40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 857: See the ancestors!

Jin Xinyue also imitated Li Yao's appearance, pressing Yu Jian against her forehead, awkwardly mobilizing the psychic energy in her body, and it was stimulated by the newly grown spiritual roots.

Spiritual thoughts are like silk, deep into the jade slip, and are connected with the billions of spiritual thoughts instilled by Li Yao.

The tsunami-like information flow rushed into her mind instantly, a series of golden glows, octagonal and plump, dazzling and stunned.

"Candle Dragon Aurora Art"!

"Liuyun Jianjue"!

"The Mysterious Soul Chasing Record"!

There are dozens of exercises, ranging from low to high, from the basic secrets of washing the marrow and cutting the sutras to the unparalleled swords and ultimate moves. They have everything they need to build a complete training system!

Jin Xinyue has seen the names of several of these exercises in some ancient notes, and all of them are powerful and powerful, and they have caused a lot of blood and blood.

Although she hasn't heard of other exercises, she has browsed through its general outline and catalog. With Jin Xinyue's ice and snow cleverness, she can roughly figure out its power!

"This old monster has thrown out so many, all kinds of marvelous works!"

Jin Xinyue was so shocked that she couldn't add to it, and once again confirmed Li Yao's identity.

These ancient exercises came from different cultivating sects, and by no means a single cultivator could master them.

Only the peerless evil demon who killed countless ancient cultivators can be collected!

"He, he is really a powerful ancient demon from 40,000 years ago, and he has just woken up recently!"

"Perhaps the forest fire in the depths of the hundred barren mountains more than half a month ago was caused by his awakening!"

"Yes, yes, in this case, everything makes sense. He woke up in the forest fire, found the vicissitudes of life, and the stars shifted, so he hid in the village of Dead Leaves, collecting information about this era, and accidentally ran into me and The ancestors of Youquan naturally want to learn more from us!"

"Opportunity! It is simply an opportunity that fell from the sky, I must grasp it!"

Jin Xinyue's eyes showed two fanatical brilliance, she licked the corners of her mouth, her beautiful eyes turned, her eye sockets gradually turned red, and she knelt heavily in front of Li Yao, crying: "Senior!"

"Senior and junior have never known each other, but the road is not flat, and they draw their swords to help each other, even if they offend Youquan ancestor, they will save the life of junior!"

"And now, the juniors have undergone drastic changes, and they are at a loss. When they are at a loss, it is the seniors who are pointing their way to the juniors and presenting so many wonderful works to the juniors!"

"Senior's great kindness, even if the younger generation is a cow and a horse, it is hard to repay one in ten thousand!"

"Junior, the junior is thinking hard, there is only one way to repay the predecessor's kindness a little bit."

"Senior Rumeng will not abandon, juniors, juniors, courageously, I implore to worship seniors, become a little disciple of seniors, and from then on, serve seniors and be filial to seniors!"

Li Yao was stunned and kept blinking.

If it wasn't for the role he is currently playing, he needs to maintain an unpredictable image, he really has the urge to laugh.

The reason why he taught Jin Xinyue these exercises is very simple.

The Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm have been entangled for hundreds of years, and they must have mastered the cultivation techniques of many human races. Since Jin Xinyue has the cultivation base of the pill formation level, no matter what, there is a way to obtain cultivation techniques.

What Li Yao brought out was the practice of another school that Bai Lianzong had collected over the years.

The core of Bailianzong is to refine magic weapons, and they are not good at fighting. Therefore, when other cultivating sects ask Bailianzong to refine magic weapons, they often exchange some cultivation techniques for them.

It is conceivable that the exercises that a sect is willing to exchange will naturally not be truly peerless magical powers. Even if it looks tyrannical, it often has fatal flaws and flaws.

If Jin Xinyue had cultivated other exercises, Li Yao still had nothing to do with her, but if she had cultivated these exercises, then she would not be able to escape Li Yao's palm.

Li Yao was actually a little jealous of this cruel, strong mentality Saintess of the Pantheon Temple. In this way, opening a "back door" in the opponent's body was also a means of checks and balances.

Unexpectedly, Jin Xinyue was hitting a snake with a stick, and wanted to worship him as a teacher!

Li Yaoxin is like a mirror, knowing Jin Xinyue's little abacus clearly, and sneered: "As the saint of the Pantheon Palace, don't you have a master?"

Jin Xinyue cried so that the pear blossoms were raining, her delicate face turned pale, as if a lonely and poor girl, lying on the ground, whispered: "Senior Mingjian, juniors have many instructors in the Temple of All Demon, but those The instructors just use the juniors as a tool to train, but there is no master who really loves the juniors, shelters the juniors, and is worthy of the juniors to serve."

"The father of the younger generation is busy with official duties on weekdays, and he doesn't have much time to give advice to the younger generation."

"The juniors grew up, and I don't know how many peerless experts have seen them, but this is the first time I have seen a person like senior, so I made such an unsympathetic request on an impulse!"

"The junior knows that with the junior's mediocre strength, there is no right to be a disciple of the senior. If the senior does not agree, the junior will have no complaints, even if it is just by the side of the senior, be a close-knit servant, be a cow and a horse, serve senior , **** admiring the peerless demeanor of the seniors every night, the juniors are also satisfied and dead without complaint."


Li Yao smiled, "Don't say anything about'being a cow and a horse'. Maybe I can really turn you into a cow or a horse?"

Jin Xinyue was stunned for a moment, her heart trembled, he hesitated for a long time, she gritted her teeth, and said: "As long as you can follow the predecessor and repay the predecessor for his life-saving grace, even if you really become a cow or a horse, the younger generation will also It's sweet and sweet!"

"Senior, let's not hide it, juniors are really desperate now!"

"In the blood demon world, the weak and the prey, intrigue and deceive, the juniors have spent all their hardships to become the saint of the Pantheon Palace, and naturally they have forged countless enemies."

"Now, the younger generation has undergone a drastic change and has become a human form. I don't know how long and how long will it turn back to their true colors."

"The enemies of the younger generation will naturally not let go of such a great opportunity."

"At the moment, the ancestor Youquan wants to hunt down the younger generation, and the Pantheon Palace may also take the younger generation back to slice for research. Even the younger generation's father does not know how to treat the younger generation because of the overall situation!"

"Junior, the younger generation is actually extremely chaotic in their hearts, they are really helpless and desperate!"

"Senior is the only hope of juniors, it is a beacon in the dark night. Apart from swearing to follow seniors to the death, there is no other way for juniors to go?"

Jin Xinyue's words are conclusive and extremely sincere.

Li Yao snorted softly. After experiencing so many things in the Tianyuan Realm and the Flying Star Realm, he is no longer the enthusiastic stunner who was full of blood back then. Naturally, he would not believe a word of this demon's words.

However, this woman's special status is quite important for his next plan.

After staying in the blood demon world for more than half a month, Li Yao roughly outlined the current situation after receiving a lot of information from the villagers of Dead Leaf Village, the two brothers Lei Chuang, Lei Qi, and Jin Xinyue.

A year ago, the Blood Demon Realm had launched a large-scale assault on the Tianyuan Realm, known as the "Battle of Dawn", raging across the Great Wilderness, and its soldiers reached the Great Blade Pass in the southern part of the Great Wilderness.

As long as it breaks through the Great Blade Pass, it will be the most vulnerable place in the Star Federation.

Although the Battle of Dawn ended with the defeat of the Monster Race, the vitality of the Blood Monster Realm was not damaged. Instead, the Human Race infrastructure and major towns on the Great Wilderness were destroyed.

In a wasteland with scarce materials and sparsely populated land, it is easy to destroy a town, but it is extremely difficult to build it again.

It can be said that the road to the hinterland of the Xingyao Federation has been completely opened up in the "War of Dawn".

Right now, the blood demon world has launched a new round of mobilization. Even the small villages of the chaotic blood demon tribe, such as Dry Leaf Village, will have 50 soldiers. It can be seen that the intensity of this mobilization is more than ten times that of the Battle of Dawn. !

This is a general mobilization of the entire Blood Demon Star!

Once the general mobilization is completed, what awaits the Tianyuan realm will be an unprecedented huge monster army, perhaps it will become the two realms of Tianyuan and the blood demon, a real strategic decisive battle!

In this decisive battle, the commander of the blood demon world is Jin Xinyue's father Jin Tuyi!

"I must find a way to get in touch with Jin Tuyi, understand the blood demon world's plan in the strategic decisive battle, and then find a way to send the blood demon world's war plan back to the Tianyuan world!"

"Besides, Old Ancestor Youquan's plot is also quite noteworthy. Is this kind of medicine that can transform the monster race into a human being, an accidental product that he accidentally cuts the willow, or is it a hidden conspiracy at a deeper level?"

"What's more, if you want to thoroughly refine the blood that is condensed from the bloodmark clan, you need to have a deeper research on cells and genes. In this field, the monster clan is indeed more advanced than human beings."

Thinking of this, Li Yao waved his hand, and an invisible force lifted Jin Xinyue up.

He was noncommittal, and said lightly: "Get up!"

Seeing him expressionless, Jin Xinyue didn't dare to ask him if he agreed. Turning her eyes, she respectfully said, "Thank you, senior, for keeping the junior by her side, but I don't know how to call senior?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said: "I don't want to reveal my identity. In front of outsiders, you still call me'Leiqi'. When I am your recruiter, as for my real name, you should keep it in your heart and never reveal it. Go out, if any outsider knows about it, don’t blame me for being ruthless!"

"A long, long time ago, in a far away place, everyone called me'Blood Eagle'."

Li Yao's eyes shone with a strange brilliance, calmly said.

"Disciples see ancestors!"

Jin Xinyue threw her five bodies to the ground again, prostrated on the ground and cheered: "Blood eagle ancestor, supernatural power, invincible in the stars, able to follow the ancestor and behave like dogs and horses, it is really a blessing for the disciple Sansheng III to cultivate!"

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