40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 862: Blood Moon Wolf Ride

"Furthermore, Youquan Ancestor and Lion Tuguo’s blood-robed ancestors have a good relationship. There are also many strong people under the blood-robed ancestor seat. They are the most proficient in jungle tracking and assassination. Maybe Youquan ancestors will learn from the blood-robed ancestors. There, mobilize some elite soldiers to come over!"

Li Yao snorted coldly, blood-robed ancestor, and he also had a lot of beams.

On the Bone Dragon Star, Li Yao beheaded Wang Ji, the disciple of the blood-robed ancestor. This incident must be spread with Ding Lingdang and their return. While touting Li Yao as the great hero of the Tianyuan realm, he was in the blood. Demon Realm must be among the best on the list of kills.

Wait, if you put it this way, it seems that the important figures in the blood demon world he killed at that time were more than one king halberd.

Li Yao remembered that it was the first time he got the "Dragon Scales" of the God of War suit. The blood was swollen, and he smashed dozens of powerful monsters to pieces in one breath.

Although those demon races only have the rank of demon generals, according to intelligence, those who are eligible to explore the Bone Dragon Star are all royal families and nobles in the blood demon world.

Therefore, he might have already forged a **** feud with the Twelve Demon Emperors of the Blood Demon Realm.

Li Yao's head was as big as a fight.

"Old Ancestor Youquan, will you send a powerhouse of the Demon Emperor rank to chase and kill Jin Xinyue?"

Li Yao secretly assessed the strength of the two sides.

The Pantheon Palace is ruled by the Twelve Demon Emperors, but the Blood Demon Realm is not only twelve demon emperors, but the twelve with the strongest strength and most power among them are eligible to enter the Pantheon Palace.

Old Ancestor Youquan was a high-level demon emperor. Under his seat, there were naturally some low-level demon emperors and middle-level demon emperors.

As for the relationship between the blood-robed ancestor and Youquan ancestor, it cannot simply be described by the word "friendship", but a very close interest relationship.

In these few days of free time, Jin Xinyue briefly introduced to Li Yao the political map of the blood demon world and the conflicts and entanglements between the twelve demon emperors.

The relationship between Jin Xinyue’s father Jin Tuyi and Youquan ancestor was not a battle of enthusiasm, nor was it simply for the position of commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance. What lay behind the two demon emperors was the political line and The collision of war ideas.

The four powers of the blood demon world, Golden Crow, Youquan, Lion Tu and Bahai, represent the four forces of landing, sea, air and underground respectively.

When facing a strategic decisive battle with the Tianyuan Realm, naturally, two different ideas for war were formed.

Among them, the Lion Slaughter Kingdom, which represents the Claw tribe, and the Youquan Kingdom, which represents the Zerg tribe, are typical Continental Army doctrines. They believe that controlling the land means controlling everything. Their tactics are simple and clear, that is, all resources are invested on the land. Use the sea of ​​insects and the tide of beasts to push it across from the front line of the wilderness.

The Golden Crow State, which controls the sky, and the overlord sea-state, which controls the ocean, are taking the route of “sea, air and sky as one battle”. They believe that the vastness of the sea and the sky wider than the sea are the basis for victory.

Therefore, while maintaining the first-line pressure of the Great Wilderness, we should also actively develop the second battlefield, go around behind the Star Federation and launch an offensive from the ocean!

"The eastern part of the Star Federation is an endless sea. Five hundred years ago, it used to be the location of the ‘Eastern Demon Nation’."

"Although the'Eastern Demon Kingdom' has been destroyed, there are still countless remains of the'Eastern Demon Kingdom' in the depths of the sea."

"Using these relics, building secret military bases on the seabed, and constantly advancing to the eastern coastline of the Star Federation, when the time is right, they will jump out of the seabed base, with the huge fleet of the sea clan, carrying the powerful air power of the feather clan, Carry out a surprise attack on the heart of the Star Federation!"

"At this time, the main military forces of the Xingyao Federation are confined to the front line of the Great Blade Pass. The rear is extremely empty, and the raid will be launched. It will definitely be able to drive in for a long time and even occupy the capital of the Xingyao Federation in one fell swoop!"

This is the strategy proposed by the Sea and Yu.

In the blood demon world of the past, Continental Army doctrine prevailed, and the strategies of the Sea and Feathers were considered absurd and too risky.

The "Battle of Dawn" was launched under this background. It was a traditional ground war led by Youquan Kingdom and Lion Tuguo.

The final result was not satisfactory. Although it hit the front line of the Great Blade Pass under the raging sea of ​​insects and beasts, due to the long supply line and other reasons, it eventually suffered a disastrous defeat, and even set off a mutiny among the lower-level officers and soldiers. The secret encouragement of going up to the "Chaos Blade" led to the "Blood Blade Chaos."

This incident also set off a major earthquake in the power center of the blood demon world. The Sea Clan and the Yu Clan took the opportunity to attack. Many officers who insisted on Continental Army doctrine were pulled down, and even the Youquan Kingdom and the Lion Tuguo were elected. The commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Coalition Army also took the blame and resigned and replaced him with Jin Tuyi, who insisted on the idea of ​​"Sea, Air, and Air Combat".

Therefore, Youquan Ancestor and Blood Robe Ancestor are not simply friendships, but partners in the same interest group.

If the Ancestor Youquan needs, the Ancestor of the Blood Robe will definitely second a group of elite soldiers and powerful generals, regardless of sacrifice.

"If you look at it this way, the opponent will definitely send a powerful Demon Emperor rank, and even more than one Demon Emperor."

Li Yao changed his position. If he were the ancestor of Youquan, all the Demon Kings sent out would be beheaded. If he continued to send Demon Kings, he would be sent to death. To be on the safe side, at least one or two Demon Kings would have to be sent to the town.

Li Yao's true strength is roughly equivalent to that of the mid-level Yuan Ying period. If he wears the modified Xuan Bone Dragon King battle armor, he can fight against the high-level Yuan Ying period. In theory, he is not afraid of Youquan ancestor.

However, in the blood demon world, it is impossible for him to use the power of a cultivator in full view.

If the Blood Demon Realm finds that a cultivator whose strength is comparable to the Nascent Soul is active in their hinterland, I am afraid that the entire Blood Demon Realm will shake and attack in groups.

When facing the Demon King, Li Yao could also rely on his physical fitness to instantly kill the opponent without mobilizing a large amount of psychic energy.

When facing the Demon Emperor, he would never do this easily.

All he can use is the new born primitive cells and "monster power."

However, he has just mastered the method of strengthening the cell and awakening the power of the predecessor. Although the absolute power has reached the level of the Demon Emperor, he is not proficient in the use of the method, which is equivalent to "without brute force."

Li Yao is indeed a monster, but he is not a god. If he had just activated the Primordial Cell, he would be able to compete with the Demon Emperor who had cultivated for decades and hundreds of years. Then the opponent would be better off hitting his head to death.

Therefore, Li Yao estimated that without revealing his true strength, his ability to kill a Demon King in seconds with a well-designed trap was already at the limit.

If you meet the Elementary Demon Emperor, the two sides may be evenly matched, but it is absolutely impossible to kill each other quickly.

What's more, the opponent also possesses the "biochemical beast" as a big killer, but Li Yao's crystal armor is not visible.

Li Yao had no choice but to drag Jin Xinyue and escape.

Suddenly, a large piece of black mist swept over their heads, but it was composed of black and crushed insect swarms, making a "squeaking" sound, tingling their eardrums.

Li Yao frowned, Chonghai and Beast Tide were his least favorite opponents.


In the mountains and forests, from far and near, there were long bursts of howling wolves, which seemed even more gloomy under the reflection of the blood moon.

Jin Xinyue's face changed, and she whispered: "Listening to the voice, it seems to be the'Blood Moon Wolf Riding' of the Lion Tuguo. Their olfactory cells have been specially strengthened and are extremely sharp. They are hundreds of times that of sharks and can smell squares. The subtle smell hundreds of kilometers away, and the special wolf howl, can transmit a large amount of information to companions through ultrasonic waves that other people cannot hear!"

"Bloodmoon Wolf Cavalier is a superb tracking expert in the blood demon world. I didn't expect that Ancestor Youquan would really call in such a powerful force from the blood-robed ancestor!"

Li Yao nodded, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

The demon energy that soared into the sky condensed into an overwhelming net in midair.

A dense swarm of insects gnawed at the leaves above the jungle from the northeast, and the howl of the blood moon wolf rider approached from the northwest.

Although there was no sense of chasing soldiers in the southeast, there was a burst of "click, click, click" of the big tree breaking, as if there were some very large existences, and they were rolling over without anyone else.

Li Yao and Jin Xinyue could only flee to the southwest. However, in the southwest full of miasma and swamps, it is unknown whether there are stronger chasing soldiers.

The encirclement of the opponent was getting smaller and smaller. On several occasions, Li Yao even saw a pair of clear eyes through the gaps in the bushes.

It was up to him and Jin Xinyue to lock the pores and apply a lot of powder to prevent the breath from spreading to temporarily cover it, but I don't know how long it will last.

"I'll go up and fight in a while. If it's not a last resort, don't do it, lest you expose the truth that you have become a human being."

Li Yao whispered to Jin Xinyue.

He has already seen that a fierce battle is inevitable.

Jin Xinyue pondered for a moment, then nodded, this is not a good time to flatter, what the old monster said, she can do it.

For some reason, Jin Xinyue had an "invincible" confidence in this old monster.

Li Yao sneered, licked his teeth, and drew a sharp bone blade from his waist. There were dozens of hair-thin and extremely flexible mica threads on the bone blade.

It is never his style to sit and wait for death. Since he has confirmed that he is going to fight, of course he must act first!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The howling of wolves in the northwest became shorter and shorter, more and more stern, as if they had found a large number of enemies.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

The sound of howling pierced through the clouds and cracked the sky, like a wave of anger, billowing from the northwestern sky.

Li Yao couldn't be more familiar with this kind of sound. Someone broke the sound barrier!

Listening to the voice, it is not one, but a large group in densely packed!

The blood-colored sky to the northwest was divided into tiny pieces by hundreds of golden streamers.

Jin Xinyue's eyes lit up, and she almost cried with joy: "It is the reinforcement of our Golden Crow country!"

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