40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 808: Ultimate Jindan!

The crystal armor presented in front of everyone finally dissipated all the fog, exposing the deep and star-like shell of the night sky!

There is no half of the seam on the whole crystal armor, like it is made of a large piece of liquid metal, where the elbows, knees, waist and hips need to be moved in a wide range, the metal is constantly surging. Soft as silk.

On the surface of ordinary crystal armor, a large number of rune arrays are always engraved, especially the dynamic rune arrays used to control the direction, and the offensive rune arrays used to lasing psychic energy.

And all the runes on the surface of this crystal armor are protected by a semi-circular crystal cover. At first glance, it looks like the surface of the crystal armor is inlaid with dozens of pale golden pearls.

All the psychic energy pipelines between the "pearls" are all strands of golden lines, just like blood vessels and meridians scattered all over the body!

The six dragon heads that originally flared their teeth and claws disappeared, but on the right arm, there are six blood-colored dragon patterns spirally wound around them, like the spirit of six dragons, all condensed into spiritual patterns, dormant in the depths of the right arm. , Can save and hurt people at any time!


The black wing sword, which served as the support shaft on the back of the crystal armor, released black spiritual flames to both sides, expanding like a tide, condensing into two black light wings tens of meters long.

On the edge of the wings, there are thousands of golden feathers interspersed with them, constantly vibrating at high frequencies, just like a golden flying sword, lifelike, and powerful!

This set of crystal armor possesses the mystery of the night sky, the dominance of the dragon king, and the ferocity of the skeletal dragon 40,000 years ago!

Xuan Bone Dragon King, Xinghai Wushuang!

When the performance parameters of this crystal armor jumped out of everyone's crystal brains, the hearts of all the cultivators and cultivators were severely impacted by hundreds of tons!

Compared with this set of crystal armor, even the exclusive crystal armor tailor-made by Yuan Ying boss, seems to have become scrap copper and rotten iron!

"This, this set of crystal armor uses a lot of components and magic weapons of the Dragon King's battle armor, but it is not the Dragon King. Its performance is far superior to that of the Dragon King!"

"It turns out that Bai Xinghe has been retaining his strength just now, and the performance parameters of this crystal armor are simply stronger than Xiao Xuance's Tianzun battle armor!"

"Bluffing, you can't deceive me!"

Xiao Xuance roared, and the flames spurted wildly. All the wreckage and fragments within three meters of his body were turned into powder, which more clearly outlined his violent form of soaring anger!

"If you pretend to be a **** or a ghost, you can only display the combat power at the peak of the pill formation stage, not to mention that you have just borrowed a corpse to recover your soul. I don't believe that your soul can withstand such an attack!

Xiao Xuance turned into a golden streamer!

And faster than his body shape, it is his incomparable soul hammer!

In the past month, Bai Xinghe has always been the primary research object of immortal cultivators. In addition to Xiao Xuance, there are six mental warfare experts who have worked hard to practice the method of combined attack!

Therefore, when Xiao Xuance suddenly launched, the six spiritual warfare experts among the cultivators also launched at the same time!

The power of the soul of the six people is like six copper walls and iron walls, from the top, bottom, left, and right directions, firmly sealing Li Yao's soul, forming an extremely strong soul cage!


Xiao Xuance’s Soul Hammer blasted fiercely on this "soul cage", and the cage immediately sounded like a big bell, sending out a monstrous giant that could not be heard by ordinary people, but could tear apart three souls and seven souls. ring!

In Xiao Xuance’s calculations and countless simulations with Xing Brain, this "horror clock, cracking hammer" is enough to completely destroy a soul that has just been taken for several years and is not closely integrated with the body. !

Even the three souls and seven souls were completely torn apart, and they couldn't be gathered together for a few hours!

However, when they launched a mental attack, Li Yao had no intention of dodge and defense at all. Instead, he spurred two black light wings tens of meters long to launch the most fierce counterattack.

Attack against attack!

The golden feathers on the edge of the light wing flew up, but they relied on the strands of gold to be involved with the light wing. They were so fast that they dragged out thousands of thin blades in the void, and followed the direction of the mental attack. Go, lock six mental warfare experts in an instant!

"How can it be!"

"Why is his soul so strong that it can't be driven away from the body at all?"

"not good!"

Most cultivators specialize in one group. Since they are experts in mental warfare, they are inevitably inferior in real sword fights. How can they withstand the wolf-like Li Yao!

Amidst the exclamations and screams, a mental warfare expert was the first to bear the brunt. Hundreds of golden wings shot them all over, turning into a **** mist.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other mental warfare experts hurriedly fled into the Taixu warriors, but still couldn't dodge them. Hundreds of wings whirled around their bodies. Two of the mental warfare experts' heads were covered by the blood pillar. The impact, flying high, the other three also paid a physical price to escape into the depths of the Taixu warriors!

In an instant, killed three immortal cultivators at the formation stage, and severely inflicted the other three!

Such a terrifying combat power completely surpassed the limit of the peak of the pill formation period, and surpassed the category of "hidden strength".

Even the cultivators who were temporarily "teammates" were sweating coldly!

A strong Nascent Soul couldn't help but secretly contact Luo Xingzi: "Luo Xingzi, Bai Xinghe...too mighty, right? How can you give me the feeling that he is the last big demon?"

Falling Star: "..."

Li Yao has no time to take care of the remaining three small fishes and shrimps. His goal is-the number one master of flying stars, Xiao Xuance!


In an instant, the shadows in mid-air were fascinating, and at the same time seventeen or eight Heavenly Sovereign battle armors appeared, with the same spiritual flames, and the same overbearing!

However, around every Tianzun battle armor, a profound bone battle armor is tightly entwined!

The two sides either fight swords against each other, or use crystal magnetic cannons for ultra-close range, the temple is against the temple, or the fierce soul confrontation, even like the most rough barbarian warrior, with fists, knees and elbows. Hit hard!

The fast speed, the fierce moves, and the powerful shock waves released make all the cultivators and cultivators dizzy, exhausting all their computing power, and unable to analyze the true trajectory of both parties!


After a series of ear-piercing roars, all the afterimages of the Tianzun's battle armor reunited together, and fell heavily.

The surface of the golden crystal armor was covered with a bleak luster, as if gold had turned into brass.

The number one master of Fei Xing was defeated in this unwieldy frontal match!

Xiao Xuance yelled in horror and inexplicable: "You are not Bai Xinghe, who are you?"

This sentence caused many cultivators to take a breath.

When this mysterious person first came to cooperate with them through Yaoshi Group, they also doubted the identity of each other.

But everything that the other party said, as well as the six unique dragon arms on the crystal armor, made them have to believe!

After that, the strength displayed by the opponent, especially his pressing serial killer moves, completely dispelled people's doubts and confirmed that he is the old and cunning star thief king Bai Xinghe!

But now, when this mysterious powerhouse aroused real strength, the cultivator also discovered that there was a certain difference between this person's fighting style and the real Bai Xinghe.

He is stronger than the real Bai Xinghe!

The cultivators were surprised and delighted, but most of them were puzzled.

They want to break their heads and they can’t understand. Where did such a super expert pop up in the realm of cultivation, and how could he raise the speed, power and spirit to such an amazing level on the battlefield where the Nascent Soul cannot be condensed? To the point!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! No matter who you are, it doesn't matter! In my big formation, no one can play the battle power of the Yuan Ying series! Now you are the golden core, and I am also the golden core, there is no reason , You will be so much stronger than me!"

Xiao Xuance's eyes were bloodshot and his voice was hoarse.

"Who said, I'm just a golden core?"

The profound bone battle armor disappeared from the place, but it was once again condensed above the Tianzun battle armor, "Let you see, the ultimate golden core is powerful!"


Xiao Xuance slammed into the ground like a cannonball.

Dozens of Taixu warriors fought hard, igniting a powerful electric arc, forming an electromagnetic net, and under the buffer of the magnetic field, he barely stabilized his figure, but he was embarrassed to the extreme!

Xingbrain's powerful computing power finally analyzed Li Yao's fighting style and the characteristics of the profound bone battle armor, and after capturing and comparing the vast database, he came to amazing conclusions.

"This set of crystal armor is very similar to Li Yao's crystal armor that once appeared in the Tieyuan Star Territory!"

"And this guy's fighting style unexpectedly overlaps 73% of the Cheorwon's first warrior Sand Scorpion, who has disappeared for five years!"

"Li Yao, Sha Xie, Tieyuanxing, Yaoshi Group..."

"You are Sand Scorpion, and Sand Scorpion is Li Yao. It turns out—it's you!"

Xiao Xuance understood everything instantly, his face turned pale, and every old spot was particularly conspicuous.

"Li Yao!"

"Sand Scorpion!"

"It's him, it turned out to be him!"

Including Luo Xingzi, all cultivators have an urge to weep with joy and howl to the sky. Their computing power is extremely powerful. If they integrate so much information and still can’t analyze the truth, then I’m sorry for the death of so many brain cells. Up!

"Whether it is Sand Scorpion or Li Yao, in short, now it is our turn to fight back!"

Under Li Yao's strong encouragement, all the cultivators were full of vigor and launched a counterattack!

Xiao Xuance snorted, turned around and rushed into the Taixu soldiers, completely submerged by the steel torrent.

The wings of the profound bone battle armor are like two black war knives, igniting hundreds of meters of sharp edges, and smashing all the Taixu soldiers who are surging crazily to pieces!

"Xiao Xuance!"

Li Yao's figure seemed to have turned into dozens of black streamers, chasing and blocking from all directions, firmly locked in Xiao Xuance's position, and a thunderous roar erupted from the black streamer, "Your too virtual warrior is too empty. !"

At this moment, there are still seventeen seconds before the collapse of the "Dutianxuan Sound and Soul Array".

The battle song blasted out by the Ultimate Jindan shook to the limit!

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