40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 816: Seen through by you!


Under the entanglement of the black venom, the spirits of the six Yuanying monks were greatly weakened, and their computing power fell to the bottom. In addition, they preconceived the power of the real human empire, and could not judge the truth of this sentence at all, subconsciously I chose to believe.

This sentence was like the last straw on a heavy burden, completely crushing the souls of the six people and falling into a disaster of extinction.

In the black venom, the trembling fire of the soul uttered a desperate moan:

"We... are the last cultivators?"

"So many big worlds have embarked on the road of ruthless cultivation of immortals with the weak and the strong?"

"Only we are left, in the dark forest, we are extremely lonely!"

The struggle of the six beams of divine soul fire became weaker and weaker, and the body completely wrapped in venom gradually became stiff and dull. Starting from the fingers and toes, it slowly turned into a black statue.

Only the deepest part of Li Yao's Soul Fire, the more and more intense it jumps, the more crazy it jumps!

Staring at the star child's eyes, full of gamblers' desperate blood!

The flaw has appeared, but this flaw is not big enough, not enough to defeat the star child in one fell swoop.

He must tear up a bigger flaw, and with irrefutable "facts", muster up the courage of the six Nascent Soul monks, and thoroughly pierce the masks of the Star Child and the real human empire!


Li Yao suddenly laughed wildly. The laughter shook the heavens and stars, and the black venom clogged up in his throat was all washed away by the laughter.

He burned his soul desperately, and finally recovered his yelling power!

Star Child looked at him very calmly, as if he knew what conspiracy he was about to play.

"Dear fellow daoists, don't believe that he is lying!"

Li Yaosheng hoarse, "During the heyday of the Xinghai Empire, the fire of human civilization burned thousands of worlds. How could the real human empire conquer all of these worlds in just a thousand years?"

"Tell everyone... top secret news!"

"Actually, there is a huge underground observatory under the spider's nest star. It has extremely special magical powers and can communicate with other great worlds!"

"For the past five years, I have stayed under the spider's nest star, and it is through this underground observatory to look for other great worlds!"

"Furthermore, I spent five years and successfully discovered three great worlds, the rising sun world, the black moon world, and the Tianyuan world! These three worlds are still guarded by our cultivators. There are no cultivators at all, let alone true. The human empire!"

"So, the conclusion is that he, is, tells, lies!"


The power of the souls of the two sides is almost the same. The battle of spirit is the battle of will and the battle of belief!

With Li Yao's decisive remarks, the six Yuan Ying monks restored a trace of faith, and the black venom that had enveloped them faded slightly.

"Trust me!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, "Even though the universe is really a dark forest, even if countless worlds are conquered by real human empires, the Flying Star Realm will never be fighting alone. There will definitely be other worlds. Together, fight together!"


The black venom on the body of the six primordial souls screamed, like burnt thorns, turning into pieces of ashes, quickly dissipating!


The calculation power of the six Yuanying monks recovered a little, but they immediately realized that Li Yao's remarks were not true, and it seemed a little pale!

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha."

In the cover of countless starship wrecks, the fire of the soul of the star child is getting weaker and weaker.

Li Yao didn't guess wrong. The Star Child was indeed not strong enough to suppress six Nascent Soul monks and one Ultimate Golden Core in one go.

He took great pains to create this thinking palace, imagining the gods and demons of the heavens, and expending a lot of computing power at all costs to render the power and horror of the real human empire in order to shake the Dao Heart of the Seven.

Seeing that success is imminent, he certainly will not allow Li Yao to ruin his plan at the last minute!

Xinghai smiled faintly and said in a tone of winning ticket: "Li Yao, in just seven years, you have grown from an unknown person to a super strong, and you are also in control of one of the most powerful forces in the flying star world. It's not easy to be the same."

"No wonder, you can play Bai Xinghe for a month, but no one sees any flaws, because you are as treacherous and cunning as Bai Xinghe!"

"Until this moment, you will lose without a doubt. Do you still want to use deceit to turn defeat into victory?"

Li Yao swallowed hard and roared dryly: "I really discovered the three worlds of Heiyue, Rising Sun and Tianyuan. Six fellow Taoists, you must believe me!"

The fire of the souls of the six Yuanying monks suddenly fainted and jumped suddenly, like a candle in the wind, extinguishing at any time.

The black venom entangled again, turning into thousands of little snakes, biting their souls.

Of course they wanted to believe in Li Yao, but to be honest... His words seemed to be made up in a random manner. There were too many flaws!

Xinghai laughed dumbly and said indifferently: "Since you still don't give up, let me point out the flaws in your remarks!"

"First, there is indeed an ancient observatory under the spider's nest star, but according to the information of our true human empire, this observatory was built by an ancient astrologer Liu Thorn."

"The Willow Thorn Star was the first to propose the law of the dark forest. In our real human empire, it is also very famous. We all know a little about his life and deeds. We know that he once built an observatory in his hometown, but the purpose is to research. Heavenly Tribulation, but it is not communicating with other great worlds."

"So, even if you were lucky enough to find this observatory on the Spider's Nest, and it hasn't been destroyed in ten thousand years, you won't be able to use it to get in touch with other great worlds!"

"What's more, such a connection will definitely send out extremely strong psychic fluctuations."

"But the immortal cultivator we planted on the spider's nest star didn't sense anything!"

"So, I think you might have discovered this ancient observatory, but this observatory should be abandoned, right?"

"At most, you discovered the names of some great worlds from the ancient materials of the Observatory. Only at the critical juncture did you swindle me!"

"But, unfortunately."

Xinghai smiled and said, "The three great worlds of Heiyue, Rising Sun, and Tianyuan that you mentioned have long been discovered by the real human empire."

"How, how is it possible?" Li Yao trembled.

The Star Child said: "554 years ago, the real human empire discovered the Black Moon Realm, and the Black Moon Realm was incorporated into the Empire's territory without any blood."

"434 years ago, the coordinates of the rising sun world were also locked by the empire. There are some stubborn cultivators in this world, but under the suppression of the empire's army, the rising sun world was also conquered within three years. "

"As for the Tianyuan Realm..."

The star boy paused and said, "Let me think about it, that seems to be a relatively barren small world on the edge of the Xinghai Empire territory? The true human empire discovered the Tianyuan world 219 years ago, but that small world has been It was completely destroyed, deserted, and without development value, so it was abandoned by the empire."


Li Yao was at a loss and speechless.

The star boy laughed loudly: "So, admit it, you are lying!"

"You have no contact with the three worlds of Heiyue, Shengyang, and Tianyuan. Everything is just made up by you!"

"Of these three worlds, two of them have been ruled by immortal cultivators, and the other is completely abandoned. You are the last cultivators!"

"Li Yao, are you really lying? You haven't discovered the new world?"

The spirits of the six Yuanying monks trembled fiercely!

Li Yao was silent for a long time, like a balloon that had been poked, his whole body slowly dried out, and he murmured: "You really are there. You can be seen through this way, then there is no way..."

These words made the six Yuan Ying monks completely desperate, unable to move even a finger.

The star kid laughed: "Now, you fully realize the power of the empire!"

Countless tentacles suddenly swelled, and black venom was continuously poured into the seven cultivators!

Li Yao was like a puppet whose string had been cut off. Mu was motionless, letting the black venom swallow him completely, turning him into a large black cocoon.

Perceiving the despair and fear of the seven, Star Child's divine soul fire once again burned, becoming stronger and stronger!

Now, the Dao Xin of the seven cultivators has been completely suppressed, and nothing can stop the avenue of cultivation and transform the world!


Xinghai suddenly sensed that in the large black cocoon that wrapped Li Yao, there was a little bit of "faith" that was extremely strong and could not be swallowed and digested at all!

"this is--"

Xinghai was puzzled. He had clearly exposed Li Yao's lies. Why is there such a firm belief in Li Yao's soul?

Li Yao's strange voice came from the black cocoon: "Wait, one last question!"

"Since the true human empire is so powerful, it is not impossible for me to submit to the empire and even become a cultivator."

"However, I still want to finally confirm that the true human empire really discovered the Tianyuan Realm 219 years ago, and the Tianyuan Realm has already become a barren land?"

Star Child was taken aback for a moment, and instinctively sensed something strange.

But he said it himself, and his suppression of the Seven was completely supported by these words. If there was a little hesitation at this time and the Seven were aware of his weakness, then it was all over!

Therefore, Xinghai said coldly: "Yes, a desolate and barren small world at the edge of the star sea, wandering alone for 10,000 years, how can there be the slightest fire of civilization?"


Li Yao couldn't help laughing out loud, "In this case, then it's okay!"

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