40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 822: Doomed

Professor Mo Xuan has not answered yet, Si Kou Lie first said: "This is your credit, Li Yao, you prevented Star Child from sending our coordinates to the real human empire in time. As a result, only 70% of the key parameters were sent. In other words, the true human empire has not obtained all of our coordinate parameters."


Professor Mo Xuan went on to explain: “From our analysis of the Star Gate, the real human empire should only know that there is a human world in a certain direction millions of light years away from the empire—this is far away. Far from enough."

"The universe is so vast, distance is our best weapon, millions of light years, even the fastest light will run for millions of years!"

"The difference is a thousand miles away. If the expeditionary fleet of the true human empire has no exact coordinates, it will start an ultra-long-distance star jump, even if they infer the precise coordinates of 99.9%, but only 0.1% of the coordinates. There is a slight error in the coordinates, it is very likely that you will jump to an unknown barren world!"

"The starry sky jumps and consumes astronomical amounts of psychic energy, especially for a fleet that is large enough to conquer a world."

"Once they have jumped into the barren world more than ten times in a row, maybe there will be no more psionics to jump out, and they will be trapped alive and dead in it."

Li Yao nodded. The vast universe seemed to be full of stars, but in fact 99.99% of the space was deserted, and only a few spaces were full of psychic energy, which could provide for living creatures to multiply.

Once lost, it’s not surprising to jump to the barren world a dozen times in a row.

Professor Mo Xuan continued: "There are two advantages to using short jumps."

"First, the accuracy of each jump is relatively high, and there will be no error. Even if there is an error, it can be fine-tuned back in time before the next jump."

"Secondly, after each jump, you can stop to replenish psionic energy and repair the starship, so that the psychic energy will not be exhausted and the starship will be damaged."

Li Yao said, "How can the immortal cultivators on the ship stand the expedition for hundreds of years?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "According to our estimation, the size of the fleet of the true human empire should not be small. If a starship can reach the size of the Holy City, then a micro-circular system can be formed inside, and the cultivators are in it. You can practice, live, and even give birth to descendants. It takes a little longer and has no effect on them."

"In the Xinghai Empire era, when humans expanded to the outside world, this method was often used."

"In fact, today, 40,000 years later, the ‘sectarian’ system of the ancient cultivation world is still retained, which has a certain relationship with this mode of warfare.

"The universe is so vast. It often takes hundreds of years to explore a new world. For hundreds of years, it is difficult for the fleet to get the direct command of the parent star."

"Therefore, each ‘expeditionary fleet’ has slowly evolved into ‘cultivation sects’, maintaining a certain degree of independence in their small world of expeditionary forces.”

"In other words, the true human empire is very likely to have sent a'cultivation sect' to deal with the flying star realm, and even promised many benefits to the other party, such as occupying the flying star realm and entrusting the flying star realm to this sect, etc. Wait."

Li Yao thought for a while, and then asked: "Since we have discovered the real human empire's sphere of influence, can we directly attack the empire's heart and heaven? Or, even if the attack cannot be carried out, can we send a star? Ship, go by alone?"

Li Yao is a little bit ready to move, passive defense has never been his character, proactive attack is his first choice!

Professor Mo Xuan smiled bitterly: "Distance is a double-edged sword. The real human empire cannot lock our precise coordinates, and we also don't know the precise coordinates of the polar world."

"If you barely make a super long-distance star jump, you may have a one-tenth chance that you will jump to the vicinity of the extreme heaven. If you are lucky, you will be able to reach the extreme heaven after three or five hundred short jumps."

"So complicated?"

Li Yao was secretly speechless, thought about it, and said strangely, "Since it's so difficult to jump beyond the distance to the starry sky, how did the star-sea empire age and the various worlds communicate?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "As early as the Xinghai Empire, in the 30,000 years when the monsters ruled the three thousand worlds, they have established super-large star torch groups in every big world, which is equivalent to a door to the starry sky."

"After the human race is revived and the emperor rises, these star gates will be further expanded, which is equivalent to building a cosmic lighthouse in all the great worlds to guide the direction of the starship."

"Moreover, the starship refining technology at that time was far more advanced than it is now."

"There are accurate star maps, lighthouse navigation, and extremely advanced starships. It is of course easy to travel between three thousand worlds."

"Today, most of the star gates have been destroyed in the 10,000-year war, and most of the star maps marked with the precise coordinates of the world have also been lost. Our starship refining technology has not been restored to the past. At the peak of the world, it is naturally a hundred times more difficult to carry out exchanges across the vast world than in the Xinghai Empire era."

Li Yao nodded and understood.

But he still wondered why Professor Mo Xuan frowned, and the atmosphere was so strange: "Well, all in all, there is now an expeditionary fleet of the real human empire that is aggressively killing us."

"Fortunately, we still have at least a hundred years. If we are lucky, maybe there are two or three hundred years, enough to prepare!"

"I think the most urgent thing is to get in touch with Tianyuanjie first."

"The Heavenly Origin Realm and the Flying Star Realm are highly complementary. If the two sides carry out large-scale exchanges, within a hundred years, the strength of both sides will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and a qualitative leap will occur!"

"Professor, you just said, have you locked the precise coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm?"

Professor Mo Xuan's expression was very strange, and said: "One thing, you have to know that the primary purpose of Thorn Xingzhai is not to search for the great world, but to search, analyze, and study the tribulations."

"In the definition of Willow Thorn Star, the so-called'Heaven Tribulation' refers to abnormal psychic energy fluctuations that are not naturally occurring in the sea of ​​stars and have very strong human traces."

"Half a month ago, we observed such a'very strong man-made trace, which is definitely not a naturally occurring psychic energy fluctuation' at a place very close to the flying star realm."


Li Yao was horrified. "The professor meant that the Flying Star Realm will face another catastrophe?"

Professor Mo Xuan was silent.

Si Kou Lie sighed and took the words: "At the beginning, we were all shocked. The so-called misfortune does not come singly. If we encounter a catastrophe before the expeditionary force of the true human empire arrives, then the flying star realm will be overwhelmed. ."

"However, we quickly discovered that the intensity of this psychic energy fluctuation is far less than the one five thousand years ago. It is very likely that it is not a'great calamity' that destroys the world, but a tactical'little sky'. Robbery'."

"Moreover, its target is not the Flying Star Realm. After passing by the Flying Star Realm, it rushes to another Great Thousand World not far from the Flying Star Realm."

"No, it's not one, but two big worlds that are merging."

Li Yao opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

The collision of two great worlds is a very rare astronomical phenomenon in the universe, and the probability of occurrence is far less than one in a billion.

And so close to the Flying Star Realm, the two great worlds that are slowly merging, there is only one answer—the Heavenly Yuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm!

Li Yao murmured: "There was a small catastrophe that was rushing towards the Tianyuan realm?"

Si Koulie coughed dryly: "It is relatively simple to discover the trajectory of the catastrophe, and then to trace to the source, and to calculate its path and deduce its source in turn."

"After more than ten days of calculation, we have initially deduced when and where it first appeared."

"It was sent from the heart of the true human empire, the extreme heavens, nearly a year ago."

Li Yao took a breath: "You mean, the true human empire launched a catastrophic attack on the Tianyuan Realm?"

"But why!"

Li Yao was completely stunned.

It's not because the true human empire has the ability to launch the Heavenly Tribulation Strike, but because, if you want to strike, you should also strike the Flying Star Realm. How could it be the Heavenly Origin Realm?

"Our analysis is because the Tianyuan Realm is too'bright'."

Professor Mo Xuan finally cleared up his mood and said calmly, "Didn't I just say it, without precise coordinates and without star torch navigation, it is very difficult to directly jump into the starry sky over long distances."

"However, the situation in the Tianyuan Realm is quite special."

"The Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm are merging. You can imagine two great worlds colliding violently. This collision may not have much impact on the creatures living in the two worlds, but it will definitely release a large amount of invisible to the naked eye. The particles and fluctuations of the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm have turned into a raging'torch' in the dark universe."

"If a certain'stargazer' of the real human empire passes through four-dimensional space through a special magic weapon and observes us in this direction, it is almost impossible for him to find the flying star realm, but he has a certain chance to'see' The Celestial Yuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm are colliding, exploding with strong psychic energy fluctuations!"

Li Yao gave birth to the absurd feeling of "Lying down and shot", and he was taken aback for a long time before saying: "What is the purpose of the real human empire issuing this'little catastrophe strike'?"

Si Kou Lie said: "This matter, if you think about it from the perspective of the real human empire, everything is logical and reasonable."

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