40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 848: Depths of Hundred Desolate Mountains

As soon as this remark came out, all the blood chaotic monster races could no longer hold back, and they all screamed in excitement.

I originally thought it was a disaster without ignorance, but I did not expect it to be a shocking ecstasy. Not only did I get a high reward and waived half of the tax, even 50 villagers will be called up to defend the glory of the blood demon world on the battlefield!

Princess Xinyue, so compassionate, so generous, how can they not let them cry with gratitude, and utterly fall into the ground.

"My Lord Saint, we, we are torn apart——"

The village elder burst into tears, crying silently.

The few young monster races who were still angry just now, lowered their heads in shame, and were annoyed by their naivety and impulsiveness.

Jin Xinyue smiled slightly, and her voice became softer: "I don't need you to be crushed, but to crush our enemies, those evil human races, and the despicable Chaos believers! Can you do it?"

"Yes, surely!"

Dozens of enthusiastic young demon races roared wildly, "Long live the saint!"

"Long live Princess Xinyue!"

"Long live the Pantheon Palace!"

"Let our enemy be crushed to pieces, destroy the evil human race, and conquer the Tianyuan realm!"

"Destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"

Over the ghost tooth flower field, a raging fire is still burning, but the temperature in the air still seems to be inferior to the heads of many villagers here.

Jin Xinyue looked at the villagers with a smile, her eyes were both joyful and expectant. Every villager saw her eyes, and there was a cloud of illusions in her mind, as if she saw herself on the battlefield wearing a brilliant armor. The attitude of fighting the enemy courageously, as if seeing a majestic and magnificent palace standing in the magnificent clouds, stepping on the auspicious clouds, soaring upwards, indulging in the palace, indulging in revelry, happy and happy.

Many monster races, like electric shocks, trembled all over, their expressions excited, their roar tearing through the night, resounding through the sky.

Jin Xinyue's beautiful eyes flowed, his eyes swept across the villagers, and suddenly stopped on Li Yao.

Li Yao frowned and cried out badly.

Although he also learned to shout like a villager, he didn't have the kind of fanaticism from the heart after all. In contrast, he appeared a little calm.

What's more, his left eye and left hand are now tightly wrapped by bandages, and his image is indeed a bit garish.

"Who is this?"

Jin Xinyue seemed to ask the village chief curiously.

Li Yao felt a venomous chill from the depths of her seemingly innocent eyes.

Li Yao sneered in his heart, the **** heart demon in the depths of his brain had sharp fangs, released a large amount of bloodshot eyes, and spread among the brain cells.

Jin Xinyue, this banshee is really terrible, and in a few words she bewitched fifty demon races to work hard for her.

Li Yaosi didn't feel that the clumsy story made up by the villagers could be concealed from her.

The village chief smirked and said his "identity".

"Oh? He used to be the best hunter in the village, but he was badly burned in the forest fire half a month ago and lost his memory?"

The smile in Jin Xinyue's eyes was deeper, her beautiful eyes were like hooks, which hooked Li Yao's bandaged left eye and left arm.

His eyes were like pale golden bugs, arched arched, burrowing in along the bandage all the way.

Li Yao sighed, there is no way to go to heaven, and **** has no way to break in. Since this saint is looking for death on her own, he can only fulfill the other side.

Jin Xinyue is just a Demon King rank, and dozens of his subordinates seem to be demon generals, and they are no longer in the eyes of Li Yao at this moment.

Although they have a "biochemical beast" similar to crystal armor that can increase their combat power, it is difficult to stop Li Yao from killing anyone he wants to kill!

Since being infected by the Bloodmark Clan, Li Yao's murderous aura has become much fiercer, so he immediately decided that as long as Jin Xinyue interrogated him, she would find the right time and angle to kill the demon girl in the Pantheon Palace, and then run away. !

Jin Xinyue didn't know that her death was imminent.

She was indeed suspicious of Li Yao.

She officially entered the Pantheon Palace at the age of seven to practice the saint. The saint is the sharpest minion in the Pantheon. She is a mixture of spies, assassins, spies, secret agents, and judges. The first lesson she learned is ——Anyone who uses amnesia as an excuse is most doubtful!

It's not storytelling, where is there so much amnesia!

The smile on Jin Xinyue's face remained unchanged, even with her hands in front of her, she secretly notified Jin Yingwei behind her through the shaking of her feathers.

Jin Yingwei was one of the imperial forest troops of the Golden Crow Kingdom, or her private soldier, well-trained, shrewd and capable, and immediately dispersed quietly.

The golden roc in the sky, the circle of the circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the feathers that are as wide as banana leaves sway and fall down, falling between Jin Xinyue and Li Yao.

Up to this moment, Jin Xinyue still didn't know what a terrifying existence she was thinking about.

She is still speculating about Li Yao's identity, and it should not be the person she is pursuing, because this person appeared in this small mountain village half a month ago, and the time is not right.

Regardless, even if the opponent is not the Blade of Chaos, there should be some hidden secrets, let's take it down first!

Jin Xinyue took a light step towards Li Yao.

But I don't know, her death is only 0.5 seconds away.

Li Yao's left eye was hot, and the bandage wrapped around his left eye faintly seeped a cloud of red blood.

at this time--

In the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains, there was a long and rapid howl, and a strand of golden light rose into the sky, turning into a three-legged golden crow fluttering about to fly.

This firework-like golden glow changed the expressions of all the golden shadow guards.

"Princess, it was Zuo Shaochong who found the target and they are fighting hard, asking us to support immediately!"

The male demon Jin Yu observed the changes in the signal and said eagerly.

Jin Xinyue pondered for a moment, then took a deep look at Li Yao and waved her hand: "Catch up immediately, you must get things in your hands!"

Dozens of Golden Shadow Guards skyrocketed, and the violent wind rolled up by the golden wings blew all the villagers staggered. Even Li Yao was tottering in the violent wind, and the mystery in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

"What kind of'things' are those Chaos Blades carrying? They are the saints of the Pantheon Palace, and the princesses of the Golden Crow Kingdom have to get them?"

"Even, in order to get this thing, even a suspicious person like me, can't even bother to inquire about it?"

"Could it be that this thing, as Leiqi said, can'change the future of the blood demon world'?"

Seeing Jin Xinyue and dozens of Golden Shadow Guards turned into golden streamers, rushing towards the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains, Li Yao secretly made a decision, and rushed into the jungle despite the surprised eyes of the villagers.

After half a month of recovery, his injury was completely healed, and he had a general understanding of the blood demon world, and there was no need to stay here anymore.

What's more, Jin Xinyue had already doubted him, and staying here would bring unexpected disasters to Dead Leaf Village.

Li Yao is full of curiosity about the organization "Chaos Blade". Although I don’t know how big this organization is and whether it has been completely suppressed, as long as the organization survives, when the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world are confronted with each other, If it creates some trouble for the high-level monster races behind, it can alleviate some of the pressure on the Tianyuan realm.

From this perspective, it is necessary to get in touch with the Blade of Chaos and help them solve their immediate troubles.

What's more, Li Yao is very curious about the secret technique of Chaos Blade, which can freely transform forms between different monster races. The existence of this kind of secret technique almost overthrows all his knowledge of the monster race. .

In the hundred barren mountains, there are ridges and ravines, and there are no roads at all.

Jin Xinyue and other monster races have wings on their backs and can fly in the void, ignoring the sinister terrain.

Although Li Yao also had flying swords and crystal armors, he couldn't see the light. Naturally, he couldn't fly his sword into the sky several hundred meters away.

He could only secretly summon the Black Wing Sword, and glide cautiously against the canopy of the tree, but also always pay attention to hiding and hiding. The speed is naturally much slower than Jin Xinyue.

When he approached step by step following the smell of blood and fighting, he had already penetrated hundreds of kilometers into the barren mountains, among the reckless mountains, surrounded by towering trees hundreds of meters high, and the black canopy enveloped him almost. I can't see my fingers.

Li Yao quietly retracted the black wing sword, like a giant python wrapped in mud, using the power of his muscles to slide silently between the bushes and humus.

In front of him, towering trees swayed from side to side, showing a small open space.

Hundreds of monster races, divided into two groups, are facing each other.

On one side, naturally there is the golden shining, beautiful and beautiful Jin Wuyu tribe.

On the other side, there were all kinds of miscellaneous army, all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants, all wearing ragged soft armor, scarred and embarrassed.

"Jin Xinyue, kill if you want, I will never give you anything!"

One with a white beard and a huge tortoise shell on his back. The tortoise shell was also covered with red long hair, like an old demon standing up from a tortoise man, panting.

Jin Xinyue at this moment is completely different from the temperament Li Yao just saw in Dead Leaf Village. The sweet face of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl is filled with the smile of a cat playing with a mouse. It doesn’t matter. Not slow: "Ning Zhongze, to be honest, although you are one of the four elders of the'Blade of Chaos', I don't have that much interest in you."

"In my opinion, the Blade of Chaos is nothing more than a mob. You elders and altar masters are nothing more than clowns, who are crowned by monkeys, and now they have become mourners."

"Even if I want to let you go, it's not impossible to think about it."

"However, I'm really very curious, what exactly did you get that could attract such crazy pursuit and killing of ‘Ancestor Youquan’?"

"Actually, in my opinion, with your "Chaos Blade" now in a horrible appearance, no matter what falls into your hands, I am afraid that it will not be able to play a role. It is better to hand it to me. , In exchange, I will let you a life and spare you a few dog lives, how about?"

"As you all know, Old Ancestor Youquan and my father Jin Tuyi are the two most hostile among the twelve monster emperors. They have already fought hard for the position of commander of the'Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters'. It's almost as if torn to the face."

"Therefore, I wish the old ancestor Youquan died without a place to be buried!"

"If you really have any big secrets about Ancestor Youquan, give me things and let me deal with Ancestor Youquan, won't you?"

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