spiral shape along his arms, condensing into two dazzling eyes in the palm of his hand. Ball of light.

With the palms together, the two light **** are like two black holes that attract and repel each other, flying along the "8"-shaped route.

Li Yao roared wildly, exhausted all his strength, and slammed into it. Two **** of light roared and swelled in front of them into a huge beam of light of three meters in diameter. Xuanguang drill bit!

The drill bit neighed like a dragon roaring.

As long as the Taixu soldiers blocking the front of the beam of light are instantly wiped out!

The drill bit fiercely bombarded the defensive array in front of the crystal wall.

In an instant, the bridge shook from the sky.

The illuminating talisman array on the ceiling was first stirred up brighter and brighter by the excess psychic energy, extremely dazzling, and then burst with a "wave", causing the bridge to plunge into a moment of darkness.

Finally, the emergency lighting symbol array flashed again, the light flickered, and everyone was constantly switching between light and darkness.

In front of Li Yao, the defensive talisman formation was deeply sunken inward, like a huge vortex, and it took more than ten seconds to return to normal.

However, in the seemingly calm air, scattered electric arcs constantly emerged, proving that the defensive talisman formation was still in a huge shock.

Li Yao's face was pale, panting like a cow.

In terms of pure psychic strength, this blow almost reached his limit, and he didn't expect that even the defensive talisman formation would not explode.

"Save it!"

Hundreds of Taixu warriors sneered at the same time, "It is the main reaction furnace of the Sky Magic that provides the psychic energy for this defensive talisman. The diameter of this reaction furnace reaches 500 meters. Think about it. , How much psionic energy can it provide?"

"Boss Yuan Ying's full blow is nothing more than a tickle for this set of defensive talisman formations!"

Li Yao sneered. He was a craftsman, so he naturally knew that Xiao Xuance was blowing the air.

Although the reactor cauldron of the spar battleship is huge, it is mainly used to output power instead of offensive and defensive capabilities. The combustion mode of spar is relatively slow and stable. It cannot be simply compared with the reactor cauldron of the crystal armor, and it is even more impossible. Simple analogy with the dantian, sea of ​​qi, and brain in the body of a cultivator!

What's more, they are all said to be the "main reaction furnace cauldron". Of course, they are responsible for most of the psionic output of the Sky Magic. It would be good to have 10% of the psionic output to this defensive rune array!

During the fierce battle, Xiao Xuance also consumed precious computing power, chirped and crooked, proving that he had hit seven inches!

The rest of the Nascent Soul masters, all of whom are well-developed and intelligent, reacted immediately, changed their tactics, no longer entangled with the Taixu warriors, and even preferred to be attacked by the Taixu warriors once or twice. Fly in front of Xingbrain and attack the defensive formation between the Xingbrain control room and the bridge!

All of a sudden, swords, swords and shadows, fireballs flying randomly, and psychic storms one after another!

No matter how strong the Taixu warrior was, it could not stop the old Nascent Soul monster who started to kill. Under the full bombardment of six Nascent Souls including Luo Xingzi, the defensive talisman array quickly flashed and turned into billions of stars. , Splashing in all directions, disappearing without a trace!

"The defensive talisman is blown up!"

Now, the only thing that separates the cultivator from the star brain is a crystal wall!

Although in this process, Xiao Xuance couldn't help showing up again and attacking and killing six masters of pill formation, but the cultivators also spelled out real fire. All masters of pill formation surrounded the Nascent Soul powerhouse. Let Yuan Ying be able to attack Xing Brain's defensive talisman array without worry, but he paid the price of his life, dragging Xiao Xuance and Taixu's war soldiers!

Even if Xiao Xuance is the number one master of Fei Xing, he might not be able to kill every time when facing a strong golden core with a mortal heart!

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Under the leadership of Luo Xingzi, the six Yuan Ying bosses each launched the strongest offensive. Six profound lights, flying swords, war knives and spherical lightning slashed on the crystal wall in a series!

Crystal wall, shattered!

The cobweb cracks instantly covered the entire crystal wall, and the star brain behind the wall looked extremely distorted and hideous!

"call out!"

Seeing the next attack of the six Yuan Ying, the Crystal Wall was about to be completely blasted. Xiao Xuance finally couldn't help it. An ordinary Taixu war soldier appeared in the crystal at an ultra-high speed that was almost teleporting. Between the wall and the six Yuan Ying.


The camouflage resembling a Taixu war soldier suddenly exploded on his body, replaced by a set of golden crystal armor.

What is eye-catching is this high-rise helmet with crystal armor, which looks extremely long, like wearing a domineering crown. The "crown" faces in four directions, engraved with four different faces. Or indifferent, or rage, or ecstasy, or sad!

The breastplate of the crystal armor was also outlined into a huge face, half hideous and ugly, half benevolent and kind, like a mixture of the gods and Buddhas and the nine ghosts!

This is Xiao Xuance's exclusive crystal armor-Tianzun!

As soon as the Tianzun battle armor appeared, the half-kind and half-ugly faces on the breastplate seemed to be distorted, causing everyone to hear two sounds of laughter and crying at the same time.

Including Li Yao, a strange mentality of half fear and half reverence appeared in the hearts of all cultivators.

"It's a mental attack!"

"Xiao Xuance's crystal armor also contains extremely powerful mental attack magical powers. It is a hundred times stronger than the wind and rain heavy armor of all sides!"

Li Yao's heart shuddered, knowing that Fei Xing's number one master is finally going to show his full strength!


Xiao Xuance didn't scream, but the psychic energy that surged out was like a giant starry sky, roaring wildly and shaking the sky, and small pale golden **** appeared in the air, spinning while spinning. There was a harsh shock.

These are the psychic energy of Xiao Xuance, directly condensed and formed, forming a terrifying psychic bomb!

"Six Nascent Souls, plus Bai Xinghe's half-hearted, even six and a half...Do you think this is enough to defeat me?"

"Too childish!"

When all the psionic bombs whizzed towards the seven cultivators, Xiao Xuance also turned into seven golden streamers. At the same time, he faced up to seven Nascent Soul powerhouses!

Fei Xing's number one master, he is a real hooligor when he is a hooligan, but he is also domineering to the extreme when he is domineering!

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