40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 842: Chaos Blade

Lei Chuang sipped fiercely, and spit "snap" deeply into the earth like a nail.

He said viciously: "Chaos Blade, it's okay to tell you!"

"However, these monster scum, chaotic believers, are destined to be unable to enter the dregs of the Hall of Valor. You only need to understand and be vigilant. After you leave the training ground, don't ask about it!"

Seeing Lei Chuang's face sinking, many little monsters looked at each other. There was no sound for a while, and after a while, they nodded and said yes.

Lei Chuang thought for a while, and said: "The Holy Blood Demon Race serves the gods, the Silver Blood Demon Race dominates the earth, the Copper Blood Demon Race fights in blood, and the Black Blood Demon Race digs and cultivates-this is the law of the great road, the heaven and the earth. "

"Although the status of the Black Blood Demon Race and our Chaotic Blood Demon Race is not high, we can only engage in some lowly jobs, but this is the test of the Great Dao, and it is part of the cultivation. As long as we stand by ourselves and stay loyal to the Great Dao, all torture and pain will be eliminated. As a practice, we will come to the Hall of Valor to discuss merits and rewards. We still have the opportunity to get rid of the humble bloodline and achieve glorious immortality!"

"What's more, now the Black Blood Monster Race and the Chaotic Blood Monster Race have been given the power to fight, giving us the opportunity to accumulate more combat exploits!"

"What kind of mercy is this! How generous!"

"However, under the bewilderment of the chaos, there are only a handful of black blood monster races and chaotic blood monster races, uneasy about their own class and race, and they actually preach,'All monster races have the same bloodline. The distinction between high and low!"

"Listen, what's this called? It's wicked and frantic!"

"These monster races who believed in chaos gathered together, and slowly formed an evil organization called'Chaos Blade', which advocated equality of all monsters and breaking the hierarchy!"

"It is said that they also have secret techniques that can change their appearance, from tiger demon to snake demon, or from snake demon to insect demon, and even freely transforming between various monster races. They are strange and changeable, and extremely evil. !"

"For nearly a thousand years, the Blade of Chaos has been dormant in the dark, fanning the flames, bewitching the people, and occasionally causing small disturbances."

"It's just that evil can't overcome righteousness. Even if such a cult, even if it ensnases the rebellious people and riots, it is often quickly slaughtered by the army of the Pantheon Palace!"

"However, the situation has changed in recent decades."

"The Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm gradually merged. There have been several large-scale blood battles between the two sides. As a result, a large number of elites will inevitably be mobilized to the front line, and the blade of emptiness and chaos behind has an opportunity to develop extremely fast."

"You all know the'Battle of Dawn', right?"

"This is the first large-scale frontal confrontation between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm!"

"Our blood demon world mobilizes an army, twelve demon emperors, thirty-six demon kingdoms, countless demon city elites, attacking the Tianyuan realm, and a large number of black blood demon tribes and chaotic blood demon tribes have been conscripted to join the army."

"When the army was at its peak, we occupied more than half of the Great Wilderness. The Human Race’s stronghold in the Great Wilderness, the Great Wilderness War Court, was destroyed. Our pioneers even reached the edge of the Great Wilderness. As long as we break through the last checkpoint, the Great Blade Pass, we will see a Pingchuan River ahead. , The richest plain of the human race!"

"Hey, those despicable, cowardly and cowardly human races, even with crystal armor and spar battleship support, how can they be the opponents of our warriors? At best, they will only shiver behind the steel line of defense!"

"One year of **** battle, Lien Chan won the battle, and seeing that our army is about to break through the human race's last line of defense, flatten the human race's essence area, the black blood monster race and the chaotic blood monster race acting as the vanguard can't hold on, and the whole line collapsed!"

"Bah, these cowards who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

"As the Black Blood Demon Race and the Chaos Blood Demon Race, they were given the power to fight. What an honor is this? This bunch of gangsters actually flinched at a critical moment!"

"Not only did they collapse on the front line, leaving the army passive, and even when the high-ranking monsters asked them to regain the top, they set off a mutiny, causing our army to completely collapse and be defeated. Only two or three of the remnants fled back to the blood demon world."

"After returning to the blood demon world, these defeated soldiers who fled the battle will naturally be judged."

"Unexpectedly, these guys, doing nothing but endlessly, launched a rebellion, this is the'Blood Blade Rebellion'!"

"This happened half a year ago, but our dead leaf village is located in a remote area. We only received news last month."

"It wasn't until this moment that the Silver-Blood Monster Race discovered that the evil power of the Blade of Chaos had penetrated into the army."

"In the past, the Black Blood Demon Race and the Chaotic Blood Demon Race were scattered throughout the Blood Demon Realm. No matter how the Chaos Blade develops, it will still be a mess of sand, and it will not be able to set off too much wind and waves."

"However, the war with the Tianyuan human race brought together the low-level monster races in the blood demon world. The black blood demon race and the chaotic blood demon race were organized into one army, learning the method of battle formation, and practicing dominance. Magic!"

"The Blade of Chaos is developing wildly in the army, spreading their evil and dangerous thoughts everywhere, causing the low-level monsters to lose their fighting spirit and belief, and ultimately causing great damage."

"I heard that when the'Blood Blade Rebellion' was at its worst, even the famous'Bone Sand City' in the north was attacked by the Chaos Blade's rebels. All the Bronze Blood Monster Races in the city were killed. The noble and holy silver The blood demon race has been ravaged by the rebels!"


Many demon clan teenagers exclaimed again and again, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe it.

Several little monsters were filled with indignation, spat, and stepped on a few feet, as if they were going to trample all these frenzied rebels to death.

Lei Chuang sneered a few times and said, "Don't be afraid, everyone. The members of Chaos Blade are all mobs after all. They are arrogant for a while. When the army arrives, the rebellion is immediately extinguished. Even many secret altars that have been hidden for hundreds of years have been extinguished. After the roots were uprooted, the big and small bosses were arrested one after another, and only a few bereaved dogs were still fleeing, panicking all day long."

The many little demons let out a sigh of relief.

Lei Chuang sighed and said, "For those of us who stick to the righteous way and are loyal, this is not good news."

"Being dragged down by these **** traitors, now we want to join the army, the difficulty is getting higher and higher, and the review is getting stricter!"

"Therefore, we should practice frantically, improve our strength, and go to the battlefield to wash away the inherent shame!"

"Destruction, rebirth, and immortality are the path we are going to take! Today we sweat like rain, sprinkle our blood, and spread our hearts and minds. In the future in the glorious Pantheon Palace, we will definitely have a place!"

Lei Chuang's face was red, and he raised his arms and shouted.

"Destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"

Many little monsters are hoarse, falling into fanaticism.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and felt a little chill in his heart.


At night, in a secluded tree house, a few lantern fireflies with huge buttocks gave off a gentle red glow.

Li Yao calmly thought in the vine sleeping cage.

"I understand!"

Deep in the brain, the Scarlet Heart Demon sat cross-legged under the golden giant tree condensed from Ou Yezi's memory fragments, slapped his thigh, and said loudly, "I understand the origin of the Bloody Demon Race!"

"The chaotic blood monster race is a hybrid of the human race and the monster race!"

"Think about it, in the 30,000 years of the Great Dark Age, the Human Race was not exterminated by the Monster Race, but instead served as a vassal and slave, and had close contact with the Monster Race, competing for hegemony among different Monster Races and changing dynasties. In this war, the human race even had a chance to go to the battlefield!"

"So, in 30,000 years, some demons and human races combined to give birth to descendants. Isn't it normal and reasonable?"

"Thirty thousand years, enough for these mixed races to develop and grow into today's chaotic blood monster race!"

"This conjecture perfectly explains why the chaotic blood demon race has so many human characteristics, and why their status is so low, even the black blood demon race is inferior, because they are half demon, half human, and half demon! "

Li Yao frowned: "Nonsense."

"This kind of statement still cannot explain the problem of'reproductive isolation', not to mention the great differences in aesthetics between different species. Perhaps in the eyes of many monsters, the beauty of the human race is just a bunch of rotten meat. , Where are so many messy things?"

"Furthermore, in the 30,000 years of the Great Dark Age, the Monster Race was the ruler and the Human Race was enslaved. Even if this kind of relationship really occurs, it should be the Monster Race in the active position."

"The descendants passed down from generation to generation should retain more of the characteristics of the monster race, and the characteristics of the human race should be used as an embellishment at most."

"However, I think that in these chaotic blood monster races, human characteristics dominate the mainstream. If several monster races do not open their blood basins, they are no different from the human race."

"Therefore, even if there is a mixture of humans and monsters, it is absolutely impossible to cause such a large-scale chaotic blood monster clan. There must be a deeper reason."

The Scarlet Heart Demon was stunned, tilted his head and pondered for a long time, muttering to himself: "Think about it carefully, it's really strange."

"You said, why both the monsters in the ancient classics and the modern high-level monsters must cultivate the human form?"

"The human figure is not very good at fighting, nor is it very handsome. Is there any special benefit to practicing the human figure? Or..."

Li Yao scratched his hair.

In the depths of his brain, the Scarlet Heart Demon was also scratching his long scarlet hair, showing an expression of indistinguishable confusion.

At this moment, a soft voice rang from Lei Lan's tree house next door. It was Lei Lan and Lei Chuang who were talking.

Although they had suppressed their voices, they still couldn't escape Li Yao's ears.

Lei Chuang said: "Today that guy can already walk by himself, and he has remembered so many things. It seems that his brain is not stupid, and he is quite sure to deal with it."

Leilan said, "But, I still want to be the real big brother."

Lei Chuang gritted his teeth and said: "Don't mention that traitor, from the moment he joined'Chaos Blade', we don't have this big brother!"

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