Leiland said: "But—"

Lei Chuang interrupted her coldly: "It's nothing'but', from now on, don't mention that person again. Our eldest brother is right next door. He was severely burned in the mountain fire half a month ago and broke again. I lose my mind, I lose my memory!"

After a pause, Lei Chuang lowered his voice and almost whispered: "Yesterday the village chief went to the town again. Now the wind is very tight outside."

"In the north, the army of the Golden Crow country has put down the Bloodblade Rebellion and completely dismantled the rebels, but now a small part of the rebels fled all the way south."

"Our hundred barren mountains stretch for tens of thousands of miles, the ground is densely forested, swamps, underground caves are intertwined, and the terrain is extremely complex. These chaotic blade remnants are very likely to escape to the depths of the hundred barren mountains."

"Therefore, the villages and towns in the Hundred Desolate Mountains, especially the villages and towns where our **** monsters live, are extremely rigorous. Once it is found that the villagers are related to the Blade of Chaos, don't say that it must be qualified to join the army, and it will even bring about the extinction. Disaster!"

Leilan exclaimed: "What!"

Lei Chuang said: "You keep your voice down. To deal with a cult like the Blade of Chaos, of course, you must use a thunderbolt method to completely cut the grass and root out the roots, and occasionally hurt the innocent. There is nothing you can do."

"This fellow Leiqi ran to participate in the Blade of Chaos, but it still hurts us. It's really damning!"

"Fortunately, we were lucky. We picked up this memory-lost monster clan in the wildfire. It looks like it should be a wild monster in the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains? But it doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, now, our whole village is sure that he is Leiqi."

"Before Leiqi left the village to participate in the Blade of Chaos, he hid in the mountains and hunted all day long. He has never been outside. Not many people know him."

"For a small mountain village like ours, the investigation cannot be too rigorous. It is estimated that only when the enlistment order comes down, one or two high-level monster races will come from the city and go around."

"These high-ranking monster races will feel stinky when they walk into our village. They don't even bother to look at us with their straight eyes. How can they tell who is who? You can definitely get through!"

"As long as it proves that no one in our village participated in Chaos Blade, there is no reason to let us join the army!"

Hearing this, Li Yao finally understood his role in the whole thing.

Lei Chuang said again: "Sister, go to bed early. The enlistment order should come down in these two days. Then you have to cheer up and don't go wrong."

"I will practice for another hour while the moon is bright red!"

Leilan said: "A Chuang, don't practice too hard either."

Lei Chuang smiled, and said: "We are from a lowly background, so how can we climb up if we don't have to work hard?"

"The village's land is so barren and taxation is so heavy. Everyone's life is very difficult. Hunting and farming can't change their destiny. Only by making more achievements on the battlefield can everyone live a good life. !"

"I heard that in the Tianyuan realm, across the great wilderness, it is a fertile plain. The human races there don't have to work at all, and are lazily basking in the sun all day long. Naturally, there are various magic weapons and machinery to help them cultivate and harvest."

"If we can also own a piece of fertile land in the Tianyuan Realm, a small mine, then we will move Dead Leaf Village there and use the magic weapon of the human race to help us plant the ghost tooth flower, we just need to be nearby Soaking in the sun, the magic weapon can automatically harvest the golden core juice, that's great!"

"Where is there such a magic weapon in the world?" Lei Lan smiled.

Lei Chuang also laughed, and the two elder brothers spoke softly for a while, and suddenly a faint wolf howl came from the east of the village.

With a move of Li Yao's ears, he heard the howling of one of the two Moonshadow wolves guarding the ghost tooth flower field, but there was only a short sound, and he fell silent.

Such a brutal plant as Guitocanthus naturally does not need to be guarded, but the cut golden stamen juice must be dried in the shade in a special reed herb pile to stimulate the strongest medicinal effect.

In the Hundred Desolate Mountains, there are many wild and untamable monsters, who often enter the village to harass. That's why two moonshadow wolves are tamed to serve as guards. It's not that they are afraid of someone stealing the golden core juice, but they are afraid of the hard-picked golden core. Juice, was ruined by the monster.

Lei Chuang's eyes instantly became gleaming after leaving the tree house, like two shining little lanterns, emitting a dangerous light.

The tip of his nose moved, he took a deep breath, suddenly let go of his limbs, and shot towards the east of the village.

Li Yao's heart moved, and he also felt that the wolf howl just now was a bit weird, so he simply hung behind, like the shadow of Lei Chuang, following his steps, light and light without any weight.


When Lei Chuang rushed to the side of the ghost tooth flower field, he really found a dark shadow hidden among the cone-shaped haystacks, digging out something in the haystack.

Two little calf-like moonshadow wolves, lying next to this man obediently, like two pet dogs with round belly eating, silent and contented.

Lei Chuang was furious and let out a low growl. The golden hairs all over his body instantly stood up, his figure swelled for a round, and his tail stretched straighter than a big gun.


With one claw out, the electric light shot all around. This blow has already reached the level of a ‘demon soldier’. Putting it on the front line, it can serve as the little leader of the beast tide.

Unexpectedly, this sneaky monster clan stealing Jinrui Juice was extremely agile, like a big cat, strayed into the jungle.

Lei Chuang let out a cold snort and chased after him.

This jungle stretches to the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains. Even during the day when the sun is the strongest, it is surrounded by a faint mist. The sun shines through the mottled branches, almost to be dyed black.

Not to mention that on the hazy night of the blood moon, the jungle is full of eerie and terrifying aura.

Lei Chuang's eyes widened on a yuckling tree, his paws gleamed with dangerous light, and a drop of crimson blood.

Lei Chuang stretched out his barbed tongue, lightly licking the blood beads on his paws, his voice was colder than the moonlight penetrating the jungle: "It's you!"

Opposite him, one meter away, between the branches of another big tree, was a tall and thin young man dormant.

The beast characteristics on this young man are even thinner, except for the thick pale golden beard and the "king" markings on his forehead, he can hardly find any characteristics of the monster race.

But his whole body exudes a substantive demon spirit, but it is more dense than Lei Chuang, as if it has condensed into an invisible and colorful tiger around him.

Lei Chuang smiled, with contempt, incomparable resentment, and incomparably annoyed: "I can't believe it when I smelled that familiar smell just now, Leiqi, you traitor, I didn't expect you to have a face back to the village! "

"What are you doing here to kill us all?"

Li Yao hibernated not far from the two, his huge figure suddenly scattered into tens of thousands of dead leaves, quietly listening to the conversation between the two.

Even though the two brothers are the most terrifying hunters in the jungle, the gap between the two sides is too great, even if they are half a meter away from Li Yao and their eyes widened, it is impossible to find the existence of Li Yao.

Li Yao looked at the real Leiqi with some curiosity, a member of the monster rebel organization "Chaos Blade".

Leiqi wore a set of tattered soft armor, the surface was covered with dried blood stains, and there was a big hole with deep bones under his ribs, and the internal organs corroded by acid were clearly visible.

The short battle involved the wound. He showed a painful expression, his voice was very low and hoarse: "A Chuang, don't stand in my way."

"I want to **** an extremely important thing to the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains, but we were ambushed by the enemy and many soldiers were seriously injured."

"Now, we urgently need a batch of Jinrui juice to heal my wounds. I have nowhere but to return to the village."

"If you didn't see me, go back to sleep. I took the Jinrui juice and left. It will never hurt the village."

Lei Chuang's tiger eyes were bigger than bullseye, and he was furious, and roared: "Lei Qi, you really have been confused by the chaos, and you are completely frantic!"

"Do you know that the livelihoods of all the people in the village rely on this batch of Jinrui juice?"

"The enlistment order is about to come down. In addition to the enlistment, a large number of war materials will be mobilized. The materials set for us this year are 70% Jinrui juice!"

"The remaining 30% will be taken away by you and more than half will be taken away by you. How can everyone in the village live?"

"No, I won't let you succeed!"

"These Jinrui juices were exchanged by the whole village for their lives!"

"In order to cultivate these **** ghost tooth flowers, we have to go out hunting before dawn. The prey that we have fought back so hard is reluctant to eat. First, we must feed the ghost tooth flowers!"

"Every day, I have to tremble, fertilize, weeding, and deworming the ghost tooth flower. If you are not careful, you will be bitten off!"

"When it's the harvesting season, you have to go to the bottom of its blood basin to harvest its flower tumors, and you have to go through a ghost gate every day!"

"In this year alone, four villagers were bitten off by Ghost Tooth Flower!"

"It's so hard to collect a little bit of Jinrui Juice. You want to take it away with just a word? Dreaming!"

"Tell you, Leiqi, from the moment you participated in the Blade of Chaos, you are no longer the demon of our Withered Leaf Village! If you are acquainted, get out now, I will not report to the town."

"But, do you want to get a drop of Jinrui juice? Then step on my corpse!"

Lei Qi had tears in his eyes, clutching the wound under his ribs, and hissed: "Of course I know how dangerous it is to plant the ghost tooth flower. This is the reason why I joined Chaos Blade. I want to change everything!"

"Why, those silver-blooded demon races can live in the exquisite and gorgeous city, full of food all day long, carefree, and using our mouths to drive us to bleed and die?"

"Why, the Bronze Blood Demon Race doesn't have to work. As long as we cruelly squeeze us, we can get enough resources to cultivate. After we have cultivated more powerfully, we can squeeze more things out of our bones!"

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