40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 834: The toughest layout

In a word, it's shocking!

There was a sound of inhalation one after another on the bridge. Almost all the gas refiners from Tieyuan star jumped up. Only a few Tianyuan cultivators were puzzled. The red-haired assault captain stared at the light curtain. Li Yao frowned and asked Professor Mo Xuan, "What is the Bloodstripe Clan?"

In the light curtain, Li Yao's phantom scratched his hair and deliberately said in a relaxed tone: "Since the battle with Xinghai and I was injured by his self-detonation, I have fallen into a long coma."

"In a coma, I often have some bizarre nightmares. All nightmares have one thing in common, which is to persuade me to give up the will to survive and fall into eternal sleep."

"If it wasn't for some unexpected factors, maybe my vitality would have been completely cut off long ago, and my soul would have been wiped out in smoke?"

"After waking up, I have always been agonizing about the Scarlet Nightmare."

"I asked myself not someone who would give up easily. What's more, the road home is right in front of me. I am about to reunite with my relatives and friends in the Tianyuan Realm. Is there any reason to get lost in the moment before victory?"

"If dreams reflect people's subconsciousness, then my subconsciousness is really very different from normal thinking."

"At that time, I was secretly suspicious."

"After waking up, I felt that I was not quite right, and I often daydream, and the dreams became more and more terrifying. Every time I broke free from the nightmare, I felt that my killing intent became stronger and my temperament became more intense. Surrender, tyrannical!"

"The suspicion in my heart grew bigger and bigger, and I began to secretly observe people around me."

"I think if my soul is really invaded and infected by some kind of ‘alien’, maybe it will interfere with my perception in some way, making it difficult for me to perceive its existence."

"But my abnormal behavior will definitely cause strange reactions from people around me."

"Then, as long as I treat the people around me as a ‘mirror’, I can deduce my situation."

"Sure enough, I found that my disciples, Wu Mayan and Xie An'an, had a very strange attitude towards me."

"In the past, the two of them were by my side, and everyone was very relaxed, not so much as a master and apprentice, but more like partners in cultivating together."

"But now, the two of them are cautious and frightened, walking on thin ice."

"One day, I even found a very deep scratch on Wu Ma Yan's neck, which seemed to be left after being stuck in the neck for a long time with great strength."

"In those days, Wu Ma Yan has been following me in cultivation and never went out to fight with others."

"What's more, if this scar is caused by someone else, Wu Ma Yan will definitely tell me."

"But he didn't even mention it, so I must have done it."

"And I've forgotten about it, it's really strange."

"There are two possibilities. One is that this was not done by me, but by another ‘existence’, ‘heterogene’, and ‘second personality’ lurking in my body.”

"Secondly, I did this, but afterwards, a certain ‘different’ erased this memory forcibly, at least ‘covered it up’.”

"In any case, through this incident, I finally confirmed that my soul has been ‘infected’ by something."

"I have been thinking about it for a long time, reminiscing about my past combat experience, trying to find the culprit."

"Bone Dragon Demon? Yan Xinjian? Xiao Xuance? Star Child?"

"These enemies all possess powerful spirit power, but what if they can sneak into my brain without knowing it, and erode my spirit in a silent way?"

"I don't think they have this ability."

"In the end, I locked the answer."


"The bloodmark tribe is a mysterious alien race from outside the sky. They are invisible, invisible, and ethereal. They can parasitize in the depths of the brains of creatures, affect the behavior of creatures, and use killing intent as food!"

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Bloodmarked Clan used the Giant Spirit War Clan as their puppets. After the destruction of the Great Spirit War Clan's world, they came to the Flying Star Realm through the tribulation, landed on the Iron Planet, and tried It took tens of thousands of years to transform the Teorwon Star and the Teoronites, and to make the Teoronites into a new "host"."

"Among them, the essence of the Bloodmarked tribe also invaded the body of Northwest Yan, tempting him to make a'Tianjie Battle Body' to accelerate the bloodmarked tribe's erosion of humans."

"When I was fighting Yanbei Northwest, we met in short-term combat many times and blood splashed. Although I was very careful, it was difficult to guarantee that one or two drops of blood would splash on my body. Perhaps the blood-stripe tribe might be lurking inside and invade my body."

"It's just that the Bloodstripe Clan may not have thought that my Soul is ten times stronger than the Soul of Yanbei Northwest. It has never been able to get in. It simply stays dormant until my Soul is blasted by the Star Child before it finds a chance to take advantage of it. After being in a coma for one year, he infected me with **** dreams, and finally succeeded in invading my soul and brain!"

"If this is the case, there are only two questions left."

"First, what is the purpose of the Bloodstripe tribe; second, how deep is it to infect me?"

"Thinking about it in another way, it's not difficult to guess the purpose of the Bleeding Pattern Clan. It wants to go to the Tianyuan Realm with me."

"Although the Tianyuan Realm is only a small realm, the population is all gathered on the Tianyuan Star. It is like a crowded public place, and it is simply the best place for these parasites to spread."

"Furthermore, the Heavenly Origin Realm is in a war with the Blood Demon Realm, and after that, it will fight against the Little Heavenly Tribulation of the True Human Empire. The Bloodmarked Race feeds on killing intent. This world is right for its ‘appetite’!"

"As for how deeply it has infected me, how far it has eroded my brain... It seems that this is a question for which it is impossible to find an accurate answer."

"I can only infer based on known information."

"The most important piece of information is that I propose to refine the Firefly and practice alone in the Shattered Void."

"After discovering that I was infected by the Bloodstripe Clan, and looking back at the refining plan of the Firefly, I found a lot of doubts. This is really not like a plan I would propose under normal circumstances, but like a bloodstroke. In order to completely devour my soul in the broken void, the family tempted me to throw out a conspiracy."

"Then, this at least shows that the Bloodmark Clan has not been able to completely control me now, and it has to take the most crucial move."

"Perhaps, it can arouse the fear, anger, hatred, bloodthirsty... and other negative emotions in my brain in a subtle way. Under the hint of these negative emotions, it can slightly manipulate my behavior."

"It can also erase or conceal a part of my memory, and when I have a strong suspicion, use a kind of almost ‘hypnotic’ method to dispel my suspicion."

"But I think, no matter whether it is manipulated or covered, it cannot be used without restriction."

"The reason is very simple. On the one hand, the power of the Bloodmark Clan is also limited, otherwise it won't be able to stay dormant for so many years."

"More importantly, if it forcibly twists my will and erases my memory at every turn, it will create a completely different me. I, including those around me, will definitely be suspicious."

"This is the last thing it wants to see."

"So, I should still have a chance to turn defeat into victory."

"My judgment is that when my soul was torn apart by the self-explosion of the star child, it is very likely that the Bloodmarked tribe could spy on most of my memory fragments and have a clear picture of my past, even in the depths of my soul. Some'back doors' are hidden."

"But I don't think it can know everything about me, every thought."

"It's like a person with a'dual personality'. The two personalities appear alternately, and it is impossible. One of them has a complete insight into the other personality."

"Since it is impossible for me to perceive every thought of the Bloodmarked Clan, there is no reason for the Bloodmarked Clan to perceive every thought of mine-at least, I hope so."

"I began to think about the way to deal with the Bloodmarked Race."

"In the beginning, I wanted to tell everyone about this, and work together to deal with the Bloodmarked Race."

"But this idea just surfaced in my mind, and it was abruptly broken up by me."

"The Bloodstripe Clan is ever-changing and unpredictable. Even if you tell everyone, you may not have a solution. On the contrary, you will stun the snake and arouse its vigilance."

"What I am most worried about is that the blood-stripe tribe uses the'gecko docking' method to escape from my body at all costs."

"When it is still in my body, I can try to deal with it, but if it ran away desperately, escaped into other people's bodies, even snakes, insects, rats and ants, and dormant for hundreds of years before coming out to make waves, then no one can guard against it. Up."

"So, not only can this matter not be faked, it must be solved by me personally, and I must not go into a big fight or show the slightest clues."

"The most terrible thing is, I don't know if it can see everything I see and hear everything I hear in some secret way?"

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor, I can only give it a go!"

"First, I did a little test."

"In a practice log, I recorded my recent abnormalities, and said that I had a strong suspicion. I suspected that a different kind of invading my soul must be detected in some way."

"When I wrote this practice log, my mind was very clear, and I was not disturbed by the slightest bit of interference."

"This shows that the interference of the Bloodstripe Clan on me is not real-time, and it cannot understand every thought of me in real time, otherwise it would not allow me to write down such a practice log."

"And once this practice log is written down, it is even more impossible to manipulate me to clear it, because clearing a log will definitely leave traces. If there are more such traces, it will arouse my deeper suspicion."

"It can only use other methods to evade my detection."

"Next, I began to study magic weapons such as soul detection and attack."

"A year ago, in order to deal with the "Bai Xinghe" of the "Borrowing Corpse", the cultivators had refined a large number of magic weapons like soul attacks, but most of them had not had time to use them, and the cultivators were defeated."

"From these magic weapons, I borrowed a large number of them, studied them carefully, and finally refined a small "spiritual detection type" magic weapon, which I named the "soul appraisal instrument"."

"As long as the soul detector is worn on the back of the head, it will automatically scan brain waves and spirit fluctuations to detect whether my spirit is pure and whether there is any abnormal interference."

"Of course, I know very well that the Soul Apparatus will not have any effect."

"Because the Bloodmark Clan allowed me to refining the Soul Appraisal Apparatus smoothly, it shows that the Appraisal Apparatus must have no effect on it. It has the confidence to avoid the Soul Appraisal Apparatus' scanning, which makes me completely relieved."

"However, it may not be able to understand the true purpose of my refining the Soul Appreciation Apparatus."

"I didn't want to scan the bloodline tribe, I just made a desperate bet, gamble on luck, bet that when I use the soul appraiser to scan the brain, the bloodline tribe will enter a certain state of'dormancy' and dive deeply into mine. At the bottom of the brain, I would never dare to release a single trace of abnormal fluctuations."

"In other words, through the Soul Apparatus, I can obtain a very short,'absolutely safe time', and can do what I want, without worrying about being discovered by the Bloodstripe Race."

"Each time I use the Soul Appreciation Device, it takes an hour. I can't use it too many times. If I don't find any problems after three or five times, I should stop it. Otherwise, it will be more likely to arouse the suspicion of the Bloodstripe Race."

"Three or five times, one hour each time, adding up to three or five hours."

"What can I do in such a short time?"

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