40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 858: The Great Romance

Three days later, the hundred barren mountain was extremely deep.

In the natural pit hundreds of meters deep, Li Yao hibernates in the form of a beast hibernating.

He is entering Ding.

Li Yao got a lot of demon cultivation secrets from Jin Xinyue, and Jin Xinyue also began to practice the human exercises. Both of them needed time to digest and absorb, so they simply plunged into the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains.

In the past three days, with practice and practice, Li Yao was originally a master of the ultimate Jindan realm, and he has inherited some of the supernatural powers of the bloodmark tribe to transform the body. The elementary cytology and genetic theories are not difficult for him.

Today, he officially started, consciously prying into the secrets of the cell.

The so-called meditation is to get rid of all distracting thoughts, to achieve a high degree of unity of body, mind and soul, to be able to see one's internal organs and even soul, which is the basis of all cultivation.

There are hundreds of methods of entering concentration. Li Yao uses "fetal concentration". His eyes are slightly closed, his expression is indifferent, and his thoughts gradually go back to his life, from his recent experience in the blood demon world to the flying star world, and then back again. In the Tianyuan Realm, memory is like a light curtain of playback, floating lights and shadows, and the sea ebbs.

As the memory flashed back, many distracting thoughts were gradually eliminated, and his consciousness became as pure as a child, and as stable as a baby. Until the end, the whole world was enveloped in a warm darkness, and the memory returned to the depths of the mother that gave birth to him. , Immersed in the warm amniotic fluid.

The soul trembled slightly, isolated from the great world, Li Yao completely entered a state of calmness.

His consciousness first shrank into a pinpoint-sized ball of light, and then suddenly expanded, filling his entire body.

His consciousness split into billions of divine thoughts, looking at his body from inside to outside, from various angles.

His sight penetrated directly through the skin and fat, clearly seeing the internal organs, the bounce of the heart, the expansion and contraction of the alveoli, the peristalsis of the intestine, the secretion and digestion of gastric juice.

Li Yaowu was dissatisfied, and explored deeper in his consciousness. The internal organs and blood line disappeared, replaced by densely densely packed blood vessels, lymphatics and neural networks like a honeycomb.

He saw the blood rushing, and saw a bunch of nerve sparks, bursting brightly from the depths of the brain cells, rushing through the nerve bundles to the nerve endings at the speed of the electric light stone fire, as if a series of intricate, criss-cross, like a maze Lightning Palace.

Going deep, going deep, like pulling away the layers of clouds and falling into the depths of the earth, Li Yao's consciousness continued to explore the more microscopic world, the internal organs were gone, blood vessels, lymphatics and neural networks also disappeared, appearing in In front of him is an extremely wonderful world, like a crowded universe, with colorful transparent planets floating in all directions, each planet is constantly yearning for the jet of lightning, flames and storms, and it is constantly receiving from other planets. all.

Li Yao knew that these transparent planets were his cells.

He silently operated the demon cultivation secret method, using psychic energy to wrap his consciousness, like a small tadpole, trying to get into a huge cell.

The cell membrane, which looked like a soap bubble, was extremely tough. He slid away from the cell membrane several times, until his soul released a special weak current, which touched the cell membrane as if it was tickling, and the cell membrane was slightly light. After shaking, he took the initiative to **** him in.

The world inside the cell resembles a colorful and splendid ocean, full of colorful, strange-shaped floating matter.

Some of the pupa-shaped floating matter, shining with pale golden light, emits lightning-like energy beams to the surroundings from time to time, like a fluffy golden aquatic plant, swaying indefinitely with the undercurrent.

This is the mitochondria, the basic unit that provides energy to cells, and the source of strength.

However, today Li Yao has no time to cultivate mitochondria, his soul is completely attracted by the nucleus.

In the center of the cell, the cell nucleus was like a huge whirlpool and a monster eye, sending out a bewitching invitation to him, and his soul couldn't help swimming past.

It was like a spacecraft entering the gravitational circle of the planet, his soul could not be resisted at all, he was sucked into the nucleus of the cell.

It seems to have crossed a never-ending dark corridor, where time and space have lost their meaning. The various floating materials stretched to the limit are like swaying starlight, magnificent and incredible scenes, only when he crosses the sea of ​​stars , I have seen it in the Shattered Void.

"Perhaps the Yaozu is right. Each cell is a small universe. In this'cell universe' there are infinite mysteries, even great secrets..."

This thought was just a flash, and it disappeared without a trace. Li Yao completely forgot everything and was completely immersed in the deepest part of the cell.

It was as if he was sucked into a black hole, and everything behind him turned into very thin lines.

I don't know how long it has been floating, some huge chains intertwined in a spiral shape began to appear, like giant snakes that are connected end to end, swallowing the universe, slowly surrounding him, forming a conical "funnel."

Following the edge of the funnel, he rolled into and fell into the deepest part of the funnel round by round. As the diameter of the hole decreased, the speed became faster and faster, almost stretching him into a billion-light-year-old "noodle." ".

Li Yao saw that each spiral chain is connected by a series of magnificent scriptures, and each string of scriptures is composed of an astronomical flow of information. That information is not words, images, or sounds, but beyond three dimensions. Above the information, the'super information' compressed in four or even higher dimensions!


When he fell to the end of the cone, Li Yao's soul was completely compressed into a virtual point with no space. He felt a great fear for no reason, and he suspected that he would be trapped here forever. He let out a shout, and his mind struggled with strength. !

Perhaps, when the chaos is not open, a certain existence sleeping in the depths of the chaos is also crying, struggling, and separating the chaos in this way!


The cone-shaped palace made up of gene chains burst apart, and every gene fragment was turned into a shiny fragment, and all the fragments were combined to construct a whole new world.

Li Yao found himself standing on a hot and humid ground. He stood blankly for a long time before realizing who he really was.

This is a nascent world. The earth seems to have just been condensed by flames. The earth's crust is extremely unstable. It is trembling violently all the time. From time to time, a volcano rises from the bottom of the sea, and the magma evaporates the sea water, forming a lavender color. sky.

This is...a prehistoric!

Li Yao was not the only living creature in this hot and desolate world. There was a loud rumbling from the sky, like an endless roar of thunder.

Li Yao looked up and saw two huge and unfriended, super battleships that seemed to be hollowed out and refined from an entire planet.

The size of these two warships covered most of the sky, and even produced a strong gravitational field, tearing apart the fragile earth, causing countless rocks and even mountains to skyrocket, flying towards them, and in their psychic protection. The shield shattered, forming a gorgeous halo.

Even the sea water is uprooted, forming a waterspout tens of thousands of meters high, and a mountain of water, just like this nascent world has stretched out its immature arms, wanting to touch these powerful civilizations from outside the sky.



With a move in Li Yao's heart, deep in his consciousness, the names of these two super warships naturally appeared.

Looking over the two super warships, in the higher sky, there is a very big sun, radiating light and heat unscrupulously like a peerless devil. The tentacles formed by the condensed prominence seem to extend to this planet at any time. , Ruin everything here.

However, on this huge and unmatched sun, a small black spot is hidden, and it continues to extend and spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a huge "shield" on the surface of the sun.

There was even an unmatched force that was hitting the sun fiercely from the shield, and every bombardment made the sun's strong light weak.

In the midst of it, Li Yao seemed to understand the meaning of all this.

"This star is too violent, and it is too close to the planet, causing the planet's surface to become too hot and almost impossible to give birth to life."

"Even if life is born, when the solar flare erupts, it is easy to destroy everything on this planet."

"The Kuafu tribe is chasing the sun, accurately calculating the orbit of this star and all data, and building a "Kwafu Ball" on the orbit of the star to absorb all the energy released by the star and use it as an energy source to transform this galaxy."

"With the Kuafu clan, there is also a Houyi super battleship. When the Kuafu ball has absorbed enough energy, the Houyi battleship’s main gun will fire at the star and adjust the star’s energy release mode. , Change its level!"

"Kuafu chases the sun and Houyi shoots the sun. They are transforming the world and giving it an environment in which life is born!"

Li Yao's gaze shrank back, and a long narrow slit was opened below the super battleship "Kunlun" suspended in mid-air, and hundreds of tall human figures flew out.

These giants are at least a few hundred meters tall, their skin is grayish-white, full of folds, and their huge heads are full of sharp fangs, like a combination of a huge dinosaur and a human.

All the dinosaur-like giants are not wearing clothes, but the vital parts under the crotch are hidden by a non-metal and non-wood material. Their expressions are solemn, and the depths of their gray eyes seem to be condensed with infinite nebula.

Each giant held a cup with a similar skin color in his hands. They floated in groups over the violent ocean, raising their necks one by one, and drank the liquid in the cup.


After a while, the gray giants roared half joy and half pain in their chests. Their skin gradually became translucent, and their bodies gradually glowed, like crystal gravel, which gradually collapsed from the extremities and turned into grains. The seeds of life are sown into the wild ocean.

Before the last giant collapsed, he seemed to have spotted Li Yao, smiled comfortingly at Li Yao, opened his lips slightly, and said--

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