40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 833: Tianyuan battlefield!

Tianyuanjie, Tianyuanxing, sky above the Great Wilderness.

The sky seems to be propped up by a pair of invisible big hands, and "sags" very strangely, forming a "vortex" that transcends the three-dimensional space.

Immediately afterwards, twelve streams of streamers roared out from the "vortex", as if being spewed out by twelve invisible behemoths, swept toward the endless desert and Gobi desert.

The master crystal brain quickly analyzes the air composition and gravitational force, and initially estimates the diameter of the planet to judge the quality of the planet.

The final calculated data is exactly the same as Tianyuanxing.


There was cheers on Spark's bridge.

Wumayan jumped three feet high, Lei Dalu and Bai happily hugged each other, Professor Mo Xuan and other ghost repairmen from the Tianyuan realm, even more sobbing and unable to be on their own.

This was a very precise jump in the starry sky, not only sent them into the gravitational circle of Tianyuan Star, but also directly passed through the atmosphere and appeared in the sky above the Great Wilderness.

Dahuang is their destination.

The Tianyuan Realm is densely populated. In the hinterland of the Xingyao Federation, there are thousands of kilometers of super city clusters everywhere. Considering the instability of the Xinghai crossing, if the destination is directly set near the capital of the Xingyao Federation, in case In the event of an accident, such as a starship explosion, the burning wreckage is very likely to cause a devastating blow to the city.

Therefore, the "Tianyuan Cannon" used by the Tianyuan Realm to explore the universe was also set up in a vast and sparsely populated wasteland. Even if an accident occurs, the collateral damage can be minimized.

In addition, Professor Mo Xuan and others, who were born and raised in the wasteland, are more familiar with the environment here, and can be more precise when setting parameters.

"Go home, we finally go home!"

Professor Mo Xuan suppressed the confusion, the arms of the psychic prosthesis trembled slightly, and twenty detection magic weapons were activated.

Suddenly, twenty detection **** engraved with floating flying symbolic arrays rose into the air from the Spark and flew in all directions.

On the one hand, the other twelve starships were contacted, and on the other hand, the terrain was detected to further determine their coordinates.

The scene captured by the detection ball surprised them.

The Great Wilderness at this moment is completely different from their impressions.

The fragmented sky is full of colorful spiral clouds, like huge snails, slowly creeping on the sky.

There are strands of substantive miasma floating in the air, like translucent tentacles, twisting strangely.

In the desert near and far, there are countless huge bones, many of which are hundreds of meters in length, all of which are hideous monsters.

These monster bones, mixed with the remains of the spar chariot, seemed to be telling a fierce battle.

A detection ball that flew hundreds of kilometers away also captured a large-scale ruin, like an abandoned city. The dark red gravel covered more than half of the building, leaving only the upper half of a few tall buildings. Some are still exposed on the surface, like pieces of broken tombstones.

The detection ball keeps rising, and it can be vaguely seen that in the north of the Great Wilderness, a large number of deserts have turned red, like an endless red tide, slowly engulfing the entire world.

"how so?"

Professor Mo Xuan sighed, "It seems that in the years since we left, the integration of the Heavenly Yuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm has further accelerated. There have been several earth-shattering battles between the two sides, and even the cities in the wilderness have been destroyed. !"

"Gao Yang, scan the structure of the abandoned city and compare it with all the city data in our database to see which city it is to determine our precise coordinates, and then send a report to the other twelve starships and the entire Tianyuan Realm sent it out!"

Professor Mo Xuan's disciple Gao Yang nodded, but there was no sound for a long time.

Professor Mo Xuan is a little strange. Scanning city features for comparison is a very simple task. With their current computing power, they can complete it in no time.

The scale of this abandoned city is huge. It must be one of the core towns of the Great Wilderness. It is unlikely that they were built after they left. Then they must have the key feature data of this city.

Professor Mo Xuan said solemnly: "Gao Yang, what's the matter?"

Raised and trembled: "Old, teacher, this city buried by yellow sand is...the city of angry waves!"

Rage City, the largest city in the Great Wilderness, one of the nine elite colleges of the Federation, and the location of the Great Wilderness War Academy!

Professor Mo Xuan's figure shook, and the psychic prosthesis almost fell apart!

In the light curtain, dozens of spar battleships of the Star Federation roared towards them, and countless armor masters and war shuttles flew like wild bees, surrounded on all sides.

The bows of these spar battleships, one on the left and the other on the right, were painted with two shining battle emblems.

On the left is the battle emblem of the Nine Stars Rising Dragon, and the battle emblem on the right is based on the burning and extremely angry iron fist. A battle knife and a chain saw sword overlap each other!

This is the badge of the Great Desolate War Academy!

This badge rejuvenated Mo Xuan and others who were on the brink of despair, but they were puzzled.

"In the past ten years, what has happened, and why was the city of Rushing to be destroyed? When did the Great Wilderness Battle Yard possess so many spar battleships?"

The Spark is a multi-functional expedition ship, belonging to the category of small starships. Dozens of Federal Spar battleships are much larger than them, and soon fly over their heads.

"Send a message to the Federal Starship to show our identity and tell them-Li Yao and Mo Xuan are back!"

Professor Mo Xuan reluctantly said excitedly.

However, before they could send their spiritual thoughts, the master crystal brain had already received the spiritual thoughts sent by the other party.

The information is very simple, only three words:



An hour later, on the bridge of the Spark.

The experts from the Flying Star Realm looked at this red-haired cultivator Tianyuan with some curiosity, the man who claimed to be the "Captain of the First Commando of the Great Wilderness Group".

This was the first Tianyuan cultivator they saw except for Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan.

This person has long hands and feet, as tough and powerful as four leather whips, wearing a dark red battle robe, and a battle emblem of the Great Desolate War Court painted on his chest, exuding fierce murderous aura.

The most striking thing is that this person’s hair is not only bright and crimson, but also burning like bunches of flames. If you get closer, you will feel a scorching heat wave. Know how this person keeps his scalp from being burnt.

"This kind of alienation, or else it is the sequelae of cultivating a peerless supernatural power and getting into the evil spirit; or else it is the singular poison in the body, but it drives the poison out of the heavenly spirit cover, forcing it to the hair, or even both. Yes..."

Luo Xingzi looked at this person and Professor Mo Xuan tightly hugging each other, thinking secretly.

The Fei Xing Realm wants to fight side by side with the Tian Yuan Realm, and of course it has to evaluate the strength of its comrades in arms.

This native cultivator of the Tianyuan Realm left a deep impression on Luo Xingzi. He estimated that this person's strength may have reached the Jindan level. The key is that this person is very young, at most thirty years old, and wants to come. There is also an adventure.

"Could it be that Tianyuan Realm specifically produces young geniuses?"

Luo Xingzi was amazed.

Professor Mo Xuan cared about the Great Desolate War Academy and his wife Yuan Manqiu, and the red-haired commando captain said in a whisper that everyone understood everything.

In the past ten years, the Tianyuan Realm has indeed undergone tremendous changes.

After Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and others left, the fusion of the two realms of Tianyuan and the blood demon further accelerated. Now, the two worlds are like two peanut kernels of a peanut, in a state of "semi-fusion" , Which is equivalent to two star regions in a great world.

Moreover, between these two star regions, there are countless wormholes that can travel freely.

In the Great Wilderness North, the "dark extremity" area created by the fusion of the two worlds has also been expanding, and it has expanded dozens of times to that of ten years ago.

The psychic energy is extremely unstable, and the gloomy extremity that contains infinite resources and treasures has turned into a **** killing battlefield.

The war between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm is escalating, and the two sides are no longer limited to small-scale harassment and anti-harassment, but have fought a few tough battles on the ground.

Five years ago, the Yaozu even sent an army directly to Fury City where the Great Wilderness Battlefield was located through an extremely precise fixed-point teleportation.

Although this monster army was eventually wiped out, the city of Rage was also destroyed.

"Although Dahuang is vast, there is no longer an inch of pure land that can accommodate a peaceful campus."

The red-haired commando captain said, "So, our Dahuang War College simply moved our campus to the spar battleship and became a mobile university. It recruited all the young people who were displaced by the war to teach in the **** battle. Grow in the fight!"

"In the order of the Federal Army, our Great Desolate Battlehouse, also known as the'Great Desolate War Group', has become one of the four Great Desolate regiments of the Union!"

"Ms. Yuan Manqiu is also safe and sound. Under her leadership, the Refining Department of the Great Desolate War Academy has become the second strongest refining department in the Federation under the Deep Sea University Refining Department!"

Hearing that his wife is okay, Professor Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Since the Great Wilderness is not safe now, please hurry up and search for our remaining spar battleships. If you encounter a small-scale Demon Commando team, it will be terrible! "

The red-haired commando captain said: "We have been searching carefully for the past hour. We have scanned a radius of 500 kilometers and found a total of eleven starships similar in appearance to the Spark."

Professor Mo Xuan was stunned, "But, we have a total of 13 starships, and there is also a very small starship that looks like a chrysalis, which is controlled by Li Yao alone!"


The red-haired commando captain's voice suddenly increased.

"how so?"

Professor Mo Xuan's voice was very bewildering, "Twelve starships were found within 500 kilometers, which proves that our jump was very successful and the landing point was extremely accurate. It stands to reason that Li Yao would not fail! "

"Also, an hour has passed, and he should have contacted us long ago!"

"Strange, I can't get in touch with the Firefly, as if I didn't come to the Celestial Realm with us!"


The red-haired commando captain gritted his teeth and said, "We will immediately expand the search range, within a thousand kilometers, search for the Firefly, which is very likely to crash!"

"Please, please wait a moment--"

Just as everyone was worried, Xie Anan came out of the crowd, holding a jade slip in both hands, "Master, before setting off, hand this jade slip to me, saying that after we jump to the Tianyuan realm, the jade slip will be inspired. In the message."

"What does it mean?"

Everyone looked at each other, puzzled.

Professor Mo Xuan took the jade slip, inserted it into his chest, and shot a three-dimensional light curtain through the crystal eyes on his forehead.

In the light curtain, Li Yao's phantom slowly condensed, looking at everyone with a grin.

"Sorry, I have to use this method to talk to everyone."

"First, let me tell you the bad news, hahahaha, nine out of ten I have been infected by the Bloodstripe Race."

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