40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 810: Doomsday

"Swish swish swish!"

The Taixu soldiers who were originally loyal to Xiao Xuance have become loyal dogs raised by Li Yao, and they rushed towards Xiao Xuance without hesitation!

The Jing Magneto roared, the chainsaw sword roared, and the concussion war knife let out a screaming howl!

Xiao Xuance is also seeking his own way. With the strength of his Yuan Ying powerhouse, he would not be locked by the Taixu warriors, but he regards the Taixu warriors as his "shield", and the surrounding Taixu warriors are particularly dense. , Water can't be spilled, and the needle can't be inserted.

When these Taixu soldiers counterattacked their master, Xiao Xuance was astonished for a moment, and was completely swallowed up by the iron torrent!

All cultivators are extremely shocked!

There were one after another exclamation in the communication channel. Countless Taixu soldiers passed by them like ferocious piranhas, but they separated when they were about to hit them, as if they were surrounded by an invisible layer. Shield.

Some psychic-exhausted and panting cultivators watched with lingering fear as Taixu Zhanbing rushed towards Xiao Xuance, his scalp was numb, and he couldn't utter a word for a long time.

Luo Xingzi and other strong Nascent Souls reacted the fastest, ecstatic: "You have planted a virus in Xing's brain!"

Li Yao nodded: "There is no time to say so much. Star Brain has the function of automatically detecting and killing viruses. We cannot paralyze Star Brain for too long. We must race against time to kill Xiao Xuance and destroy Star Brain!"

Li Yao rushed towards Xiao Xuance, and the other six Yuan Ying monks followed, faintly using him as the core of the attack!

Six Nascent Souls, plus one ultimate golden core, besieged the first master of Fei Xing!

With Xiao Xuance's strength, if he was determined to escape, Taixu warriors might not be able to stop him, but with the addition of super-class masters outside, it would be very different!

Under the control of Professor Mo Xuan and other ghosts, countless Taixuan soldiers flew to Xiao Xuance's side and blew themselves up. Even if there were no Taixuan soldiers who blew themselves, the psychic output power of the reactor cauldron was increased to the limit. The body of the machine gradually melted and turned into a ball of hot molten iron!

It was like a mass of magma, smashing at Xiao Xuance!

Around the profound bone battle armor, sixteen six-tube rotating bombardment guns appeared, but this time it was not a high-heat explosive bomb, but an ice crystal bullet containing a frozen rune formation!


Every ice crystal bullet that hits Xiao Xuance's surroundings will explode and turn into a faint ice mist. The molten iron that has been melted and distorted under high temperature is attacked by the ice mist, condensed again, and merged with each other into A thick steel shell!

The six Yuan Ying cultivators all saw Li Yao's tactics.

In this way, he condensed a "cocoon of steel" in Xiao Xuance's body, causing Xiao Xuance to "be a cocoon" and be completely bound inside!

"Let's come too!"

Among the six Yuan Ying cultivators, two were proficient in the supernatural powers of temperature control, condensed into rain, waved a series of icing spells.

Even if the remaining four Yuanying monks were not good at temperature control magical powers, they carried several frozen spar bombs on their bodies.

For a moment, the blue light flashed wildly, and the cold air was pressing. The Taixu soldiers around Xiao Xuance had just melted in the high temperature, and they were condensed again, turning into a bunch of ugly shackles!


This time, Xiao Xuance was really angry, and the spiritual flame outside the Tianzun's battle armor gradually expanded into a four or five meters high giant, with all facial features, lifelike, and vaguely able to see his furious appearance.

Regardless of the self-destruction of the Taixu Warriors or the re-condensed steel chains, under his madness, it seems that they can only be delayed for just half a second!

However, this is enough!

The self-detonation of the Taixu combat soldiers took half a second, and the siege of the six Nascent Souls could take another half a second, and after half a second, new Taixu combat soldiers surged up again!

Taixu Zhanbing and Brother Yuanying were like two iron fists that opened their bows from left to right, endlessly, hitting Xiao Xuance in a daze, and there was nowhere to escape!

After all, Xiao Xuance was seriously injured in the last minute. He has been fighting to the present, and his psychic power has been burned to the limit. It looks like a giant spirit flame with its teeth and claws, but it is swaying like a torch in the violent wind, and occasionally violently releases dozens of meters long. Yanliu of Yanliu swallowed Qibatai Taixu warriors, and was defeated by thunder and rain.

Seeing Xiao Xuance's exhaustion, Li Yao opened his wings and swept several tens of meters away, staring coldly at the desperate hero.

When Xiao Xuance released a violent spiritual flame for the seventh time in an attempt to break through, but was slammed back by Falling Starzi, Li Yao finally raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and firmly locked the prey with his palm!

On the right arm of the profound bone battle armor, six dragon-shaped spiritual patterns were engraved, all the way spirally converging to the palm of the hand.

In the palm of the hand, a golden war pattern in the shape of a dragon's head is also engraved.

It's like Li Yao's palm, with a dragon dormant!

Li Yao squinted his eyes and muttered a word in his mouth. The six dragon patterns on his right arm and the golden dragon head rune engraved on his palm both shone dangerously!


When the dragon pattern gleamed to the extreme, six psychic dragons suddenly appeared out of thin air, spinning around Li Yao's right arm!

And the right arm armor of the profound bone battle armor has also undergone amazing changes. The armor continues to extend, and the fist is swallowed by a ball of golden light. From the light ball, an extremely mighty and domineering psychic dragon flew out!

The core of Bai Xinghe’s Dragon King’s battle armor is the nine dragons that were passed down from the Xinghai Empire era. In the battle against the Palace of Longevity, two were damaged, and now there are seven remaining. After Li Yao’s substantial transformation, they were re-made. Made a very powerful offensive magic weapon.

Usually it can be distributed behind the back or retracted in the Universe Ring. At the critical moment, the seven psychic dragons are launched together, rapidly rotating around his right arm, and then fused with the original black light drill bit of the black bone battle armor, which can remove the black light. The power of the drill bit has been increased to the limit!

"His hiss, hiss, hiss!"

With the most powerful dragon in the middle as the central axis, the speed of the remaining six dragons has reached the limit, and the infinite spiritual energy gushes out from Li Yao's palm. With the seven dragons as the skeleton, a huge drill bit is formed, which is in violent friction with the air. In the middle, wiped out the gorgeous flame that looks like a starship crashing into the atmosphere!

Even Li Yao himself couldn't bear such violent moves. He felt that his entire right arm was about to be crushed. He stretched out his left hand and firmly grasped his right arm, helping the huge drill bit to maintain stability!

In the distance, after fighting hundreds of moves with six Yuan Ying and destroying nearly a thousand Taixu soldiers, Xiao Xuance's life fire burned to its limit, as if returning to the light, the spiritual flames entwined around him fiercely. Expansion, transformed into a majestic image wearing a crown and a shirt.

It's a pity that his spirit has begun to disperse, and the glorious image has not been maintained for half a second, before it is distorted into a puffy monster, giving out a desperate laugh.

Only the crown on the head is still exquisite and gorgeous, shining brightly!


Li Yao gave a violent shout, and slammed his right arm fiercely. The mysterious light drill bit mixed with seven dragons instantly turned into a huge beam of light, blasting towards Xiao Xuance!


Xiao Xuance's psychic shield resisted for half a second, and the two extremely powerful psychic energies collided with each other, and the shock wave swelled, turning countless Taixu soldiers into dust.

After half a second, Xiao Xuance’s psychic shield and his Tianzun battle armor completely collapsed. The golden beam of light rushed in from his front chest and drilled out of his back. The entire chest was drilled by the black light drill, and a shocking hole was drilled. The internal organs are missing, and even the blood all over the body evaporates in an instant!

Xuanguang, extinguished.

All attacks stopped abruptly.

Xiao Xuance still maintained the appearance of holding the sword high, floating in the air, awe-inspiring.

However, all the luster left his body in an instant, turning him into a grayish white.

"You... can stop me."

Starting from his feet, Xiao Xuance turned into ashes inch by inch, like 10,000 gray butterflies dancing and leaving his body, "But you, can't stop evolution!"

"Long live evolution, long live cultivators, and long live human civilization!"

When the swords were all turned to ashes, he tried hard to reach out and raise his arms, but his right arm was just halfway out, and his fists spread out like sand.

He could only wave his bare wrists and shout hoarsely, "True human empire, ten thousand--"

The last word "year" can't be said anymore, the first master of the flying stars, the commander of the real human empire, and the cultivator Xiao Xuance, are completely wiped out!

This scene made all the cultivators unable to calm for a long time.

Even the Brother Yuanying looked at each other and asked the same question: "Is everything over?"

"It's not over yet, we have to destroy the Star Brain!"

Li Yao performed the most powerful trick, his face turned pale, and his temples quivered more frequently. He gritted his teeth fiercely, and with his right hand closed with five fingers, the seven psychic dragons that penetrated Xiao Xuance's body went big in the air. The circle whizzed towards the tens of thousands of sound transmission talisman arrays behind Xiao Xuance.


The high wall studded with the sound transmission talisman was already close to collapse. Under the ravages of the seven flood dragons, it exploded, revealing the huge control room hidden behind, which is the center of the immortal cultivator, where the star brain is!

The main engine room of the Star Brain has a lot more area than the bridge, but most of the space is occupied by huge chips, arithmetic arrays and ventilation ducts. Only in the center, a vertical space like a patio, There is a little bit of light floating, vaguely outlines the appearance of a brain!

Around the star brain, there are also many immortal cultivators scattered, but most of them are crystal brain experts. Under the suppression of the Taixu army and seven super-class powerhouses, there is no way to fight back.

"Everyone, be careful, don't think that everything will be fine as soon as Xiao Xuance dies. If I am not mistaken, there is a great possibility that there is an enemy more terrifying than Xiao Xuance hidden here!"

Li Yao's eyes were like electricity. He traveled tens of meters away and locked onto a "big meat mountain" directly below the star brain.

That was the righteous son of Xiao Xuance, the creator of Xing Brain, a genius idiot called "Xinghai", Xiao Tianbao!


Sorry, guys, work is too busy today, and there is still a chapter a little bit late, about ten o'clock, everyone, forgive me!

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