40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 824: Fight for the future!

After Li Yao finished speaking, he pressed his lips together and gave a deep salute, driving the lifting platform and leaving the center of the venue.

Going all out to assist the Tianyuan Realm is related to the future of the Flying Star Realm. It is impossible for him to decide in a few words. Next, he can only wait for the result with Professor Mo Xuan and other five ghosts from the Tianyuan Realm!

After Li Yao left, the host of the meeting, Lu Xingzi, slowly ascended to the center of the venue, looking around the tens of thousands of small crystal capsule-shaped meeting rooms.

Xiao Xuance used to be the leader of the Feathered Snake Cult. The power of the cultivators penetrated deeply into the Feathered Snake Cult. His rebellion caused a great blow to the Feathered Snake Cult.

Luo Xingzi is Xiao Xuance’s younger brother and the elder of the Feathered Serpent Sect. When the Feathered Serpent Sect was faltering, he resolutely took up the burden. Not only did he relentlessly cleanse the cultivators of the Feathered Snake Sect, but afterwards, In the strangling battle between the star thief and the remnant cultivator, the followers of the Feathered Snake Cult also gave up their lives, charged forward, and washed away their shame with blood.

In this way, Luo Xingzi and Feathersnake Sect have regained the respect of the cultivation world.

Luo Xingzi gave a slight salute and said: "The information collected so far is just like this. Next we will start this voting that will determine the fate of the two realms of Fei Xing and Tian Yuan."

"However, before starting to vote, I will only represent myself, as an ordinary flying star monk, and tell you my views."

"First, from the perspective of the big universe, we are close to each other in the Flying Star Realm and the Tian Yuan Realm, and we are close neighbors with each other."

"If the small tribulation of the true human empire really strikes at the Tianyuan realm, it even takes the Tianyuan realm, and builds a super star torch in the Tianyuan realm to guide the army of the real human empire."

"Then, the army of the true human empire does not need hundreds of years, but it is very likely that within ten years, it will pass through the ‘springboard’ of the Tianyuan Realm and appear in the sky above the Flying Star Realm!"

"The so-called'lips and teeth are cold', this is the truth."

"Therefore, rescuing the Tianyuan Realm is actually saving ourselves. Only by resisting this small catastrophe can we gain one or two hundred years of precious development time!"

"Secondly, I know that many daoists have concerns. They feel that we have just ended the eight years of war and are waiting to be revived, and more than a hundred years later, we will face the invasion of the real human empire. Will a war of a thousand worlds consume our strength greatly?"

"In this regard, my opinion is that the complementarity between the Tianyuan Realm and the Flying Star Realm is extremely strong. Saving the Tianyuan Realm will bring us great benefits and far exceed our efforts."

"Not to mention that both sides have their own strengths in many magical powers, exercises, and magic weapons, and they can learn from each other's strengths and learn what they need."

"In terms of social structure, Tianyuan Realm also has a lot to learn from."

"As we all know, since the catastrophe arrived five thousand years ago, the Flying Star Realm has been a disc of scattered sand, with dozens of star fields and thousands of sects, each operating in their own way. Even the largest Tianshen City is just a super city. ."

"Although we also have many masters, powerful magic weapons, and popular crystal armors, we lack a strong central government to integrate all these forces!"

"Because our power is too scattered, even a small spider's nest star is helpless, and even the flaw is found by the cultivator and launched a fatal rebellion!"

"If we continue to maintain a situation of scattered sand and separate camps, even the star thief and the small group of immortal cultivators will have to deal with it so hard. When the well-trained and strict real human empire is killed, we will still have to fight back. Strength?"

"So, the reunification of the flying stars world has become the consensus of everyone."

"However, it is not easy to unify dozens of star regions under one government!"

"We have been scattered for too long. For five thousand years, we have not built a huge country, let alone a huge army."

"Even the sect master and elder of the Sixth Sect of Heavenly Sage, at most only manage a few million people, tens of millions of people."

"And our army, the fleet and armored divisions under each sect, the number will not exceed 100,000!"

"If we really establish a central government that rules billions of people, gather all the fleets and armored divisions together to form a huge army of tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of people, what should we do? To operate this central government, to make the most reasonable and efficient use of the resources of the Flying Star Realm? How to command this hundreds of millions of troops to confront the expeditionary forces of the true human empire?"

"No one knows what to do."

"Without actual combat experience, everything is on paper. The real human empire will not give us a second chance!"

"Let's take a look at the Tianyuan Realm again."

"Although the Tianyuan Realm is a small realm with only one star field, all the psionic powers and resources are gathered in this star field, giving birth to a very rich and stable planet, the Tianyuan star."

"The Xingyao Federation, which rules the Tianyuan Star, has a population of tens of billions. For the past five hundred years, it has been fighting with the Yaozu."

"The Star Federation can be said to have been operating under the'state of war' for five hundred years, for the operation of the wartime economic system, the efficient use of resources, the establishment and control of a huge army, the coordinated operations of practitioners and ordinary people, etc All fields have very rich accumulation and profound theoretical reserves."

"According to the two Daoists, Li Yao and Mo Xuan, under the most extreme circumstances, the Xingyao Federation can carry out a'full mobilization', and can even gather a huge army of more than two billion people, and they will be equipped with chain saws. Weapons such as swords and arrow guns!"

"Compared with Fei Xing Realm's recent thousand years of fighting against bandits, Tian Yuan Realm has fought bravely in the cruelest war. Their experience is invaluable!"

"If we cooperate fully with the Tianyuan Realm, on the one hand, the magic weapons and supernatural powers of the two sides can communicate with each other. On the other hand, we can also learn from the Star Federation on how to build and operate a super-large country and army. At the same time, we can also Treat Yaozu as the best training target."

"An army that has never seen blood is destined to be a hopeless army. The demon clan's minions can be used to sharpen our meteorite army!"

"The above is my thinking about assisting the Tianyuan Realm, including assistance and benefits, and the disadvantages of not assisting."

"However, apart from pure gains and losses, I also want to have a deeper conversation with you all."

"During our fight with Star Child, he once painted us a very terrifying scene-all human worlds have been conquered by the real human empire, and every great world is ruled by immortal cultivators. That is In an extremely cruel world where the weak feeds on the strong, only the strong can call the wind and rain and dominate in such a world, while the weak are reduced to worthless tools, playthings and garbage!"

"Although Star Child is an exaggeration, the true human empire has not yet expanded to that point."

"However, if we continue to sit and wait for death, continue to bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich, and hide in the fragile nest to deceive ourselves, who says that one day, such a picture will not become a reality?"

"When the true human empire really conquered the Tianyuan realm, conquered the blood demon realm, and conquered all the worlds of the original Xinghai Empire, we really became the'last cultivators'. At that time, who would hear us? Cries for help, come and fight with us?"

"So, even though I know that the cost of assisting the Tianyuan Realm is very high, many people will die, many starships will be destroyed, and even many sects will be devastated."

"However, I still hope everyone makes the right choice!"

"At least, my Feathered Snake Cult, Luoxingzi, here in front of all Daoists, make a **** oath!"

"If the bill is really passed, I will go to the Tianyuan Realm in the first batch, and I will never leave until I completely defeat the Yaozu and the real human empire's Xiaotianjie!"

"It's not just the Tianyuan Realm. If one day we discover a new Great Thousand World, and the people there also need the help of practitioners, I will also go there without hesitation!"

"Even, I really hope that in the not-too-distant future, our descendants can form a mighty army, attack the homeland of the true human empire, and liberate all ordinary people enslaved by the immortals!"

"Think about it, everyone! Think about why we gathered here today and voted!"

"No, we are here today. What will decide is not whether to save the Tianyuan Realm, nor whether to save the Flying Star Realm, but-whether to save the future of the entire human civilization!"

"Perhaps, after a thousand years, whether human civilization will be guarded by the cultivators or completely defiled by the cultivators depends on today, and it depends on your hands, a sacred vote!"

Luo Xingzi finished speaking and voting officially began.

In the secret meeting rooms, the suzerain and elders of every cultivating sect whispered to each other thoughtfully.

Many people checked the information of the Tianyuan Realm again and again, calculating losses and benefits.

More people have repeatedly browsed and unearthed all kinds of information about the real human empire in the past six months, and have fallen into deep thinking.

Three minutes later, someone successively inspired the virtual voting light curtain, or it was a little heavy, or made a choice unswervingly.

Professor Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and others waited in their meeting room. This was perhaps the longest five minutes of their lives. The atmosphere in the meeting room was extremely tense, like a big ice lump. freeze.

No one spoke, no one even breathed, Li Yao's eyes and the five pairs of crystal eyes of Professor Mo Xuan and others stared at the light curtain ahead.

Suddenly, ripples floated on the light curtain and recondensed into Luo Xingzi's face. His gaze swept down slightly. Although he tried to control every muscle on his face, hot flames burst out from the depths of his pupils.

"The voting result has already been produced."

"11033 votes in favor, 1010 votes against, and 950 abstentions."

"There are more than two-thirds of the votes in favor, and an absolute majority is reached. The bill is passed!"

"Feixing Realm will spare no effort to rescue Tianyuan Realm, and we will join hands to defend the future of human civilization!"

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