40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 813: Secret of Star Child

Along with the roar of the star child, the entire universe oscillated, and every star resembled a roaring meteor, converging into a flood of information that obscured the sky and the sun, penetrating everyone's bodies!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao has a hideous face, and feels that every cell of himself is filled with overlapping scenes!

He seemed to see large cities blooming with metallic luster rising from the ground, seeing the entire refining process of spar battleships from keel to hull, and seeing countless strong, strong, cold-faced powerful men. Accept the harshest practice!

There are also conquests, killings, and endless blood gathered together, enough to extinguish a star!

In this way, Star Child has poured the centuries of history of the establishment and expansion of the true human empire into the spirits of Li Yao and the six Yuanying monks.

The extreme heaven is the center of human civilization. It is also a world with the most natural resources, the most abundant resources, and the most abundant spiritual energy.

Although it was torn apart by the emperor and the Doomsday madness 10,000 years ago, the super fleets controlled by the two sides merged here, and instead formed an ancient battlefield that is a hundred times richer than the flying star realm!

After ten thousand years, humans, monsters, demon and starry alien races, in order to compete for the resources here, they also competed for the secret treasures left by the former emperor and the doomsday war madness, and even the tomb of the legendary emperor, launched an endless **** battle. .

The real human empire, born out of 10,000 years of **** battle, was bred by infinite killing intent, and was more cruel, more iron-blooded, and more ruthless than any human civilization in the past.

The real human empire is expanding extremely fast. It took only a few hundred years to almost cover the essence of the Star Sea Empire in the past, and then through the "Star Seeker", the tentacles were extended to the more remote world in all directions.

Countless worlds, surrendered under the brilliance of the empire, provide the empire with a steady stream of resources, magic weapons and warriors. Under the nourishment of these worlds, the real human empire grows bigger and bigger like a snowball, and its strength is at a geometric level. The number is swelling crazy!

The so-called star finder is a very special profession of immortal cultivators, some are like a combination of astronomers and historians.

On the one hand, they can control the most advanced astronomical weapons to detect and search for new star fields. On the other hand, they are familiar with various ancient books. They can find the clues of a certain world in the vast ancient data, and determine The approximate position of the world.

Through the unremitting efforts of star seekers, the lost worlds of one after another have been rediscovered, and their precise coordinates have been determined. The expeditionary forces of the real human empire immediately set off and jumped to these worlds to promote the glory and power of the empire!

However, this approach only applies to the most elite areas of the original Xinghai Empire.

For those border worlds that are far away from billions of light-years away and out of reach, relying on the abilities of star seekers and various exploration magic weapons is beyond their power.

The sea of ​​stars is vast, the universe is endless, and the star field for living creatures to thrive is only one billionth of a billion.

To make a large expeditionary force appear billions of light-years away by jumping through the stars, the consumption of psionic energy is astronomical.

Even with the strength of the true human empire, it is impossible for an expeditionary force to crash like a headless fly in the vast sea of ​​stars before the precise coordinates are found.

It is not easy to transmit a fleet, and it is also difficult to transmit a detection magic weapon. In fact, even if one gram of material is carried in a star jump, the pits and valleys of spar will be burned.

In order to explore the sea of ​​stars far away from the real human empire, the cultivators have come up with many weird methods.

In a certain scheme, they even took the human brain directly from the body, put it into a special detection magic weapon, and jumped into the starry sky.

Only the brain is transmitted. In this case, the weight is reduced to the limit.

However, even a pair of brains weighs one to two kilograms, and to discover a large world inhabited by humans, it may take hundreds or thousands of jumps.

This kind of search for a needle in a haystack consumes too many resources, especially when the territory of the empire continues to expand and the more conspicuous worlds are discovered, it is even more difficult to find the remaining worlds.

After hundreds of years of research, the experts of the real human empire finally discovered the most convenient and cheapest way to explore the Xinghai.

Don't even send the brain, only send the soul!

"Star Child" was born from this.

The predecessor of each star child is a star seeker with a very high cultivation level. Their whole life has been dedicated to the stars and the sea. When they are old and weak and their bodies are extremely weak, their spirits are extremely powerful!

At this time, using the secret method to extract their spirits from the body, remove the complex memories and unnecessary emotions, plus hundreds of babies' purest spirits to refine together, there is a certain chance of refining Come out a special kind of ghost repair, that is, Star Child!

The tenacity of the star child is a hundred times that of ordinary ghost cultivators, and it is not afraid of the powerful side effects brought by the "broken void", and can absorb the power of the stars and maintain long-term consumption.

Star children are essentially a ghost, without the slightest weight, so they only need to consume very little psionic energy to make them jump dozens of star fields in a flash, searching for traces of human civilization.

Once the new human civilization is locked, they will observe the other side's star torch characteristics for a while and return to the real human empire.

After that, the Imperial Expeditionary Force will set off and descend on the opponent's head with a powerful force of thunder!

This is how the empire expands.

Li Yao trembled all over when he heard it.

Can't tell if it's because of fear or anger.

He had heard from his predecessors countless times about the ferocity of the Yaozu and the Heavenly Demon.

But he never thought that a human country could become so extinct in humanity, just to explore more star fields, and to expand, hundreds of babies could be killed to refine a "star child". !

No, this is only the final "finished product". Before this plan is successful, I don't know how many innocent babies have been sacrificed to carry out such a terrible experiment!

Li Yao's body, layers of light red flames, burned all the black liquid that was gradually climbing up to ashes!

"Don't use your boring'morality' and'kindness' to evaluate the practices of the real human empire. In the **** battle of ten thousand years, we have no choice! If we were still as benevolent as women in the past, hesitated, long ago Annihilated!"

Xinghai said coldly, "For the continuation of human civilization, every human being has the responsibility to sacrifice. It is with the sacrifice of countless people that the empire will expand so fast!"

"Unfortunately, my luck was not so good. After a super long-distance starry sky jump, although I found the prosperous and developed human world of the Flying Star Realm, I encountered an unprecedented scale of star sea storm."

"That was one hundred and twenty years ago."

One hundred and twenty years ago, a huge stellar storm?

When Li Yao thought, he immediately thought of the storm that Xiao Xuance and Bai Xinghe had encountered.

Star Child said: "At that time, I had just crossed a distance of billions of light-years, and my soul was so weak that it could not be added, and I was unable to withstand such a fierce storm. Amidst the surging radiation and electromagnetic storm, my soul was fragmented. Lost 99% of the soul and computing power, and cut off the connection with the real human empire, and fell on the verge of annihilation."

"Just when I was about to fall, I found two spar battleships attacking each other. Later I learned that the captain of one of the spar battleships, called Xiao Xuance, is a man with unlimited prospects in the world of flying stars. Young and strong."

The next thing is very simple.

Star Child has lost 99% of his soul and cannot return to the real human empire.

The development of the Flying Star Realm is far beyond his imagination. It seems that the tribulation that came five thousand years ago almost destroyed the world, but also brought a new life to the Flying Star Realm after the catastrophe. , Showing some styles that are quite different from other big worlds.

Xinghai sneaked into Xiao Xuance’s spar battleship. He was originally a high-ranking monk with super computing power. For the purpose of reconnaissance, he practiced a lot of secret methods to control the soul. In addition, at that time, Xiao Xuance had just completed the transformation of the "dark forest". The heart fluctuates and the brain is unstable.

He easily planted a seed called "True Human Empire" in Xiao Xuance's brain.

For the next few decades, the star child has been hibernating in the dark, slowly recuperating and growing his soul.

With his assistance, Xiao Xuance also rose to the top and became the leader of the Feathered Snake Sect.

The embryonic forms of the "Second Empire" and the "Eternal Palace" are both being gestated.

Finally, when Star Child's strength recovered to a certain level, he carefully selected an innately stupid idiot to win the house.

Children with innate stupidity are born with incomplete three souls and seven souls, and have a very high chance of success in seizing a house. Sure enough, they were successful once by the star child.

After that, he made a little plan, manipulated Xiao Xuance to accept this idiot as a righteous son, and began to develop the "Star Brain". In fact, he used countless crystal brains to expand his computing power to the limit.

As the sea king, he met with Xiao Xuance on the Lingnet, and guided him step by step to establish the Second Empire, the Palace of Longevity, and to launch the Taixu warfare plan.

Under the effect of the "seed" he had planted long ago, Xiao Xuance was ignorant of everything and believed from the bottom of his heart that he was the creator of the true human empire.

"If Xiao Xuance's'New Era Project' is completely successful, we can completely transform the flying star world into an empire within a hundred years, and provide the empire with a steady stream of resources and soldiers, without having to mobilize the empire expeditionary force to come here to fight."

"Unfortunately, he failed."

"It doesn't matter. Although Xiao Xuance failed, the seven of you are still there."

"Among the seven of you, there are not only the elders and strong men who can represent the Six Sects of Heavenly Sage, but also the true controller of the Yaoshi Group, the first warrior of the Six Divisions of Cheorwon!"

"Communicating with you is the same."

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