40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 829: White mouse

"Dear viewers in front of the light curtain, here is the live broadcast of the special program "Flying Tianyuan" jointly launched by Feixing Guangxun Channel and Tiansheng Guangxun Channel. The exciting moment is coming, and the first batch of comprehension to the Tianyuan Realm All have boarded the starship!"

"Ten thousand years! Since the disintegration of the Xinghai Empire, we have been separated from the brotherly worlds for a full ten thousand years!"

"For ten thousand years, we have drifted alone in this cold and dark universe, lonely fighting against the demon, the beast, and the calamity!"

"However, after today, everything will change. We are about to live and die together with another brotherly world, and fight side by side!"

"Let us together, wish Li Yao, Mo Xuan and other friends from the Tianyuan Realm back home, and wish our Fellow Monk a smooth journey, and bring greetings from the Flying Stars to the brothers of the Tianyuan Realm!"

At this moment, the whole flying star world was silent. Ordinary people made different gestures, closed their eyes and prayed silently, while cultivators formed handprints of various gestures and blessed with the secrets of their respective sects. Sent into the universe.

On the edge of the spider star field, on a tattered transport ship.

Dozens of five-and-three rough, fierce-looking crew members were also clustered in the sweaty cabin. The tight muscles almost tore the undershirts on their bodies. The big fists of the casserole were about to squeeze out of the water, and the teeth were clenched and rattled, "Extremely terrible. "Blessed.


These rude and kind-hearted men were praying silently, but a discordant noise came from the corner, and a sharp and sharp voice couldn't help but laugh.

"White mouse, you stinky boy came out to make trouble again!"

A brawny man opened his eyes and saw that in the corner was a boy with a big head like a fight and an extremely ugly boy.

The young man’s expression was quite disdainful. At such an exciting moment, he was yawning. Instead of praying with everyone, he didn’t know where to take out a pack of greasy peanuts and threw them into his mouth. It's trivial and cheap, making people want to move their fists around.

This boy is really ugly.

He seems to be born with deficiencies and acquired malnutrition. He is less than 1.3 meters tall, has wrinkled pink skin, his ears are bigger than a fan, his nose is pointed and red, and his two front teeth are clumped outside, but his eyes are too small. It's as small as a needle tip, plus the densely packed freckles surrounding the eye sockets, like a sky full of stars, like wearing a natural eye mask, making him look like a good person, alive and well. Three hands.

The boy's surname is Bai, because he looks like a mouse and he carries two very strange white guinea pigs as pets, so everyone calls him "White Mouse."

The white rat got on this transport ship three months ago.

At that time, the Spider's Nest was under development, and there was a huge demand for transport ships and engineering ships. This transport ship belonging to a private company also participated in it and worked on the Spider's Nest for half a year.

When leaving the spider's nest star, the boy somehow got into the boat.

In addition to the Star Thieves, there are also many civilians on the Spider’s Nest. They are either the victims of the looting of the Star Thieves, or the descendants of these victims, or the family members of the Star Thieves. Not all of them owe blood debts. The young people are slaves to the star thief, and have suffered all kinds of oppression.

After breaking through the Spider’s Nest, these victims naturally cannot kill them. After strict identification and lie detection, for the original Spider’s Nest residents who have not committed any crimes, they will be on the Spider’s Nest at the age of eighteen. Participated in the local construction, those under the age of eighteen are sent to temporary schools to study in order to contribute to the construction of the new flying star realm.

Even so, there are still a lot of people who have had the habit of idleness in the past, are extremely reluctant to work, and are unwilling to go to school, doing nothing, causing trouble.

The white mouse is such a fish that slipped through the net.

When he first boarded the ship, his condition was worse than it is now. Not only was he skinny with only a few matchstick-like bones left, but there was also a large hole in his head that had just been scabbed. The doctor on the ship said after checking his head. After being seriously injured, the skull was broken into several pieces. 99.9% of people had to die if they encountered this kind of injury, but I don't know how this hard-headed boy survived.

Such an injury caused the ship to take the initiative to feel compassion, took a photo of him, printed his fingerprints and sent it to Spider’s Nest. The result of the inquiry was that this kid was a stray child without a father or a mother, and he was in the street all day long. He was eating and drinking, and somehow fell into a mine a few days ago. Everyone thought he was dead, but somehow he was mixed on the transport ship.

He was not a star thief, and he had no blood debts. He was only ten years old and looked pitiful, so the ship owner took him in.

This kid's vitality is really stronger than that of cockroaches and mice. It only took less than a month to fully recover. However, he developed a habit of leisurely work and lazy food on the spider's nest star, calling him to eat faster than anyone else, shouting When he works, he can hide or hide, or drag on.

The shipowner kindly asked him to learn some cultural knowledge through the crystal brain, but he was dizzy as soon as he read a book, and became sleepy as soon as he did a problem.

Seeing that he didn't want to study, several Kong Wu was powerful, and the crew members who had learned fist for a few days wanted to teach him martial arts, so he laughed happily and dismissed it.

After going back and forth, everyone on the boat was so angry that they couldn't wait to open the vacuum tube immediately and **** this slug into the universe.

The only advantage of this little dysentery is that he has a good temper and is grinning all day. When people scold him, he is not annoyed. When people pull his ears, he is not angry. Even if people hate iron and steel, he will knock on his forehead a few times. If nothing happens, I really don't know whether he is broad-minded or not ashamed or ashamed.

Stared by dozens of brawny men with big eyes, the white mouse still knocked the peanuts unhurriedly, and from time to time he stretched out his little finger to scratch his teeth, very pleasant.

"Smelly boy!"

The brawny man with a big beard grabbed his ears and lifted him up. The spitting stars shot into his face like nails: "White mouse, I said your kid is usually lazy, so he can be sleazy. No matter, why are you indifferent to such a big event today? Everyone is praying for Li Yao and others, but you are stealing peanuts here!"

The white mouse let his ears be ripped off, and threw peanuts into his mouth one by one, and said with a smile: "I have known for a long time, Li Yao, this kid is very good fortune, and everything is left to him. , It must be handled properly and properly and smoothly."

"If that's the case, why waste my saliva and pray for a blessing?"


Brother Hong was even more angry and grabbed the white mouse's ears and twisted it fiercely: "You wrinkled white mouse, you are a big devil, and your tone is so big that you can't stop it. Li Yao is one of the best super masters in the flying stars. The strong presence that killed Xiao Xuance! You, you can't even compare to other people's booger, so you dare to call them a'boy'?"


The white mouse pretended to be in pain, but the smile that bloomed in his eyes was to tell everyone that he didn't put this pain in his eyes at all, "Brother Hong, I reiterated this to you very seriously. Two hundred and twenty-five times, beating, beating, and cursing, can you stop calling me... white mouse?"

Brother Hong laughed: "Take a **** and take a picture of yourself. You are not a white mouse, what are you?"

The white mouse blinked and said, "Please call me, Old Bai...brother."

In one sentence, many rough guys laughed, and Brother Hong sneered: "You kid who steals and plays slippery, usually doesn't move your hand and can't hold your shoulders. We let you do some small chores. You just push around and dare to laugh. Our fighting skills are all stupid cows, now come to call us brothers again?"

The white mouse yawned and said, "I have explained it many times. I am destined to do big things when I was born. What do you use to repair the exhaust futuristic array, clean the toilets, and dredge the sewers? Let me do it, of course I can’t beat myself up.”

Brother Hong sneered: "What is a'big event', old Bai...brother?"

The white mouse tilted his head and thought about it seriously for a while: "For example, being involved in a star sea storm, being attacked by a star thief, and being tragically descended by a demon... When such things happen, I will naturally come forward and deal with everyone cleanly. Be neat, leave nothing behind, and repay you for your life-saving grace."

Everyone laughed even harder, and Brother Hong even "pouched" with joy. He drew up **** that were thicker than the white mouse’s wrist, and slammed a chestnut on the white mouse’s brain: “Stop **** it. , Your kid really wants to repay us for our life-saving grace, so get out sooner, don't wander around in front of us, and waste the food on the boat, not to mention, it's annoying!"

"rest assured."

The white mouse smiled slightly and struck **** the rusty second-hand crystal brain on his wrist, knocking out a mottled light curtain.

Shown in the light curtain is a virtual registration form.

"I've been a bit embarrassed after disturbing everyone for so long, not to mention that it's calm here, it's too boring, I have enough rest, and I'm thinking about finding something interesting to do that I've never done before."

The word "Liaoyuan" shining on the light curtain made all the crew stunned. After looking at each other for a moment, the laughter almost exploded the small transport ship!

"Liaoyuan Fleet?"

"You wrinkled white mouse, want to join the Liaoyuan fleet?"

The Liaoyuan Fleet is a new type of fleet under construction in the Flying Star Realm. Its purpose is to break the old sect and armored division structure and gather the young elites of the entire Flying Star Realm. Ten years later, he became the most powerful force in the flying star realm.

When the expeditionary force of the true human empire arrives in the flying star realm, the Liaoyuan fleet will give a head-on blow!

In a word, this is a fleet set up specifically for the expeditionary forces of the true human empire, a fleet formed for the war a hundred years from now, the future fleet!

The word "Liaoyuan" means "a single spark can start a prairie fire", which means that the two small sparks of Feixing and Tianyuan will surely ignite the raging fire of human civilization in the dark forest!

The Liaoyuan Fleet may determine the fate of the Flying Star Realm.

Therefore, all major sects have invested a lot of resources and sent the best children to join.

The Liaoyuan Fleet is still openly recruiting military academies in the entire Flying Star Realm. Anyone from 6 to 14 years old, regardless of identity, can sign up.

A hundred years later, these people are just in their early 100s. For the cultivator, it is the best balance between psychic power and experience, and they are at their peak, enough to become the mainstay of the flying star realm.

The news was released, causing a sensation in the flying stars, and all the children of the aristocracy rushed to sign up.

Under the rising tide, the elimination rate in the first trial alone has reached a cruel 13,000-to-1 ratio, which is an out-and-out one in a million!

The Liaoyuan Fleet's selection assessment is extremely harsh, even if the standards of military academies are extremely high, I heard that even a great-grandson of Luo Xingzi went to apply for the exam, but was brushed down.

This crumpled white mouse also goes to sign up?

How can it not make people laugh out of their teeth!

Brother Hong laughed and hiccuped: "Only you want to apply for the military academy of the Liaoyuan Fleet? Ha, you also changed your name to... Bai Xingjian? The name is very domineering, but it is not like your honor. It's so commensurate!"

The white mouse smiled, shook his head and said: "Wrong, I am not going to apply for the Liaoyuan fleet, I am going to... command the Liaoyuan fleet."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone rolled around with laughter. Brother Hong held his belly and laughed breathlessly: "Hahahaha, I'm so **** laughing, you white mouse, what? When you became so righteous, do you still want to be the commander-in-chief of the Liaoyuan fleet and one day defeat the expeditionary force of the true human empire?"

The white mouse opened his mouth, trying to distinguish, thought for a while, laughed at himself, simply shut up, and curled up in the corner again, carefully sucking a peanut coat, his expression changed endlessly, as if he was tasting a dragon. Liver Phoenix.

"My friends, the countdown begins. In the last ten seconds, our warrior is about to set off!"

The host on the light curtain was hoarse, attracting the eyes of all the crew, and no one cared about the boastful white mouse.

The white mouse squinted his eyes, the light and shadow intertwined on his face, mottled, the eyes of the ugly boy was rippling with the glimmer that had been polished over hundreds of years.

At the back of the white mouse's neck, two bags suddenly bulged up, wriggling for a moment, two small mice got out.

The skins of the two mice were smooth and smooth, and they looked more pleasing to the eye than him. The eyes of the mice were radiant and very human. On one of the mice's tail, there was still a touch of gold rippling.

With a flick of the white mouse's finger, two peanuts flew up into the air, but they were caught by a guinea pig's tail and shared food with the mother mouse.

"If it's you, you must understand me?"

The white mouse said with a smile to the golden-tailed guinea pig.

There was a strange light in the little guinea pig's eyes, as if he could really understand what he said.

The white mouse threw a peanut in the guinea pig’s mouth again, and said lightly: "You must know why I am going to command the Liaoyuan fleet and fight against the expeditionary forces of the real human empire, right?"

"Of course it's not for the Flying Star Realm, let alone for the future of human civilization, this kind of **** is a bad reason."

"I just want to taste... the taste of failure."

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