40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 825: Cosmic Slingshot

For a moment!

The room of the six Tianyuan cultivators changed from being frozen to a volcanic eruption, and the magma was surging!


Li Yao gave a strange cry and slammed his fist, the fist wind plowed a deep gully on the ground.

At this moment, no matter how many tribulations and ups and downs he has gone through in the past ten years, no matter how superb level he has cultivated, no matter how deep his calculation power is, his emotions are completely out of control, tears burst out uncontrollably, Flowing indiscriminately on his face, as if turning back into an ordinary young man in his twenties.

Professor Mo Xuan took two steps backwards, sat down on the chair, but forgot to control the heavy psychic prosthesis, and collapsed the chair.

He sat on the ground in a daze, first laughed a few times, then covered the metal face, and the sound of his throat burst into a sob of relief.

The other four star spirits, the original "Four Heavenly Kings" of the Great Desolate War Academy's refining department, simply broke away from the psychic prosthesis, manipulating liquid metal, dancing and dancing with joy.


Countless flying star monks sent blessings to them through the light curtain.


Wu Mayan laughed at the other end of the light curtain with his hands on his hips, his shiny teeth gleaming with white light.

Xie Anan stood behind him with a smile.

These two disciples of Li Yao seem to be inseparable wherever they go.

Wumayan yelled, "Master, this is great. I can go to the Celestial Realm with Master and fight with monsters! Hehehe, I grew up on Tieryuan Star, let alone monsters, even The more powerful Heavenly Tribulation Beasts are not in our eyes! But I don’t know, the Blood Demon Realm's monster race, will the Heavenly Tribulation Beasts be more powerful than the Heavenly Tribulation Beasts?"

"Li Yao!"

Lei Dalu and Bai Xinxing also initiated a conversation, "No need to say anything, everyone comes out to cultivate, and the most important thing is to talk about loyalty! At a critical moment, you killed Xiao Xuance, and Professor Mo Xuan's fellow Taoists controlled them again. Xing Brain finally saved the Flying Star Realm!"

"Our Feixing monk is by no means an ungrateful person. Since we have chosen to fight side by side, we have to fight all the way to the end, and there is no reason to abandon our comrades halfway!"

"Don't worry, the first batch of reinforcements to the Tianyuan Realm will definitely have our Great Horn Armored Division!"

"Li Yao!"

After Lei Dalu and Bai Kaixin, they came from one of the thousand-year-old sword-making families, Huangfu Xiaoya, the heir of the Huangfu family.

Seven years ago, after discussing the sword in Kongshan, she and Li Yao were both kidnapped by Huangfu Eleven of the Longevity Hall. Huangfu Eleven also conspired to cut off Huangfu Xiaoya’s hands and replace them with him. In the end, Li Yao destroyed Huangfu. The 11th plan saved Huangfu Xiaoya.

For Huangfu Xiaoya, Li Yao is an out-and-out savior. After his identity became known to the world, the cooperation between the Huangfu family and Yaoshi Group has been fully upgraded.

"Our Huangfu family is a refining family, and there are no outstanding fighters, but on behalf of the Huangfu family and the other 22 refining families, I will definitely do my best to facilitate communication between the two great worlds, and in the future In our exchanges, we will never hide our personalities, and promote each other's progress with the utmost sincerity!"

"Li Yao!"

Xiong Wuji, Sha Yulan, Feixing University, Tiansheng College, Three Crystal Armor Refining Center...

Countless cultivators have made solemn promises to Li Yao.

Finally, it was Si Kou Lie, the leader of the Battle Star Alliance.

After the end of the Cultivator’s rebellion, the prestige of the Six Sects of Heavenly Sage declined, the Alliance of Battle Stars faintly became the largest power in the Flying Star Realm, and Si Kou Lie also became the "general leader" of the various factions of the Flying Star Cultivation Realm .

"……Thank you!"

Li Yao's face was red, and he said awkwardly.

Even though his superb computing power can instantly provide thousands of words and phrases to express his chaotic mood, he finally chose the simple word "thank you".

"Don't be so polite, as Luo Xingzi said, we didn't decide to save the Tianyuan Realm, but decided to fight side by side with fellow daoists in the Tianyuan Realm to defend our future!"

Si Kou Lie said with some emotion, "Knowing that he is not alone in this universe. On the other side of the sea of ​​stars, there are other people who are adhering to the same philosophy as us. This feeling...really good."

Li Yao took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and said decisively: "Of course we will not be alone. Even though the universe is really a dark forest, I believe we will never be the only sparks shining."

"In addition to the Flying Star Realm and the Tianyuan Realm, I believe that there will be many great worlds, where the cultivators still have not forgotten their duties and ideals, and still defend every ordinary person, ordinary, but happy. happy life!"

"One day, we will find them, and all the sparks will condense into a bunch, which can burn the flames of the entire dark forest!"

Si Kou Lie smiled: "I hope so, I may not see that day, but I believe you, and my descendants, will see that day!"

"Okay, let's get back to business. Now that the bill to assist the Tianyuan Realm has been passed, we can move on to the next stage of work."

"The question now is not whether to rescue the Tianyuan Realm, but how to rescue it."

"As we all know, jumping across the starry sky across two great worlds will consume a lot of psionic energy, and will cause great loss to the starship itself."

"Through Cixingzhai, we locked the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm, but sending an ultra-light spar battleship past, and sending a large-scale fleet past, are completely different things."

"The difficulty of sending a cultivator during the refining period to the past, and sending you the ultimate golden core back, is also worlds apart."

Li Yao was silent.

The stronger the cultivator, the more psychic energy contained in the body, the more difficult it is to jump into the starry sky.

Therefore, in the Secret Star Association of the Tianyuan Realm, the foundation-building monks are mainly used to cross the star sea and explore the fragmented world, and seldom use the golden core powerhouse and the primordial infant boss.

But now, Li Yao has cultivated to the ultimate state of the pill formation stage, and his psionic strength is no less than that of the Nascent Soul Old Monster. It is not easy for him to travel through the stars.

Li Yao said anxiously: "With the current methods of the Flying Star Realm, how many starships and how many powerful can be sent to the Tianyuan Realm?"

Si Kou Lie smiled slightly and said calmly, "Don't worry, now I'm here to talk to you Yaoshi Group to discuss this matter-remember the ‘Ice God Plan’?"

Li Yao was stunned. Of course he remembered the Ice God plan, which was the quasi-constant star-level magic weapon refining plan proposed by Si Kou Lie six years ago in order to deal with the Palace of Eternal Life and Star Thieves.

The specific content is to refine a planet called'Ice King' into a starship of unprecedented scale, and jump to the side of the Spider's Nest star through the super starry sky left by the Star Sea Empire on Ice King. , To bombard the star thief's lair!

However, at that time, this plan with many flaws was replaced by Xiao Xuance's seemingly perfect "Tai Xu Fighting Soldier Plan".

With magnificent sparks shining in Si Koulie's eyes, his expression was solemn, and he said every word: "Now, I want to restart the'Ice God Project'!"

Li Yao blinked, knowing that Si Kou Lie would not be aimless, he thought a little, and his eyes lit up: "Leader Si Kou wants to use the ice king star, the super starry sky left over from the Star Sea Empire to jump the big array?"

Sikolie laughed: "Li Yao, you are really smart!"

Li Yao thought for a while and frowned, "However, that big starry sky jumping array can only enable Ice King to achieve starry sky jumps between the various star regions in the Flying Star Realm. It might be possible to cross the two great worlds. Can't catch it?"

The internal jump of the Great Thousand World, and the jump of two Great Thousand Worlds, is equivalent to the difference between crossing a river and crossing the entire ocean, and the difference in difficulty is not one and a half.

Si Koulie smiled confidently: "Li Yao, you forgot to calculate the weight of Ice King itself."

"This starry sky jumping array set on Ice King is a super magic weapon of the Xinghai Empire era, and the magical powers contained in it are beyond our imagination."

"Yes, if the ice king itself is to be pushed, it really can only jump inside the flying star realm."

"But don't forget, we are not going to promote Ice King, but to promote the spar battleship that is 10,000 times, 100,000 times, or even a million times lighter than Ice King!"

Li Yao suddenly realized that he was really a fan of the authorities!

If you think of this super starry sky jumping array on Ice King as a giant trebuchet, it can throw a 10,000 catty boulder 100 meters, then, if you replace it with a hundred catties, it’s even only ten catties. How far can the stone be thrown?

The size and weight of the Ice King are the smallest type on the planet, which is not comparable to a spar battleship.

Comparing the spar battleship with the planet, it is simply the difference between dust and stone!

Of course, the specific algorithm is definitely not that simple, and the operation mode of the magic circle is definitely different for transmitting a heavy object to a short distance or transmitting a lighter object to an extremely long distance. Profound and complicated, extremely difficult transformation.

However, at least in theory, this plan is very feasible!

Si Kou Lie exclaimed: "In the restarted'Ice God Project', the Ice King will no longer retain the combat function, and will be completely transformed into an'Interstellar Transit Base'!"

"Speaking more popularly, we will transform the Ice King into a huge'cosmic slingshot'!"

"The transformed Super Star Jumping Array can be used repeatedly to eject each spar battleship towards the heavenly metaworld!"

"The starship that was initially ejected will carry a large number of magic weapon units. After reaching the Tianyuan realm, it will begin to build point-to-point star torches, emitting profound light that can only be received by each other, and navigating the two worlds."

"I heard that your Tianyuan Realm also has a similar launch base, known as the'Tianyuan Cannon'? Then, after the full upgrade of the Tianyuan Cannon with the remnant Xinghai Empire's magical powers on Ice King, there is hope to become another'cosmic slingshot '."

"In this way, between the Ice King and the Tianyuan Cannon, it is equivalent to building a bridge, a super high-speed crystal orbit that connects the two great worlds!"

"The two great worlds are completely connected!"

"This is the brand-new ‘Ice God Project’, but there are still many difficulties in its implementation. I need the help of Yaoshi Group, especially the help of your five fellow Taoists, Professor Mo Xuan!"

"After devouring Xing Brain, and thoroughly analyzing the super crystal brain in Thorn Xingzhai, your five computing powers, I am afraid that the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing have become the strongest!"

"Only with your calculations and analysis, we can complete the transformation of the Ice King and refine it into a...quasi-constant-star magic weapon, a cosmic slingshot!"

The crystal eyes of Professor Mo Xuan and the other four star spirits were shining, their heads held high, and they said in unison: "We have no shirk!"

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