40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 821: Empire clouds

Li Yao woke up!

This news is like a hurricane, sweeping the entire flying star world along the Lingbo, the whole world is detonated, and everyone is very excited and excited!

Regardless of whether he used his own power to turn the tide and save the flying star world at the most critical moment, he said that he would kill Xiao Xuance, who is known as the number one flying star master, enough to make Li Yao a famous and highly anticipated figure. !

Right now, the dark clouds of war have not yet dissipated, and the true human empire will come back at any time. The awakening of a super-class powerhouse has greatly boosted the morale of the entire Flying Star Realm.

The fastest response was in the financial market. All stocks were all red for a while.

The second reaction was the press. The First Affiliated Hospital of Feixing University was quickly surrounded by hundreds of reporters.

"The hero who saved the entire Flying Star Realm has finally woken up!"

"The Yaoshi Group under his name has become a superpower that goes hand in hand with the Six Sects of Heavenly Sage and the Alliance of Battle Stars!"

"It is expected that Yaoshi Group will become the most important bridge in the exchanges between Tianyuan and Feixing, and its strength will be further expanded!"

"Li Yao, who has a controlling stake in the group, may not be the strongest cultivator in the Flying Star Realm, but he is definitely the richest cultivator!"

Out of the consideration of stabilizing people's hearts and stimulating morale, despite the tight time, Li Yao accepted an interview with two heavyweight media, and then took the spar battleship to the Spider's Nest.


A day later, the spider's nest star and the nest are all over the sky.

The hatch of a spar battleship slowly opened, releasing three gleaming silver shuttle cars, in the shape of "Pin", flying towards the depths of the nest.

Li Yao looked down at the newly-born Spider's Nest star and was full of emotion.

After this abandoned resource planet returned to the embrace of cultivators and ordinary people, it regained its vitality.

On the horizon in the distance, there are countless milky white pillars standing straight into the sky, forming large milky white umbrellas in the sky with fringes on the edges, emitting strands of mist.

It looked like a huge mushroom without friends, spraying spores in all directions.

That is a super-giant atmosphere stable rune array.

By establishing a stable artificial atmosphere through the symbolic array, and then slowly transforming the environment of the planet, the spider's nest star can be brought back to life, which can accommodate at least billions of people.

On the ground, the air is not yet clean, and the miasma is still permeating. Countless people wearing engineering crystal armor, sweating like rain, are transforming the planet bit by bit.

Wu Mayan told Li Yao that after taking control of the Spider's Nest, the Provisional Committee decided to compensate half of the resources on the Spider's Nest to the victims who had been tortured by star thief and immortal cultivators over the years.

As long as you can produce evidence, you will be able to obtain the mining rights for part of the resources on the Spider's Nest.

In this way, the construction of the Spider’s Nest Star has become the construction of their own homes. The major forces have invested in the transformation of the Spider’s Nest Star. Even many people have moved their families to the Spider’s Nest Star. As the starting point of a new life.

"Now, both the Spider's Nest Star and the Iron Planet are undergoing large-scale transformation. Although both planets are congenital inadequate and cannot be compared with the Tianyuan Star, they are at least much better than the starships with small space and the extremely unstable fragmented world. ."

Wumayan said confidently, “Owning two habitable planets is equivalent to having two huge war bases. In less than a hundred years, the population of our Flying Star Realm will surely increase several times. , The number of cultivators will also increase, and the war potential will also be greatly enhanced!"

"Hmph, if the real human empire really dares to come, it will definitely cost them a heavy price!"

Li Yao smiled slightly. He hasn't seen each other in five years. This little guy, Wu Mayan, has really grown a lot!

The shuttle speeded up and pierced deep into the nest.


Three hours later, the underground battle fort, Sting Xingzhai.

After a few months of emergency repairs, this ancient observatory, which was 10,000 years ago, glowed like a rebirth.

Both Feixing University and Tiansheng College have set up research sites here, and the top astronomers and stargazers of the entire Feixing world gather here.

Professor Mo Xuan and other five star spirits also regarded Thorn Xingzhai as a new base.

The reason is very simple. Those hundreds of super crystal brains, inherited from the Xinghai Empire era, are simply precious delicacies that are hard to buy for the five Protoss who feed on computing power.

Before completely cracking all the super crystal brains, how can they be willing to leave?

"Li Yao!"

Seeing Li Yao appear, Professor Mo Xuan manipulated the psychic prosthesis and gave him a hug like steel!

"Li Yao!"

Luo Xingzi and Si Kou Lie were also very excited.

Although they come from different worlds, they have the same name "Cultivator". In the battle of the Holy City, they lived and died together, and in the next battle, they will continue to fight side by side!

In addition to Luo Xingzi, Si Kou Lie, Mo Xuan, and several senior officials of the Six Sects of Heavenly Sage, there was also an unexpected figure that made Li Yao overjoyed.

"Patriarch Bear!"

Xiong Wuji, the former No. 1 warrior of Tiewon's Sixth Division, was also here to greet him.

"Good boy, you finally woke up!"

Xiong Wuji smiled and gave Li Yao a punch, "Since you passed the test of the questioning platform, I have been wondering, how did your kid do it? I didn't expect the answer to be this way. Of course you are not a flying star. , You are from Tianyuan, hahahaha!"

Li Yao blushed, a little embarrassed.

Speaking of this matter, he had concealed something, but after so many years, he is now facing the enemy of the real human empire. A small misunderstanding is not worth mentioning.

"It seems that you have really made important discoveries!"

Li Yao was anxious, and after the greeting, he sternly said to everyone

Although Xiong Wou-ki was seriously injured in the battle with Yanbei Northwest, and his strength has not recovered much in the past five years, he is known for his prestige in the six parts of the Tieyuan Star and is the soul of Tieyuan Star.

Even he is here, and it can be seen that what everyone is discussing must be an earth-shattering event.

Li Yao thought, excitedly said: "Have you accurately positioned the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm? Can I return to the Tianyuan Realm?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the atmosphere was a little strange, and everyone looked at each other.

Professor Mo Xuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Li Yao, don't worry, we have reached the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm, but...this matter is still a bit complicated."


Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, faintly feeling that Professor Mo Xuan was not too happy, but rather worried.

Professor Mo Xuan gave a dry cough and said, "It's a long story. Let's explain it slowly. First, let me introduce to you our findings in the past six months."

Professor Mo Xuan waved his hand, and the light in the room gradually dimmed, and the arc-shaped dome was shining brightly, again covered with dense stars.

"First of all, we have evaluated the strength of the real human empire through some of the information fragments left over from the star child and our repeated observations of the essence of the original Xinghai Empire through Thorn Xingzhai."

"The real human empire does exist, and its comprehensive strength is extremely strong!"

"Although it is not as strong as the Star Child said, it has conquered all the human world, but it does control a large area of ​​the star sea near the star field, the capital of the original star sea empire."

"And judging from the residual information of the star child, the other party has at least a master of the **** of transformation!"

"This is the message one hundred and twenty years ago before the departure of the star boy."

"To this day, the scale of the true human empire is unknown."

The star map in the sky is constantly zoomed in, and an area with particularly dense starlight appears, like the nest of billions of fireflies, streamers dragging out billions of light, beautiful like fireworks.

Li Yao frowned slightly, but was not too surprised.

The strength of the true human empire is as long as expected, there is no need to make a fuss.

In the confrontation with the real human empire, they have the most powerful weapon, and that is distance.

Regardless of the Tianyuan Realm or the Flying Star Realm, there are at least several hundred thousand, millions of light-years away from the essence of the former Star Sea Empire, and it is farther away from the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star.

The expedition of the labor division is a big taboo of the military. The strength of the real human empire is one thing. How much power he can mobilize to project millions of light years away is another matter.

In history, how many powerful empires have sent large-scale, mighty and mighty troops to expedition to seemingly insignificant enemies, but they were defeated by the enemy after several years of dealings with the advantages of geography, instead of expeditions. The entire army was annihilated, and even the empire fell apart, heading towards the abyss of collapse.

Professor Mo Xuan continued: "Compared with the real human empire, our advantages are not many, but this'thorn star studio' is our biggest advantage!"

"General observation methods are no faster than the speed of light. When we see a world located millions of light years away, all we see are the sights of it millions of years ago."

"But Tsang Xingzhai’s monitoring magic weapon can observe psychic energy fluctuations in four-dimensional space through the basic particles deep underground, and in turn deduct the real-time dynamics of a certain world, even if the world is several million light-years away. !"

"It was through Thorn Star Studio that we discovered the existence of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "True human empire, really sent an expedition fleet?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "To be precise, we discovered the essence of the original Star Sea Empire. Suddenly, a very unusual wave of psychic energy appeared. It took a nearly straight path and jumped through the short-distance starry sky again and again, continuously towards the edge of the star sea. Jump over."

"If this psychic energy fluctuates in the same direction, then in front of it, it happens to be the Flying Star Realm!"

"So, we judge, this is the expeditionary fleet of the true human empire."

"It was first observed by us, two months ago, and it was just right in time."

"The Star Child passed most of our coordinates to the real human empire through the Starry Sky Gate, and it took ten months for the cultivators of the empire to form a large-scale fleet and embarked on an expedition!"

"According to experts' repeated calculations and speculations, at the current speed, the time for this fleet to reach the flying star realm should be two hundred years from now."

"But in the sea of ​​stars, unpredictable changes, floating for a hundred years before and after, are all normal things."

Li Yao scratched his chin and murmured, "In other words, the imperial army is about to be killed in a hundred years, or three hundred years later!"

"However, I don't quite understand why they are so slow? They can't jump over a long distance directly, and they will appear in the sky above the flying star realm with just one click. Wouldn't they be able to catch us by surprise?"

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