40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 831: Black reflection

Li Yao shivered, and the Firefly seemed to disappear. He once again hovered in an unfamiliar sea of ​​stars, in front of a blue planet.

An extremely frustrated and desperate voice echoed in his ears: "Failed, we have completely failed!"

"It's too powerful, it's too dark, we can't destroy it, we can't destroy it!"

Then Li Yao heard his own roar: "No, the vulture plan has not failed yet, even if I drift to the end of the sea of ​​stars, I will fight to the end and make a comeback!"


This scene, blooming like broken glass, he returned to the interior of the Firefly, facing dozens of thoughtful selves.

"It seems that the Vulture Project is so important to us that we will never forget our journey through the stars and reincarnation, and even give ourselves the nickname'Vulture', which is subconsciously reminding ourselves that we must never forget it."

Dozens of Li Yao merged one by one, muttering: "Does the so-called'earth' really exist? If it does exist, is it really an ordinary planet without any psychic energy?" "

"I vaguely remember that on the earth, there are legends such as Pangu, Nuwa, and Yuanshi Tianzun. There are even things like dinosaurs, fossils and prehistoric creatures, but when it comes to the details, they are very different from our world."

"On earth, dinosaurs are just a pure wild beast, without the slightest wisdom, let alone a splendid civilization."

"What is the relationship between the earth and our three thousand cultivation world? Is earth man Li Yao really an ordinary repairman? How did we get banished from the earth, or escape to the Tianyuan realm? "

"Mysterious! It's really mysterious!"

"Don't you want to uncover the mystery of the vulture plan, and even come to earth one day to find the ultimate truth?"

For every word spoken, two Li Yao merged together. When the last sentence was thrown out, in front of the real Li Yao, there was only one mirrored self.

Li Yao licked his lips. Instinctively he wanted to nod his head, but there was a needle-like tingling from the depths of his soul, which made him startled and blurted out, "Who are you?"

The opposite Li Yao smiled: "You know, I am you. It's just the forbidden and sealed part of your soul, the part about the'Vulture Project'!"

"I don't know, why this part was sealed, maybe someone doesn't want us to know the truth?"

"In short, when you hit the Nascent Soul Realm just now, you already broke a crack on this unbreakable seal. That's why you leaked so many Divine Soul Fragments and threw a series of questions to yourself!"

"Now that you have discovered so many strange things, don't you want to know... the real answer?"

"Come on, let us merge together, completely break this seal, to crack the secret of the'Vulture Project', and figure out what the so-called'Earth' is!"

The other party's voice was full of strange bewitching, and stretched out his right hand.

Li Yao held his breath, his eyes were slightly confused, he involuntarily raised his right hand, and touched his fingertips towards the opponent's fingertips.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of the other party's mouth, and he murmured: "Yes, that's it. After we are thoroughly integrated, we will definitely figure out the whole thing...ah!"

The last word "phase" was replaced by a scream.

It turned out that Li Yao suddenly burst into a strong electric arc from his fingertips and stabbed at the opponent severely. The opponent was caught off guard and was instantly enveloped by lightning!

The other party screamed angrily: "You, what are you doing, don't you want to know the truth?"

Li Yao snorted coldly, the confusion in his eyes was swept away, his eyes became extremely clear, sharp as a knife: "Do you want to fool me? I don't believe in restrictions and seals!"

"Let me think about what you are!"

Li Yao's mind turned his mind, and the scenes from the past quickly slid in front of him. He gathered all his computing power and scanned every abnormality.

Soon, he found it!

That was when he was fighting fiercely with Yanxibei, who had the "Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body" on Tieyuan Star. The two sides fought in blood, and each other had a lot of blood, which was contaminated with each other!

Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly: "You are a bloodline clan!"

The words "Bloodstroke Race" were uttered, and the other party suddenly screamed that was even more distorted than before. The arc stripped off its disguise, turning into a face that looked exactly like Li Yao but was as red as blood. It looks like a weird statue painted with a layer of red paint.

The bloodline tribe, a mysterious alien race from the other side of the sea of ​​stars, possesses terrifying mind control and biological transformation supernatural powers, the master of the giant spirit war tribe, the initiator of the celestial catastrophe attack in the flying star world five thousand years ago!

In Li Yao's pupils, the brilliant light spreads like ripples, and he sneered: "That's how it is!"

"A few decades ago, you sneaked into the body of Tieyuan Star master Yan Xibei, and secretly bewitched Yan Xibei, became one of the Four Kings of Longevity, made up the Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body, and carried out your plan in secret."

"Eight years ago, when I was fighting Yanxibei on Tieyuan Star, you saw that the Northwest Yanxi was gone, and you were hidden in a drop of blood unknowingly, splashed on my body, and sneaked into my body!"

"However, at that time, you were still very weak, so you have been lurking with minions, attracting but not sending out, and slowly accumulating strength."

"By the way, when I was cultivating in the cave of Yan Xinjian under the spider's nest star, there was a period of time when I was very impetuous and felt some visions. I was afraid that you became the climate, surfaced and treated me. Temptation?"

"It's just that you tentatively discovered that at that time my spirit was still extremely strong, and it was not a good opportunity to initiate devouring, so you lurked again."

"Until me and the star child of the real human empire, after being blew up by the star child and damaging the soul, your chance finally came!"

"After my soul was shattered and fell into a coma, you deliberately created the illusion of the Tianyuan realm deep in my mind. If you want to make our soul abandon its vitality and fall into complete dormancy, you can dominate the magpie’s nest. Occupy my body!"

"Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, I accidentally triggered the ‘Vulture Project’ hidden in the deepest part of my soul and awakened me!"

"You are helpless, and you are afraid that if you forcibly seize the house, you will start to frighten you, so you changed your thinking, took a long-term view, and continued to influence me.

"Think about it now, the decision I made was so strange!"

"I have cultivated to the ultimate golden core when I was only in my twenties, and my combat power is comparable to that of the Nascent Soul Old Monster. The speed is not too slow, but too fast!"

"As the saying goes, haste is not good. My foundation is unstable and Dao's heart is unstable. At this time, the most important thing is to consolidate the realm, not just adventurously. Why is it necessary to practice in the four-dimensional space?"

"The competition between the two great worlds is the overall strength. Even if I break through to Yuan Ying, I am afraid that the battle will not have a decisive impact!"

"What's more, even if I want to practice in the four-dimensional space, I can open up a training room in the Spark. Why is it necessary to refine a starship by myself?"

"Now, I finally understand, I'm afraid I was already bewitched by you at that time!"

"You want to take advantage of my forceful breakthrough in the four-dimensional space, when my soul is shaking, and I will win the house in one fell swoop!"

"If it's on the Spark, my cultivation status will be closely monitored by Professor Mo Xuan and the others. Whenever they find something is wrong, they will rush in to save people, making it easier to see the abnormal changes that have happened to me!"

"On the Firefly, I was the only person. Once a change occurs, it is really bad for the sky and the ground is not working, right?"

The blood-colored Li Yao on the opposite side was like an ice sculpture exposed to the sun, with wisps of blood wafting out of his body, gradually dissolving.

Its expression became more and more secretive, more and more evil, and smiled: "We are really smart, and we are basically right, but there is one thing that you still haven't figured out."

"Yes, we are indeed infected by the Bloodmarked tribe, but the bloodmarked tribe's life form is completely different from human beings, and even all creatures. They have no consciousness, no thinking, and no spirit!"

"So, I am indeed not the Bloodstripe Clan, but you, to be precise, the other side of your heart."

Li Yao jumped at the corner of his eyes, fully guarded.

Scarlet Li Yao spread his hands and smiled evilly and said: "Don't be so nervous, there is light, there is darkness, light and darkness are just two sides of a copper plate, you have always been righteous, strong, unyielding, and determined..."

"But, ask yourself, are you really as righteous, tenacious and determined as you look?"

"While struggling in the tomb of the magic weapon, haven't you ever produced a strong killing intent?"

"When faced with the ridicule and ridicule of your classmates, don't you ever give birth to strong jealousy when you watch people driving a luxury shuttle?"

"When faced with an overwhelming tide of beasts, isn't it that moment? Have you ever thought of running away?"

"When Yan Beibei and Xiao Xuance instilled their ideas into you, didn't you waver at all, didn't you think about it, maybe they were on the right path?"

"When you learned that the tribulation of the true human empire was about to raid the Tianyuan realm, didn't you have such a dark thought flashing in your heart, swearing in the deepest part of your heart, complaining that the flying star realm was dragging the Tianyuan realm?"

"For a moment, you even hoped that it would be best for this Heavenly Tribulation to turn around now and rush towards the Flying Star Realm?"

"It is these black thoughts that you once gave birth to, these hatred, jealousy, fear, doubt, waver, anger and confusion, slowly accumulating, breeding and spreading, and finally gave birth to me.

"Who am I? I am your soul, a small reflection in the dark abyss."

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