40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 828: Kaitengen!

Li Yao's change caused Wuma Yan to be frightened, thinking about it, and going to Xie An'an to discuss the matter.

Xie An'an also feels that Master has been a little weird in the recent period. She is not as patient as she used to be. When she fails to refine the refining tool, she will still speak sarcastically, even sternly.

The two chatted for a night, and both were a little worried, and secretly decided to observe for a while. If the master is still so weird, tell Mo Xuan and Si Kou Lie and other seniors about the matter, and please think of a solution together.

However, it is strange to say that since the day when he lost control of his emotions and almost pinched Wumayan to pass out, Li Yao seemed to have forgotten all of this, and turned back to the persistent, cheerful, and cheerful person in the past to the two disciples. The attitude also turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, returning to the seriousness and patience of the past, and never again angered them.

Even when Wuma Yan gritted his teeth and carefully mentioned the refining of the single-person starship to the master again, Li Yao did not get furious. Instead, he called Xie An'an and took out all the design drawings. Be patient and explain your original intentions and ideas to the two disciples.

Wu Mayan is a genius of cultivation, and Xie An’an is also a rookie in the circle of craftsmen. After carefully analyzing Li Yao’s design drawings, the two have to admit that, theoretically, use this starship to perform in the Shattered Void. Cultivation is feasible to a certain extent.

Although it may not be able to rush to the realm of Nascent Soul, at least it can cleanse the soul, strengthen the spirit, and temper the Dao Heart to be more solid. It seems...that there is no harm in it.

As a result, Wu Mayan and Xie An'an also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the master was under too much pressure and in a bad mood some time ago, and now they have adjusted themselves.

They quickly left the matter behind.

After all, the two of them, or the entire Flying Star Realm, are too busy to take care of such "little things".

Since the conspiracy of the cultivators was destroyed, the Tianyuan realm and the real human empire have been discovered one after another. The Flying Star Realm is like a small pond, all of a sudden thrown into the vast ocean, the intricate external world makes everyone feel Overwhelmed.

The entire Flying Star Realm has run into the fast lane. The old sectarian structure, social form, and cultivation system for cultivators have all been broken, and a new order is being established at a rapid pace.

The first question before everyone was the handling of Taixu Zhanbing.

The Taixu Plan has been implemented for five years. All sects have invested a lot of resources in refining Taixu's soldiers. It is impossible to abandon so many magic weapons.

After careful research, all Taixu combat soldiers were stopped operating for half a year. During the half year, Professor Mo Xuan and others, and the crystal brain experts of the major sects, carried out the most rigorous inspection of the dormant star brains and confirmed that all were blocked. Afterwards, the different computing modules of the Star Brain were divided into more than a dozen "brain brains", which were stored in different locations to protect them with heavy prohibitions.

In addition, Professor Mo Xuan also hid countless "spiritual bombs" in Xing's mind to ensure that once he was invaded, he would immediately launch a countermeasure.

After more than a dozen security guarantees, although the data transmission speed of the star brain is greatly reduced, which affects part of the performance of the Taixu soldiers, the security is greatly improved, the autonomy is stronger, and there will be no more control of the star brain. Control the situation of all Taixu soldiers.

Even so, the subsequent refining plan of Taixu combat soldiers was suspended, and more resources were reinvested in the refining of crystal armor and spar battleships.

Cultivators clearly realize that there are loopholes in any magic weapon, and the most reliable thing is human beings.

In addition, a large number of Taixu soldiers were severely damaged in the Cultivator's rebellion and were close to being scrapped. To restore their combat effectiveness, the consumption of resources even exceeded the refining of a Taixu soldiers.

These Taixu soldiers, who had lost their repair value, were simply transformed out of detection and mining purposes, and invested in the large-scale development of Cheorwon and Spider's Nest.

Tieyuan Star was once the heart of the Flying Star Realm. The ground contains countless treasures and the remains of towns five thousand years ago. The ground of the Spider's Nest Star also contains rich relics and remnants of mineral veins.

In the past, because of their divisions, there was no single denomination capable of fully exploiting Tioryuan and Spider's Nest.

Now, the entire flying star realm has united to carry out earth-shaking transformations on these two habitable planets.

In the raging development, the desert has turned into green fields, the gray sky reappears with blue, and many ancient cities buried deep in the earth have seen the sky again!

Li Yao's emotions never lost control.

He devoted himself to the Ice God Project, not only personally participating in the refining of the brand-new single-player starship, but also participating in the calculation and refining of the ‘cosmic slingshot’.

He often locked himself in the room for more than ten days, immersed himself in calculating the structure of the starship, and the deduction of the star map, and sometimes he practiced blood dripping under dozens of times of gravity.

After drawing tons of design drawings, occasionally he would climb the roof and look up at the stars, letting the stars shine in the depths of his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about.

at last--

In the ninth year that Li Yao and his party were in the Flying Star Realm, the Ice God Project achieved initial success!

The first phase of the space slingshot has been completed, and 13 starships that can travel through the world have also been refined!

It's time to go home!


On Ice King.

This is a desolate planet on the edge of the star field, because it is far away from the stars, the surface of the earth is frozen, there is no atmosphere, and there is no air suitable for human breathing.

The size and weight of Ice King is extremely small, less than one-tenth of that of Iron Star, which means that the gravity here is extremely small.

Without the obstruction of the atmosphere, when rushing to the universe, the interference will be less.

This is simply a natural starship launch base.

Today’s Ice King is full of people, full of enthusiasm, and its boiling arrogance almost completely melts the ice lumps all over the planet!

Between the undulating ice peaks, on the ice sheet are two huge artificial gullies, one vertical and one horizontal, interlaced into a cross. Each gully is more than 300 kilometers long, and the section is as smooth as a mirror, without any flaws. There are circles of psychic energy ripples, and from time to time, a multi-colored, intricate array of symbols emerges.

This is the super star jumping array left over from the Xinghai Empire era.

At the intersection of the two huge gullies, a shaft ventilated from all sides was formed. At this moment, thirteen starships ready to go are wrapped in thirteen groups of blue light, suspended in the middle of the shaft.

The appearances of the twelve starships are almost the same, except for some functional components.

It is Spark, and a simplified version of Spark 1 to Mars 11 based on Spark.

There are very few passengers on these twelve starships, and most of the storage space of the starships is filled with magic weapon units for refining star torches.

Once they reach the Tianyuan Realm, they will look for a suitable place to refine a super star torch.

This star torch emits mysterious light of a specific frequency, which is extremely difficult for unknowing observers to see. Even if it sees it, it will be regarded as a natural astronomical phenomenon.

Only the Flying Star Realm can lock this profound light and read out the corresponding information based on the flashing of the profound light.

With the navigation of this super star torch, the subsequent fleet can be organized into a larger scale and travel between Feixing and Tianyuan more quickly.

In addition to these twelve starships, there is also a smaller, odd-shaped starship of no more than 30 meters in length.

Different from the sharp edges and slender refining style of the mainstream of the Flying Star Realm, this starship is slightly bloated, like a circle of circles connected to each other. It is not so much a starship, but rather a huge chrysalis.

This is the single-player starship created by Li Yao and jointly refined by the Taixu Group and the Alliance of Battle Stars. It is designed using bionics principles and uses a lot of materials from Tieyuan Star. During the flying process, The shell will continue to rotate, and the stability and impact resistance are several times that of ordinary starships.

Li Yao named this starship exclusively for himself "Firefly".

On the platform next to the launch base, there are experts from the entire flying star world, and everyone is reluctant to say goodbye.

In addition to Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and others, the first group of personnel to go to the Tianyuan Realm included Yuan Ying monk Luo Xingzi, pill formation powerhouse Lei Dalu and Bai Kaixin, and Li Yao’s two disciples Wuma Yanhe Xie Anan.

"Finally going home!"

Looking not far away, the crystal clear starship in the blue light, and the super star jumping array burst out with a magnificent momentum. Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and others hugged each other tightly. Everyone was filled with emotion and felt like an arrow at home. .

"Our Feathered Snake Cult made a big mistake in the rebellion of the cultivators. Although it was deceived by the former leader Xiao Xuance, it is irreparable after all!"

"Now, we can only use blood and courage to wash away the shame shrouded in the Feathered Serpent Cult. From now on to Tianyuan, there will be fierce battles. Every Feathered Serpent monk must charge forward. One day, with our sword and Iron Fist, let the Feathered Snake Sect once again become one of the strongest sects in the Flying Star Realm!"

Luo Xingzi yelled at the fifty feathered snake monks with well-armed and distinct armors, and fifty-one were murderous.

"Everyone comes out to cultivate, the most important thing is to teach loyalty. Now that Monk Tianyuan has taught us loyalty, it's time for us to teach loyalty to others!"

Lei Dalu also folded his chest and snarled at the members of the Great Horned Armor Division.

After ten years of development, the Great Horned Armored Division has become one of the strongest Armored Divisions in the Flying Star Realm.

However, this time the carrying capacity was limited, and he only carefully selected a hundred strong players to follow, including Zuo Xiaohu, Lu Dian and other new generations who had just grown up.

"Master, you must stay a little longer, if you can't rush up, don't force it, it will be bad if you get into trouble!"

Xie An'an was a little disturbed towards Li Yaodao, and his concern was overwhelming.

Li Yao laughed and laughed extremely brilliantly, and patted Xie An'an on the head and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, Master is fully prepared, and there is no way to go crazy! Wait, wait, wait until the Tianyuan realm, you will definitely let you See a... brand new master!"

"By the way, put away the thing I gave you!"

Xie An'an nodded, and said strangely: "Take it away, but—"

Li Yao waved his hand: "There is nothing'but', anyway you just listen to the master!"

"Okay, the Ice King has reached its scheduled orbit, and the time is almost the same. Let's set off and return to Tianyuan!"

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