40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 814: Different road non-phase plan!

Falling Xingzi rushed into the crown, and the flames burned wildly, and the long sword pointed at the star child: "Shut up! The way is different, and you don't want to do it! You immortals treat ordinary people as ants, for your purpose, and by any means, even the newborn baby can be sacrificed. '; We cultivators will never go with you!"

"What's more, your true human empire has not really appeared before, it has set off a **** storm in the flying star realm. There are tens of thousands of innocent people in the sky mountain domain, the heavenly holy city, the Tieyuan star, and dozens of star domains. In your hands!"

"Between you and me, there is already nothing to say, right and wrong, just communicate with the sword in your hand!"

Xingzi's voice is still calm: "Xingzi, don't have to be so violent, this can only show your inner weakness and fear."

"The reason why I am frank and honest, and instilled so much valuable information about the real human empire into you, is that I hope everyone can turn fighting into jade and don't kill each other."

"Cooperating with the empire will only benefit you, not harm."

"According to the practice of the empire, for a relatively remote world like yours, semi-autonomous forms are usually adopted. As long as you submit to the empire, you may be able to become the governor or even the master of the flying star realm."

"The empire will not destroy your sects, but will aid you with a lot of magic weapons, resources, and magical powers to make you stronger."

"You even have the opportunity to go to the empire's capital, Celestial Star, to practice more superior supernatural powers and embark on an unimaginable new realm."

"The six of you are all Nascent Soul cultivators, don't you want to one day become... a god?"


The six cultivators looked at each other in a mixed mood.

It's not because of being confused by the other party, but... if the real human empire really has a master of transformation of the gods, then the strength of the empire is too strong!

"Li Yao, your cultivation method is quite special. With the cultivation base of the pill formation stage, it is indeed incredible that you can actually exert the combat effectiveness of the Nascent Infant stage."

"But I think, your cultivation method like this must have encountered a lot of difficulties? From foundation building to pill formation, it must be a lot of hard work and extremely dangerous. It is necessary to rush from the pill formation to the Nascent Soul. It's even more elusive."

"It's almost impossible to rush to the realm of Nascent Soul by your own strength without a very special adventure."

"But if you join the true human empire, you can study with the empire's cultivators, and with the help of the empire's cultivators and even the cultivators, condense the primordial soul."

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk cultivation genius like you stays in the realm of'Ultimate Golden Core' for the rest of your life. Is it a pity?

"Even, for the Flying Star Realm, a world with a very high degree of civilization, the Empire will send you to conquer the lower worlds nearby. You can also get a lot of benefits from the conquered worlds."

"How about? Working with the empire, your own cultivation level can be greatly improved, breaking through a new realm; your sect can also be more prosperous; your people and descendants will become stronger; even with the help of the empire , You can also expand in all directions, everyone has the opportunity to become the master of the world!"

Luo Xingzi laughed: "Since there are so many benefits, why didn't you say it directly one hundred and twenty years ago? There are no three-year-old children here. We know very well that there are no free benefits in the world. What to pay?"

"Very simple, resources and fighters."

Star Child said, "I have been observing in secret for 120 years and found that your flying star realm treats ordinary people too kindly. In fact, most ordinary people are parasites of human civilization and will only waste resources. There is no contribution at all, but you blindly protect them and indulge them, which will only stagnate the entire civilization."

"For example, you control dozens of star domains. In these star domains, there are actually a large number of resource-rich mining planets. It is only because the environment is too bad that mining is slow."

"In fact, as long as ordinary people's bodies are modified slightly to turn them into powerful mining slaves, they can be sent to these planets for mining, and a large amount of resources can be mined at a very low cost. What was paid was nothing more than the lives of some mine slaves."

"Also, for example, there are weird'Eggs of Heaven's Tribulation' on Tieyuan Star, which can swallow spirit beasts and transform them into powerful Heaven's Tribulation Beasts."

"This kind of mysterious magical power has extremely high military value. As long as some human experiments are conducted, I believe that we can refine a powerful'Heavenly Tribulation Soldier' ​​and further expand the strength of our human civilization."

"But you guys didn't do that either. Such a good resource was wasted in vain!"

"After the flying star world becomes part of the empire, of course, those parasites cannot be allowed to be so comfortable. The empire will teach you hundreds of magical methods and tell you how to squeeze out the potential of these ordinary people and remove them from mixing. Parasites that eat and wait to die are transformed into things useful to human civilization."

"Hehe, although ordinary people are just ants, even a single ant can be thrown into the fire of human civilization and become a small fuel."

"At that time, as long as the Flying Star Realm provides the empire with a certain amount of fighters, mine slaves, and resources every year, the empire will give you a lot of assistance. Better, it will never harm your interests at all."


Luo Xingzi took a deep breath and said, "That is to say, as long as we sacrifice the interests of all ordinary people in the Flying Star Realm and turn them into the cannon fodder of the true human empire, we practitioners can get a lot of benefits?"

"No, hehe, we who have made this kind of transaction, I am afraid we can no longer be called cultivators, and we will become... cultivators just like you at that time!"

Xinghai said lightly: "Maybe it will be difficult for you to accept such a proposal for a while, but as long as you get to the Celestial Pole Star and appreciate the true meaning of Xiuxian Avenue, you will definitely figure it out. This is human civilization and there is no choice. future!"

"Shut up! We will never choose, such a future!"

Falling Xingzi's blood pierced his pupils, and the light was so bright, and he whizzed towards Xingzi!

The star child condensed from hundreds of millions of stars is hundreds of meters high and looks like a **** and Buddha standing upright in front of everyone.

Luo Xingzi rushed towards him, like a firefly rushing towards the incomparably brilliant, blazing sun!


Xinghai stretched out only one finger to resist Luo Xingzi's offensive, and then his fingers flexed slightly, as if to drive a fly away, and flicked Luo Xingzi fiercely!

"This is the world of my brain, the Palace of Souls and Souls constructed by me, how could you defeat me here!"

The star child’s voice gradually became strong and heavy, like a roar of thunder. In the Star Sea battlefield as the background, the wreckage of hundreds of spar battleships suddenly flew towards him, among which dozens of spar battleships collided and entangled each other. Formed thousands of meters long hands and feet, the remaining spar battleship is condensed into a huge and unparalleled body!

A steel giant composed of hundreds of spar battleships slowly stood up amidst the shining stars!

Including Li Yao, the seven cultivators all took a breath, and even though they knew that this was an illusion created by a star child, they couldn't help but give birth to a touch of cold despair!

"See, this is my power, this is the power of the real human empire!"

"In the face of such power, you little world can't resist it at all!"

"Come on, join the empire and become a cultivator. One day, you can become as strong as me!"

A giant tens of thousands of meters high, the wreckage and fragments on his chest were constantly squirming, condensed into a huge face, and all the voices came from this face.

Compared with this overwhelming giant, the Falling Star is really as insignificant as a dust drifting in the depths of the universe.

But this dust rushed towards the giant for the second time, and amidst the giant's thunder, it let out a hoarse roar: "If you can't protect the weak, what's the point of being strong?"

"We are cultivators. It is to protect our homeland and every ordinary person in this sea of ​​stars, so that we can burn our lives, give everything, and embark on the road of cultivation!"

"We will sacrifice for the sake of human civilization, but we will only sacrifice ourselves and never sacrifice others to achieve our own greatness and glory!"

"Sacrifice yourself or sacrifice others, this is the biggest difference between our cultivators and your cultivators!"

"I, Feathered Snake Cult, Starfaller, will always be a cultivator, even if my soul is annihilated, and I will never be beyond life, I will fight with you immortal cultivators and the terrible future of your true human empire to the end!"


The falling star child turned into a straight gold thread, like a very thin long sword, piercing the chest of the steel giant!

Xinghai snorted coldly, and suddenly a third metal arm protruded from her chest, spread her five fingers, like a big mountain collapsed, and slapped Luo Xingzi fiercely!


This time, Luo Xingzi was not fanned fiercely, but Xingzi's giant hand showed signs of tearing.

Because, just before the two sides collided, the other six streams of light rushed up instantly, and together with Luo Xingzi, they resisted each other together!

Including Li Yao, all seven cultivators made a choice!

"you guys--"

Seeing the six cultivators who flew in front of him and vehemently resisted the giant hands of Xinghaizi, Luo Xingzi's nose was sour, and the clouds and water in his chest were violent, and he couldn't help but laugh and burst into tears!

"Have you seen it? This is the choice of the Feixing Cultivation World, and this is the answer of our practitioners!"

"Naive choice."

The star child’s voice became louder and louder and more violent. Various starship wrecks surging out of the body, strengthened to the third hand in the chest, making this arm full of spikes and barbs. , Especially on the five fingers, the nails are getting longer and longer, just like a sharp blade, which brings seven cultivators under more and more pressure. "You cultivators, living on the edge of the star sea, have passed the calm waves. For ten thousand years, it is like a flower in a greenhouse. It has never experienced a real torrential rain, so I can insist on such a ridiculous belief!

"What'protecting the weak' is just a kind of boring hypocrisy, allowing you to get the satisfaction of vanity in the flattery and praise of ordinary people!"

"For this kind of vanity, you have protected ordinary people like ants, but ruined the future of the entire civilization!"

"This is your road to the abyss, and this is your self-righteous justice!"

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