40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 807: Why is there music?

Up to this moment, the six Yuan Ying finally understood that Xiao Xuance was not arrogant and arrogant, not thinking that he could beat the seven masters, but that he used this method to lure seven people into the Yuan. The infants are released, and then they will shake their souls, causing the greatest shock to their souls!

There is a fundamental difference between Jin Dan and Yuan Ying, and they can only display the peak power of Dan formation. It is indeed possible for them to be submerged by the iron torrent of Taixu Warriors!

not to mention-

"Swish! Swish!"

Suddenly dozens of immortal cultivators flew out from all sides of the bridge, all wearing crystal armor and God of War suits, and the psychic fire emitted was not much inferior to them!

As the base camp of the immortal cultivators, the Tianhuan could not be protected by Xiao Xuance and Taixu warriors alone.

These powerhouses may not have reached the realm of Nasal Infant, but now the "Dutian Hyun Sound and Soul Array" has created a special battlefield without Nasal Infant, and the cultivators have completely lost their advantage in high-end combat power.

However, the advantage of the number of immortal cultivators can be brought to the fullest and cannot be added!

"Xiao Xuance has long known that our only way to win is to implement decapitation tactics on the Sky Magic!"

"So, this is a trap he set up using himself and Xing Brain as bait, a deadly killing game specially used to hunt down the high-end combat power of the cultivation world!"

"We are self-inflicted in the net!"

All cultivators have an instant insight into everything, and their brains and hearts are as if they have fallen into an endless abyss, full of deep despair.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Lao Xingzi desperately condensed the Nascent Soul under the suppression of Du Tianxuan's Sound and Soul Array.

However, his will and psychic energy had just merged into one, when he wanted to condense into a human form, he was shattered by waves of invisible, but once again hit the soul, causing his brain to be in the stormy waves, and he couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood. His face is paler than that of a dead man!

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Thousands of mysterious lights, lightning, sword energy, and sword shadows attacked dozens of cultivators at the same time.

The big formation that can suppress the Nascent Soul Boss can’t last too long anyway. Before the big formation was damaged, Xiao Xuance only had one minute, so he didn’t leave everyone with a little time to breathe, the cultivator and the Tai The virtual combat soldiers launched the strongest attack!

All cultivators are involved in a frenzy of destruction!

Xiao Xuance’s battle armor of Heaven, with a half-yin and half-yang face on the breastplate, grinning loudly, and all the Taixu soldiers screamed harshly: “Don’t be stubborn again! I have carefully planned for decades, every one The smallest details are calculated clearly, and any changes are under my control. There is absolutely no chance for you!"


Luo Xingzi was hit by the three immortal cultivators and flew out with a heavy blow, but fell into the entanglement of more than a dozen Taixu warriors.

Although he gritted his teeth and drew a knife, he instantly chopped the Taixu soldiers into fingernail-sized pieces, but he was still half a second slow. One of the Taixu soldiers exploded by his side, and the volcanic eruption made him tottering , The flames poured in along the broken part of the crystal armor, biting his flesh and blood crazily, burning to the bones!

Huluo Pingyang was deceived by a dog. After the Yuan Ying was suppressed, a few immortal cultivators and dozens of Taixu war soldiers would have a certain chance of causing serious harm to this powerful Yuan Ying monk!

In this way, even if he could hold on to one minute later, he would definitely have broken his tendons, fractured his internal organs, and damaged his soul.

Even if the Nascent Soul can be condensed again when the time comes, the trend is over!

Luo Xingzi was dizzy and anxious.

I separated a few thoughts to observe the surrounding battlefields. The performance of the remaining Nascent Soul monks was almost the same as that of him. They were all submerged in the iron torrent of the Taixu warriors. In the self-detonation of the Taixu warriors, psionic energy Constantly weakening.

On the contrary, it is those strong golden cores, they have long been used to fighting in the state of forming a core, and their performances are stronger than those of the Nascent Soul and old monsters.

It is precisely under their **** battles and hard support that the line of defense of the cultivators will not be completely collapsed.

However, as more and more Taixu soldiers rushed into the bridge, they were densely packed and took up almost every inch of the space. Anyone can see that the cultivator showed his decay, and if he persisted for another half a minute, it was the limit. limit!


Luo Xingzi's heart moved, since just now, it seems that he hasn't seen Bai Xinghe.

Where did this old cunning fellow go?

Divine Sense swept across the audience in a flash, and Luo Xingzi's heart sank again.

About being particularly afraid of this guy’s cunning, Bai Xinghe has become Xiao Xuance’s key attack target. He has been surrounded by hundreds of Taixu soldiers, and it seems to be blocked by a large iron ball with a diameter of tens of meters. !

"Even Bai Xinghe was blocked..."

Luo Xingzi was desperate.

Is it true that today is the limit of the world of cultivating flying stars?

The "Dutianxuan Sound Dangling Soul Array" is an indiscriminate attack. Xiao Xuance's own Nascent Soul was also suppressed, so he was very cautious. The imaginary soldiers carried out suicide attacks while on the side, disturbing everyone’s fighting spirit with ridicule

"Six of the seven Nascent Souls, under my temptation just now, stimulated all the strengths of the Nascent Soul Realm. The Nascent Soul was locked by the Great Formation, and the soul was greatly impacted!"

"Only Bai Xinghe is treacherous and cunning, and has been maintained at the peak of the pill formation period, and has not exposed his Nascent Soul!"

"However, it's useless, Bai Xinghe, you just borrowed a corpse to recover your soul, and now the soul is seriously unstable, my great formation itself has the effect of suppressing the soul, I am afraid you will not last long, it will be wiped out!"

"Your Yuan Ying didn't show up just now, so you don't have to want to show up anymore! Haha, hahahaha!"


Along with Xiao Xuance's frantic laughter, another Taixu warrior hugged one of the legs of Luo Xingzi and exploded.

This time he blew himself up close, causing great damage to Starfall, and his entire right leg was almost exploded into seven or eight pieces.

Even though he used his powerful psychic energy to barely maintain the smooth flow of bones and blood vessels, his heart-shaking pain still made him unable to maintain the peak realm of the Dan stage!

Luo Xingzi's strength declined all the way, just as he felt completely desperate.

The rest of the cultivators also uttered painful groans in the communication channel.

Not for yourself, but for the extremely dark future of the Flying Star Realm!

However, at the moment when everyone’s hearts fell to the bottom...

They heard music.

More and more intense, more and more wild, more and more exciting music!

The suffocating drums, the interlocking pipa, the sword and the piano of the golden iron horse, the jade flute that pierces the bone marrow...like playing with hammers, iron felts, flames, and blood. Surging, blood churning, can’t wait to roar up to the sky, and release the splendor of life!

Even in the boiling music, vaguely, one can still hear a hoarse throat, singing with the passion that smashed the clouds:

"You see that the dark clouds can't block the flow of the Milky Way!"

"Endless darkness will eventually dissipate the heavens and stars to ignite the light of life!"

Including Xiao Xuance, all the cultivators and cultivators were shocked.

"Why, why is there music?"

"Someone is singing? What's the situation!"

After hesitating for a moment, everyone's eyes were cast on the "big iron ball" that wrapped Bai Xinghe!

They all heard that the music of iron and fire came from the "big iron ball"!

"Sorry, this is my own background music called "Conquer the Universe"."

From the depths of the huge iron ball composed of hundreds of Taixu warriors, a calm but clear voice pierced through steel, explosions and psychic energy fluctuations, shaking the eardrums of every cultivator and immortal cultivator.

"Back, background music?"

Luo Xingzi dragged his **** thighs, smashed a Taixu warrior with a single blow, and shouted, "What the **** is that!"

Surrounded by hundreds of Taixu warriors, Li Yao faintly explained: "My golden core is different from yours. When excited to the extreme, it will spin at a speed of more than 9,900 revolutions per second. One side oscillates, even like a heart, constantly expanding and contracting."

"In short, in an extremely unstable state, there will be extremely harsh noises!"

"It is estimated that it is the side effect of my surpassing the peak and breaking through the limit."

"I am also very distressed. After practicing for a long time, I can't keep my golden core stable, and can't eliminate the harsh noise. I can only guide it slightly to make it oscillate more regularly and turn it into rhythmic music. , It's not so harsh anyhow."

"No way, I don't want to be so arrogant. Every time I stimulate the strongest strength, I have to play a large section of background music. It is really hard to get rid of it. Please bear with me, just treat it as a war song to cheer for us. !"

Falling Star: "..."

Many practitioners: "..."

Xiao Xuance was furious: "When death is imminent, if you dare to pretend to be a ghost, I will let you die now!"


Dozens of Taixu soldiers inside the "Big Iron Ball" exploded at the same time, and the fragments and flames condensed into a huge metal rose.

However, from the depths of the stamens, a big hand that was more than ten meters long suddenly came out!

This big hand took the wreckage of the Taixu war soldiers as its skeleton and the violent arc as its bloodline, and grabbed it at Xiao Xuance!

The dozens of Taixu soldiers that stood between the giant hand and Xiao Xuance were torn to pieces by the big hand in an instant!

Xiao Xuance was shocked!


The last word of "neng" had not yet been exported, and the number one master in the flying star world was slammed out by a big hand, smashing four Taixu soldiers along the way, knocking a cultivator half to death, and finally "booming." With a sound, deeply embedded in the bulkhead, all crystal brains within a radius of tens of meters, all turned into fine sand-like powder!


All cultivators and cultivators felt the shock of the world being subverted!

It was only at this moment that they suddenly realized that the hundreds of Taixiu soldiers did not surround the "White Star River", but were attracted by the weird suction deep in his body, and they could not move, forming the most powerful side. A good shield allows him to be inside, unscrupulously spurring out a strong power above everyone else!

"Ziz, ziz!"

The Taixu soldiers around Li Yao were all melted into orange-red mud by the high temperature, blooming like petals.

In the depths of the petals, a crystal armor rose slowly, standing in the void, surrounded by thousands of Taixu warriors, completely different from the Dragon King's armor that everyone had just seen.

"What are you—"

Xiao Xuance, who jumped out from the depths of the bulkhead, couldn't believe his eyes!

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