40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 811: Star brain world


"Star Child" Xiao Tianbao is the creator and first operator of Xing Brain. If he wants to control Xing Brain as quickly as possible, his first choice is of course to control him. In addition to his outstanding talents, he has a very low IQ. I want to come. Without further ado, he can tell the key to controlling the star brain.

Luo Xingzi and other Yuan Ying cultivators were originally about to rush towards Xiao Tianbao, but when they heard Li Yao say this, everyone abruptly stopped.

After a series of changes just now, especially at the last moment, Li Yao killed Xiao Xuance with a clean move, and covered him with layers of mystical veil. No one who is strong in Nascent Soul dared to ignore every sentence of him. words!

"No need to pretend, Xiao Tianbao, I don't believe you are really an idiot!"

Li Yao stretched out his right hand, a deep purple ball of light condensed in the palm of his palm, and there was still a pale arc around the outside, crackling, "The cultivation base reaches your level, and you can refine a super crystal brain as powerful as the star brain. How could you be a real idiot?"

"The number of immortal cultivators is too small. Your entire plan must be carried out around the Taixu Warriors, and you are the key to the Taixu Warriors plan. I don't think this is a coincidence!"

"From the very beginning, you immortal cultivators acted like an onion, wrapped in layers and protected layer by layer. The star thief was the guise of the Hall of Eternal Life, and the Hall of Eternal Life was the guise of the real human empire!"

"Whether it's on Tielwon or Spider's Nest, the real demon will never show up easily until the last moment!"

"However, as the commander of the true human empire, Xiao Xuance violated this law!"

"He is the one who throws out the Taixu war soldiers plan, and even the president of the Taixu Group, he put himself on the cusp of the storm almost from the first second!"

"Sure enough, as soon as the Taixu plan was proposed, many people, including me, suspected that there was a problem with this plan, and then suspected that Xiao Xuance had ulterior motives!"

"Even though he later sacrificed one of his own sons and a series of ‘fake conspiracy theories’ to muddy the water and win the trust of the cultivation world, the effect was really good."

"However, this has always been a bit too risky, and it is not at all like you immortal cultivators, the real style!"

"So, I boldly speculate that Xiao Xuance is by no means the true commander of the real human empire, at least not the only commander. You, the creator of Xing Brain, the core of the whole plan,'Star Child' Xiao Tianbao, is hidden behind Xiao Xuance. The true master of the true human empire!"

A series of inferences were justified and well-founded, causing Luo Xingzi and other Nascent Soul cultivators to nod their heads and have to obey.

Xiao Tianbao was so scared that he cried, kicking his legs and trembling fat.

Li Yao remained unmoved, and sneered repeatedly: "I have come to this point, and still pretend, is it interesting? If you don't show your true face anymore, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Xiao Tianbao still cried loudly, and even let out a few series of loud farts.

Li Yao snorted coldly, his eyes were full of red, and a "palm thunder" whizzed out, hitting Xiao Tianbao's chest.

With a "click", it was like five thunders, Xiao Tianbao couldn't even groan, he turned into a pile of ashes, and his death was super simple and very happy!

Li Yao: "..."

Falling Star: "..."

Many practitioners: "..."

Everyone looked at Li Yao quietly.

Li Yao blinked his eyes, his hands quickly formed seals, and a cloud of turquoise spiritual fire flew up into the air, turning into a pale blue mist.

This is a spell for detecting ghosts and ghosts. If there is a remnant of souls escaping, it will leave traces on the blue mist.

However, after searching for a long time, no clues were found. Xiao Tianbao was so dead that he couldn't die again, and there was absolutely no possibility of making trouble again.

Luo Xingzi: "Uh, Li Daoyou, could you guess wrong, Xiao Tianbao is really just a... an idiot with a more talented brain?"

Li Yao was about to grind his back teeth out of sparks, frowning so that he could squeeze out a basin of hot water, and muttered to himself: "There is no reason. Even if Xiao Tianbao is not the master of the real human empire, he must be an extremely important one The character, how could... a light thunder in the palm of your hand would die so happy?"

"No way, Xiao Tianbao is dead, it is impossible to shut down the star brain through him, only this big guy-completely destroyed!"

Time was running out, and Li Yao couldn't think so much, and flew into the "atrium" in the center of the star brain with six Yuanying monks.

Above them, the pale golden translucent brain shrank like a heart.

Every brain cell flickers and disappears, both like stars and a pair of eyes, staring at them indifferently.

Li Yao gritted his teeth, sixteen six-barreled revolving bombardment guns resurfaced, "click, click, click", a super bullet made from crystal marrow was loaded!

At this moment, Professor Mo Xuan's scream suddenly came from the communication channel: "No, run!"

Sudden change!

In an instant, countless bubbles appeared in the depth of the translucent brain, which was originally invaded by a virus and turned into a dead gray area, instantly bursting with gold!

The translucent star brain is constantly expanding, like a strange draught, penetrating Li Yao's body!

In Li Yao's mind, the alarm bell was made, subconsciously inciting six rotating bombardment cannons, blasting out sixteen fire snakes.

However, all the fire snakes are like mud cows entering the sea, shooting into a black mud swamp, without even the slightest ripples!

"this is--"

When Li Yao drove the profound bone battle armor into the sky, he seemed to have smashed dozens of invisible barriers and rushed out of the Sky Magic.

What appeared in front of him was a fierce battle of stars, but not the surrounding area of ​​the holy city, but a completely unfamiliar star field.

Tens of thousands of huge starships are fighting with another hideous alien civilization fleet, blood-staining the Milky Way, and souls returning to the stars!

Li Yao had never felt so weak. When he looked down, a cloud of black matter was secreted from the dark universe and quickly climbed onto the legs of the profound bone battle armor, such as a mixture of leeches and centipedes, constantly wriggling and spreading upwards. .

"What is this place?"

Behind Li Yao, Luo Xingzi and other six Nascent Soul cultivators also appeared in this weird sea of ​​stars, enveloped, submerged, and swallowed by the black liquid infiltrated from the universe!

"We are not attacking Star Brain, why are we here?"

Looking at the weird scenes around, battleships that are more towering than palaces, and fierce beasts that are bigger than starships, and only appear in nightmares, attack each other. Even these primordial infant monks are unavoidable. He was numb and exclaimed.

Countless stars roared from all directions. In front of them, they condensed into a strange image of a child with a huge head and a skinny body. Looking at them, he said lightly: "Here is my brain world. You don't want to destroy it. Drop me? Just give it a try!"

This sentence makes all the cultivators creepy.

"Your brain world..."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and he shuddered deeply, understanding why he suddenly appeared here, "You are Xing Brain! Xing Brain is alive, Xiao Xuance is not the master of the real human empire, and Xiao Tianbao is not, really You are the one who controls this organization with one hand!"

"You launched a mental attack on us!"

"This is not the real world, but the illusion created by you!"

Li Yao was cold all over.

Xing Brain possesses self-will, which is already shocking news, and Xing Brain's mental power is so powerful that he can remain calm, making him and the six Yuan Ying powerhouses fall into the illusion and cannot extricate themselves!

This kind of power is beyond Li Yao's imagination.

Star Child looked at Li Yao seriously for a while, with a hint of approval in his indifferent voice: "Li Yao, you are really smart, you almost guessed everything correctly. I think even the virus in my brain is also You can't get out of the relationship, right?"

"Five years ago, when the Taixu Fighting Soldier Project was just launched, when the entire cultivation world was asked to scan my brain, I felt a sneaky force that seemed to have no purpose in my brain."

"Sure enough, at the critical moment, your'virus' really broke out. It took me so long and consumed astronomical computing power and psychic energy to kill all the viruses and completely repair the loopholes. It was too late for Xiao Xuance. Go save!"

"However, I am not just Star Brain, I am also Xiao Tianbao, the Sea King of the Palace of Longevity, and a dozen other different characters."

"In the final analysis, you can call me... Star Child."

"This is what I call in the real human empire, Star Child #19."

Li Yao was shocked and finally understood that his suspicion of Xiao Tianbao was correct, but Xiao Tianbao was only a clone of Xinghai, and killing this clone would not harm Xinghai at all!

The mountain and sea black lotus, the four kings of longevity, all existed originally, and the sea king among them was the real mastermind of the whole conspiracy!

But, what does the 19th star boy mean? Could there be at least 18 horrors like it?

Li Yao fell into chaotic thinking, but Starfall laughed loudly: "It doesn’t matter whether you are Xiao Tianbao, Sea King, or star child. Your immortal cultivator’s conspiracy has gone bankrupt. Even if you save your life, we The so-called'real human empire' will not be built!"

Star Child on the 19th looked at the seven cultivators indifferently, even though its face and eyes were condensed from stars, Li Yao could easily recognize it, and there was a trace of mockery and sarcasm flowing out of its eyes.

"There is one thing, including Xiao Xuance, you all got it wrong, you got it completely wrong."

The star boy on the 19th said calmly, "The new era plan launched by the immortal cultivator is not to establish a real human empire, but to let the brilliance of the empire shine on the entire flying star realm."

"In fact, as early as a thousand years ago, the second powerful empire that will lead the re-emergence of human civilization, the real human empire, has already been established in the old capital of the Xinghai Empire, the Celestial Star Territory!"

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