40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 817: This is the future!

For a moment!

That firm belief swelled into a violent hurricane. Before the star boy could react at all, the black giant cocoon was torn to pieces by hundreds of golden lights from the inside out.

The hundreds of tentacles deeply pierced into Li Yao's soul, all fell under Li Yao's control, turning from black to gold, and in turn, blasted a hole several hundred meters in diameter on the star child!

"No, it's impossible!"

Staring at Li Yao, who was shining like a supernova explosion in front of him, could not look directly at him, Xinghai was dumbfounded, "Why! Your lies were clearly revealed by me, why your beliefs are getting stronger and stronger, and stronger and stronger. The more unshakable?"

The six Yuan Ying monks who were in a state of chaos and were about to disarm and surrender were also shocked by the strong faith exuding from Li Yao's body, and slightly opened their confused eyes.

In the vacuum of the universe, it is impossible to transmit sound, but this is not the real universe, but the thinking palace of the star child.

Therefore, when Li Yao's soul swelled to its limit, the deafening war song that had been surging in his mind, flowed unscrupulously in the endless sea of ​​stars!

Hundreds of millions of stars and billions of rays of light roared towards Li Yao from all directions, becoming bunches of wild spiritual flames, condensed into a brand new crystal armor, making his figure soar.

One hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters!

However, under the turmoil of Li Yao's fighting spirit, the spar battleship wreckage attached to the outside of the Star Child Divine Soul Fire continued to collapse, peel off, and disintegrate, causing the tens of thousands of meters high steel giant to shrink continuously!

The gap between the two sides is constantly narrowing!

"Is it weird, why is my belief so strong?"

In the depths of the Stars Battle Armor, Li Yao smiled, beams of light condensed in his hand a war knife that was hundreds of meters long. With the addition of stars, the blade's edge continued to extend.

The Star War Knife, tearing the universe apart, pointed directly at the Star Child, "It's very simple, because it's not just a belief that supports me!"

"Just now I said that even though this icy universe is really a cruel dark forest, even though the true human empire ruled by you immortal cultivators has really conquered most of the human world!"

"That doesn't mean that the Flying Star Realm is the last world that sticks to the road of cultivation!"

"I firmly believe that in the war against the cultivators, against the real human empire, and against the dark forest, the flying star cultivators are by no means alone. In any case, there will be at least another world of cultivators with them, fighting side by side, and sharing life and death! "

"Flying Star Realm, never alone!"

"This is not only my belief, but also an irrefutable fact that is happening under your idiot's eyelids!"

Accompanied by the roar that shook the universe, the Star War Knife in Li Yao's hand had already ignited thousands of meters of light, and smashed into the star child!


The star boy’s right arm was condensed from the remains of more than a dozen spar battleships. At this moment, it was further compressed and condensed into a long sword surrounded by black air, which barely blocked Li Yao’s star war knife. The shock wave coming out is no less than the most frantic star sea storm!

The voice of the star child was very flustered: "Who are you-who are you?"

Li Yao laughed: "Last name Li Mingyao, nickname Vulture, Tianyuan monk, Vulture Li Yao!"

"Tian Yuan-monk!"

The star child was dumbfounded, his computing power fell into a chaotic vortex, and he could no longer maintain the firmness of the soul. The black long sword transformed from the right arm was severed by Li Yao's star sword. The blade took advantage of the momentum and hurried along the chest of the star child. , Split the huge face on his chest in half!

The golden sword light even penetrated Xinghai's body and burst out from behind him!

"Tian Yuan-monk?"

The six Nascent Soul cultivators in the Flying Star Realm were also in an uproar. Although they still didn't understand the cause and effect, they were infected by Li Yao's hurricaneous fighting spirit. The Taoist heart was strengthened again and the fighting spirit was ignited again!

"Dear fellow daoists must have investigated my origins before. It must be very strange. How could a person with no background and no name suddenly show such a weird refining technique on Kongshan Lunjian, and then went to Cheorwon. Star Territory, fight against the fierce star thief, and later become the number one warrior of the Six Cheorwon?"

"It's very simple. Of course I have my own teacher and inheritance, but I am not in the Flying Star Realm, but in another Great Thousand World, the Heavenly Yuan Realm!"

"That's right, this guy just said, was discovered by the empire more than two hundred years ago, a barren Tianyuan realm!"

The six Yuan Ying monks were extremely shocked!

The wound on the chest of the star child is thousands of meters long, and countless wreckage wriggles in it. It can’t be healed for a long time. It is like a bottomless canyon, and it shows the hideous ugliness of that big face: "Impossible, you are lying," Do you... have any evidence!"

Li Yao smiled, and the sword in his right hand locked Xinghai firmly, the index and middle fingers of his left hand were brought together, and gently touched the center of his eyebrows: "Evidence?"

"I am the evidence!"

"Xinghai, you just said that the Tianyuan Realm has been barren since at least two hundred years ago."

"Next, let me burn my soul, release my memory fragments, and let everyone see what the real Tianyuan Realm is like!"

"I believe everyone knows how much computing power is required to create a huge and lifelike world. If the Celestial Realm does not exist in real, it is impossible to fabricate so many in an instant with my ultimate golden core computing power. Memories!"

"Look, this is my hometown, Tianyuanjie!"


From the depths of Li Yao's soul, a stream of golden light burst out, surging surgingly, and transformed into an overwhelming world in the sea of ​​stars, shining on the dark forest composed of gods and demons.

These are his most impressive memories!

The first picture is a simulation of the War Museum of the Star Federation. In the battle for the founding of the Star Federation, countless cultivators drove the starship toward the monster army, especially the flagship of the cultivator Liaoyuan collided with the monster flagship. The scene of Hoshino.

Above the blood-stained sea of ​​clouds, the federation's battle flag, the nine-star rising dragon flag, fluttering in the wind, hunting!

The second picture is a scene of seven low-powered cultivators on the crystal rail train heading to the Great Wilderness Battlefield, facing the overwhelming ghost-faced silver mosquitoes, sacrificing themselves and delaying time!

In the third picture, in the Battle of the Seven Cities, countless ordinary people flee the war-torn homes, while teams of practitioners and federal soldiers are rushing against the current and rushing into the perilous battlefield!

The fourth picture is on the Bone Dragon Star. Li Yao, Ding Lingdang and other cultivators fight with the monster team and the Bone Dragon Demon. Finally, Li Yao launches the Spark’s Xuanguang drill bit and takes the Bone Dragon Demon to break the void together. , Teleported to the unknown world!

In addition to these four huge pictures, there are thousands of scattered small pictures, all of which are not important memory fragments, but they also reflect the social form, customs, and urban appearance of the Tianyuan Realm. Historical heritage.

Such a complex and real world, all-encompassing and lifelike, is indeed not instantaneous and can be fictionalized.

Along with the picture, there are waves of roars that are higher than the waves:

"Cultivators are the swords of human civilization!"

"Slashing demons and eliminating demons, my vocation, snakes, insects, rats and ants, come and die!"

"Get out, don't stop Lao Tzu from saving the world!"

"Practicing for the rise of the Federation!"

"Cultivation is not afraid of death, and if you are afraid of death, you will not cultivate!"

"Cultivators are here!"

Such a picture and such a voice dazzled and ignited the six Yuanying monks!

All the black venom in his body was turned into ashes and annihilated in a scream of "squeaking".

Their spirits recondensed into an incomparable human form, layer after layer of gorgeous crystal armor that could not exist in reality, like clusters of crystals and corals, madly breeding in them, causing their body to continue to expand. Suddenly a giant slowly rising from the abyss!

"It's true. What Li Yao said is true. In addition to the Flying Star Realm, there is at least another world guarded by cultivators."

"The cultivator is here... It's been a long time since I heard such a cry!"

"Although it is a small realm with poor resources, it only controls one star field, but it has a very stable planet. At least tens of billions of people live on this planet. The potential for war is great, and the level of cultivation is not low. Supernatural powers, even above the flying star realm!"

"Flying Star Realm is vast and sparsely populated, and everyone is scattered."

"The Tianyuan Realm has a small land and a large number of people, all people are highly concentrated, and it has a very strong army, which has brought the power of ordinary people into full play!"

"The two sides have a strong complementarity!"

"The Xingyao Federation, which rules the Tianyuan Realm, has existed for five hundred years, but the Star Child said, more than two hundred years ago, the Tianyuan Realm was completely barren?"

"He's lying!"

"Since the matter of the Tianyuan Realm, he can lie, who knows if the Black Moon Realm and the Rising Sun Realm he said are true?"

"The real human empire is so powerful and invincible as he said? Does it really rule most of the human world?"

These Nascent Soul cultivators are talented and determined people. Just now because the soul was suddenly suppressed by the star child, and their computing power was greatly weakened, they couldn't think so much.

Now, through the irrefutable facts, Li Yao made them aware of the loopholes in the lies of the stars, like a hole in an impenetrable dam.

The collapse is here!

The thinking palace built by the star child began to shake, and the gods and demons that formed the dark forest collapsed, dissipated, and annihilated one by one!

"Did you see it, Star Boy, this is my world!"

Li Yao laughed, every memory picture ignited a golden flame, transformed into a flying firebird, swept across the entire dark forest, and burned the illusions of the gods and demons to pieces, screamed again and again, and flew back one by one. Behind Li Yao, they merged into a pair of golden wings that were thousands of meters long!

"You keep saying that in this cruel dark forest, human civilization can only have a future if humanity is exterminated, most ordinary people are sacrificed, and the road to immortality is cultivated!"

"However, our Tianyuan Realm is also facing serious threats, but we have never forgotten the reason for the initial battle. We have not forgotten what we want to protect, what is it!"

"Keep your dog's eyes open and look carefully. This is the future of human civilization!"

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