40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 820: One year's progress!

Li Yao only felt that in the depths of his brain, a dark golden bubble was pierced, and endless information spewed out, but it turned into pale golden ashes in an instant, like a burnt butterfly, disappearing in smoke.

He seemed to be in a hazy mist, and occasionally touched some shadowy things, but they all slipped from his fingers like quicksand.

The hoarse cry turned into a whisper in the wind, and the unforgettable memory turned into fragments in a dream. In a trance, Li Yao seemed to see himself floating in front of a blue planet, roaring with an inaudible voice. "I'm not dead yet, and the Vulture Project hasn't failed! Even if I drift to the end of the universe, I will carry it through to the end!"

This sentence, like a string of spells, a lightning bolt, and a war knife, completely tore the darkness and blood on top of his head.


The **** mountain burst, and the wreckage of the magic weapon burned like a goddess scattered flowers, "cracking" and smashing to the ground. The trash bugs who had been vicious just now hugged their heads and screamed again and again.

Li Yao slowly floated up, Zhuo Li stood in the void, staring at everything coldly, and a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't know what the "Vulture Project" actually meant, these four words completely activated his soul and made him realize that this is an illusory world.

"Fake, all fake, this is not the real world, but my memory maze!"

"My soul, being hit by the soul of the star child, fell into this chaotic labyrinth!"

"Break it open for me!"

Li Yao yelled violently and waved his right hand violently. Thousands of **** mountains in all directions floated slowly under the control of a strange force, flying to an altitude of several thousand meters, and then it looked like thousands of bombs. Blasted!

Meteor-like fragments shot the gray sky of this world, riddled with holes, revealing the faint light beyond the sky.

In the whole world, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, the sky is like broken glass, pieces of peeling off, the earth is sunken, and black smoke is surging. Countless people have turned into blood and disappeared into nothingness!

When the sky completely shattered, Li Yao turned into a golden streamer, soaring into the sky, breaking out of the cocoon!


As if a golden clock was ringing in the depths of his brain, Li Yao felt that he had crossed a long and long milky white corridor, and fell into an endless abyss. Finally, in an unstoppable tremor, his soul resurfaced. The sea, return to his body!

"here it is……"

Li Yao found himself immersed in a warm medical medicament, surrounded by countless doctors in white robes.

Behind the crowd, Wumayan and Xie An'an stood on their toes and looked at him a little anxiously.

Li Yao smiled. There were a lot of bubbles in the medical medicine. With a thought, he sent a message to Wu Ma Yan and Xie An'an:

"I am back!"


An hour later, after a series of physical examinations, Li Yao was in the recovery room, warming up under twenty times the gravity, while chatting with two disciples.

"Master, you are too exaggerated. I originally thought that you could beat Bian Yan Xibei and Xiao Xuance very well. Who knew that when you were still building the base, you killed the peerless monster 40,000 years ago!"

Wuma Yan grinned and exaggeratedly exclaimed, "It's just a legend in the legend!"

Li Yao smiled, blushing unavoidably.

When he released his memory fragments in Xing's brain, he expected this day.

Although Xinghai and Xiao Xuance have been wiped out, the shadow of the true human empire still looms over the cultivator's head. The Flying Star Realm and the Tianyuan Realm should cooperate fully, and naturally they should be honest and honest. He no longer needs to conceal his identity.

Wu Mayan continued: "Master has been in a coma for a whole year. In the last three days, the brain fluctuates extremely strongly. Everyone has a premonition that Master will wake up, but the big figures such as Mo Xuan, Si Kou Lie, and Luo Xingzi are all gathered in the Spider's Nest Star. , Discussing a very important event, there is really no time to do it, so I have to wait first."

"They also confessed to me that as soon as Master wakes up, they will ask you to go to Spider's Nest Star and discuss this important matter that has a bearing on the fate of the two realms of Tian Yuan and Fei Xing!"

Li Yao's spirit lifted up. Is it a major event related to the two realms of Fei Xing and Tian Yuan?

Needless to say, they must have determined the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm, and the two great worlds can communicate freely!

After pondering for a moment, Li Yao said, "Don't be busy. I slept for a full year. You tell me what happened in the Flying Star Realm in this year!"

Wu Mayan nodded, stimulating the light curtain of the brain.

Professor Mo Xuan and others anticipated that Li Yao would be awakened soon, and they had prepared a divine mind containing a large amount of information. Through light, shadow and sound, it quickly poured into Li Yao’s brain, allowing him to understand for a year, Fei Changes in the astral world.

First of all, after the Battle of the Holy City, all the Taixu warriors returned to the cultivators, and the rebellion of the cultivators naturally collapsed.

In most star regions, the cultivators have completely controlled the situation, only in the spider star regions, the cultivators and the star thief are still fighting stubbornly.

It took three months for the cultivators to uproot all the dark children of the "True Human Empire" and "Eternal Life Palace", and then the army directed towards the Spider Star Territory.

The final battle was smoother than everyone thought.

Having lost Xiao Xuance and Xing Brain, the remaining immortal cultivators had a group of dragons without a leader, and a mass of scattered sand.

At the last moment, the Black King and Feng Yuzhong had a serious disagreement.

The most important thing is that in the past, the cultivators have been blinded by the star children, thinking that they are the creators of the true human empire, and with the support of such beliefs, they dare to fight hard with the cultivators.

And now, knowing that they are just pawns, many immortal cultivators have completely shaken their minds.

Before the cultivator descended on the spider's nest star, serious internal fighting broke out between the cultivator and the star thief.

As a result, it took less than a month for the cultivator to completely suppress the Spider's Nest. The Black King died in battle and was caught alive by storm. Afterwards, the war court formed by all the victims sentenced him to death immediately.

This rebellion that greatly damaged the vitality of the Flying Star Realm has also profoundly affected the social structure of the Flying Star Realm.

Because the six sects of the Heavenly Sages and the major sects are likely to be lurking in the immortal cultivator’s dark child, after the battle of the Tiansheng City, a temporary committee was established, led by Si Kou Lie, Luo Xing Zi, and Mo Xuan, respectively Represents the interests of the Six Sects of Heavenly Saints, Small and Medium Sects, and Tiewon Star.

Of course, Professor Mo Xuan also had a dual identity. After Li Yao fell asleep, he also represented a cultivator from the Tianyuan realm.

This temporary committee has become the actual highest decision-making body in the flying star world.

Their task, on the one hand, is to hunt down all the immortal cultivators on the run and restore the order of the flying star realm.

On the other hand, it is collecting all intelligence related to the real human empire.

Professor Mo Xuan and other five star spirits, after completely controlling the star brain, read a lot of precious information from the residual data of the star child, including some magical powers from the real human empire.

After breaking through the secret lairs of immortal cultivators one after another, a large number of magical powers and magic weapons that did not belong to the flying star realm and the celestial element world were also discovered. It is preliminary estimated that the star child controlled these immortal cultivators to secretly build and prepare for future rule of.

These magic weapons and supernatural powers are of great benefit to the improvement of the cultivation level of the two realms of Feixing and Tianyuan, and their value is immeasurable.

And through further analysis of the residual data of the Star Child, the cultivators have also obtained a lot of information about the social form of the real human empire, and the fate of ordinary people in the empire.

Whether it is sent to a harsh resource planet for mining, or to become an experiment for the cultivator to practice new techniques, or to become a slave to the strong... a shocking picture that shocked all cultivators deeply and left their hearts lingering. , It aroused the anger of the entire flying star world.

"The Flying Star Realm will never accept such a future. Even if it is destroyed, it will not become a part of the true human empire!"

"Fight with the cultivator to the end!"

After a lot of information was made public, this belief became the consensus of the entire society.

And what Li Yao cares most about is the communication between Fei Xing and Tian Yuan, which has also made great progress.

After taking control of the Spider's Nest Star, the cultivator conducted a large-scale excavation of the underground battle fort. Under the guidance of Lei Dalu and Bai Xinxing, he quickly found the underground ancient observatory "Thorn Star Studio" ten thousand years ago.

Professor Mo Xuan and other five star spirits, after swallowing part of the computing power of Star Child, have greatly improved their strengths. They quickly repaired the super crystal brains in the Sting Xingzhai, and used these super crystal brains to explore the starry sky.

Before Wumayan returned to the Holy City, they were said to have made a major discovery.

On the side of the Six Sects of the Heavenly Saints and the Alliance of Battle Stars, a large-scale joint fleet is also being formed, and many starships are undergoing special modifications to carry out ultra-long-range star jumps across the vast world.

Everything is being prepared methodically!

Li Yao saw the current situation in Tiansheng City in a pair of pictures.

The core area and the first star ring were the most severely damaged in the Great Rebellion. A large number of buildings collapsed, and several blocks were even razed to the ground.

However, above the ruins, a brand new city with magnificent splendor is rising from the ground under the unity and concerted efforts of practitioners and ordinary people!

Li Yao saw that everyone’s mental outlook was completely different from the past. He couldn’t tell where the changes had taken place. He always felt that everyone was refreshed and full of spirits. Even the most ordinary construction workers were full of eyes. Fire!

"This rebellion completely changed the flying star realm."

Wumayan said seriously, "Even though Xiao Xuance is heinous, there is one thing he did not say wrong. The flying star realm in the past was indeed a piece of scattered sand. Most sects only wanted to close their doors and live their own lives. Days, lost the courage to forge ahead and explore the outside world!"

"But now, with the enemy, everything has changed. After five thousand years, the Flying Star Realm is finally united again and truly!"

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