40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 832: Blood madness

Li Yao gritted his teeth and let out a contemptuous laugh from between his teeth: "Understood, the bloodstripe clan is like a key, opening up the area in my brain where negative emotions and dark thoughts are stored, and activating my demons. , Turned into your choppy."

Scarlet Li Yao smiled faintly, and said tepidly: "What the mind demon can calculate is nothing but an ineffective thought generated in the process of cultivation. Too complicated and redundant will cause the hindrance of the operation of the divine mind, not only the calculation power is greatly reduced. It will even cause the overflow of divine consciousness, the madness, the collapse of the divine soul, and the idiot!"

"How can you compare with me?"

"I just help you to think from the other side of the matter."

"There is no need to resist the infection of the bloodmark tribe. The life forms of the bloodmark tribe and human beings are completely different. There is no conflict of interest between the two sides. You can imagine a symbiotic relationship. This relationship is extremely common in the universe, needless to say. Other species, such as humans, are parasitic with lactic acid bacteria and other probiotics."

"Even if you have cultivated to the Golden Core level, as long as you don't get rid of this flesh and blood body for a day, you will have to live peacefully with lactic acid bacteria. Since you don't reject lactic acid bacteria, why do you reject the bloodstripe race so much?"

Li Yao said coldly: "My lactic acid bacteria will not make a sound in my head all day long to confuse me, and it will not affect my will!"

"how do you know?"

Scarlet Li Yao asked, "How do you know that the lactic acid bacteria that are parasitic in your body have not subtly affected your brain in some mysterious way?"

"Even, the resistance you are showing now is caused by the lactic acid bacteria in your body manipulating your mind. It does not want a new parasite to come in and **** this body from it?"

Li Yao is speechless.

Scarlet Li Yao laughed and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm just talking nonsense. Look, I'm good at thinking about problems from your other side. After the two of us merge, we will see the problem more comprehensively and clearly. With an insight into the nature of cultivation, our computing power will be even stronger!"

Li Yao couldn't help but stepped back: "If you say it's a mess, I will never be controlled by the Bloodstripe Clan!"

"What's wrong with merging with me?"

Scarlet Li Yao spread his arms and said very sincerely, "Don't you want to figure out the truth about the'Vulture Project'? Don't you want to know why you drifted to the Celestial Realm? Don't you want to return to the earth and crack the hidden behind everything Secret?"

"Don't lie to me, you think, this question has been bewildering you, haunting you, and torturing you since you remembered it, and since you started to have those bizarre earth dreams!"

"I am you. The questions that I have just thrown out have come to your mind countless times in the past years. Do you dare to say that you don't want to find the final answer?"

"But how difficult it is to find this answer!"

"If the earth really exists, it is very likely to be another realm independent of the 3000 cultivation world. If you want to go to the earth, it is not as simple as returning from the flying star realm to the celestial realm, and even jumping from the celestial realm to a real human. The empire’s capital, Extreme Heaven, is a hundred times more difficult!

"Just relying on you now, for the rest of your life, to live for three hundred, five hundred, one thousand years, don't even think about going to the earth to find the answer!"

"Now, only the Bloodmark Clan can help us!"

"Remember Yanxibei's'Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body'? Originally, Yanxibei was just a low-level gas refiner who was severely injured and became disabled. All of them can rely on the Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body and possess the power close to the Nascent Soul!"

"And now, you have created an unprecedented path of cultivation, rushing to the ultimate golden core realm, and your own combat power is comparable to the average Nascent Soul powerhouse!"

"If you control the power of the Bloodmark Clan again and concoct your own'Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body', think about it, what a terrifying realm it will be. Maybe even the gods and monsters of the real human empire are not you. Opponent!"

"Your cultivation path, the sword goes slanting forward, and the formation of alchemy is so difficult. According to the conventional cultivation method, how many years will it take to have the opportunity to form the Nascent Infant? Don't even want to step into the Nascent Infant realm for a lifetime!

"It's better to follow the path of the bloodline clan and cultivate the'Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body', and then condense a unique'Blood Infant'!"

"Achieving the Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body, condensing the Scarlet Nascent Soul, not to mention the threat of the Blood Demon Realm, even the offensive of the true human empire is not in our eyes. At that time, we will not only keep the Heavenly Origin Realm, but also have a higher level. The power of, can step through the homeland of the real human empire, and even explore the earth beyond three thousand worlds!"

"Isn't this the best choice?"

Scarlet Li Yao's voice was sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, sometimes charming, and sometimes soft.

As it bewitched, its hands grew longer and longer, and stretched out towards Li Yao's face: "Come on, accept the power of the bloodmark clan, this is the only way..."

Li Yao's face was blank and seemed to be in chaos, until the **** hands were about to touch his face, the corners of his eyes suddenly jumped and he let out a decisive roar: "No!"

"I won't be fooled!"

"The lessons learned from the northwestern Yanbei are vividly remembered. You just want to use me to spread the blood-stripe tribe and enslave all human beings!"

"At that time, human beings will be like the ‘Giant Spirit Warriors’ who were once enslaved by you, and become monsters that only know **** but don’t know how to build!"

"Go dream, I will never let you, a monster, occupy my body!"

With a violent wave of his hands, Li Yao set off a storm of psychic energy, tearing the blood-colored human form to shreds and turning it into thousands of small blood beads. A strange face appeared in the depths of each blood drop.

In a series of distorted laughter, blood drops disappeared without a trace, like soap bubbles in the sun.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar and unfamiliar voice emerged from Li Yao's mind: "But, I already occupy your body!"

Li Yao was shocked, as if awakening from a strange dream.

The jump in the four-dimensional space is about to end, and his infinitely unfolding body gradually returns to the three-dimensional state.

However, the left half of the body was twisted strangely, completely out of control!

His left eye was like a burning briquettes and a shining searchlight. He could perceive it without a mirror. The eyeball must have become the most dazzling blood.

The blood color was like a virus, and it spread quickly to the limbs and skeletons along the eyeballs. After controlling the left half of the body in an instant, it invaded to the right half of the body!

"You wake up too late!"

The voice in the depths of his mind sounded like he himself uttered through the Linghe Biography, "Do you think that after your soul was severely injured by the explosion of Star Child, how could it recover so quickly?"

"Of course I worked in the dark to help you mend your soul!"

"It's just that when I was repairing the soul, I also'knitted' some special things in by the way."

"And when you entered the four-dimensional space, you poured psychic energy into the golden core without restriction, raised the speed of the golden core to the limit, and hit the Nascent Soul Realm, causing a great shock to the soul, which happened to me. An opportunity to take advantage of!"

"Now, nothing can stop me from taking this body!"

"Tian Yuan Xing, Tian Yuan Xing with tens of billions of people!"

"On the entire Tieyuan star, there are only tens of millions of people. Even if dozens of star regions in the entire Flying Star Realm gather together, there are only nearly tens of billions of people, and there are tens of billions of people on a single Tianyuan star. , Tens of billions can provide me with a host of continuous spiritual power!"


Li Yao screamed, bloodshot gradually extending from his left eyeball to his right eyeball.

Li Yao rolled on the floor with pain, smashing his head hard, but his left hand did not listen at all, and even when his right hand wanted to attack the left eyeball, his left hand blocked the fierce offensive.

"Don't make senseless resistance, it just adds to the pain!"

"What's wrong with being the host of the Bloodmarked Clan? Not only will the Bloodmarked Clan not interfere in your war with the Blood Demon Realm and the True Human Empire, it will help you!"

"After all, the source of the power of the bloodmark tribe is the host's desire to kill. The more intense you kill, the stronger the bloodmark tribe will be!"

Li Yao clasped his head tightly and snarled, "I won't let you succeed. I would rather die than be completely occupied by the desire to kill!"

He exhausted all his strength, slammed into the training room, and plunged into the cockpit.

Because the distance is relatively close and the target is extremely clear, the Firefly uses fully automatic navigation, basically without manual manipulation.

In a few seconds, they will end the jump and appear in the sky above the Heavenly Origin Realm.

If you are lucky, you can even jump directly into the gravitational circle of Tianyuan Star!

At the corner of Li Yao's eyes, with bleeding and tears, dragging the frantically trembling left half of his body, he crawled hard towards the console.

In the corner of the console, firmly locked by the triple prohibition, is a self-destructing talisman array!

"Want to die with me? It's too late!"

The shrill laughter in Li Yao's head became more and more harsh, but his consciousness became more and more blurred, as if sinking into a **** swamp, constantly sinking, and a stronger, colder, and more cruel consciousness took its place and gradually emerged. , Control the entire brain area.

"Now, I have controlled 95% of your brain."

"In a few seconds, we will reach the Tianyuan Realm and meet our relatives and friends, Ding Lingdang, Yuan Manqiu, Demon Sword Peng Hai, Eclipse Jiang Shaoyang..."

"Don't worry, I won't miss one."

"Look, we're here, and there is Tian Yuan Xing ahead, lovely Tian Yuan Xing!"

Scarlet Li Yao laughed wildly, and the Firefly shook suddenly, and a chaotic light screen became clear again, showing everything that the crystal eye had taken.

A huge planet quietly suspended in front of them.

Scarlet Li Yao's laughter stopped abruptly. For the first time since he appeared, he showed a terrifying mental fluctuation: "Impossible, this is—"

Almost at the same instant, from the depths of the Firefly's console, there was an ultra-high frequency sound wave that human ears could not hear.

A mental attack specifically aimed at the soul, such as a volcanic eruption, resembling a stormy sea, swept the entire cockpit and thoroughly penetrated Li Yao's brain!

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