40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 835: The Doomsday of the Bloodstripe Race (End)

"The refining of the Firefly has already begun, and I can't stop it, because I can neither stay in the Flying Star Realm nor go to the Celestial Realm."

"There are tens of billions of human beings in the two realms of Fei Xing and Tian Yuan, with my friends and relatives, and countless compatriots. No matter which realm the Bloodstripe Race is raging in, it is a tragedy that is truly true.

"Perhaps, I can adjust the coordinates of the Firefly and jump to another uninhabited world?"

"But technically, it is difficult to achieve."

"The original intention of the Firefly was to make a short jump between two neighboring worlds, and would never have the ability to jump millions of light years away."

"What's more, such a drastic adjustment, regardless of the monitoring center or the Bloodstripe Clan, are very likely to be discovered."

"I began to think, where is there no human existence, and can be reached by changing one or two of the tens of thousands of coordinate parameters?"

"Haha, you must have guessed it."

"Yes, Blood Demon Realm!"

"The current Blood Demon Realm has been initially integrated with the Tianyuan Realm. It is like a twin world. The coordinate parameters of the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm in the four-dimensional space are the same in 99.9%, and only 0.01%. difference!"

"I made a decision!"

"The Bloodstripe Clan wants to completely infect my soul and control my thoughts in the broken void, then I will also use the'Firefly' as the battlefield to lead the snake out of the hole, completely seduce it, and start a decisive battle!"

"Even if the decisive battle fails, I won't let it go to the Heavenly Origin Realm and enslav my relatives, friends, and comrades!"

"So, I will do my best to actively participate in the firefly refining plan, and even delve into many books on star jump, learn to reset the navigation system, and the method of manual control."

"I control the Firefly by myself. If something goes wrong, I will be required to repair it. It is a matter of course for me to learn this knowledge, and it should not arouse the suspicion of the Bloodstripe Race."

"During the learning process, I naturally grasped the coordinates of the blood demon world, and knew how to activate the emergency maintenance mode and manually fine-tune the coordinates of the destination."

"During the four hours of precious'absolutely safe time' I obtained using the Soul Appraiser, I kept Xiao Xuance and prepared to deal with Bai Xinghe's magic weapons of the soul attack, and extracted the most precious core attack unit. , Refining an extremely powerful divine soul attack magic weapon, the strong spiritual fluctuations it releases are enough to tear the divine soul of a peerless strong man!"

"In order to avoid arousing the suspicion of the Bloodmarked Race, I stopped using the Soul Apparatus after refining this'Soul Bomb' in four times."

"After that, it was calm."

"I pretended to dispel my doubts, and devoted myself to the cultivation and the refinement of the Firefly."

"The Bloodstripe Clan hasn't come out to interfere with me for a long time."

"Thinking about it in another way, if I'm a bloodline clan, now that the host is on the'right' path and everything is proceeding according to his own plan, it seems that there is no need to come out to interfere or spy on the host's spirit, Wan At the last moment, it made the host suspicious again, and it would be self-defeating."

"Or, it is also accumulating power secretly, ready to take home in one fell swoop when crossing the four-dimensional space!"

"Today is the last day before departure."

"During the final inspection of the Firefly, I activated the Soul Appraisal again and got an hour of'safe time'. After that, I fine-tuned the destination of the Firefly with two parameters and adjusted it to the blood demon world. And hidden the "Soul Bomb" in the console of the Firefly, and connected it with the explosion talisman."

"Now, the exploding talisman array on the Firefly has been changed."

"In the process of traversing the star sea, only by activating the self-detonation talisman, can we switch to the correct route and jump back to the Tianyuan realm with everyone."

"Otherwise, if the self-detonation rune array has not been activated, the Firefly's destination will remain unchanged, and it will jump directly to the Blood Demon Realm, and activate the'Soul Bomb' as soon as the jump is completed!"

"do you understand?"

"Assuming that I have not activated the'Blasting Rune Array' until the end of the jump, it means that at that time, I was completely controlled by the Bloodmark Clan, and the one that occupies my entire brain has become its soul, and I Perhaps his soul is dormant in the deepest part of his brain, completely concealed by it."

"In this way, once the Soul Bomb explodes, the shock wave sweeps through the Firefly, and even penetrates my brain. The first thing to be torn will be the Soul of the Bloodstripe Race!

"Its soul has become my soul, the best shield!"

"And I will launch a Jedi counterattack at the moment when its soul is severely torn apart, and strive to completely suppress, swallow and refine the Bloodmarked Race!"

"This is my plan, a plan whose success rate is almost zero."

"Because, the entire plan is based on a premise, that is, the Bloodstripe Clan cannot grasp every bit of my thinking."

"Maybe its power is beyond my imagination, it has known everything a long time ago."

"Therefore, I strongly suggest that when you arrive at the Tianyuan realm and find that the Firefly is by your side, immediately isolate me. Never believe every word I say, even if I tell you that I have successfully suppressed the blood streaks. Clan, don’t believe it!"

"At that time, I was very likely to be like the Northwest Yanbei in the past, completely controlled by the Bloodmark Clan."

"If you didn't find the Firefly, don't worry, this is good news, it means that my plan has succeeded, at least it has succeeded...a half."

"I have gone home, just landed on the other side of the house."

"The two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing have too many constraints and too many worries. I must always worry about the bloodline race infecting my relatives, friends and compatriots."

"It's even very possible, taking advantage of the brief moment of manipulating me, doing some frantic things, such as killing one of my relatives and friends, in this way to shake my heart."

"Ask yourself, if a relative or friend really dies in my hands, I will have no confidence at all, and I will be able to hold on to a strong Dao heart without wavering."

"The Blood Demon Realm is different."

"There, I don't have the slightest worries and worries. I can recklessly fight the blood-stripe clan for 30,000 rounds. Even if it is manipulated by it occasionally, it doesn't matter if it stimulates a strong killing intent. There are no friends, only enemies."

"Time is running out, so be it."

"Sorry, I didn't tell you the truth earlier. I didn't believe you. This is this battle. I can only choose to fight alone."

"I'm sorry, Wu Mayan and Xie An'an, for a period of time in the past, my attitude was not very good, and it made you scared."

"Finally... I'm sorry, Ding Lingdang."

"Originally, I said that I would go home and reunite with you in ten years at the most. Now, I am afraid I will have to delay in the Blood Demon Realm for a few years to completely refine the Bloodmarked Race, so—"

Even when he said the three words "I'm sorry", Li Yao still had a stiff smile on the corners of his mouth.

But in the depths of his eyes, there was a piece of starlight shining, and it seemed that two hot liquids were about to rush out.

His voice stopped abruptly, and before the tears welled up in his eyes, he reached out and closed the crystal eyes.

The picture freezes at this moment, gradually transparent and dissipating, like small sparks faintly shining after bright fireworks.

There was silence on the bridge.

Everyone was stunned by this thrilling secret battle.

They couldn't imagine that just as they were planning to go home happily, Li Yao was alone, fighting an enemy that was even more terrifying than the Bone Dragon Demon, Xiao Xuance, and Xinghai in such a weird and dangerous decisive battle!

"Li Yao..."

Lei Dalu, Bai Kaixin, Luo Xingzi, and Professor Mo Xuan were all a little lost.


Wu Mayan and Xie An'an clenched their fists, crying.


The red-haired assault captain from the Great Wilderness Group, with long hair that rose up into the sky, blazing, but adding fuel to the fire, the flames became more fierce, and the outer flames turned purple!

The red-haired commando captain's eyes burst with an extremely dangerous light, and gritted his teeth and said: "Li Yao, you bastard..."


Wuma Yan was stunned, and then furious, "Why scold my master?"

The red-haired assault captain gave a cold snort, his head full of flames and long hair, without wind, suddenly a fire snake sprang out and shot towards Wu Ma Yan at the speed of lightning and stone fire.

Wumayan was caught off guard, and was actually caught upright. Hundreds of small flames burst out of his body!

Everyone was shocked, and the cultivators from the flying star world were even more stunned.

In the past few years, Wumayan has been practicing frantically, successfully breaking through the ninety-five stage of the Qi Refining Period, and marching to the highest realm of the legendary Qi Refining Period of more than 100 times. The fighting power is comparable to the peak cultivator of the base building, even if it is at the beginning of the Alchemy Period The monks of the order are not necessarily afraid.

This red-haired monk, who was at most ten years older than him, was able to catch him with one stroke, without the strength to fight back?

The strength of this person is unfathomable!

The red-haired commando captain rolled Wuma Yan in front of him. The flames' hair was like a fiery snake, "hissing" and roaming around Wuma Yan.

Wu Ma Yan grinned in pain, kicked his feet, but couldn't kick the opponent no matter what, he could only yell: "My master is a great hero upright, in order to prevent the spread of the blood-stripe tribe, I even thought about it. I didn't return home, and I fell into the blood demon world alone! Why are you scolding my master?"


The red-haired assault captain snorted softly, and said, "I have waited for him for ten years, and I will wait for the three words'I'm sorry', can't I scold him?"

Wuma Yan was stunned: "Huh?"

The red-haired commando captain glanced up and down Wu Ma Yan a few times: "You are loyal to the master, but Li Yao doesn't seem to be good at teaching apprentices. The disciples taught are soft and can't stop me. live!"

"It seems that his teaching method is too soft. From now on, let the teacher teach you well!"

"Master, Madam?"

Wumayan shuddered involuntarily, with a faint feeling that he would have a very difficult life in the future.

The red-haired assault captain smiled more and more dangerously: "Looking at your background, you are also strong enough. After a year and a half of training, you should be eligible to go to the blood demon world with me?"

"Blood Demon Realm?"

Wu Ma Yan was even more shocked.


The red-haired commando captain licked the corners of his mouth and moved his phalanx slowly. The joints were "cracking", like a thunderstorm, making people shudder.

"I am not a person who likes to wait. After waiting for ten years, it is enough to give him face. Since he is not coming back, I will go to the Blood Demon Realm and drag him back!"

"The blood-stripe tribe, right? Dare to grab a man with my old mother?"

"court death!"

[Feixing article, it's over. 】

[Blood Demon chapter, start tomorrow! 】


"Idiot, what do you think is a'monster'?"


"Destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"


"Don't be silly, I am a demon, and always will be."


"The demon race is in this battle. The capital of the Xingyao Federation is in front of you. The warriors are rushing towards destruction and achieving immortality. The glorious Pantheon Palace is waiting for us!"


"You don't understand, you **** don't understand anything! I'm done! I'm not saved! I, I'm becoming a human being!"

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