40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 823: Save Tianyuan

"Imagine that you are the commander of the real human empire. You are in darkness, with no fingers out of sight, on the perilous killing battlefield. In the depths of the battlefield, there are both towering dangerous peaks and dangerous jungles, and even more bottomless. The swamp, and all this is shrouded in a thick fog of war."

"At this time, from the very distant horizon, deep in the mist, a faint firelight suddenly shot, flashing and flashing, and a message came."

"You read this message and know that it was sent by a scout who lost contact a long time ago. He told you that he found a valuable prey."

"However, he hadn't had time to clarify the specific coordinates, the surrounding environment, and the condition of the prey. The fire was extinguished and never lit again."

"This is the situation facing the true human empire now."

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, Star Child was the scout. Before sending more information, he was strangled by himself.

Right now, the real human empire only knows, roughly in this direction, roughly how far away, there is a prey, and nothing else.

Si Kou Lie continued: "As the commander-in-chief, you can mobilize a huge expeditionary force and kill it in an instant by means of'airborne'."

"But you know very well that 99.9% of the places around the prey are mountains, swamps, abysses, and deserts. Once your large forces ‘airborne’ to these places, there is a dead end, and they can’t climb out."

"So, you think twice, and decide to let the expeditionary army wading through mountains and rivers, bypassing all dangerous areas, and searching for prey in a conventional way."

"In doing so, although it is time-consuming and laborious, the victory is to be safe enough to avoid the possibility of annihilation of the entire army."

Sikolie’s analogy clearly analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of ultra-long-distance star jumps and short-distance star jumps.

He continued: "However, the large expeditionary force cannot directly'airborne' past. It does not mean that one or two'special forces' with special skills,'reconnaissance soldiers', cannot'airborne' past, right?"

"Before the army sets off, it is very common to have a small group of'special forces' airborne around the enemy and reconnaissance the environment."

Li Yao understood a little: "Leader Sikou, you mean that this small catastrophe from the'True Human Empire' is equivalent to the opponent's'special forces'. Was it the first step and came to reconnaissance?"

"But I still don't understand, how can ‘Heaven’s Tribulation’ also jump in the starry sky?"

Si Kou Lie said: "If the catastrophe is really a blow from a certain civilization to another civilization, then the nature and manifestation of the catastrophe are unpredictable and unpredictable."

"Each type of tribulation is manufactured and used differently. Some tribulations focus on destruction, some tribulations focus on infiltration, some tribulations are good at blockades, and some tribulations are very fast and can fly faster than light. Isn’t it normal?"

"Even in the same civilization, there are definitely many kinds of tribulations created by the same civilization. It's like you can't only carry a bullet of one nature, right?"

Li Yao understood, indeed, as far as bullets are concerned, there are sniper rounds, armor-piercing rounds, frozen rounds, and incendiary rounds...Each type of bullet has a unique purpose and ability.

The types, characteristics, and uses of Heaven's Tribulation are only a thousand times, ten thousand times more than bullets.

Five thousand years ago, the Heavenly Tribulation created by the Bloodmarked tribe focused on "inheritance" and "destruction", but it was unable to make a star jump.

The small catastrophe launched by the true human empire was obviously based on speed, and it was not surprising that it was able to jump into the starry sky.

Si Kou Lie continued: "Maybe, this small catastrophe is an upgraded version of the star child. Although the true human empire cannot transmit the entire fleet, it is not so difficult to send another star child. Up."

"The upgraded version of Star Child?"

Li Yao shuddered.

Si Kou Lie said again: "The true human empire does not know our precise coordinates, so this time the'Little Heaven's Tribulation' was only roughly teleported to the surroundings of the Flying Star Realm."

"However, it sensed the bright flames of the collision between the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm."

"Think about it, it's you, the'airborne' arrived in an invisible battlefield, searching for an enemy who was dormant in the dark."

"You don't know where the enemy is hiding, but a bright torch suddenly appeared in front of you. What would you do?"

Li Yao took a deep breath and murmured, "I'm afraid I'll go over and take a look first."

Si Kou Lie smiled bitterly, and said: "The other party thinks so too, so it passed the Flying Star Realm, but it rushed towards the Heavenly Yuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm."

"In our analysis, it is very likely that through the collision of the Heavenly Yuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, we have calculated that these two great worlds have relatively abundant psychic energies. These psychic energies can be used to build a new starry sky gate. The Celestial Realm and the Blood Demon Realm serve as a springboard to attack the Flying Star Realm."

Li Yao was stunned: "Springboard?"

Si Kou Lie nodded: "Yes, maybe this Heavenly Tribulation contains some kind of navigation magic weapon similar to the Star Gate. Once it absorbs sufficient psionic energy, it can automatically unfold. In this way, the expedition of the real human empire Army, you can jump directly to the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon."

"From the perspective of the entire universe, the Tianyuan Realm and the Flying Star Realm are just one step away. Using the Tianyuan Realm as a springboard to attack the Flying Star Realm is much better than crawling slowly for more than 100 years."

This assumption made Li Yao shudder.

Professor Mo Xuan smiled bitterly: "Perhaps, this little Heavenly Tribulation was originally only attracted by the collision between the Tianyuan and the Blood Demon realms, but when he discovered that there were a large number of creatures in both the Tianyuan and the Blood Demon realms, The expeditionary army will definitely change its goals and first conquer the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon."

Si Kou Lie sighed and said in a low voice: "Friend Mo Dao, it is the Flying Star Realm that has dragged down the Tianyuan Realm and caused you to suffer this innocent disaster."

Professor Mo Xuan waved his hand, and said solemnly: "The Heavenly Origin Realm and the Flying Star Realm are only a short distance away. Once the Flying Star Realm falls, the Tianyuan Realm cannot escape. of."

Li Yao looked at the constantly shining stars in the sky, with a faint red glow in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "So, how long is it expected that this small catastrophe will reach the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon?"

Si Kou Lie said: "The opponent first jumped through a super long-distance starry sky and jumped to the vicinity of the flying star realm, and then made three short jumps, constantly correcting the direction, and flew to the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon."

"At this time, it has entered the end of its voyage and has been in regular sailing. It has not implemented star jumps. Perhaps these four jumps have exhausted its fuel."

"According to the current speed, it will descend on the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon within five years!"

"Five years?"

Li Yao bit his teeth one by one, bit out the sparks, and swallowed the sparks one by one.


One month later, the holy city, the hall of the coming millennium.

The suzerain of all the cultivating sects of the Flying Star Realm, as well as the representatives of ordinary people in each star field, a total of 12,993 people gathered here to cast a sacred vote on a proposal that will determine the future of the Flying Star Realm.

The proposal is: Will the Flying Star Realm rescue the Tianyuan Realm at all costs?

This is a difficult choice.

Tianyuan Realm is in a full-scale war with the Blood Demon Realm, and the strength of the two sides is not equal, and even the Blood Demon Realm is slightly better.

With the complete integration of the two great worlds, the decisive battle is destined to break out, and has even broken out.

Even if Tianyuan Realm wins, it must be a devastating victory.

In this way, in all likelihood, he could not withstand the small catastrophe that followed.

Unless, the Flying Star Realm is united and spares no effort to send a large number of reinforcements to help the Tianyuan Realm.

Defeat the Yaozu first, and then fight the tribulation together!

There is no doubt that a war that spans two great worlds will consume a lot of resources in the Flying Star Realm, and there will inevitably be countless children of Flying Stars who will sprinkle their blood on foreign land and return their souls to the Star Sea.

Today's Flying Star Realm has just recovered from the eight-year-long chaos of immortal cultivators, and just took a breath. Such a choice undoubtedly caused everyone to fall into contemplation.

Li Yaozhuo was standing on a circular lifting platform. He was wearing a moon-white robe and embroidered with a nine-star rising dragon emblem on his chest.

This is the symbol of the Xingyao Federation and the Tianyuan Realm.

Behind him, light and shadow flickered, broadcasting massive information about the Tianyuan Realm, including the major sects of the Tianyuan Realm, iconic magic weapons, super cities, as well as men, women and children living in cities, grasslands, and villages, as well as mountains and tsunami. Under the guidance of the Nine-Star Rising Dragon Battle Flag, the steel army of China rushed to the scene of the beast tide.

"This is the Tianyuan Realm, a very barren small realm on the edge of the star sea."

"This is the Xingyao Federation, a country that has been established stubbornly during the plundering and killing of the monster race!"

"For five hundred years, we have built the Star Federation from the small tribe of survivors to warm up from nothing, and built it into a powerful country, expanding to every corner of the entire Tianyuan realm."

"Every ordinary person and cultivator, under the nine-star rising dragon battle flag, fights blood and defends the glory of human civilization!"

"Eight years ago, I fell into the Flying Star Realm, and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that although this is a completely different world from the Tianyuan Realm, the same humans live here."

"The same hot blood is flowing in us, we believe in the same philosophy, we stick to the same road, and defend the same glory!"

"Now, in the name of an ordinary Tianyuan monk, I implore fellow Taoists in the Flying Star Realm to save the Tianyuan Realm, the Savior Yao Federation, and save the tens of billions of people living there, tens of billions— -Compatriots!"


A friend asked in the book review section:

Oops, your catastrophe is wrong, why is it fast and slow? The catastrophe of the bloodmark tribe last time was so slow, why is the catastrophe of the real human empire so fast now?

As for Lao Niu, I have already explained it in the text, so I will talk about it here.

Hundreds of millions of civilizations, billions of tribulations, a tribulation launched by a silicon-based civilization, and tribulations launched by an energy civilization without an entity, are definitely different!

What's more, there are uses.

The Heavenly Tribulation of the Bloodmarked Race contains the essence of the entire race. They went out to find the "puppets". They didn't even know where they were going. Why did they run so fast? Fly slowly at the speed of sublight, anyway, for the bloodmark tribe in the hibernation state, the time is almost infinite.

I really did a star jump. What if I miss a living world?

The purpose of the Heavenly Tribulation launched by the true human empire is very clear. Go to a certain place and conduct reconnaissance. What is there along the way? unimportant.

In addition, I’m too busy at work, and I’ve only updated it now. I’m really sorry everyone!

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