40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 859: Return to ancestors

Near the head of the prehistoric giant, there appeared a ring of ripples, which spread out like a round of ripples. The information was not in the form of sound waves, but in a more mysterious way, overlapping hundreds of waves. Li Yao used it.

Each word contains as much information as the entire planet, like a scream, making Li Yao trance, like waking up from a dream.

He seemed to have experienced hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes in an instant, and saw cells floating in the sea, slowly condensing, evolving from single-celled life to multi-celled life, and gradually evolved into trilobites and nautilus. , Dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, mammoths and apes, and the entire planet is also in a trance, showing vitality in the big explosion of these creatures.

Li Yao's soul can't bear such indoctrination at all.

He is like a little ant, occasionally crawling to the gate of a towering and glorious palace. Before he had time to explore the infinite wealth hidden in the palace, he was first overwhelmed by the magnificence of the palace, and even completely lost. Inside, it turned around and couldn't find the direction.

Suddenly, he seemed to become a trilobite, following the crowd.

Suddenly, he became a clumsy herbivorous dragon, avoiding predators in the hot and humid jungle.

Suddenly, he turned into a huge saber-toothed tiger, shivering in the ice and snow.

"Om! Om! Om! Om!"

The indoctrination of the prehistoric giants continued, and the flow of information like the stars and the sea continued to blast into the depths of Li Yao’s soul. Li Yao’s consciousness gradually blurred, completely forgetting who he was, and seemed to be lost in this weird prehistoric world forever. in.

At this moment, there was a sharp explosion from behind, as if someone had severely pulled off three hairs from the back of his head, causing him to shiver coldly and wake up.

This soberness was like a spring that stretched to the limit, tightly wrapped around his waist, pulling him away from the prehistoric world.

Consciousness travels through the clouds, through the sea of ​​stars, through the black hole, and once again returns to the deepest part of the cell. The gene chain, cell nucleus, chromosome and mitochondria all gliding past the side. He penetrates the cell membrane, penetrates the blood vessels and lymphatics, penetrates the internal organs and six organs. , Penetrates the fat layer and dermis layer, and returns to the center of the brain!

"Are you sick!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon jumped like thunder, jumping up and down in the depths of the brain, yelling, "What a mysterious existence is a gene, even the bloodstained tribe dare not say that they have a thorough grasp of the secrets of genes. If you don't know anything about genes, you dare to explore them easily. To such a deep place?"

"Do you know that you almost lost your soul, all your body cells burst, and your body turned into a pool of pus, or even a cloud of air!"

"If you want to die this way, then obediently hand this body to me, don't be so wasteful, brother!"

Li Yao opened his mouth, but couldn't utter half a word. His body seemed to turn into a tuft of transparent crystal jelly, blood vessels, meridians and bones were reuniting, and he was stunned for a full minute, before the soul came from the distant land. Completely return to reality, re-perceive the body.

He immediately noticed something strange around him.

He was clearly cultivating in a natural deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters, but now he seems to be buried under a big mountain, with heavy rocks on all sides, he is like a fossil embedded in the rocks.

"What is this..."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said: "You have just practiced too much, and you have stimulated the power in the cell depths, ignited at least the equivalent of a ton of barite bomb energy, and smashed the entire natural deep pit!"

Li Yao secretly smacked his tongue, sweating from the bottom of his heart.

Energy is conserved. He has stimulated so much energy. On the other hand, the consumption of the body has reached the limit. The Scarlet Heart Demon really didn't lie to him. He almost collapsed his cells and turned into a plume of smoke!

Li Yao carefully savored everything he perceives in his cells, especially the information that the prehistoric giant finally imparted to him.

Most of the information is obscure and difficult to understand, like a highly compressed cipher text, only a little bit of it, slowly unfolding, flowing through the body in a mysterious and mysterious way, so that he naturally understands a brand new magical power.

That is a new structure of mitochondria and cell membranes, and how to present this structure.

Li Yao once again entered a state of shallow introspection, consciously guiding his psychic energy to infiltrate and bombard the cells on his left arm.

His left arm was invaded by the Bloodstripe Clan, and the cell shape was originally extremely unstable. It was of course a defect to replace it with someone else, but when the cell was cultivated, the unstable shape was more convenient for him to transform the cell.

As the psychic energy fluctuates, the cells are constantly stimulated at a specific frequency. In the depths of the cells, it seems that a crystal seal is smashed, and the dim information in a certain gene chain presents a crystal-like luster!

Mitochondria suddenly expanded, split, and evolved into brain-like folds!

In this way, the speed of mitochondria's psychic energy transfer is increased by at least five times!

Driven by the fivefold psychic energy, the cell membrane also resembles a blazing sun, with volatile "tentacles" stretched out in all directions, and each tentacle is a bunch of extremely fine hairs.

Hundreds of millions of fluffs are waving quickly, exchanging material, energy and information quickly, and the vitality of this cell has been increased tenfold!

"This is... a demonized cell?"

The transformed cells showed almost the same form as Jin Xinyue's demonized cells, but it seemed to be more active and stronger than Jin Xinyue's demonized cells!

Cultivation is important, and Li Yao didn't care about thinking too much, and following the instructions of the prehistoric giant, many cells in the entire left arm were transformed in the same way.

In the midst of it, Li Yao sensed that he seemed to have unlocked some brand new abilities in his left arm, and he could manipulate these upgraded cells to do many incredible things.


Li Yao clenched his fist fiercely, and three sharp bone spurs came out from above the left fist. Each bone spur was nearly a foot long, faintly shining with a touch of silver light.

Based on Li Yao's experience in distinguishing materials, the strength of these naturally-occurring bone spurs absolutely surpasses many strengthened alloys!

The five fingers opened, and the bone spurs naturally retracted into the body, but a layer of dark golden scales grew on the back of the hand, which quickly spread upwards, wrapping the five fingers, forming a pair of natural combat gloves, the five fingers seemed to become five ferocious dragons.

With a light buckle, the hard rock around him was pulled down like tofu dregs, and it was finely crushed in the palm of his hand, and it turned into fine quicksand without any sound.

Li Yao blew away the quicksand and shook his hand to restore his left hand to normal.

External changes are not the most important. This level of reinforcement can be achieved by many magic weapons and psychic weapons.

What Li Yao values ​​more is the internal change. After the transformation, the cell activity is greatly enhanced, and even has the ability to divide continuously. This greatly enhances his physical strength, especially the healing speed after injury, which is at least faster than in the past. More than three times!

"What's the matter, I rely on practice to naturally grow'demonized cells'?"

"No, this kind of cell, I'm afraid it can't be called a'demonized cell', it's better to call it a'preliminary cell' more accurately."

"If everything I saw in the process of entering concentration is true, it is something that happened hundreds of millions of years ago, and those prehistoric giants are very likely to be the ancestors of the human race."

Pangu, Kuafu, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Descendants, Nuwa...

The powerful existence in the ancient mythology not only occupies an extremely high position among the monster race, but also recognized in the human world.

The historians of the Tianyuan Realm even verified that the so-called "Pangu" was actually a dinosaur civilization from ancient times.

However, from the memory of Li Yao, it is not accurate to say that Pangu is a dinosaur civilization. It should be said that Pangu evolved everything, whether dinosaurs or humans, are descendants of Pangu.

It's just that the dinosaurs are descendants of a relatively early stage, and they want to retain more Pangu tribe's magical powers than human beings.

"Pangu evolves everything, storing his genetic information in the deepest part of the cell, passing it down from generation to generation, from trilobites to dinosaurs, from dinosaurs to apes, and from apes to humans."

"So, in the depths of human cells, at the bottom of the gene chain, there is the inheritance of Pangu!"

"By stimulating cells and stimulating the Pangu inheritance at the deepest part of the gene chain through a special cultivation method, the cells can be changed and the cells can reappear hundreds of millions of years ago, the powerful form of the primitive era!"

"Perhaps, this is a kind of'reversion phenomenon'!"

The so-called ancestral rejuvenation means that creatures occasionally show certain characteristics of their ancestors, such as some newborn babies, which will grow a long hair, or grow a deformed tail, and particularly sharp canine teeth.

It is generally believed that the phenomenon of reversion is the degradation of organisms.

If the evolution of life is really a straight line, and each generation of life is stronger than its ancestors, then perhaps it is true.

However, what if evolution is not a straight line, but a spiral, and there have even been faults and regressions?

Humans evolved from apes, and it has only been a hundred thousand years so far, but the earliest known life of mankind has a history of several billion years, even tens of billions of years!

If the evolution of life is compressed to just one year, then the entire glorious history of mankind is just the last minute of the last hour of the last day of the year!

The so-called "civilization" even only appeared in the last few seconds.

Before the birth of human civilization, in those three hundred and sixty-four days, twenty-three hours, and fifty-nine minutes, were there any ancestors who were more powerful than human beings were born?

For example, Pangu, Kuafu, Zhu Rong, and Nuwa of the Primordial Era!

If the return to ancestors only presents the traits of apes hundreds of thousands of years ago, then it is naturally a kind of "degeneration."

However, if the phenomenon of returning to ancestors can show certain traits of dinosaurs 100 million years ago, is this really a kind of "degeneration"?

Even if the phenomenon of returning to ancestors can make modern people present some traits of Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Kuafu and Nuwa in the prehistoric times of 500 million or 1 billion years ago, those powers that destroyed the earth and the world?

"I understand!"

In the darkness, Li Yao's exposed right eye was as bright as a black gem. His eyes seemed to have traveled through a long river of time, and back to hundreds of millions of years ago. He saw the ancestors invented the world and the blue wisps of the road. Cultivation, I activated the dormant gene in the deepest part of the cell, and made the cell'return to the ancestor'!"

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