40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 827: Li Yao's changes

Li Yao sat cross-legged, thinking deeply, as if he didn't even realize it, when he was lost in thought, a subtle blood burst into the depths of his left eye again.

One black and one red, two eyes with different radiance, make him look very strange and mysterious.

Li Yao sat motionless for three hours, the pupil of his left eye suddenly shrank, and he spit out a small mouthful of black blood with a "wow".

Regardless of the wiping, he used his crystal brain to inspire a blank light curtain, and his spiritual thoughts turned into gold threads, which quickly intertwined into mysterious and complicated sketches.

His inspiration is like a volcanic eruption. Intricate sketches are constantly born from fingertips. Within a day, he has accumulated thousands of three-dimensional drawings.

Li Yao contacted Mo Xuan and Si Kou Lie through Linghe Biography.

Si Kou Lie is the most outstanding starship refining expert in the flying star world, and Mo Xuan is a walking humanoid super crystal brain. This pair of gold combination forms the most powerful refining team, together on Ice King. , To promote the Ice God plan.

Ice King is in a remote location, and the super star jumping runes left over from the Xinghai Empire era have brought extremely strong psychic interference. Li Yao waited for three minutes before the two blurred figures appeared on the light curtain.

"I want to refine a special starship at all costs!"

Li Yao stubbornly cut the railway, and at the same time sent the sketch he had just drawn.

Mo Xuan and Si Kou Lie looked at each other, both a little surprised.

"Li Yao, why?"

"We didn’t negotiate a long time ago. We used the Spark as the capital ship for the first jump, and at the same time, imitating the structure of the Spark, we refined 11 simplified versions of the multi-functional expedition ship, based on these twelve stars. Ship, form the first fleet?"

"Now the'Sky Magic' is also undergoing intensive renovation. Once the'high-speed channel' between the two great worlds is completed, the Sky Magic can be used as a true flagship to go to the Tianyuan realm.'

"With the powerful firepower of the Sky Fantasy, it can completely suppress the Blood Demon Realm."

"What kind of starship do you want to refine?"

The two looked suspiciously at the drawings sent by Li Yao.

"I want to refine a starship exclusively for myself, with me alone on it!"

Li Yao gently rubbed his left temple and explained, "I think the current cultivation speed is still too slow. If this continues, can I cultivate to the realm of Nascent Soul in the Year of the Monkey?"

"So, I'm going to take a little risk."

"Look at my design sketch. I designed not only a starship, but also a very special training room!"

"When the'cosmic slingshot' shoots us all out and shatters the void, our souls and flesh and blood will enter a higher dimension, showing a four-dimensional state. I believe that is the best time to practice!"

"Yes, I want to practice in the four-dimensional space, and strive to rush to the realm of Nascent Soul in one fell swoop!"

Mo Xuan and Si Kou Lie were stunned. The two looked at Li Yao as if they were a lunatic. If it weren’t for far away, Professor Mo Xuan wanted to reach out from the light curtain to see if Li Yao was there. high fever.

After looking at Li Yao’s design for a long time, Professor Mo Xuan frowned, “Li Yao, your design is very creative. The way your psionics work and the arrangement of pipelines are not the same as your old style. The same, become more aggressive, more direct...but, are you sure you want to take this risk?"

"Li Yao, we have only been out for eight years, and you are only in your twenties!"

"Eight years may not be short for ordinary people, but for a cultivator of pill formation, it is really a blink of an eye. You have just formed the pill for a few years, and the formation is extremely unstable.' Extreme Jin Dan!"

"You still have a lot of days. Are you sure you want to take the risk so early and use such a risky way to attack Yuan Ying?"

"Yes it is."

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said coldly, "I can wait, but the Tianyuan Realm can't wait. I must get stronger power as soon as possible!"

"In short, I have decided that on the way back to the Heavenly Origin Realm, I will drive a starship by myself, and in this special starship, I will attack the Nascent Soul!"

"From today, I hope to be able to participate in the'Ice God Project' and refine this new starship with you!"

Mo Xuan stared at him through the light curtain for a long time, but he couldn't understand what Li Yao was thinking.

However, for a cultivator, once he has made up his mind, he cannot easily change.

This kind of persistence is Dao Xin, and others persuade at most two sentences. If the other party insists on insisting, then they will never persuade the third sentence again, because if you say too much, it is tantamount to shaking the other's Dao Xin.

What's more, Li Yao is the true controller of the Yaoshi Group. It is really reasonable for him to allocate a batch of resources from his group to refine a small starship.

Mo Xuan tilted his head and thought for a while, and felt that what Li Yao said was reasonable. Although he still felt something wrong in his heart, he nodded involuntarily under the pressure of Li Yao's scorching eyes and said, "Okay, then We will start today and allocate a portion of computing power to refine this starship exclusively for you."


call out! Shoo!

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

In the small training room, sometimes it seemed that there were a dozen supersonic shuttle cars whizzing by, and sometimes it seemed that hundreds of spar bombs exploded together.

The walls and floor are made of erythobium, which is five times denser than diamonds. At this moment, it is like a muddy ground after rain, full of pits and pits, full of criss-cross gullies and cracks.

Louder than the sound of breaking wind and howling, is the explosive music inspired by Li Yao's body, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, and sometimes incomparably weird, resembling a gust of wind, and the sound of ghost weeping is creepy and shuddering.

"Stop! Stop! Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

Wumayan wore a crystal armor inside and a God of War suit on the outside. He was beaten up by Li Yao, who was only wearing a mustard combat uniform. He raised his hands and surrendered, screaming, "Master, let me take a breath and take a breath!"

Li Yao's face was expressionless, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said faintly: "After only five minutes of practicing, you can't bear it. How can you be my big disciple?"

"It's not that I can't afford to practice against the master, I can't stand the music that your golden core spurs!

Wu Mayan opened his helmet and stuck out his tongue. "Master, I know that the ultimate gold core of your old man is extremely unstable. In order to control it, you keep it in a state of super high-speed rotation at all times, and you are not at the shock of the noise. Controlling, forming background music similar to mental attacks."

"I also know that in the past six months, Master has carefully selected millions of pieces of music in the Flying Star Realm, and finally selected 23 pieces of the most suitable music to express his anger, hatred, excitement, and calmness. , Falling into a heavy siege, winning the ticket...and so on. Through the cooperation of music and mood, you can increase your combat effectiveness on the one hand, and suppress the enemy's spirit on the other hand!"

"Wow, I was shocked by the magical powers of Master, and I admire Master and your old man so much!"

"It's just that, Master, when you choose background music, can you not choose such scary music?"

Li Yao touched his nose: "Is there?"


Wumayan broke his fingers and counted them one by one, "I won't talk about the first few paragraphs. The next few paragraphs are too exaggerated? Just listen to the names of these tracks, "Blood Qianxun" and "Yin". 'Ghost Strikes','Six Dao Demon','Youquan Town Soul Song'..."

"Honestly, Master, when these background music sounds, it really looks like a villain in a glare phantom!"

Li Yao grinned and licked his lips: "Really, I think it's okay, they all sound pretty good."

Wu Mayan hesitated for a moment, and continued: "In addition, I also heard that Master, you are building a brand new starship to break through in the four-dimensional space?"

"Master, will you rush it a bit too quickly?"

"You are only in your twenties, and your strength has reached the superb level in the flying star world. This is already a miracle among miracles! I think good luck will not always accompany a person, right? Right now, there is no risk of escalation. Necessary!"

"In my opinion, you have been in the ultimate Jindan realm and have consolidated for ten or twenty years. When the realm is completely stabilized, you won't be able to hit Yuan Ying again--"

The last word "Chi" had not yet been spoken, Wuma Yan suddenly felt a gust of wind coming, and he was too shocked to lose his face, his throat had been stuck tightly by a strong force!


Every pore in Wu Mayan's body seemed to be inserted into a cold steel needle, the true essence was completely locked, and there was no power to fight back!

With his right hand behind him, Li Yao only used his left hand to volley lock the disciple’s throat for half a minute. He watched blankly, allowing the disciple to kick his legs and tears down, and then he dragged Wuma Yan. In front of him, he paused every word, and said softly: "No matter how big or small, do you have the qualifications to control how Master cultivates?"

"With this idle time, I should think more about how to make myself stronger!"

"Remember, I don't like a soft-handed disciple. If you can't keep up with me, maybe one day, I will kill you... by mistake."

Li Yao threw the fainting Wuma Yan to the ground, just like throwing away a piece of rubbish, without looking at it again, Gu Zi began to practice.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough!"

Wuma Yan curled up like a cooked dried shrimp, his face was red and his ears were red, and a deep purple handprint appeared on his neck.

He coughed so hard that he could cough up his internal organs, his lips trembled, and he couldn't utter a word for a long time.

Looking at the master with lingering fears, Wuma Yan was even more horrified.

"Yes, have you made a mistake, the master's strength has become stronger again, and he can practice such crazy cultivation under sixty times the gravity?"

"He, what kind of medicine has he taken in the past few months!"

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