40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 818: Clash!

Every word that Li Yao roared, accompanied by the high-pitched drums deep in his soul, set off turbulent waves in the dead star sea.

Each feather on the golden wings turned into a small power rune array, and countless power rune arrays spewed out dazzling sparks at the same time. The stream of flames swelled for hundreds of kilometers, making him like a piece from the depths of an endless sea of ​​stars. , The roaring meteor shower!

Driven by countless power runes, Li Yao's speed instantly soared to the limit, and the soul and the star war knife merged into one, with an unstoppable posture, straight into the hideous face of the star child's chest.


It was like a red-hot steel knife inserted into the ice and snow, and the wreckage of the starship on the chest of the star child melted, evaporated, and dissipated!

With a big hideous face and grinning teeth, he showed an expression of incomparably pain.

Li Yao's spirit revolved frantically, and the wound quickly turned into a huge vortex, expanding to the entire body of Xinghai, completely shredded this body composed of thousands of spar battleships!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The star kid screamed and revealed the true face of the soul in the trembling. It was a crazy jumping purple spirit fire, like a huge and unfriended mutant octopus, waving hundreds of thick tentacles!

In all directions, countless illusions of gods and demons surged over and merged into his body.

Every time he absorbs an illusion of a **** and devil, his soul grows by a point, and his tentacles are also much stronger, growing densely packed suckers, fangs, spikes and barbs. The front of many tentacles is like an eight-claw chrysanthemum. The same split, like a mouthful of blood basins.

Thousands of meters high purple octopus spirit!

The golden light-winged soul of thousands of meters!

With the universe as the battlefield, the stars as weapons, galaxy-like combat knives and long swords, their roars and shouts turn into nebula storms!

"Even if there are still cultivators in the Tianyuan Realm, they are just the fish that slipped through the empire's sword. No matter how many ants, under the iron hoof of the empire, they will all be the mantis arm as a cart!"

The star boy roared, hundreds of tentacles stretched indefinitely, and dragged the spar battleship wreckage from all directions again, kneaded and squeezed, and turned into a mass of extremely unstable spar with ultra-high compression psychic energy. Bombs, then these "starship bombs" were thrown at Li Yao fiercely!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Li Yao was swallowed by countless devastating fireballs. However, in only 0.01 second, he broke through the sea of ​​fire and sprinted quickly. The Soul also released thousands of silk threads, attracting all the spar battleship wreckage around him, and compressed it. They have become huge feathers, each of which is dozens of meters long, and the surface is covered with exquisite spiritual patterns, and the spiritual fire lingers like patches of golden scales.


Li Yao and Xinghai, two incomparable spirits, collided head-on!


Hundreds of purple tentacles were tightly entwined with Li Yao, spikes and barbs, making him feel the heart-piercing pain, and the suckers were absorbing the power of his soul!

Li Yao gritted his teeth, unable to break free for a while.

The star boy laughed, but the laughter was quickly interrupted by a burst of rain of debris. The octopus's big face was pitted and full of holes.

It's Luoxingzi and them!

The souls of the six Yuanying monks also swelled to thousands of meters, and attacked the octopus monster with its teeth and claws!

"Li Yao, here we are!"

"Fairy Star and Tianyuan Brothers, fighting side by side, together in this dark forest, smash a **** road!"

Yuan Ying got angry and turned the earth upside down. The whole thinking palace was shaking. At the end of the deep star sea, cracks appeared, which expanded rapidly like a spider web, and the background peeled off, exposing the gray chaos!

Li Yao's eyes were hot and his feathers fluttered, like tens of thousands of golden flying knives, severely cutting Xinghai's tentacles and tearing his body.

"This is what you forced me!"

The star child was furious, and the spirit swelled rapidly in an unstoppable posture, and more tentacles protruded from his round body, making him even more hideous and ugly.

"Originally I wanted to leave you a few small lives, stabilize the situation in the flying star world, and contribute to the empire's hegemony!"

"Since you are obsessed with enlightenment, then I have to destroy all your souls!"

Luo Xingzi sucked in a cold breath: "How could it be possible that his power of divine soul is still swelling. Didn't he do his best just now?"

"This is his last strength!"

Li Yao yelled, "He must have stopped manipulating most of the Taixu Warriors and Star Gate, and devoted all his computing power to this thinking palace!"

"As long as he holds this wave, he will be finished!"

The star kid grinned, thousands of tentacles wrapped around his body like thousands of poisonous snakes, and the tips were pointed at the seven at the same time, slowly splitting thousands of blood bowls.

"Li Yao, you are really smart!"

"But, can you resist this wave?"


The real world, the edge of the spider star field.

In the starry sky gates arranged in the form of diamond-shaped crystals, star torches are lit up one after another, flashing in a mysterious pattern, and invisible rays of light pass through the four-dimensional space, sending faint messages billions of light-years away.

70% of the star torches are lit, and the flashing mysterious light will soon form a complete pattern, transmitting the precise coordinates of the flying star realm.

But it stopped abruptly at a critical moment.

Similarly, in the Holy City of Heaven, most of the Taixu soldiers are under the control of the Star Child, besieging the future millennium convention hall and important magic treasure warehouse.

But at the same time, he was strangely calm for the second time and entered the standby state.

There are only countless lingering fears, panting, and confused practitioners.

Xinghai temporarily gave up the manipulation of the Star Gate and the vast majority of the Taixu soldiers, leaving only a small part of the Taixu soldiers to guard his true body.

In this way, he can concentrate most of his computing power and suppress Li Yao and others!

Star brain control room.

The real bodies of the seven cultivators including Li Yao, dragged by an invisible force, hung in the unpredictable golden brain, their limbs hung weakly, as if they were in a deep coma, only their hands and feet twitched from time to time. Showing a trace of life.

And the computing symbol array and processing chips surrounding it, like high-rise buildings, all bloomed with rapid red glow, and the cooling symbol array was also running at high speed, making a "hissing" sound and spraying a large amount of ice crystal water mist.

This is so, occasionally a talisman array explodes.

Star brain has also reached its limit.

At this moment, in the inconspicuous corner of this "high-rise building", five round, chubby liquid metals lay dormant, with ripples on the surface, exchanging information in an extremely secretive way.

"What's the matter, Star Brain's external defense was weakened by 95% all at once?"

"Most of the defensive prohibitions have failed!"

"Moreover, most of the Taixu soldiers guarding it have entered the standby state, and the empty doors are simply open!"

"Will it be a trap?"

Professor Mo Xuan made a final word: "Don't hesitate, you can't miss the opportunity, the loss won't come again, we will start the invasion immediately!"

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Five groups of liquid metal, like pervasive mercury, sneak into the star brain, find the most critical calculation symbol array and processing chip, swallow it and destroy it!

"Hey, such a wealth of computing power is simply a luxurious meal!"

"Wow, I have never seen the structure of the processing chip and the engraved spirit patterns before. It completely surpasses the level of the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing. Hurry up and swallow it. In the future, you can simulate the same chip in a virtual way. Up!"

"Damn, these few talisman formations can't be swallowed, so just destroy it!"

The five celestial spirits are like mice that have fallen into a rice tank, as if they are in a no-man's land, galloping horizontally and feasting!


Deep in the star brain, thinking palace.

The huge soul of the star child completely suppressed the seven cultivators. Thousands of tentacles, like poisonous snakes and thorns, entwined the souls of the seven. The suckers continued to swallow the power of the seven souls, and the fangs would Infinite fear turned into venom and poured into the depths of the seven souls.

"Too, too powerful. His main body, the Star Brain, is the most powerful super crystal brain in the Flying Star Realm. It also has the main power rune array of the Sky Magic, which provides a steady stream of psychic support. We are not His opponent!"

"Don't be shaken, he won't be able to carry this level of consumption for long, now it's up to who is more resilient!"


The spirits of the seven cultivators, under the ravages of the star children, are precarious and crumbling!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The star kid laughed wildly, "Do you regret it now? It's too late!"

"No, I won't let you die in smoke, it would be too cheap for you!"

"I will keep a ray of your consciousness, so that you can see the fate of the Flying Star Realm with your own eyes, and see the entire Flying Star Realm turn into a sea of ​​fire, and everyone will be reduced to the empire's lowest miner slaves and experimental bodies!"

"By the way, there is also the Tianyuan Realm! Tens of billions of people? Tsk tusk tusk tusk, great, you will become the fire of human civilization, the best fuel!"

Behind the star child, there are numerous illusions and countless images appearing, all of which are scenes of ordinary people digging deep in the resource planet with harsh environment, or in the laboratory, testing brand-new exercises and supernatural powers, and being tortured to death.

The six Yuan Ying monks gritted their teeth, grief-stricken, and under the interference of the miserable scenes, the spirits were shaken again.

Only Li Yao's face was expressionless, his eyes were cold, and even the **** glow in the deepest part of his eyes was almost frozen and turned into a cluster of red crystals.

He was waiting, waiting for the last chance to appear.

"Although arrogant, I am indeed not your opponent."

"But I am not alone!"

"I believe that Professor Mo Xuan, they must be outside, fighting side by side with me in another way!"

"Persevere, persevere, never give up, a miracle will definitely happen!"

Under the suppression of the star child, Li Yao's spirit became more and more bleak, and the edge of each wing was covered with a layer of black venom.

The other six cultivators of Yuan Ying, struggling to support them, could hardly make a sound except for grunting.

Star Child's grinning laughter became more and more harsh, replacing the drum beats deep in Li Yao's soul and becoming the only voice in this universe.


The star child's grinning laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by a surprised exclaim.

On his body, five huge "sarcomas" suddenly bulged out, and they were still squirming and wandering, as if there were five "things" about to rush out of the body!


Finally, all the five "sarcomas" exploded, and five chubby golden silkworms emerged from his body, like gnawing mulberry leaves, quickly devouring his soul and computing power!

This is the form that Mo Xuan and other five star spirits have transformed in this labyrinth of thinking!

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