40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 847: Peak turn

The Golden Feather male demon seemed to be accustomed to the appearance of low-level demon clan worshiping them. With a wave of his wings, an invisible wave of air formed a barrier around many high-level demon clan, making these lowly chaotic blood unable to approach.

The corners of his mouth rolled down, and he raised his voice: "We are hunting down the remnants of the Blade of Chaos. These chaos believers are cruel by nature and extremely dangerous. In order to hide, they went all the way through the village and slaughtered them all without leaving. Half alive!"

"For the life of the whole village, it is best to honestly explain, in your village, within three days, have you found a suspicious monster race? If you conceal it without reporting it, then it is an accomplice of Chaos Blade. The sin is not tolerated!"

The village head was so frightened that he couldn't shake his head.

The Golden Feather male demon originally didn't expect to be able to interrogate anything, but saw that all the villagers were silent, and then turned to the main topic: "Your village, living by planting'Ghost Tooth Flower'?"

The village chief nodded cautiously.


The male demon Jin Yu sneered, "The'Chaos Blade' remnant party we were hunting down was seriously injured and in urgent need of healing potions such as Jinrui Juice. It is inevitable that the Jinrui Juice in your village would be obtained by them. We call it'Golden Shadow Guard' In the name of', all Jinrui juice will now be collected!"


At this moment, not only the village head, but all the villagers disregarded the noble status of the high-level monster race, and became noisy.

The mountain villages are poor, and the land is barren. They all rely on planting ghost tooth flowers and harvesting golden stamen juice in exchange for application.

Seeing that the harvest season has arrived, even though the tax rate of the chaotic blood monster race is higher than that of the black blood monster race, 70% of the golden core juice must be turned in, and there will be 30% left after all.

This 30% of Jinrui Juice must be exchanged for things that cannot be produced in the mountain village by itself, but also for some crystal stones, demon weapons, and magic weapons for cultivation, so as to fight for a little illusory hope for the teenagers in the village.

However, these "Golden Shadow Guards" will collect all the Jinrui Juice as soon as they open their mouths. What will happen to the village in the next year?

Many chaotic blood demon races were just immersed in the excitement and enthusiasm of seeing high-level demon races. At this moment, they seemed to peel off the heavenly spirit cover, pouring a scoop of ice water on their heads and brains, and it was cold to their hearts.

However, the reverence of the Chaos Blood Demon Race for the high-level demon race is almost innate. Even in the face of such excessive demands, no one dares to say nothing.

The village chief’s facial muscles twitched for a long time, and his waist heaved deeper.

The Jinyu male demon is accustomed to the reaction of the Bloody Demon Race, and continues: "In addition to the gold stamen juice that has been harvested, there is also some gold stamen juice in the tumor of the ghost tooth flower, and the tumor is ground into it. Powder can also have a therapeutic effect."

"In order to avoid the remnants of the Blade of Chaos and get these things, we have to destroy the entire ghost tooth flower field!"


When this sentence is spoken, it is a bolt from the blue

Collect all the Jinrui juice, at most this year, it will be a little bit poorer. After one year, new Jinrui juice can still be harvested in the harvest season next year.

But the ghost tooth flower field is destroyed, then everything is over!

The ghost tooth flower is an extremely dangerous carnivorous plant. Even many monsters are afraid of three points. In order to transplant and cultivate this ghost tooth flower field, the village paid a great price, and even a dozen villagers died. It took four or five years and a lot of hard work to create this small flower field.

The ghost tooth flower field is the future and hope of the whole village.

But now, just because there are some severely injured Chaos Blade remnants passing by the village, the village will suffer such an innocent disaster!

"No, it can't be destroyed!"

"This ghost-tooth flower field is our lifeblood!"

"Open Kaien, the lords of the Golden Crow!"

"Send mercy, Master Saint!"

The old and young of Guye Village, many demons knelt down, knocked their heads like garlic, "dangdangdang", blood ran all over the floor and steamed with steam.

These golden gleaming high-level demon races ignored them. The golden feather male demon headed a long scream, and the two golden rocs hovering in mid-air circled around, and suddenly turned towards the ghost teeth at the east end of the village. Huatian rushed.

"call out!"

The two golden rocs have one mouth, and two slender red rays are ejected from their mouths, piercing straight towards the ghost tooth flower field.


Two red rays pierced the depths of the ghost tooth flower field, and the ghost tooth flower that sensed the fluctuation of psychic energy just opened its blood basin, and there were two dull loud noises in the depths of the earth, like two volcanoes erupting, a large amount of magma The ground spouted out, a huge fireball skyrocketed, and thousands of degrees high flame instantly enveloped the entire ghost tooth flower field.

"His! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

Countless ghost-tooth flowers were twisting in the flames, screaming and screaming, and they burned into ashes in a moment, not even half of the flower tumor was left.


Many villagers were heartbroken and limp on the ground.

There are also dozens of strong young monster races, gritted their teeth, their eyes are red, but they don't know where to cast their angry eyes.

Dozens of high-level monster races are still talking and laughing, seeming to praise the masters of these two golden rocs for their well-preparedness and making the biochemical beasts so majestic.

"village head."

The golden feather male demon could not see the strange atmosphere among the villagers at all, and continued to add fuel to the fire, "Next, let your villagers, go and help us clean up the Jinrui juice, as well as the Jinrui juice and healing that your households have privately stored. All potions must be handed in, and we must not leave any healing potions for those chaos believers!"


Many young villagers, including Lei Chuang, were already on the verge of an explosion, and their sharp canine teeth bit out a sound.

Li Yao frowned secretly, silently observing the positions of dozens of high-level monster races, calculating data, coordinates, and directions in his mind.

Although he didn't want to reveal his identity, if the villagers really clashed with these high-level monsters, he seemed to be unable to watch all the villagers being slaughtered.

What's more, if the other party really raises the butcher knife, it is impossible to let him make a living.

The air is tight to the limit.

The situation is about to happen.

The village chief looked at the golden roc hovering in mid-air, and then at dozens of high-ranking monsters who were talking and laughing, and there was no one next to them. He sighed softly, bent over deeply, and said very obediently: "Yes, lords. , We are going to count all the healing potions."

Looking back, the village chief roared: "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what the masters said, hurry up and pack all the Jinrui juice and healing potions, and bring them to the masters!"

The villagers looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Although they didn't dare to defy the orders of the high-level monster race, but they were also very reluctant to give up their wealth and life with their hands.

Several young demon races had muscles stretched and blood pierced their pupils, motionless like an iron tower.

The village chief gritted his teeth, leaned on a cane, staggered to his feet, waved the cane, and slapped his head around: "What are you stupid standing doing? It has delayed the masters from hunting down the Chaos Blade. You don’t have enough heads. Yes, go!"


Before hitting twice, the village chief had his legs weakened and fell to the ground.

"village head!"

Many villagers suddenly panicked and helped the village chief up.

A few villagers who were originally timid and cowardly walked home in a drag.

Those young monster races who gritted their teeth and were filled with righteous indignation were also discouraged when they saw such a scene. They stomped fiercely with their feet, slapped their tails heavily without feet, and squatted down with their heads in their arms.

A group of villagers, all without the will to resist, were bored and prepared to tidy up everything.

"and many more."

At this time, the saint Jin Xinyue of the Pantheon Palace who had been holding the moon by the stars suddenly spoke and stopped the demons.

Her voice was slightly immature, but a little sweet, like a clear mountain spring, which made people feel comfortable in their ears when they heard it.

The villagers looked at each other, a little confused, feeling that this saint and the other Golden Shadow Guards seemed a little different.

Jin Xinyue’s beautiful eyes flowed, her eyes filled with all the villagers like a hot spring, and she smiled and said: “Jinrui juice is your life and wealth. I didn’t expect you to take it out willingly. There is no complaint. It shows that you are really loyal to the Pantheon ."

"Don't worry, how could we be so unreasonable and really take your lifeblood for nothing?"

"Just now, it was just a small test to see your loyalty to the Pantheon Palace."

"Since you are so loyal, as the saint of the Pantheon Palace, how can I make you suffer?"

While talking, Jin Xinyue stretched out her slender jade hand, and with a light flick of her finger, a silver light burst into the village chief's arms, turning it into a colorful kit.

The village chief swallowed hard, opened the kit and took a breath, almost falling over.

The five-color black light from the kit made his face colorful, red and white.

Jin Xinyue said indifferently: "The value of the'Colorful Beads' in the kit should be more than three times that of this ghost-tooth flower field. You can get through the difficulties if you take it to the town to exchange money.

"three times!"

The despair and anger of all the villagers instantly turned into ecstasy and gratitude.

"and also."

Jin Xinyue's wings slowly unfolded, and a golden feather fluttered down, as if it had life, without wind, it flew straight to the village chief’s arms, "This feather is my token, waiting for your tax officer. When you come, you show him this feather and tell him, what Princess Xinyue said, in the next three years, all taxes in this village will be halved!"

"Tax cut in half?"

Many villagers wanted to jump up.

"At last."

Jin Xinyue glanced at the strong young demon races in the village, her beautiful eyes were full of smiles, and she said, "The new call-up order is coming soon, and a new war between our blood demon world and the Tianyuan world is about to start. "

"This war will be the final decisive battle. We have to sweep the great wilderness, break through the giant blade pass, kill all the way to the capital of the Star Federation, and completely conquer the Tianyuan human race!"

"Only the bravest and most loyal fighters are qualified to participate in the greatest war in the history of the blood demon world!"

"Originally, a village like yours would only recruit one or two fighters at most."

"But just now, your loyalty touched me. I will recruit from your village-a full fifty soldiers!"


There was something wrong during the day, and it was late, sorry everyone.

There will be a chapter in a while, around eleven o'clock.

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