40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 815: The last practitioner


Thousands of crystal magnetic cannons suddenly appeared in the hands of the giant spirit transformed by the star child. The thunderball was like rain, and the arc was like a shuttle, bombarding indiscriminately. The seven cultivators were stunned and completely submerged in the sea of ​​flames. !


When the Jing Magneto finally ceased fire, tens of thousands of iron cords sprang from the palm of the giant hand and pierced the crystal armor of the seven cultivators fiercely, like a group of thorns, making them immobile.

"Open your eyes and see this universe clearly!"

Along with the roar of the star child, countless phantoms appeared in the sea of ​​stars in all directions, as if all the gods and demons from nine heavens and ten earth descended at the same time.

It is as majestic as a mountain, vast as the ocean, and the seven cultivators are extremely small.

Hundreds of millions of gods and demons are like hundreds of thousands of yawning trees with teeth and claws, forming a dark and cold forest, spreading across the entire universe.

"Did you see that the cold universe is a dark forest. If you want to survive, you must follow the cruelest laws!"

"The weak eat the strong, the fittest survive, in order to become strong, benevolence, morality, compassion...everything can be abandoned, and must be abandoned!"

"This is evolution, just like when a fish arrives on land, it abandons the bladder and fins of the past and evolves into a reptile!"

"Evolution, evolution, evolution! Evolution is everything! Evolution can survive, and without evolution, there is only destruction!"


The thorns that pierced deeply into the bodies of the seven cultivators instantly turned into black poisonous snakes, continuously injecting a large amount of venom into the depths of their souls.

The spirits of the seven people were suppressed to death, and they were powerless to struggle. The black venom even spilled out of their bodies along their mouths, noses, eyes and ears, forming a thin seal on the body surface.

Li Yao felt that his divine soul fire was getting weaker and weaker, and his computing power was constantly decreasing under the erosion of the black venom. He even began to agree with the idea of ​​Star Child from the bottom of his heart.

"What he said seems quite reasonable. We live in Xinghai Beach and have not experienced strong winds and waves in order to maintain the concept of'help the weak'."

"If we were to live in a cruel world of blood warfare for 10,000 years, in order to continue the fire of human civilization, how would we choose?"

Li Yao shuddered suddenly, knowing that his mind was about to fall.

"No, no, no, a civilization that sacrifices most ordinary people to achieve a handful of elites is definitely not a real human civilization!"

Li Yao wanted to scream, but the black venom filled his throat. He coughed for a long time and couldn't say a word.

"Have you seen, with my strength, you can easily suppress your seven souls and make you completely my slaves!"

The Star Child suddenly stopped the invasion and said coldly, "Even without you, I can control the entire Flying Star Realm with the Taixu Warriors, but if I do this, it will inevitably set off a protracted battle that will destroy the entire Flying Star Realm. All were broken, and hundreds of millions of people were killed."

"In order for the Flying Star Realm to operate as soon as possible and provide the Empire with a steady stream of soldiers and resources, I am not willing to do this."

"Similarly, I believe you are unwilling to see the creatures in the flying star realm being frustrated."

"So, I give you one last chance."

"Seven of you, all have great influence in the flying star realm. With your prestige and power, plus the Taixu warriors, you should be able to take down the entire flying star realm without bloodshed, and let this world follow the empire’s Way to work."

"I know you are all granite heads, and you are not afraid of death, but even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about ordinary people."

"If you don’t resist and surrender obediently, the Flying Star Realm can still maintain a certain degree of independence. In the future, you will become the actual controller of the Flying Star Realm. As long as you provide a certain amount of soldiers and resources every year, the Empire will not interfere too much with you. There are still many people who can be under your protection."

"At that time, you can establish'protected areas' on some planets, allowing some ordinary people to continue to live in them and lead a peaceful and peaceful life, so as to satisfy your little hypocrisy and vanity."

"This is the biggest concession of the empire!"

"If you insist on fighting to the end and don't want to bathe in the glory of the empire, then you are the enemy of the true human empire, and even the traitor of human civilization!"

"For the traitors of human civilization, the empire will never show mercy!"

"When the Imperial Expeditionary Army arrives, the Flying Star Realm will immediately turn into dust. Not only will all the cultivators be unable to save their lives, even ordinary people will be subject to the most severe sanctions, and they will be converted into the cheapest mining slaves and sent to the edge of the empire. The resource planet with the worst environment, for generations, descendants, and grandchildren, there will never be a day before!"

"Is this the future you want?"

"Is this the price you are willing to pay for your temporary courage?"

Luo Xingzi and the six cultivators were dumbfounded, and all of them were silent.

They are absolutely not afraid of death, but if the real human empire is really so powerful, resistance will not have the slightest meaning, on the contrary, ordinary people in the flying star world will fall into a more miserable situation.

This is an ending they never want to accept.

The spirits of Luo Xingzi and others could not help but tremble slightly, and there appeared strands of hair-like gaps.

The black venom illusioned by the star child's spirit, took the opportunity to invade and penetrate deep into the souls of the six Yuan Ying cultivators, destroying and controlling it.

The six were struggling feebly as if sinking into the depths of a swamp.

Only Li Yao still clenched his teeth under the erosion of the black venom, keeping the last bit of sobriety deep in the soul.

He faintly felt a little strange.

"That's not right, since Star Child's spirit power is so powerful, we can all be suppressed from the beginning, why is there so much nonsense?"

"Even, if he is really tough to this level, he doesn't need to control Xiao Xuance at all, launching some'New Era Project', and just find someone from the head to gather many Nascent Soul cultivators into the star brain control room of the Sky Fantasy to launch mental attacks. Wouldn't it be easy to brainwash everyone?"

"There is a problem, there must be a problem here!"

"According to common sense, he clearly knows that we are all the hardest cultivators. The belief in protecting ordinary people is not developed overnight. It is impossible to be easily moved by a few words, so we should not exaggerate the cruelty of the real human empire. Up!"


Li Yao's inspiration suddenly appeared, and he suddenly thought, "Unless, he is bluffing, he wants us to feel extreme fear!"

"Yes, yes, until now, everything is the dead child's empty words, what the rise of the real human empire, what controls the essence of the Xinghai Empire, what countless worlds are surrendered to the glory of the empire... listen to him fart , There is no evidence at all!"

"Is he really that powerful?"

"We have six Nascent Souls here, plus my soul, with seven enemies and one soul, even the soul of the cultivator may not be able to suppress us!"

"Don't forget, he has to consume a lot of computing power to control tens of thousands of Taixuan soldiers, to compete with Professor Mo Xuan and other star spirits!"

"Right, Protoss!"

"Professor Mo Xuan and their five star spirits must be thinking of a solution outside!"

"From the perspective of various factors, Star Child is definitely not as strong as we have seen, so he has to deliberately exaggerate the power and horror of the real human empire, just to frighten us and shake our soul!"

In spiritual confrontation, the strength of the soul is very important, but more important is the fighting spirit, the fighting spirit!

The source of fighting spirit and fighting spirit is unwavering faith!

In particular, when two monks with almost the same level of cultivation are engaged in a spiritual contest, the role of faith is particularly prominent.

The more determined the Dao heart is, the more likely it is to win the final victory!

Whether the Dao Heart is firm or not depends to a large extent on the "facts" believed by both parties.

For example, it is easy for an old Nascent Soul to launch a mental attack on a Qi-refining monk to convince the other party that "the sun is square".

However, if both parties are Yuanying bosses, one of them firmly believes that "the sun is round" and the other believes that "the sun is square", and the two collide with this belief, the former will definitely win.

"From the very beginning, Star Kids tried their best to exaggerate the ‘viewpoint’ of ‘the real human empire is extremely powerful, and you absolutely cannot resist’, and turned this viewpoint into a ‘fact’!"

"In the midst of such ‘fact’ troubles, our Dao Hearts are beginning to waver, and we don’t believe in ourselves, how can we fight him?"

The discovery of this made Li Yao's spirits uplifted.

But his Dao Xin did not become stronger because of this.

Because everything was speculation, he had no evidence to prove that Star Child was lying.

Without conclusive evidence, there will be no firm conviction, and without firm conviction, the full power of the soul cannot be exerted!

"What to do?" Li Yao was anxious.

The Star Child has taken the lead, and this thinking palace is already indestructible. Unless he finds conclusive evidence, Li Yao will not even be able to convince him, let alone awaken the six Nascent Soul cultivators to contend with the Star Child!

"If you are still unwilling to give up, I might as well tell you more desperate news."

Hidden deep in the steel battle body, the fire of the soul of the star child trembled slightly, and it seemed a little unstable.

In the indifferent voice, there was a hint of uncertainty and eagerness, "After nearly a thousand years of expansion, the empire has regained almost all of the human world."

"Many large worlds are in extremely harsh environments. The strong there have long since abandoned the stupid idea of ​​protecting the weak and the small. When the empire army appeared, they joined the empire without any resistance."

"And those worlds that are stupid and still adhere to the path of cultivation, because they are not adapted to the competition of the dark forest, almost all have been destroyed in ten thousand years, and those that are not destroyed by chance are still dying and dying."

"You, are the last cultivators in this dark forest."

"Hehe, in the vast sea of ​​stars, in the icy universe, only you fools are left to fight alone."

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