40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 846: A high-level monster with its own halo

The twelve demon emperors represent the interests of different demon races, and they will inevitably have to intrigue and fight openly and secretly.

In order to coordinate each other's interests and make a consistent voice, the Twelve Demon Emperors will also jointly recommend a "Nine Sky Profound Girl", just like the legendary twelve ancient demon clan created the Nuwa Clan together.

Nominally, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl has the ability to communicate with the thirteen ancient monster races and is the spokesperson of the Pantheon Palace. All important decisions must be signed by the Jiutian Profound Girl and released to all the monster races.

Its status is roughly equivalent to the Speaker of the Star Federation.

However, in the face of twelve powerful demon emperors who hold great power, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is just a puppet and a microphone. The real power and the speaker of the Star Federation are not comparable.

The Pantheon Palace has branch halls in all the demon kingdoms and cities. After the demon clan’s royal family and nobles give birth to female descendants, they often choose the smartest and strongest descendant and send it to the Pantheon Palace. After undergoing a series of harsh and cruel practice, she became a loyal saint to the Pantheon Palace.

Every generation of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl will be produced among the saints.

Therefore, in the system of the Demon Race, the saints who can mobilize the power of the Pantheon Palace and are inextricably related to many demon kingdoms are very special existences. They are the sharpest minions in the Pantheon Palace. The lord of some demon city, the cave lord of the demon cave, did not dare to easily provoke a saint of the lowest rank.

Now, a saint of the Pantheon Palace, the eldest princess of the Golden Crow Kingdom, would actually go to this kind of poor country where birds do not shit, and hunt down a bunch of chaos blade remnants?

Could Leiqi these remnants really carry something that could change the future of the Blood Demon Realm?

Seeing that his younger brother was still suspicious, Lei Qi emphasized his tone and said sincerely: "A Chuang, you must trust me. You must not be deceived by Jin Xinyue's appearance. The terrifying demon girl is beyond your imagination! "

"Her father, Jin Tuyi, is one of the strongest demon emperors among the twelve demon emperors in the Pantheon Palace, and is known as the fastest demon emperor in the blood demon world!"

"After the defeat in the Battle of Dawn, Jin Tuyi became the new commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance Army and is actively planning to launch a new round of attack on the Tianyuan Realm!"

"During this period, he also personally directed the suppression of the'Blood Blade Rebellion'; our countless brothers of Chaos Blade died tragically in the hands of this butcher!"

"This guy with **** hands is not a demon, he is an out-and-out demon!"

"Jin Xinyue is more terrifying than her father, and her appearance is even more deceptive. You must not believe her, she is definitely a cruel, ruthless banshee!"

The golden streamer from the horizon gradually rises into the sky, and will arrive at Dead Leaf Village in a moment.

After Leiqi finished speaking, he took a deep look at his brother, then turned and went into the depths of the jungle.

Lei Chuang was also confused for a while, hesitated for a moment, turned his head and ran back towards the village.

Li Yao returned to the tree house one step ahead of him, hung in the vine sleeping cage, condensed all his breath, and pretended to be an ordinary **** monster clan.

However, he was not even sure about whether he could pass the blunder.

Now, he roughly understands the cause and effect.

The reason why the villagers in Kuye Village asked him to pretend to be Leiqi was to fool the recruiters. They were probably afraid that the recruiters knew that someone in this small mountain village had participated in the Blade of Chaos, so they would not let the demons here join the army. Brings more terrible consequences.

Those who would come to recruit troops from such poor villages would be the bottom officers in the demon army, perhaps just one or two of the bronze blood demon clan, and the chances of getting through the confederate are still very high.

However, it is one thing to fool a low-level recruiter, and it is another thing to fool a saint of the Pantheon Palace, the princess of the Golden Crow Kingdom.

Faced with such a dilemma, Li Yao had a headache.

He also thought about leaving, but the feather clan is the fastest monster clan soaring above the nine heavens. Without the use of crystal armor and black wing sword, he may not be able to escape the pursuit.

If you use the crystal armor and the black wing sword, you will definitely leave traces of psychic energy fluctuations, so you can't get rid of the opponent's stalking.

"Let’s observe Jin Xinyue’s strength first. According to Leiqi’s words, she is just a demon king, equivalent to the pill formation of a cultivator. Even if there are a few more demon kings around, it’s impossible to stop me. ."

"It's just that it is extremely difficult to kill them all without leaving a trace."

"I think back then, the king halberd of the lion slaughter country carried a large number of weird weapons and magic weapons, which is extremely difficult to deal with."

"Since Jin Xinyue has become the saint of the Pantheon Palace and is called the'big princess', she must have a very high status in the Golden Crow Kingdom. Maybe even the King of the Golden Crow Kingdom will have her three points!"

"Her magic weapon is only a lot more than Wang Ji!"

"If this demon girl finds out my existence and wants to escape, I may not be able to stop her."

In the depths of Li Yao's brain, the Scarlet Demon continued to swell amidst the grinning laughter, mobilizing a large amount of computing power, thinking like a fountain, and drawing up a vicious, despicable and shameless battle plan.

At this time, there was a flurry of jumping outside, and there was a long sound of horns.

This is the trumpet to summon all the villagers and gather in an emergency.

In a short time, hundreds of villagers from all over the village gathered in the middle of the village to dry the petals of the ghost teeth.

The petals of the ghost tooth flower are extremely tough. After three days of drying, they can be torn into strands, which can be woven into very light and breathable soft armor, which is best used for hunting in the mountains and forests.

The sky in Dead Leaf Village is magnificent, but dozens of golden rocs hovering in the low altitude. Each roc’s wings stretched out and were tens of meters long, showing the interlaced luster of metal and jade. Swipe lightly. , Thousands of invisible turbulences appeared in the air, blending with each other, like an endless net, slowly shrouded.

Under the suppression of the Golden Roc's momentum, not only all the villagers shivered, but even the monster beasts raised by the villagers lay on the ground obediently, and they dare not say anything all their lives.

Just now, a moonshadow desolate screamed accidentally, but in an instant, it turned into food for the golden roc. At this moment, it was making a "crack khacha" sound of fractured tendons in the golden roc's mouth.

Below the golden roc, in the center of the open space, there are dozens of high-ranking demon races who wear golden feather robes and are graceful and luxurious.

Li Yao mingled among the villagers, peeking at them, each of these high-level monsters had beautiful faces, the jade tree facing the wind, their facial features and limbs were perfect, as if they were carrying a circle of shining auras that dazzled people. eye.

Although they carry a lot of characteristics of the monster race, such as wide wings, sharp minions, and the pupils of a few monster races are still two vertical lines, they do not have the slightest feeling of "deformity" and "disgusting". People think it's natural, as it should be.

Li Yao secretly compared these high-level demon races with the low-level demon races he had seen in the beast tide. It was really impossible to imagine that they were the same race.

No wonder the monster clan is divided into four different classes. Thinking about it from another perspective, if Li Yao is such a high-level monster clan with golden light and a halo, it would be difficult for him to admit himself and those ugly, weird appearances. The snakes, insects, rats and ants are of the same race.

These dozens of monster races are handsome enough, beautiful enough, and shiny enough.

However, when Li Yao moved his gaze to a monster in the center, he suddenly felt that the halo on all the monsters around him was eclipsed.

This is a banshee with a short stature and white soft armor. Just looking at her immature face, she looks like a fourteen or five-year-old girl. Her eyes are so clear that she can see her spirit, and her expression is like a newborn baby. absolute sincerity.

She has a pair of dark golden wings growing behind her, and occasionally strands of dark golden feathers are dotted on her white and flawless skin, like a seamless plume, which outlines a bumpy and thrilling figure.

The tenderness and holiness of the face, blended with the plump and hot body, became a kind of eerie charm, which made people want to worship her like a goddess, but also want to crush her under her body.

In the depths of his brain, the Scarlet Heart Demon blew a whistle with nine bends and eighteen bends.

Li Yao bit his tongue fiercely and forced himself to wake up. None of the saints in the Pantheon Temple is easy to be with. Lei Qi made it so clear just now. If this girl is really the princess of the Golden Crow Kingdom, Jin Xinyue, she must be Is the most difficult opponent.

A tall and handsome demon clan with the same wings on the back flew back from the direction of the ghost tooth flower field, fluttered to the side of the banshee, and said a few words in an ear.

Li Yao noticed that the banshee's sparkling eyes moved slightly.

The male demon straightened his chest and shouted in a deep voice, "Who is the village chief?"

Pushing the wheelchair, the village chief squeezed into the middle of these high-ranking monster races, shaking and sweating.

Many high-level monster races stepped back quietly, took out silk scarves from their arms and gently covered their mouths and noses. They didn't seem to want to get too close to these lowly **** monster races, let alone breathe into them. Polluted air.

The male demon took out a token from his arms and shook it slightly. Suddenly, mysterious light burst from the token, and a golden glow rose into the sky. In mid-air, the celestial lady scattered flowers. The three-legged giant bird flutters its wings.

The male demon proudly said: "We are the'Golden Shadow Guard', and this Highness is the saint of the Pantheon Palace, the Princess of the Heart Moon of the Golden Crow Kingdom!"

The villagers were in an uproar. Many villagers had never left the Hundred Barren Mountains in their entire lives, and had not even seen half of the real silver-blooded demon race, let alone such an incomparable noble person.

The villagers were completely confused and didn't know what to do. Many villagers even weakened their knees and wanted to kneel down and kowtow to the saint of the Pantheon Temple.

Li Yao watched Lei Chuang secretly. The little tiger was flushed and short of breath, completely fascinated by Jin Xinyue.

If it weren't for the remarks that Leiqi said just now, it had played a little bit, perhaps the kid had been crawling on the ground now, crawling over and kissing someone's toe.

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